Calligrapha pantherina Stål, 1859

Gómez-Zurita, Jesús, 2021, Systematic revision of Calligrapha s. str. Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae), Zootaxa 4953 (1), pp. 1-111 : 96-105

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4953.1.1

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scientific name

Calligrapha pantherina Stål, 1859


Calligrapha pantherina Stål, 1859

( Figs 12f View FIGURE 12 , 13f View FIGURE 13 , 15 View FIGURE 15 )

Calligrapha pantherina Stål, 1859 , Öfvers. af K. Vet.-Akad. Förh. 16, p. 323.

Chrysomela pantherina: Stål, 1865 , Mon. Chrysom. Amer., 3, p. 268.

Calligrapha pantherina: Gemminger & Harold, 1874 , Cat. Coleopt., 11, p. 3433.

Calligrapha pantherina: Jacoby, 1882 , Biol. Centr.-Amer., 6, p. 205.

Polyspila pantherina: Weise, 1916 , Col. Cat., 68, p. 41.

Calligrapha pantherina: Blackwelder, 1946 , Checklist Col. Amer., 4, p. 674.

Calligrapha pantherina: Bechyné & Springlová de Bechyné, 1965 , Rev. Fac. Agron. Maracay, 3, p. 75.

Calligrapha pantherina: Moldenke, 1971 , Pan-Pacific Entom., 47, p. 110.

Calligrapha pantherina: Forno, Kassulke & Harley, 1992 , Entomophaga, 37, p. 410.

Calligrapha pantherina: Gómez-Zurita, Funk & Vogler, 2006 , Evolution, 60, p. 332.

Calligrapha pantherina: Jolivet et al., 2009 [2010], Nouv. Revue Ent., 26, p. 7.

Calligrapha pantherina: Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita, 2014 , Zool. Scr., 43, p. 607.

Calligrapha pantherina: Maes & Gómez-Zurita, 2016 , Rev. Nic. Ent., 76, p. 21.

Calligrapha pantherina: Mille et al., 2016 , Check List, 12, 1837, p. 1.

Calligrapha pantherina: Benítez-García et al., 2017 , Rev. Mex. Biodiv., 88, p. 339.

Calligrapha pantherina: Merckx et al., 2018 , Biodiversity Inf., 13, p. 44.

From the details given in the original description, we know that Carl Stål used a syntype series (e.g., species dimensions shown as size ranges). The author later provided information indicating that these specimens were in the Natural History Museum in Stockholm, as well as other places which were not mentioned by name, but as a laconic “etc.” ( Stål 1859, 1865). In the course of this research, I have seen three specimens in three institutions explicitly identified as types, including NRM (Stockholm), NHM (London) and NMCZ (Prague). The specimen in London was acquired as part of the donation of more than 40,000 beetles by the carabidologist H.E. Andrewes in 1922, but it is not clear how it could have reached his collection in the first place. The specimen in Prague carries reliable information that indicates its origin in A. Chevrolat’s collection, and could be one of the syntypes used by Stål. Unfortunately, this specimen lost its head an thorax, and will be retained here as paralectotype, reserving the status of lectotype to the specimen in Stockholm, the only institution mentioned by name in the author’s revision (Stål 1865).

Lectotype ( Fig. 12f View FIGURE 12 ), by present designation: Mexico, Stål , Type, Typus [red label] ( NRM).

Paralectotype, by present designation: pantherina Chv. Stål [green label], ex. coll. Chevrolat, Type [red label], Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense ( NMCZ) .

Description. Body elongate elliptic, moderately convex. Head, pronotum, scutellum and apex of mandibles dark brown with faint dark olivaceous green metallic sheen. Ventral surfaces, epipleura and elytral magins and markings dark rufous, with slight dark green metallic reflections on ventral surfaces and epipleura. Labrum, mandibles, mouth appendages, antennae and legs rufous; femora with a large elongate darkened area ventrally. Background of elytra yellow. Length: 6.8 mm; width: 4.1 mm.

Head broad, deeply inserted into prothorax; surface finely microreticulate, with moderate punctures, smaller and sparser medially and appressed fine translucent setae especially near eyes; frontal suture feebly impressed, deeper at junction with broadly bisigmoidal clypeal suture; supraocular furrow weakly impressed. Eyes relatively small, elongate dorso-ventrally, entire and finely faceted. Clypeus transverse, about twice as wide as long at middle, depressed at base and deflexed at anterior border; surface finely microreticulate, with scattered, relatively large punctures and fine, long medially convergent pale yellow setae. Labrum short, transverse, round at angles and slightly emarginate anteriorly, with transverse preapical row of small setigerous punctures. Mandibles large and prominent, protruding beyond apical border of clypeus by three times length of labrum; sides slightly divergent at base and strongly curved at middle; surface with strong punctation and long recumbent pale yellow setae. Maxillary palpi with apical palpomere longer than wide, with sides weakly curved and oblique weakly convex apex; apical border of previous palpomere slightly wider than last palpomere, cup-shaped in apical 2/3, slightly elbowed prebasally, with short cylindrical base; previous palpomere elongate and clavate, narrower than other palpomeres. Antennae slender, reaching humeri, slightly clavate; antennomeres 1–6 slender, smooth, glossy, scarcely pubescent; antennomeres 7–11 stockier, with surface finely rugose and densely pubescent; scape about twice as long as wide, with anterior border convex, widest in apical third, and posterior border slightly concave; pedicel half as long as scape, 1.5x longer than wide, slightly clavate; third antennomere slender, weakly dilated apically, as long as scape; antennomeres 4–6 progressively shorter, with fourth antennomere slightly longer than pedicel, and fifth antennomere about as long as pedicel; seventh antennomere about as long as fourth, and eighth antennomere as wide at apex as long; antennomeres 7–10 without large differences, but progressively longer; eleventh antennomere slightly longer than scape, conical in apical third with blunt apex.

