Thaioodes piceus, Gueorguiev, Borislav, 2014

Gueorguiev, Borislav, 2014, Two new related oodine genera in the Oriental Region, with remarks on the systematic position of the genera Hololeius and Holosoma (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 61 (2), pp. 87-104 : 94-96

publication ID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift by Pensoft

scientific name

Thaioodes piceus

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Carabidae

Thaioodes piceus sp. n. Figs 19-29

Type material.

Holotype ♂, well-preserved (segments 7-11 of both antennae lacking), mounted on card, genitalia dissected and deposited in euparal on a plastic vial pinned under the card, "Nordost Thailand Khon Kaen, lux 23.11.1980 leg. S.Saowakontha" [printed, white], "HOLOTYPE Thaioodes gen. nov. piceus sp. nov. B. Guéorguiev des. 2014" [printed, red] (MNHUB).


Same as the generic diagnosis.


(based on male sex). Habitus. Body semi-elongate, moderately convex; tegument wholly glabrous (excl. antennomeres 4-11), smooth, only disc of head finely punctate (Fig. 19). Measurements. BL: 6.8 mm; BW: 3.1 mm. Ratios. PW/HW: 1.44; PW/PL: 1.18; PbW/PaW: 1.25; EW/PW: 1.59; EL/EW: 1.34. Color. Body black dorsally and ventrally, mouthparts and femora reddish, palpi, antenomeres 1-3, base of antennomere 4, tibia and tarsi yellowish, antennomeres 4-11 blackish. Microsculpture. Isodiametric on whole dorsal and most of ventral surface (proepisternum, metepisternum, abdomen) of body, transverse on prosternum medially and prosternal process, meso- and metacoxa, and metatrochanter. Lustre. Dorsal and ventral surfaces shiny. Head. Somewhat narrower with respect to pronotum; disc finely punctate, with one pair of supraorbital setae, frontal furrows indistinct; eyes fairly large, very prominent, with vertical diameter longer than length of antennomere 1, tempora minute; clypeus subtrapezoidal, with perceptible clypeal suture, anterior margin slightly concave and two pores removed back from anterior margin at distance longer than diameter of pores; labrum subrectangular, with concave anterior margin and six setae removed back from margin, four medial setae closer to each other than to lateral setae; mandibles moderately large, pointed and hooked at apex; maxillae not exceeding mandibles, maxillary palpi considerably longer than labial palpi, with glabrous and elongate palpomeres, terminal palpomere slightly fusiform, palpomeres 2 and 4 nearly of equal length; labium not fused, with distinct suture between mentum and submentum, mentum emarginate, with two setae, indistinct labial pits, anterior margin bordered, median tooth large, simple, widely rounded at tip, epilobes short, slightly exceeding tooth anteriorly; submentum with four long setae, two basal setae and two lateral setae, distance between two basal setae at least two times longer than distance between basal and lateral seta, basal setae longer than lateral ones and as long as transverse length of mentum, ligula broadened apically, its anterior margin with two long ventral setae, paraglossae rounded, distinctly exceeding anterior margin of ligula, labial palpi elongate, glabrous, terminal palpomere slightly fusiform, penultimate palpomere slightly shorther than terminal palpomere; antennae filiform (antennomeres 7-11 in both antennae lacking), with antennomeres 1-3 and base of 4 glabrous, stipes 1.13 times longer than antennomere 3, with dorsal seta distally, pedicel with one ventral seta, antennomere 3 with six apical setae. Pronotum. Round, nearly as long as wide, widest just before middle, margins with fine border apically (border somehwat reduced medially), laterally and basally to posterior angles, not bordered basally between impressions; disc slightly convex, smooth, with midline finely impressed, longer than half pronotal length, not reaching anterior and posterior margins; sides evenly rounded anteriorly and posteriorly, without lateral and laterobasal setae; anterior margin slightly concave, somewhat shorter than posterior margin, anterior angles rounded, not prominent; posterior margin between basal impressions nearly straight, posterior angles completely rounded; basal impressions faint, sublinear, parallel, stretching at distance of one third of pronotum length. Elytra. Oval, widest about