Narnia anaticula, Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2013

Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2013, New species of Narnia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Anisoscelini) from Mexico and key to the known species of the genus, Zootaxa 3736 (3), pp. 285-290 : 286-289

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3736.3.6

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scientific name

Narnia anaticula

sp. nov.

Narnia anaticula View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 , 8)

Description. Holotype male. Dorsal color. Head dark reddish brown with two short, narrow, dark yellow stripes running between eye and ocelli to posterior third of neck; antennal segment I dark reddish brown with inner face pale chestnut orange, segment II pale reddish orange with basal joint pale yellow, III and IV pale yellow; anterior lobe of pronotum with a racket-shaped median fovea covered by dense shiny silvery pubescence, flanked submedially by two irregular yellowish areas with black discoidal spots; anterior lobe and anterolateral borders black, posterior lobe mostly pale chestnut orange, scattered with numerous black discoidal spots; scutellum dark reddish brown with apex yellowish white; clavus pale chestnut orange; corium pale chestnut orange; corial veins yellowish distally, forming a distinctive “H” pattern; hemelytral membrane dark brown; connexival segments III to VI black with anterior third yellow and dark orange transverse stripe at middle third, VII black with anterior and posterior third yellow and dark orange transverse stripe at middle third; dorsal abdominal segments III and VII black and IV to VI black with anterior margin pale yellow. Ventral color. Head dark reddish brown with two dark chestnut orange narrow stripes running lateral to midline; bucculae and rostral segments I to IV pale yellow (apex of rostral segment IV black); pro-, meso-, and meta-acetabulae dark yellow with black discoidal spots; anterior half of propleura dark reddish brown, posterior half dark yellowish orange; mesopleura dark reddish brown with posterior angle dark yellowish orange; metapleura dark reddish brown with posterior margin dark yellowish orange; pro-, meso-, and metasternum dark reddish brown with middle third dark yellowish orange; coxae black suffused with dark yellow marks; trochanters pale yellow; fore and middle femora dark chestnut orange with spines and tubercles black; hind femur with basal third, apical joint and ventral surface pale chestnut orange, dorsal surface dark reddish brown; fore and middle tibiae pale yellow with two pale chestnut orange rings one near middle third the other near the apex; hind tibiae in dorsal view with outer dilations dark reddish brown with numerous irregular yellowish orange spots at upper third, inner dilations dark reddish brown with an irregular yellow spots at upper third; hind tibiae in ventral view with outer dilations dark reddish brown with punctures black, inner dilations dark reddish brown with punctures black and with an irregular yellow spots at upper third; undilated portion of hind tibiae and tarsi pale yellowish orange; abdomen with medial narrow longitudinal stripe yellow, lateral to it dark brownish orange and the rest chestnut orange with numerous black spots; pleural margin III to VI chestnut orange with upper border black and anterior third yellow, VII chestnut orange with upper border black and anterior and posterior one third yellow; genital capsule yellowish orange with black discoidal spots. Structure. Head longer than wide, longer than length of pronotum, longer than scutellum, elongate, porrect, apically rounded and produced anteriorly to antenniferous tubercles; tylus blunt, slightly exceeding juga, globose and raised above juga; juga unarmed, thickened; antenniferous tubercles widely separated, unarmed; posttylar depression not evident; antennal segment I shorter than length of head, thicker than succeeding segments and curving; segments II and III cylindrical, IV fusiform; antennal segment I shortest, II longest, and IV longer than III; preocellar pit small, nearly circular; ocellar tubercle slightly raised; eyes hemispherical, prominent; postocular tubercle absent; buccula short, not extending beyond antenniferous tubercles, entire, without spine-like anterior projection; rostrum reaching posterior border of abdominal sternite VI; rostral segment III shortest, IV longest, and I and II subequal; rostral segment I extending beyond base of head; neck (postocular area) elongate, length longer than maximum length of eye. Thorax. Pronotum wider than long, trapeziform, gradually declivent; collar wide, not tuberculate; anterolateral margins obliquely straight, entire; humeral angles broadly quadrate, truncated, not exposed; posterolateral margins sinuate, smooth; posterior border almost straight, smooth; disk without tubercles or spines; calli uniformly elevated; raised area between calli and near middle line with two small circular pits; anterior lobe behind calli with low median fovea. Prosternum with deep excavation; mesosternum with deep longitudinal groove; metasternum entire; anterior lobe of metathoracic peritreme elevated, reniform and posterior lobe small, subacute. Legs. Fore and middle femora with two small subdistal ventral spines, following by single row of two or three small spines; dorsal surface smooth; hind femur incrassate, ventrally armed with two rows of robust spines and dorsally with double row of small tubercles; fore and middle tibiae cylindrical, sulcate, unarmed; hind tibiae dilated, outer dilations irregularly lanceolate, narrow, occupying 62 % length of tibiae, and inner dilations lanceolate, almost straight, posterior half armed with one irregular row of spines and occupying 54 % length of tibiae. Scutellum triangular, longer than wide, flat; apex subacute. Hemelytra. Macropterous, extending beyond apex of last abdominal segment. Abdomen. Connexivum higher than margin of hemelytron at rest; posterior angle of each connexival segment entire, not extending on a short spine; abdominal spiracles closer to anterior border; abdominal sterna III to VI with deep median longitudinal groove. Genital capsule. Posteroventral edge produced laterally into stout blunt lobes, between them deeply concave ( Fig. 8).

