Calligrapha sallei (Achard, 1923)

Gómez-Zurita, Jesús, 2021, Systematic revision of Calligrapha s. str. Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae), Zootaxa 4953 (1), pp. 1-111 : 63-67

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4953.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Calligrapha sallei (Achard, 1923)


Calligrapha sallei (Achard, 1923)

( Figs 7e View FIGURE 7 , 8c View FIGURE 8 , 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Chrysomela serpentina (pars): Stål, C. 1865. Mon. Chrys. Amér. 3, p. 270 .

Calligrapha serpentina (pars): Jacoby, 1882, Biol. Centr.-Amer., 1, p. 203.

Polyspila sallei Achard, 1923b , Fragm. Entom., 5, p. 70.

Calligrapha sallei: Blackwelder, 1946 , Checklist Col., 4, p. 647.

Calligrapha sallei: Bechyné, 1952 , Ent. Arb. Mus. Frey, 3, p. 25.

Calligrapha sallei: Bechyné & Springlová de Bechyné, 1965 , Rev. Fac. Agron. 3, p. 51.

Calligrapha sallei: Briceño, 1975 , Rev. Fac. Agron. 3, p. 37.

Calligrapha sallei: Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita, 2014 , Zool. Scr. 43, p. 607.

Chrysomela serpentina Rogers was one of the earliest species of Calligrapha View in CoL to be described and it was well known to entomologists in the late XIXth Century, who considered the range of the species to reach from the southern United States to Venezuela (e.g., Stål 1865; Jacoby 1882; Weise 1916). It took several decades until Julien Achard (1923b) noticed that the specimens previously classified as C. serpentina from Venezuela in fact belonged to a different species, which was described under Polyspila sallei . The confusion between the two species for such a long time was understandable considering that C. sallei (Achard) really looks like a small version of C. serpentina (Rogers) , with a remarkably similar pattern of dark markings on the elytra, so characteristic of this species. The description of this species does not indicate whether it was based on a single type or a syntype series; it simply mentions Sallé as the source of the specimen(s). For simplicity, I will consider that he used a single specimen, the holotype labeled by the author that is preserved in the National Museum in Prague ( Czech Republic), and will be redescribed below.

Holotype ( Fig. 7e View FIGURE 7 ), by monotypy: Caracas [green label], Chrysomela nupta Stål sponsa Dej. Caracas [green label; underneath: Calligrapha sponsa Dej. Caracas ], Type [red label], sallei n. sp. TYPE J. Achard det., Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense ( NMCZ).

Description. Body elliptic elongate, moderately convex. Head, apex of mandibles, pronotum, hypomera and narrow base of scutellum black with faint bluish green metallic reflection; apical margin of scutellum, dark elytral markings, fine margin of elytra, epipleura and ventral surfaces including coxae very dark reddish brown with slight purplish reflections; base of mandibles, labrum, and apical antennomeres dark reddish brown; palpi, basal antennomeres and legs reddish brown; background of elytra dark yellow with faint golden reflections. Length: 8.9 mm; width: 5.5 mm.