Pronotum markedly transverse, 1.9x wider at base than long at middle, weakly convex in sagittal plane, except at strongly deflexed anterior angles, and moderately convex in axial plane; sides slightly convergent anteriorly in basal half, widest at posterior angles, gently curved toward moderately protruding anterior angles in anterior half, finely margined with margin visible from above except near anterior angle, covered by lateral convexity of pronotum; anterior angles nearly straight, blunt, with large trichobothrium laterally at angle and long whithish laterally and posteriorly recumbent seta; anterior border feebly convex between lateral concave curvature toward anterior angles, finely margined througout; posterior angles obtuse, with large trichobothrim at angle and dorso-laterally and anteriorly recumbent whitish seta; posterior border with sides straight and at wide obtuse angle toward regularly convex median lobe, unmargined; surface conspicuously microreticulate, slightly alutaceous, with irregularly scattered moderate punctures on disc, larger, denser, fossette-like punctures at sides, sometimes confluent, and strong elongate punctures along basal border except in periscutellar area. Hypomera triangular, convex on disc and depressed along base and external side; hypomeral suture close to border, deeper and slightly divergent from margin toward apex; surface slightly alutaceous, unpunctured, with deep transverse folds basally. Prosternum short, regularly concave and finely margined at anterior border, finely microreticulate, with strong punctures and posteriorly recumbent whitish setae in posterior half, in front of procoxae; prosternal process slender, about 1.3x as long as anterior transverse part of prosternum, narrow between coxae, widened and deflexed posteriorly, with slight lateral and median carinae, round posterior angles and feebly convex apex. Scutellum 1.2x longer than wide at base, lancet-shaped with round blunt apex; surface finely microreticulate, unpunctured. Mesosternum transverse, about as long as prosternal process, with mesocoxal process subtrapezoidal, wider than long, and transverse premesocoxal arms with strong punctures and fine pale yellow setae. Mesanepisterna and mesepimera with conspicuous microreticulation and scattered shallow punctures, deeper and stronger near posterior angles. Metanepisterna twice as long as broad anteriorly, markedly narrowed posteriorly, with broad anterior raised margin; disc finely microreticulate, with dense strong, large punctures, confluent and elongate in posterior half. Metaventrite longer than prosternum and mesoventrite together, with short, broad subtrapezoidal intermesocoxal process and weakly concave posterior border between metacoxae; surface smooth, shiny, with scattered fine punctures, and fine transverse scratches on disc, finely impressed discrimen in posterior half medially, and finely shagreened with larger punctures at sides.

Elytra elongate, about 0.75x as long as body, slightly wider than base of pronotum at base, with broadly round humeral angles, weakly curved, nearly parallel sides, widest at middle, and progressively curved in apical third toward sutural angle; surface smooth, relatively densely punctured with moderate punctures in interstitial areas among markings, slightly stronger around and within dark markings; relatively regular scutellar row of 8–9 punctures and regular premarginal row of puctures only confused in humeral area. Dark markings on elytra ( Fig. 12f View FIGURE 12 ) consisting of: (i) sutural stripe narrow, entire, reaching base of elytra and surrounding scutellum basally, gradually narrowing posteriorly until reaching sutural angle; (ii) subsutural stripe wider than sutural stripe, rather uniformly wide with slightly enlarged area at apical declivity of elytra, shortly divergent from sutural stripe for 2–3 punctures at base, and entirely confluent with sutural stripe before abruptly disappearing before apex of elytron; (iii) humeral spot medium sized, just covering humerus, elliptic, free from base of elytron and completely confluent internally with humeral lunule, with relatively strong punctures around periphery and within marking; (iv) humeral lunule curved toward suture apically, narrower at base, free from base of elytron, widened and with irregular profile at apex, separated from subsutural stripe by distance as wide as width of stripe; (v) small marginal marking on internal declivity of humerus; (vi) spot enclosed by humeral lunule small, ovoid, slightly closer to lunule than to subsutural stripe, delimited by punctures; (vii) subhumeral spot about as large as spot enclosed by humeral lunule, longer than wide, free and much closer to margin of elytron than to apex of humeral spot, not delimited by punctures and crossed by some four punctures of midlateral line; (viii) midlateral spot subequal to subhumeral spot, covering some five punctures of midlateral line, detached from elytral margin; (ix) large irregular spot postmedially on disc of elytron; (x) more than 25 small irregular additional spots showing no obvious pattern or symmetry between elytra. Epipleura slightly slanted ventrally, visible in lateral view, gradually narrowing from humeral area toward sigmoid compression at middle followed by gradual narrowing toward sutural angle, finely margined, unpunctured and glabrous, except for fringe of short erect setae at apical border.