middle, with convex disc; basal margin complete, touching parascutellar striola; sides regularly rounded from middle towards base and apex; shoulder completely rounded, without denticle; striae impunctate, moderately impressed, striae 5-7 obliterated basally (Fig. 20); stria 7 ends before apex (left elytron) or joints stria 8 (right elytron) (Fig. 22); stria 8 deeper than other striae, more deepened apically than basally (Figs 20-21); parascutellar striola distinct, long, situated between suture and stria 1; intervals impunctate, smooth, subconvex in anterior half, convex posteriorly; interval 3 at apex about twice as wide as intervals 1 and 2; intervals 7 and 8 fused posteriorly (left elytron) or interval 7 (replacing interval 8) continues to apex (Fig. 22); interval 8 (or its substitute interval 7) elevated externally, more pronouncedly along posterior half of elytra (Figs 20-22); interval 9 transformed into marginal gutter throughout (Figs 20-21); marginal gutter distinct to apex of elytron (Fig. 22); parascutellar puncture present, inside stria 1, close to meeting point of striae 1 and 2; discal punctures in interval 3 lacking; junction of joined striae 7+8 and marginal gutter with two punctures before apex (situated behind last umbilicate pore); umbilicate series with 19-20 punctures. Hind wings. Well-developed. Ventral surface (thorax and abdomen). Sternal part of thorax and abdomen smooth and shiny; intercoxal process of prosternum bordered, indistinctly at sides, distinctly posteriorly, prosternal keel moderately protruding posteriorly; mesosternum concave; metepisternum slightly longer than wide, narrowed behind, laterally coadunate with elytral epipleuron, with medial margin slightly longer than anterior one, lateral margin distinctly longer than anterior and medial margins. Abdomen with pair of minute pores on sterna 4-5, sternum 6 without apical setae. Legs. Long and fairly slender; procoxa without seta, mesocoxa with one posterior seta, metacoxa with anterior pore; pro- and mesotrochanter with one distal seta, metatrochanter without seta; profemur anterior, ventral and posterior faces glabrous, dorsal face with one-two, short, thick setae in distal half; mesofemur anterior face with five short and thick setae in one row, ventral and posterior faces glabrous, dorsal face with about 12 short, thick setae arranged in two rows, anterior row widely interrupted, consists of one proximal and two distal setae, posterior row continuous, consists of 9-10 setae; metafemur glabrous; protarsomeres 1-3 of male slightly dilated, nearly symmetrical, protarsomere 1 longer than wide, subtriangular, longer than following two protarsomeres, distal half with 16 (on left leg) and 17 (on right leg) small, round adhesive discs ventrally; protarsomere 2 as long as wide, subquadrate, wider, and as long as protarsomere 3, with 17 (on left leg) and 13 (on right leg) round adhesive discs ventrally; protarsomere 3, longer than wide, sub-rectangular, with 7 (on left leg) and 8 (on right leg) round adhesive discs ventrally; meso- and metatarsi with tarsomere 1 as long as or longer than tarsomeres 2 and 3 combined; tarsomere 5 of all legs with two pairs of setae ventrally. Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus long, slender, curved laterally, with complex internal structure (Figs 23-24); basal part short, narrow, with small bulb and orifice deeply concave in lateral aspect, regularly bent towards massive and broadened medial part, dorsal margin convex to straight, ventral margin undulating, apical lamella goes down at tip; median lobe long, straight, almost symmetrical in dorsal aspect, slightly widened distally, with apical orifice elliptic and lamella broadly rounded off; inner sac with two chitinized, differently shaped structures: proximal paddle-like sclerite and medial threadlike filament; parameres different in shape, right one elongate, thick, with dorsal margin contiguously widely elevated and broadly concave (Figs 25-26), left paramere conchoidal, with thick, strongly chitinized and oblique process internally (Figs 27-28). Female genitalia. Unknown.


Thailand, Khon Kaen Province.


The specific epithet piceus is Latin, draws attention to the predominant glossy black color of this beetle. An adjective in the nominative singular.