Head large, deeply inserted into prothorax; surface very finely microreticulate, alutaceous, with sparse shallow and small punctures near eyes and short appressed whitish setae; setigerous puncture near upper eye margin with longer semierect seta; frons finely impressed longitudinally, with frontal suture obsolete posteriorly; supraocular furrow impressed, parallel to dorsal contour of eye and reaching behind eye; fronto-clypeal suture at broad obtuse angle, bisinuous. Eyes relatively small, dorsoventrally elongate, entire and finely faceted. Clypeus short, transverse, about twice as wide at anterior border than long at middle; base of clypeus weakly depressed in area where frontal and frontoclypeal sutures meet; surface of clypeus finely microreticulate, with scattered small punctures near suture, at sides and near deflexed anterior margin, with long nearly straight, medially convergent pale yellow setae. Labrum transverse, wide, about 2.5x wider than long, with round anterior angles and feebly emarginate anteriorly; surface with numerous long, medially convergent yellow setae anteriorly. Mandibles large and robust, projecting well beyond apical border of clypeus by more than three times length of labrum; with sides straight and divergent before strong median curvature; sparsely moderately punctured at sides with long yellowish setae, generally finer than setae on labrum. Maxillary palpi slender; last palpomere longer than wide, broadest prebasally, with sides weakly curved and slightly oblique truncate apex, narrower than base; previous palpomere broader at apex than maximum width of last palpomere, slightly elbowed prebasally, with external border longer than internal, narrower at base; first palpomere club-shaped, broader apically. Antennae relatively slender, reaching humeri, slightly clavate beyond sixth antennomere; antennomeres 7–11 densely pubescent and basal antennomeres glossy, with sparse setae; scape elongate, slightly flattened dorso-ventrally, convex at anterior border and slightly bent posteriorly; pedicel about half as long as scape, longer than wide, feebly enlarged toward apex; third antennomere slightly shorter than scape, slender and feebly clavate; fourth antennomere slightly longer than pedicel, slender, slightly clavate; fifth and sixth antennomeres as long as pedicel, sixth slightly wider; seventh antennomere about as long as fourth, slightly longer than wide at apex; antennomeres 8–10 slightly longer, subequal; eleventh antennomere as long as scape, elliptical, with blunt conical apical third.

Pronotum transverse, 1.8x as wide between posterior angles as long at middle, weakly convex in sagittal plane and moderately convex transversally; sides straight in basal half, weakly converging anteriorly, regularly but not strongly curved in apical third toward strongly protruding anterior angles, sides finely margined, with margin entirely visible from above, slightly thicker at anterior angles; anterior border nearly straight behind frons and concave behind eyes toward anterior angles, almost entirely margined except very briefly at middle; posterior angles obtuse with large trichobothrium at angle, and anteriorly bent long setae; posterior border straight at sides, converging toward regularly convex median lobe, unmargined except briefly near posterior angles; surface delicately microreticulate, with sparse, irregularly distributed moderate punctures on disc, as large as punctures on frons; disc at sides slightly depressed anteriorly, with large fossete-like round punctures from depression toward sides of pronotum, denser in anterior half without reaching anterior angles and premarginal area; basal border with some large, often elongate punctures at sides. Hypomera triangular, convex on disc and transversally depressed basally, alutaceous and unpunctured; hypomeral suture impressed, but not neatly defined, nearly obsolete at both ends, gradually diverging from pronotal margin from posterior angle towards base of anterior angle. Prosternum relatively long in front of procoxae, surface microreticulate, nearly unpunctured on anterior half with large, oblique punctures posteriorly near procoxae; anterior border regularly concave, finely margined; process narrow, slender, widened posteriorly, rather convex in transverse section, feebly carinated longitudinally at middle, sparsely punctured, with few semierect yellow setae. Scutellum large, 1.4x longer than wide at base, with sides weakly curved toward broadly round apex; surface very finely microsculptured, unpunctured. Mesepimera and mesanepisterna finely microreticulate; mesanepisterna with scattered shallow round punctures, restricted to anterior angles in mesepimera. Metanepisterna finely, superficially microreticulate, moderately densely impressed with longitudinally elongate punctures, becoming rugose in posterior third; punctures on frontal half anteriorly with short, very small whitish seta directed posteriorly. Metaventrite longer than combined prosternum and mesoventrite, with broad, short subtrapezoidal anterior process and round anterior angles; posterior border between metacoxae broadly concave; surface nearly smooth on disc, with fine transverse impressions and delicately longitudinally impressed discrimen in posterior half, finely microreticulate at sides with sparse and fine small punctures and larger shallow punctures near anterior angles.

