Physodactylus brunneus, Rosa, 2014

Rosa, Simone Policena, 2014, Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision of Physodactylinae (Coleoptera, Elateridae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 54 (18), pp. 217-292 : 258-259

publication ID 10.1590/0031-1049.2014.54.18

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scientific name

Physodactylus brunneus

sp. nov.

Physodactylus brunneus sp. nov.

( Figs. 18 View FIGURE 18 , 35B View FIGURE 35 )

Etymology: From latin, brunneus = brown; alluding to the body color of this species.

Description (male, Fig. 35B View FIGURE 35 ): Integument very shiny; head and antenna dark brown to black, ventral pro- and pterothorax and legs dark brown, pronotum and elytra equally brown or with pronotum darker; ventral abdomen brown with irregular areas lighter; pilosity light brown to brown. Total length 8.0-11.0 mm; elytral base 1.0-1.1x wider than prothorax, elytra 3.1-3.3x longer than pronotum. Frons ( Fig. 18B View FIGURE 18 ) flat to slightly concave, frontal carina not produced anteriorly; antenna ( Fig. 18A View FIGURE 18 ) reaching the base of posterior angles; antennomere IV-VIII 1.1x longer than wide, IX-X 1.2-1.3x longer than wide, XI elliptical 2.1x longer than wide. Pronotum ( Fig. 18C View FIGURE 18 ) weakly convex 1.12-1.20 wider than long, lateral sides nearly straight to rounded convergent anteriad from posterior angles or anterior third; anteromedian margin slightly produced anteriad; posterior angles short, convex, parallel; lateral carina ( Fig. 18E View FIGURE 18 ) prominent and visible dorsally on posterior 1/3, absent on anterior 1/3-1/2; disc with punctures homogenously or heterogeneously distributed, 2-3 diameters apart, larger and denser on lateral and anterior borders; prosternal process ( Figs. 18D, E View FIGURE 18 ) with a subapical tooth. Lamellae of pro- and mesotarsomeres I smaller than the others, minuscule or absent on metatarsomere I. Elytra parallel-sided on anterior 2/3 then tapering to apex, striae with a row of punctures; interstices rugose, flat, sparsely punctate; apical striae with punctures a little larger than those of pronotal lateral border. Abdomen with ventrites 2-4 strongly concave laterally, ventrite 1 impuctate on anterior and median inner 2/3 with setae a little smaller than those of ventrite 2 on lateral and posterior borders; ventrites 2-4 with long decumbent and semi-erect setae, MG, Sítio Recanto Paraíso, I.2008 Luz, M.R. Santos sparser on lateral borders. Pregenitalic segments and col.], 1 ex. (MZUSP).

aedeagus covered with stout light-brown setae. Sternite

VIII ( Fig. 18I View FIGURE 18 ) with posterior margin straight, anterior Distribution: BRAZIL. Bahia: Encruzilhada; Minas sclerotization linear 0.55x the total width of sternite; Gerais: Frei Gaspar.

sternite IX ( Fig. 18G View FIGURE 18 ) tapering to apex.

Remarks: The unique combination of characters of Aedeagus ( Figs. 18K, L View FIGURE 18 ): Phallobase 0.45x the total P. brunneus sp. nov. includes antenna reaching the length of aedeagus, 1.32x longer than wide, length base of pronotum, lateral carina incomplete, elytral ratio between lateroposterior and median parts 6.1; striae with a row of punctures, interstices flat and venparamere with ventral surface weakly sclerotized lat- trite 1 partly impuctate. It is most similar and symerally, anterior margin sclerotized and contiguous patric to P. pujoli , from which is distinguished in its medially; penis with basal strut 0.28x its total length, larger pronotal punctation, color pattern, abdominal articulated to the parameres by a translucent mem- pilosity and aedeagus shape.

brane; ventral sclerite tapering to apex.

Holotype: [ BRAZIL, Encruzilhada 980 m. Bahia, XI.1974, M. Alvarenga], male ( MZUSP).

Paratypes: Same label as holotype, 9 exs. ( MZUSP) , 17 exs. ( CNC) ; [ Dpto. Zool. , UF-Paraná], [Encruzilhada, Bahia, 960 m – BRAZIL 11/72, Alvarenga & Seabra], 5 exs. ( MZUSP) , 11 exs. ( DZUP) ; [Coleção M. Alvarenga], [ Encruzilhada , 980 m, Bahia, Brasil, XI.1972, M. Alvarenga], 2 exs. ( DZUP) ; [Frei Gaspar


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure













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