Antsirabenus, Heiss, 2008

Heiss, E., 2008, A new genus and two species of apterous Mezirinae from Madagascar (Heteroptera, Aradidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1), pp. 303-309 : 304

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5427717

persistent identifier

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Antsirabenus nov.gen.

Type species: Antsirabenus granulatus nov.sp.

D i a g n o s i s:OfapterousMezirinaebesides Antsirabenus nov.gen. only Cimicomanes and Chlonocoris share a distinct scutellum, however the new genus is distinguished by much smaller size, densely granulate surface and lacking the long tooth like or forked lateral expansions on pro- and metanotum.

D e s c r i p t i o n: Apterous, body oval; surface finely granular throughout, the granules bearing semierect yellowish setae apically, colouration reddish brown with lighter antennae.

H e a d: About as long as wide, genae projecting over clypeus, longer than antennal segment I; antenniferous lobes diverging anteriorly; eyes globular, postocular tubercles small and acute. Rostrum arising from a slit like atrium, as long as head.

P r o n o t u m More than 2.5 ✕ as wide as long, lateral margins with anterolateral expansions, disk with at least two ovate elevations medially flanked on their inner side by ovate smooth depressions; posterior margin slightly convex.

S c u t e l l u m: Well defined and at least 2.5 ✕ as wide as long, lateral margins evenly semicircularly rounded; disk elevated at middle, depressed posterolaterally.

M e t a n o t u m: Formed by two sclerites laterad of scutellum with a longitudinal ridge at middle, posterolateral angles rounded and reflexed, posterior margin sinuate; the apex of the metathoracic scent gland canal is visible anterolaterally.

A b d o m e n Tergal plate consisting of fused mediotergites (mtg) I-VI, lateral margins roundedly converging posteriorly; surface of mtg I is at the level of scutellum but higher than mtg II, the posterior margin therefore distincly delimited by the depressed surface of mtg II; the latter has a inverted T-shaped elevation at middle, mtg IV and V are medially raised including the dorsal scent gland scars. Dorsal external laterotergites (deltg) II+ III fused a thin suture marking the fusion line; tergite VII raised at middle in both sexes, in female with two blunt elevations medially, posterolateral angles triangularly expanded and projecting.

V e n t e r: Metathoracic scent gland canal long and increasingly gaping towards rounded apex, which is visible from above on either side of metanotal sclerites. Spiracles II- VII ventral, VIII lateral on paratergite VIII and visible from above; sternite VII of male with a distinct smooth and shiny tubercle at middle.

L e g s: Femora and tibiae straight, unarmed, claws with setiform parempodia and thin curved psuedopulvilli.

E t y m o l o g y: Named after the city of Antsirabe in which environments the type species was collected.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium











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