Femora slender, enlarged medially, smooth with scattered small punctures and fine appressed pale yellow setae. Tibiae slender, slightly longer than corresponding femur, nearly straight and gradually widened toward apex, with wide external and shallow furrow in apical half; smooth, with scattered small punctures and short recumbent fine pale yellow setae, rugose and densely punctured in apical third ventrally, with dense golden setae. Tarsi slender, shorter than corresponding tibiae; first tarsomere about twice as long as wide at apex; second tarsomere narrower and about half as long as first; third tarsomere slightly wider than first, weakly bilobed; onychium slender, longer than first tarsomere, feebly curved and slightly clavate, with sharp ventral tooth apically, and claws simple, long and acute, weakly divergent at base. First abdominal ventrite shorter than metaventrite, with wide short and nearly regularly convex anterior intercoxal process, with broad margin; second abdominal ventrite less than half as long as first ventrite, and ventrites 3–4 gradually shorter; fifth ventrite as long as second, widely and shallowly emarginate at apex; abdominal ventrites smooth on disc, with fine scattered punctures and fine appressed short translucent setae, and with irregular, slightly depressed surface at sides. Penis ( Fig. 13f View FIGURE 13 ) slender, parallel-sided in ventral view and weakly curved ventrally in lateral view, with dorsal border tapering in apical quarter; sides weakly narrowed after gonopore apically before apical border; apical border weakly convex, with moderate broad median lobe and short lateral teeth, weakly recurved posteriorly and with tips closer than average width of penis; gonopore roundish, covered at base by large transverse dorsal flap, slightly bilobed and with broad round angles; distal end of flagellum slightly enlarged, with large central orifice and membranous at periphery.

Material examined (821 specimens).


NHM: (1) seventeen specimens, Australia, November 1986, G.V. Maynard, Ex. Sida acuta, CSIRO Lab. Colony, Long Pocket Labs. Brisbane, Qld., Pres. by Comm. Inst Ent. B.M. 1987-1 [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål det. M.L. Cox, 1987].


MCZ: (1) one specimen, Colombia, Jacoby 2nd Coll., det. Bow. RBINS: (1) one specimen, Colombia, 1954, Coll. Chapuis.


FSCA: (1) four specimens, Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires,, [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (2) one specimen, Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Villa Neilly [Ciudad Neily], 39. viii.1977, Thomas P. Cogley leg. NMCZ: (1) one specimen, Costa Rica, 476, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense. NMNH: (1) three specimens, Quepos, Puntarenas, C.R. 19.v.1955, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2003; (2) one specimen, Costa Rica, Buenos Aires, Río Ceibo, 2.vii.1967, Flint & Ortiz, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2003; (3) one specimen, Costa Rica, Puntarenas Prov., Osa Peninsula, 2.5 mi SW Rincón, 8º42’N 83º29’W, 1–7.iii.1967, OTS Adv. Zoo. Course, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (4) four specimens, Costa Rica,, O.L. Cartwright, beach at Dominical [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (5) three specimens, Quepos, C.R., Puntarenas, 19.v.1953 [one with: Calligrapha sp. near pantherina Stål Weisman ‘56]. NRM: (1) one specimen, Costa Rica, Sch[…]. TAMUIC: (1) one specimen [X0548959], Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Brujo, 7.viii.1990, G.M. Chamberlain leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.


TAMUIC: (1) one specimen [X0552582], El Salvador, San Salvador, Lomas Verdes, 3.viii.1964, Julio C. Vega, Jr. leg. NMNH: (1) one specimen, No. 407-4, 2.ix.1952, La Toma, Aguilares, Col. M.S.V., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011 .