Elytra long, 0.8x as long as body, rather regularly convex, wider at base than base of pronotum, with humeral angles broadly round, sides very weakly curved, widest at middle, and regularly curved in apical third; surface very finely microsculptured, with small punctures, larger and deeper around and within dark markings, with scutellar row of nine slightly confused punctures, and regular premarginal row of tight small punctures from sutural angle to humerus, slightly irregular through dark markings; elytra with slightly explanate dark margin from humeral area to sutural angle, invisible from above due to lateral convexity of elytra. Dark markings of elytra ( Fig. 7e View FIGURE 7 ) consisting of: (i) sutural stripe narrow, parallel to suture, reaching base of elytra narrowly surrounding scutellum, gradually thining at apical declivity to reach sutural angle; (ii) subsutural stripe narrow, with basal end at level with apex of scutellum, divergent from sutural stripe basally for six punctures, and entirely confluent beyond, gradually narrowing posteriorly, but slightly enlarged at apical declivity of elytra before abruptly disappearing preapically, completely delimited by punctures, with few interstitial isolated punctures in apical area; (iii) arcuate band entire, weakly concave externally, parallel to and completely separated from subsutural stripe by pale interval as wide as arcuate band; apical fifth prolonged laterally as slightly oblique anteriorly concave and posteriorly irregular transverse stripe, ending at lateral declivity of elytra close to premarginal row of punctures, at same distance as space from this row to margin of elytron; (iv) internal humeral depression at basal margin of elytron with small dark spot; (v) humeral marking separated from base of elytra and consisting of completely fused narrow elongate humeral spot and humeral lunule forming long humeral stripe curved toward suture, weakly sigmoidal in apical quarter and completely fused laterally with basal fifth of arcuate band; punctures associated to humeral marking distant from perimeter, and marking with relatively numerous interstitial punctures; (vi) spot enclosed by humeral lunule medium-sized, longer than wide and reniform, free and equally distant from humeral lunule and subsutural stripe; (vii) subhumeral spot small, elongate and irregular, free, covering about four punctures of premarginal row of punctures; (viii) midlateral spot small, broadly elliptical, about twice as long as wide, covering some six punctures of premarginal row, externally fused completely with dark margin of elytron; (ix) spot of apical declivity and apical spot subequal, elongate, about twice as long as wide, convergent posteriorly directed to sutural angle at apical declivity of elytron, equidistant between subsutural stripe and spot of apical declivity, between spots, and apical spot and elytral margin, with external margin of apical spot reaching premarginal row of punctures; (x) four additional spots on disc, one medium-sized, roundish, at lateral declivity of elytra and posterior to humerus, at level with midpoint between subhumeral and midlateral spots, equidistant from lateral border of elytron and posterior end of humeral marking, with punctures near periphery and within spot; one large, roundish spot in apical third of lateral declivity of elytron, placed at concavity of posterior transverse prolongation of arcuate band; one medium sized elongate transverse and slightly oblique spot on disc, slightly behind level of midlateral spot; and one irregularly ovoid spot, smaller than midlateral spot, at lateral declivity of elytron, aligned with posthumeral additional spot and outer end of transverse stripe, placed slightly behind midlateral spot. Epipleura weakly sloping ventrally, entirely visible in lateral view, with margins slightly raised; surface finely microsculptured, unpunctured.

Femora slender and slightly broadened at middle, glossy, with sparse small punctures and short appressed pale yellow setae. Tibiae slightly longer than coresponding femur, straight, slender, progressively enlarged toward apex, externally furrowed in apical half, sparsely punctured and with short golden setae, denser at apex internally. Tarsi slender, slightly shorter than corresponding tibia; first tarsomere slender, longer than wide; second tarsomere narrower and shorter, with long narrow base; third tarsomere wider than first, weakly bilobed; onychium with relatively strong apical ventral tooth and claws simple, long and sharp, weakly divergent at base. Abdominal segments nearly smooth and glossy medially, sparsely and finely punctured and with slightly depressed rugose areas at sides; first abdominal ventrite nearly as long as metaventrite, with broad subtrapezoidal anterior process with round angles; second ventrite half as long as first, and ventrites 3–4 slightly shorter; last visible ventrite as long as second, with stronger punctures apically and fine long pale yellow setae. Penis ( Fig. 8c View FIGURE 8 ) slender, tubular, nearly as thick as wide, moderately curved ventrally, and gradually tapering to apex in apical quarter in lateral view; sides nearly parallel, slightly narrowing around gonopore apically; apical border weakly curved, with wide median apical lobe and laterally expanded as posteriorly recurved acute teeth, slightly wider than average width of penis; gonopore ovoid, narrower basally and covered by slightly bilobed, elongate dorsal flap; apical end of flagellum expanded as chitinose disc, membranous at edge.