Integument. Head, anterior lobe of pronotum including the calli and thorax clothed with very fine, decumbent, silvery pubescence, more sparse on legs and laterally on abdomen; postocular surface, anterior half of the anterolateral margins of pronotum, middle third of abdominal sterna, and genital capsule clothed with very fine, erect, silvery pubescence; antennal segment I clothed with semidecumbent, robust setae, segments II to IV with fine, semidecumbent and sparse silvery pubescence. posterior lobe of pronotum, clavus and corium almost glabrous; scutellar disk with two dense rows of decumbent silvery pubescence, flanked the midline; anterior lobe of pronotum with a racket-shaped median fovea behind calli covered by dense silvery pubescence; posterior lobe of pronotum, clavus and corium densely punctate.

Variation. 1, tylus pale reddish orange. 2, anterior lobe of pronotal disk black with collar and the space between calli pale reddish orange. 3, lateral margins of scutellar disk dark yellow. 4, fore and middle tibiae pale yellow. 5, hind tibiae in dorsal view with outer dilations dark reddih brown with numerous and irregular yellowish spots at upper and medial third.

Measurements (mm) (only the holotype). Length head 3.22, width across eyes 2.10, interocular space 1.07, interocellar space 0.57, preocular distance 1.75; length antennal segments I, 2.48, II, 4.15, III, 2.87, IV, 3.59; length rostral segments I, 3.20, II, 3.20, III, 1.72, IV, 3.64. Length pronotum 2.79, width across humeral angles 4.34. Scutellar length 1.86, width 1.79. Total body length 15.18.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype, male, Mexico, Jalisco, Sierra de Talpa (40 km S from Talpa de Allende), 1325 m, 11-VIII-2010, leg. G. Nogueira (UNAM). Paratype, 1 male, Mexico, Puebla, rt. 140, 5 km SW El Seco, 13-IX- 1989, leg. E. Barrera, T. J. Henry & I. M. Kerzhner (UNAM).

Etymology. Latin adjective, meaning “little duck”.

Distribution. Mexico.

Diagnosis. This unique species is related to N. femorata Stål, N. inornata Distant, and N. marquezi Brailovsky in having the dorsal abdominal segments black with or without yellow lateral margins ( femorata group). In the other three known species of the genus ( N. coachellae Bliven, N. snowi van Duzee and N. wilsoni van Duzee), the dorsal abdominal segments are pale yellow ( snowi group).

Narnia anaticula sp, nov., can be recognized because the antennal segments II and III are clothed with short setae, shorter than the diameter of the segment; the anterior pronotal disk has a racket-shaped median fovea clothed with dense shiny silvery pubescence flanked submedially by two irregular yellowish area with black spots; the corial veins are yellowish distally, forming a distinctive “H” pattern; and the head dorsally is dark reddish brown with two short narrow stripes dark yellow ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ). In the other species included in the femorata group, the antennal segments II and III are clothed with long erect setae, much longer than diameter of the segment; the anterior pronotal lobe lacks deep median fovea, as well as yellow marks; the corial veins are unicolorous; and the head dorsally usually with three narrow dark orange stripes.

















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