EGRC: (1) one specimen, Guatemala, [Chimaltenango], 13 mi E San Antonio [Palopó], 7.viii.1979, E.P. Case & D.B. Thomas leg.; (2) one specimen, Guatemala, Guatemala City, Las Hamacas Trailer Park, 5-8.viii.1979, D.B. Thomas & E.P. Case leg. FSCA: (1) two specimens, Guatemala, Retalhuleu, 18–, P.J. Landolt leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. MCZ: (1) one specimen, Guatemala, 5000, 1st Jacoby Coll.; (2) one specimen, Guatemala, Sallé Coll., 1st Jacoby Coll.; (3) two specimens, Capetillo, Guatemala, G.C. Champion, 1st Jacoby Coll.; (4) one specimen, Capetillo, Gua., 1st Jacoby Coll. NHM: (1) five specimens, Capetillo, Guatemala, G.C. Champion, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (2) one specimen, Duenas, Guatemala, G. Champion, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (3) one specimen, Guatemala, 314, Calligrapha fulvipes Stl. Mexico. NHMB: (1) one specimen, Guatemala, Escuintla, viii.1879, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Bechyné det. 1951. NMCZ: (1) one specimen, Guatemala, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense. NMNH: (1) two specimens, Capetillo, Guatemala, G.C. Champion, [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål ]; (2) five specimens, San José, Guat., 6.viii, Fredk. Knab Collector; (3) three specimens, Escuintla, Guat., 8–9.viii, Fredk. Knab; (4) eight specimens, Escuintla, Guat., 8.viii, Fredk. Knab; (5) one specimen, Guatemala, Tiquisate, Escuintla, 19.iii.1950, I.E. Malhu, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha pantherina Stål F. Monrós det. 1953; (6) one specimen, Ayutla, Guat., J.M. Aldrich Coll., iv.1913, Calligrapha pantherina Stål F. Monrós det. 1953; (7) two specimens, El Naranjo, Chic., Guat., 12.vii.1944, E.J. Hambleton, on cinchona, 8 [1x], 13 [1x, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (8) one specimen, Guatemala, Cocales, 15.v.1965, E.J. Hambleton, 58-65, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. GómezZurita det. 2011; (9) one specimen, Guatemala, Nahualate, 5.vii.1949, T.H. Farr; (10) one specimen, Guatemala, Escuintla, Volcán de Pacaya,, W.E. Steiner; (11) one specimen, Guatemala, Suchitepequez, Zapotitlán, 1525 m, Finca Las Nubes,, Ginter Ekis, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (12) one specimen, Guatemala, Chimaltenango, Yepocaca, 1948, H.T. Dalmat, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (13) one specimen, Guatemala, Santa Rosa, Cuilapa,, W.E. Steiner, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (14) one specimen, Guatemala, at Miami, 30.vii.1968, P.J. Formichella in Banana Trailer, 68-18710, Calligrapha sp. d. R.E. White. OUMNH: (1) five specimens, V. de Sta. María, Pacific slope, Guat., Richardson, B.C.A. duplicate pres. 1909 by F.D. Godman, Cat. No. 84 [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (2) one specimen, V. de Sta. Maria, Pacific slope, Guat., Richardson, sp.?. RBINS: (1) one specimen, Guatemala, Candèze, Coll. Chapuis; (2) one specimen, Guat., Rodríguez; (3) two specimens, Guatem., Coll. Chapuis. ZSM: (1) thirty-two specimens, Guatemala, Suchitepequez, Patulul, 10.viii.1983 [1x, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011], 12.viii.1983 [9x], 15.viii.1983 [20x, two with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011], 16.viii.1983 [2x, one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011], A. Poll; (2) one specimen, Guatemala, Quezaltenango, 5.viii.1983, A. Poll, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (3) twelve specimens, Guatemala, Escuintla, Tiquisate, A. Poll [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011].


FSCA: (1) two specimens, Honduras, Colón, Trujillo , 26.vii.1968, B.K. Dozier leg. NMNH: (1) one specimen, 18293, Biguat. Hond. ,, J.V. Mankins collector , Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (2) one specimen, 11811, 27.x.1977, Tela, Hond., J.V. Mankins collector, Calligrapha pantherina Det. 1977 J.V. Mankins ; (3) one specimen, Comayagua, Honduras , 3.viii.1978 , T.M. Peters , Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. GómezZurita det. 2011 . TAMUIC: (1) four specimens [X0536636, X0537392, X0539933, X0542288], Honduras, Valle, 1 mi W Jícaro Galán, junction with Río Nacaome , 20.vii.1972, R.R. & M.E. Murray leg.