Material examined (20 specimens).


MCZ: (1) three specimens, Río Frío , Mgd., Colombia, Darlington [one with: Calligrapha sallei Ach. J. GómezZurita det. 2010] . MfN: (1) two specimens, Sta. Martha, Fontanier [1x of the series without data].


MCZ: (1) one specimen, Venezuela, [illegible], Calligrapha sallei (Ach.) J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010. MfN: (1) one specimen, Caracas, Südabhary der Villa, Zool. Mus. Berlin; (2) three specimens, Caracas, Zool. Mus. Berlin [one with: Calligrapha sallei Ach. det. M. Daccordi 1991]. NHM: (1) one specimen, Caracas (?) dist., Venezuela, S. America 1889-91, L.M.T. Deveria; (2) one specimen, Venezuela, 67, serpentina Rog. , Type Stål Coll.: Deyrolle, Baly coll., Calligrapha serpentina Rogers Venezuela; (3) one specimen, Venezuela, 47/26; (4) one specimen, Venezª, 55.89. NHMB: (1) one specimen, Venezuela, Calligrapha sallei Achard J. Bechyné det. 1951. NMNH: (1) one specimen, Las Trincheras, Ven.,, Collected by L.R. Reynold, Field Mus., F. Psota Coll., F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha mexicana St. J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2009 [specimen misidentified by the author]; (2) one specimen, Caracas, Gift of F.C. Bowditch, Gift Ex MCZ Dupl. Series, Calligrapha sallei (Achard) J. GómezZurita det. 2011; (3) one specimen, Caracas Valley, Ven., 6.v.1922, Col. by L.R. Reynolds, Field Mus., F. Psota Coll., F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha sallei (Achard) J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2009; (4) one specimen, La Providencia, Maracay, Ven., L.F. Martorell Collector, Calligrapha sallei (Achard) J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. ZSM: (1) one specimen, Caracas, Venezuela, Dr. O. Thieme, v–vi.1877, 225, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke, Calligrapha sallei Ach. J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.

Variation. I have not seen many representatives of this species and they tend to be rather constant in their appearance, apart from occasional confluence of elytral markings, specially the additional spots, with surrounding features.

Distribution. This species, closely allied to C. serpentina and relatives, is the only species in this group occurring in South America, and based on the limited information we have available, it is allopatric with every other species of Calligrapha . In particular, it occurs in coastal areas of the Colombian and Venezuelan Caribbean, in two xeric biomes: the Guajira-Barranquilla Xeric Scrub and La Costa Xeric Shrublands ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 , black circles).


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Museum für Naturkunde


Natural History Museum Bucharest


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology
















Calligrapha sallei (Achard, 1923)

Gómez-Zurita, Jesús 2021

Calligrapha sallei: Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita, 2014

Montelongo & Gomez-Zurita 2014

Calligrapha sallei: Briceño, 1975

Briceno 1975

Calligrapha sallei: Bechyné & Springlová de Bechyné, 1965

: Bechyne & Springlova de Bechyne 1965

Calligrapha sallei: Bechyné, 1952

Bechyne 1952

Calligrapha sallei:

Blackwelder 1946

Polyspila sallei

Achard 1923

Polyspila sallei

Achard 1923

Chrysomela serpentina Rogers

Horn Rogers 1856

C. serpentina

Horn Rogers 1856


s. str. Chevrolat 1836
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