Bradina falciculata Guo & Du, 2023

Guo, Jia-Ming & Du, Xi-Cui, 2023, Five new species of Bradina Lederer (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from China, with remarks on the morphology of the genus, ZooKeys 1158, pp. 49-67 : 49

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scientific name

Bradina falciculata Guo & Du

sp. nov.

Bradina falciculata Guo & Du sp. nov.

Figs 2F View Figure 2 , 4H-M View Figures 4

Type material.

Holotype, ♂ China: Tibet Autonomous Region, Medog County, alt. 1100 m, 29°32'N, 95°33'E, 14 August 2003, Xin-Pu Wang & Huai-Jun Xue leg. (NKU), genitalia slide no. GJM21084. Paratypes. China: Tibet Autonomous Region, 5 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, other same data as holotype, genitalia slide no.: GJM21082 ♂; 5 ♂♂, 8 ♀♀, Bomi-Medog Highway, Medog County, alt. 880 m, 14 August 2003, Xin-Pu Wang & Huai-Jun Xue leg. (NKU), genitalia slide no.: GJM21083 ♂, GJM21085 ♀, GJM21086 ♀.


This species is similar to B. subpurpurescens . The difference in appearance is that wings are paler in color and the postmedial line of the forewing is placed at two thirds from the wing base in this new species, but at three quarters in the latter. It also can be distinguished by an elliptical valva and the phallus inconspicuously inflated distally. In B. subpurpurescens , the valva is nearly rectangular and the phallus is significantly inflated distally.


Adult (Fig. 2F View Figure 2 ). Wingspan 25.0-27.0 mm, forewing length 12.0-13.0 mm. Frons brown, with lateral sides yellowish white above. Vertex yellowish white. Antenna yellow, with pale brown ring dorsally; ventral cilia c. half-length of flagellomere diameter of male. Labial palpus with basal two thirds white, dark brown distally. Maxillary palpus dark brown. Patagium and tegula pale brown. Thorax pale brown dorsally, white ventrally. Wings yellowish brown, stigmata and lines brown. Forewing with discoidal stigma crescent; postmedial line at basal two thirds of wing, slightly excurved and nearly parallel to terminal margin. Hindwing with postmedial line straight, usually not obvious. Cilia pale brown, with a darker line at base, except greyish white on inner margin of the hindwing. Legs pale yellow. Front and middle tibiae black-brown on distal half; hind tibia with outer middle spurs c. half-length of inner spurs. Abdomen pale brown dorsally, yellowish white ventrally.

Male genitalia (Fig. 4H-J View Figures 4 ). Valva elliptical; costa arched near middle and accompanied by a cluster of long curved setae; sacculus gradually narrowed to apex, without long setal cluster. Juxta narrowed distally. Phallus with one small fusiform cornutus anteriorly, composed of short and blunt spines, c. one sixth length of phallus, and with two sickle-shaped cornuti posteriorly.

Female genitalia (Fig. 4K-M View Figures 4 ). Antrum broad. Ductus bursae with one oval sclerotized piece close to crescent-shaped colliculum, then inflated and thorny, slightly sclerotized medially. Corpus bursae nearly oval, with dense tiny spines inside, transverse signum crescent and densely spinose.


The specific name is derived from the Latin falciculatus (meaning 'falcate'), in reference to two sickle cornuti of posterior phallus.


China (Tibet).