EGRC: (1) two specimens, Mexico, Chiapas, Hwy200, Río Lobre, 8.viii.1979, E.P. Case & D.B. Thomas leg.; (2) two specimens, Mexico, Guerrero, 7.3 km NW Ixtapa, 16.vii.1985 [1x], 17.vii.1985 [1x], R. Turnbow leg.; (3) one specimen, Mexico, San Luis de Potosí, Tamazunchale,, A.R. Mead & M.L. Embury leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (4) one specimen, Mexico, Sonora, Hwy16, 20.1 mi E Rio Yaquí, 3010 ft, 26.vii.1987, S. McCleve leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. FSCA: (1) one specimen, Mexico, Colima, km 5-8 Los Sauces road, vic. El Terrero, 5.x.1992, R. Turnbow leg., Calligrapha felina det. E.G. Riley ‘93, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (2) one specimen, Mexico, Guerrero, Hwy134 at 34–36 km NE junction Hwy200, 14–16.viii.1985, J.E. Wappes leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål det. E.G. Riley ‘85; (3) four specimens, Mexico, Guerrero, Hwy134 at 36 km NE junction Hwy200, 19.vii.1985, J.E. Wappes leg.; (4) one specimen, Mexico, Guerrero, Hwy134 at 36.2 km NE junction Hwy200, 14.vii.1985, R. Turnbow leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål det. E.G. Riley ‘85; (5) one specimen, Mexico, Guerrero, 39 km W Iguala, 5000 ft, 18–22.ix.1989, J.E. Wappes leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (6) two specimens, Mexico, Guerrero, 21.2 km W Ixtapa, 18.vii.1985, R. Turnbow leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål det. E.G. Riley ‘85; (7) one specimen, Mexico, Guerrero, 51 km NW Ixtapa, 18.vii.1985, R. Turnbow leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål det. E.G. Riley ‘85; (8) three specimens, Mexico, Guerrero, 14 mi S Petaquillas,, B.K. Dozier leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (9) two specimens, Mexico, Guerrero, 28 km W Taxco, 7600 ft, 20.ix.1989, J.E. Wappes leg., Calligrapha felina det. E.G. Riley 1994 , Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (10) two specimens, Mexico, Guerrero, Veintidós, 2-8 km W Hwy95 on Rte. 200, 15– 22.ix.1989, J.E. Wappes leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (11) four specimens, Mexico, Guerrero, 8 km W Veintidós, El Pelillo road, 16.ix.1989, R. Turnbow leg.; (12) one specimen, Mexico, Jalisco, 23.8 km S Chamela, 16.vii.1987, R. Turnbow leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål det. E.G. Riley ‘88; (13) one specimen, Mexico, Nayarit, San Blas, 5.vii.1972, K. Stephan leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (14) seven specimens, Mexico, Sonora, 13 mi SE Alamos, 30.x.1972, K. Stephan leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. HNHM: (1) one specimen, Guerrero, Chilpancingo, Höge, Calligrapha pantherina Stl. 326; (2) three specimens, Mexico, Procopp, C. pantherina det. Daccordi 1979; (3) one specimen, Mexico, coll. E. Frivaldszky, Calligrapha sp., Calligrapha pantherina det. Daccordi ‘79. JGZC: (1) one specimen, Mexico, Oaxaca, 35 km S Miahuatlan, Rt. 175,, C.N. Duckett leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2003; (2) one specimen, Mexico, Oaxaca, 15º45.426’N 96º48.573’W, sea level,, Sung Jim Kim leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2003; (3) nine specimens, Mexico, Oaxaca, San José del Progreso,, C. Duckett, K. Kjer & E. Swigonova leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2003. MCZ: (1) three specimens, Guadalajara, Mexico, Dr. Buller; (2) one specimen, Guadalajara, Mexico; (3) thirty specimens, Mex., Monclova, E. Palmer; (4) one specimen, Zacatecas; (5) six specimens, Vera-Cruz; (6) nine specimens, Vera Cruz, V.C., Mex., Wickham; (7) one specimen, Cuern., Mex., 9.iii.1898, F.A. Eddy Collection; (8) two specimens, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mex., Wickham; (9) two specimens, Cuernavaca, Mor., Mex., Wickham, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010; (10) one specimen, Pte. de Ixtla, Mor., Mex., Wickham, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010; (11) one specimen, Mex., Sinaloa, 4 mi S Villa Unión,, J. Doyen Collector, J.F. Lawrence Collection; (12) one specimen, Playa Vicente, Mexico, Sallé Coll., 1st Jacoby Coll.; (13) four specimens, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Höge, Jacoby 2nd Coll.; (14) one specimen, Iguala, Guerrero, Höge, Jacoby 2nd Coll.; (15) one specimen, Apipilulco, Gro., Mex., Wickham; (16) one specimen, Tonila, Colima, Höge, Jacoby 2nd Coll.; (17) two specimens, Mex. [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål ]; (18) one specimen, Ziegler, Mex.; (19) one specimen, Mexico, Jacoby 2nd Coll.; (20) one specimen, Calligrapha pantherina Mex., Deyr. MfN: (1) one specimen, Mexico, Chiapas, Chiapa de Corzo, 26-XI-1995, leg. B.+M. Uhlig; (2) two specimens, Mexico, Chiapas; (3) one specimen, Comitán, Chiapas; (4) three specimens, Comilan; (5) one specimen, Mexico, Comila; (6) one specimen, Cuautla, 25; (7) two specimens, Mexico, Durango; (8) three specimens, Canelas; (9) one specimen, Dos Arroyos, Guerrero, 1000 ft. Sept., H.H. Smith, 96382; (10) ten specimens, Mexico, Guer., Umg. San Marcos, 50 km E Acapulco, 5.viii.93, Erber [one with: Calligrapha D. Erber det. 2000, Calligrapha pantherina Stål , det. M. Daccordi 2004); (11) one specimen, Mexico, Guer., Cuajinicuilapa, 170 km E Acapulco, 5.viii.93, Erber, Calligrapha felina Stål oder pantherina D. Erber det. 2000; (12) one specimen, Acapulco, Guerrero, Höge; (13) one specimen, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Höge; (14) two specimens, Mexico, Colima [one without data]; (15) one specimen, Guad., Mexico, Flohr; (16) eight specimens, El Cora, Tepic, Ad. Lüdecke [one with: 580]; (17) two specimens, Ixtapa [I. de la Concepción], Tepic; (18) three specimens, San Blas [one with: pantherina St. ]; (19) one specimen, 29782, pantherina Chevr., Vera Cruz, Frob. ; (20) three specimens: 29783, Mexico, Deppe [two without data]; (21) two specimens: Mexico, Hoege; (22) two specimens: 39863, Mexico, Uhde [one without data]; (23) one specimen: Mex.; (24) four specimens: Mexico; (25) three specimens: fulvipes, Mexico, Klug [two specimens without data]; (26) three specimens: Mexico (one with: Call. multipust. Stål); (27) two specimens: Chrysomela multipustulata Stl. Mexico [one specimen without data]. NHM: (1)one specimen, Mexico, Stål, Co-type, Calligrapha pantherina Stål, Andrewes Bequest B.M. 1922 -221; (2) one specimen, V. Cruz, pantherina Stål Stål ; (3) two specimens, Veracruz, Mexico, Sallé Coll., Calligrapha pantherina Stål apud Sallé, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer. [one with: 630, Sp. figured]; (4) one specimen, Playa Vicente, Mexico, Sallé Coll., Calligrapha pantherina Stål apud Sallé, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (5) one specimen, Cordova, Mexico, Sallé Coll. Calligrapha pantherina Stål apud Sallé, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (6) two specimens, Tonila, Colima, Höge, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (7) two specimens, Colima City, Mexico, Höge, GodmanSalvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (8) one specimen, Atenquique, Jalisco, Höge, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.Amer.; (9) one specimen, Guadalajara, Crawford, 43; (10) two specimens, Tejupilco, Mex., Temescaltepec, ca. 4000 ft., 1933, B.M. 1959-100, H.E. Hinton & R.L. Usinger Collectors; (11) one specimen, Real de Arriba, Temescaltepec, Mex., 6–7000 ft, v–vii.1933, B.M. 1959-100, H.E. Hinton & R.L. Usinger Collectors; (12) one specimen, Tampico, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (13) one specimen, Presidio [de Mazatlán], Mexico, Forrer, GodmanSalvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (14) one specimen, Mazatlán, Mexico, Forrer, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.Amer.; (15) one specimen, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Höge, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (16) one specimen, Acapulco, Guerrero, Höge, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (17) one specimen, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Höge, Calligrapha pantherina, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr. -Amer.; (18) one specimen, Dos Arroyos, Guerrero, 1000 ft, Sept., H.H. Smith, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (19) one specimen, Tierra Colorada, Guerrero, 2000 ft, Oct., H.H. Smith, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (20) one specimen, La Venta, Guerrero, 300 ft, Sept., H.H. Smith, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (21) one specimen, Venta de Peregrino, Guerrero, H.H. Smith, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer.; (22) one specimen, ex Mus. Murray, Mexico, Fry Coll. 1905.100; (23) two specimens, E. Newman, Mexico, Ent. Club, 44-12; (24) one specimen, Mexico, Pascoe Coll. 93-60. NHMB: (1) one specimen, Chapela Seegeb. [Chapala Lake], Mex., 15.x.1958, leg. G. Frey; (2) one specimen, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Höge; (3) one specimen, Mazatlán, Sin., Mex., x.1958, leg. G. Frey; (4) nine specimens, Colima, Mexico; (5) two specimens, Tehuacan, Mexico; (6) one specimen, Balzas [Balsas], Guerrero, Mexico; (7) six specimens, Mexico; (8) one specimen, Mexico, Calligrapha pantherina Stl. ; (9) three specimens, Messico, coll. Craveri, D. Ghiliani; (10) two specimens, Mexico, Erwerb 1955, Coll. Brancsik; (11) one specimen, Mexiko, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J.Gómez-Zurita det.2010. NMCZ: (1)two specimens,Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Höge, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (2) two specimens, pardalina Chev., Mexique, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (3) one specimen, pantherina Stål, Mex., Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense ; (4) one specimen, Calligrapha pantherina Stål , Mexico, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (5) one specimen, Mexico, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (6) three specimens, Mexique, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (7) one specimen, Mex., Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (8) one specimen, Mexico; (9) one specimen, Mexico, Calligrapha multipustulata . NMNH: (1) one specimen, Tapachula, Chiapas, Mex., 7.ix.1985, J. Gillett, on Sida rhombifolia, LPL2149 ; (2) one specimen, Tapachula, Chiapas, Mex., 7.ix.1985, H. Miranda, on Sida rhombifolia, LPL2149 ; (3) one specimen, Mexico, Chihuahua, 51 km S Creel, 27º22.542N 107º30.086W, 5.viii.2007, 1630 m, leg. David G. Furth, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (4) eleven specimens, Colima Vulcano, Mex. [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål F. Monrós det. 1953]; (5) sixteen specimens, Colima Vulcano, Mex., L. Conrad [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (6) one specimen, Mexico, Colima, x.1954, N.L.H. Krauss; (7) one specimen, State of Colima, Mex., L. Conradt coll., Col. 249; (8) one specimen, Colima, Col., Mex., Conradt, 634; (9) one specimen, Mexico, Durango, 4.iv.1966, P.K. McMillan, orchids Lot 66-10967; (10) four specimens, Mex., Guerrero, Hwy 134, 36 km NE Jct. 200, 19.vii.1985, J.E. Wappes [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål det. J.E. Wappes 2002]; (11) nineteen specimens, Acapulco, Mex., Fredk Knab Collector, 27.vii [9x], 28.vii.1905 [6x], 29.vii [2x], 30.vii [2x]; (12) two specimens, Acapulco, Mex., 30.vii, Fredk. Knab Collector; (13) three specimens, Mex., Gro., Acapulco, vii.1959, N. Krauss; (14) one specimen, Mexico, Revolcadero, nr. Acapulco, vii.1959, N.L.H. Krauss; (15) two specimens, El Trienta [Treinta] to Ocatito [Ocotito], Guer., Mex.,, R.W.L. Potts; (16) two specimens, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Höge, gift of F.C. Bowditch, gift ex MCZ dupl. ser.; (17) one specimen, Cuernavaca, Mex., viii.1955, N.L.H. Krauss; (18) four specimens, Barra Vieja, Guerr., Mex., 5.x.1984, Gillett & Miranda, ex Sida sp., 873; (19) one specimen, Barra Vieja, Guerr., Mex., 10.x.84, Segura, Gillet & Miranda, on flower of Sida acuta, LPL1002 , Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (20) one specimen, Acapulco, Mex., 8.viii.1936, Col. & pres. by C.H. Seevers, F. Monrós Collection 1959; (21) one specimen, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mex., 21. vii.1932, M. Willews Jr. collector, Templeton Crocker Exped. 1932; (22) one specimen, Mexico, Jalisco, Chamela, 30.ix.1985, R.G. McGinley, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (23) one specimen, Mexico, Jalisco, Rte. 80, 23.2 mi S Autlán, 800’, 5.viii.1966, G.E. Ball & D.R. Whitehead collectors; (24) one specimen, Cuautla, Mor., Mex., W.L. Tower, 3.viii.1903, Ac. No. Collection of E.F. Powell, Lincoln, Nebr.; (25) one specimen, Mexico, Morelos, Xochicalco ruins, 18º48’N 99º16’W, 14.vii.1995, leg. D. Furth & G. Chavarria, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (26) two specimens, Mexico, Morelos, Hacienda Cocoyotla, nr. Cuatlan [Coatlán] del Río, 31.vii.1944, N.L.H. Krauss; (27) three specimens, Morelos, Cuernavaca, 4.viii.1944, N.L.H. Krauss [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (28) one specimen, Mexico, Morelos, Oaxtepec, vi.1947, Coll. G. Halffter, F. Monrós Collection 1959; (29) one specimen, Mexico, Nayarit, Tepic, 3000 ft., 25.viii.1955, on vegetation, G.H. Dieke, G.H. Dieke Coll’n 1965; (30) four specimens, Mex., Nayarit, 6 mi N Compostela, E. Sleeper, W.Agnew, G. Noonan & P. Sullivan collr. [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. GómezZurita det. 2011]; (31) one specimen, 10 mi E San Blas, Nay., Mexico, 12.viii.1954, R. Ryckman, C. Christianson & R. Lee Colrs.; (32) one specimen, Jesus Maria, Nayarit, Mexico, vii.1955, Malkin Col., F. Monrós Collection 1959; (33) two specimens, Rin Antonio, Oax., Mex., Fredk. Knab Collector; (34) one specimen, Dist. Fedrl. Mex., J.R. Inda Coll.; (35) one specimen, Almoloya, Oax., Mex., Fredk Knab Collector; (36) two specimens, Tuxtepec, Oax., Mex., J. Camelo G., 21.v.1934, No. 873; (37) three specimens, Mexico, Oax., Puerto Angel, 31.vii.1965, A.B. Lau [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (38) one specimen, Mexico, Oax., Puerto Angel, 20.vii.1963, A.B. Lau; (39) one specimen, Pto. Escondido, Oax., Mex., 31.x.1985, R. Segura, ex Sida rhombifolia, LPL2155 ; (40) one specimen, Puente Malatengo, Oaxaca, Mexico, 7.vii.1963, Whitehead & Woodroof; (41) one specimen, Mexico, S.L.P., Tamazunchale, 18.viii.1967, Gary F. Hevel, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (42) one specimen, Venadio [El Venadillo], Sinaloa, Kusche; (43) two specimens, Venadio [El Venadillo], Sin., Mex., Kusche,; (44) one specimen, Venodio [El Venadillo], Sin., Mex., Kusche,, B.P. Clark donor; (45) one specimen, on cotton plant, Culican, Sin., Mex., 21.vii.1936, Lattimore, Nogales 15378, 36-25224; (46) one specimen, Tampico, Tam., Mex., 5.xii, P.C. Bishopp collector, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (47) eight specimens, Mexico, Ver., Veracruz, vii.1959, N.L.H. Krauss; (48) one specimen, Mexico, X., Veracruz, Ver., N.L.H. Krauss 1962, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (49) seven specimens, Veracruz, Mex., Mann, W.M. Mann Coll. 1954; (50) one specimen, Mexico, Veracruz, Presidio, vii.1952, S. Halffter, F. Monrós Collection 1959; (51) four specimens, Mexico, Veracruz, km 70 Rt. 180 btw. Alvarado & Cd. Lerdo de Tejada, 15.ix.1987, A.L. Norrbom [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (52) one specimen, Mexico, Gift of F.C. Bowditch; (53) two specimens, Mexico, F. Monrós Collection 1959, Calligrapha multipustulata Stål F. Monrós det. 1954; (54) three specimens, Mexico, R.F. Pearsall, Brooklyn Museum Coll’n 1929; (55) one specimen, 20.vii.1959, N.L.H. Krauss, Mexico, vii.1959, N.L.H. Krauss; (56) one specimen, Mexico, Southern, 20.iv.1972, R. Eads, on Tillandsia sp., Lot 73-10653, Calligrapha sp. d. R. White. NRM: (1) two specimens, Mexico, Chevrol., Schh.; (2) one specimen, Mexico, Stål. OUMNH: (1) one specimen, 193, pardalina Chev., Mex., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. RBINS: (1) one specimen, Presidio, Forrer; (2) one specimen, Amula, Guerrero, 6000 ft., H.H. Smith; (3) one specimen, Mexico, Coll. Duvivier. TAMUIC: (1) one specimen [X0534711], Mexico, Chiapas, 5 mi E Chiapa de Corzo, Chorreadero Canyon,, Reifschneider, Thomas, Bazata & Caldwell leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (2) one specimen [X0547736], Mexico, Chiapas, 57 km SW Cintalapa, 12.viii.1967, H.R. Burke & J. Hafernik leg.; (3) twenty specimens [X0536882, X0537129, X0538138, X0538594, X0541299, X0541658, X0541966, X0542035, X0542383, X0542953, X0545182,X0546718,X0548903, X0549893, X0550065, X0550431, X0550641, X0551549, X0551996, X0552247], Mexico, Chiapas, 13.2 mi NW Escuintla, Río Sesescapa, 27.vii.1972, Robert R. & Marie E. Murray leg.; (4) one specimen [X0534678], Mexico, Chiapas, Tapachula, 6.ix.1980, Horace R. Burke leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (5) one specimen [X0550010], Mexico, Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 26.vii.1987, F.D. Parker, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (6) one specimen [X0537074], Mexico, Colima, 12 mi SW Colima, 20.vii.1966, P.M. & P.K. Wagner leg.; (7) six specimens, Mexico, Colima, 31 mi E Colima, 19.vii.1966, P.M. & P.K. Wagner leg. [X0544411, X0551200, X0551240], Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011 [X0534506, X0534602, X0534722]; (8) eight specimens [X0540851, X0540904, X0542707, X0547386, X0547989, X0550447, X0550898, X0551798], Mexico, Colima, Manzanillo, 14.vii.1965, William F. Chamberlain leg.; (9) one specimen [X0545365], Mexico, Colima, 24 mi NW Manzanillo, 21.vii.1966, P.M. & P.K. Wagner leg.; (10) three specimens [X0538736, X0546802, X0550167], Mexico, Guerrero, 9 mi SE Acapulco, 13.vii.1966, P.M. & P.K. Wagner leg.; (11) eight specimens [X0538956, X0541990, X0544474, X0546605, X0547827, X0548712, X0550749, X0552503], Mexico, Guerrero, 32 mi SE Acapulco, 13.vii.1966, P.M. & P.K. Wagner leg.; (12) two specimens [X0538761, X0551895], Mexico, Guerrero, 16 mi NW Cruz Grande, 13.vii.1966, P.M. & P.K. Wagner leg.; (13) one specimen [X0535167], Mexico, Guerrero, 2 mi E Ocotito, 11.vii.1985, J.B. Woolley & Zolnerowich leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (14) two specimens [X0543263, X0544885], Mexico, Jalisco, Cihuatlán, 14.vii.1965, William F. Chamberlain leg.; (15) one specimen [X0546383], Mexico, Jalisco, 23 mi SW Autlán, 22.vii.1966, P.M. & P.K. Wagner leg.; (16) one specimen [X0551070], Mexico, Jalisco, south edge of Guadalajara, at periférico, 11.vii.1973, Robert R. & Maria E. Murray leg.; (17) one specimen [X0551438], Mexico, Jalisco, 2 mi SW Atenquique, 19.vii.1966, P.M. & P.K. Wagner leg.; (18) one specimen [X0533656], Mexico, Michoacán, 49 mi SE Aquila, 13.vii.1984, L.E. Carroll, J.C. Schaffner & T.A. Friedlander leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (19) one specimen [X0551124], Mexico, Morelos, Lago Tequesquitengo, 18.viii.1965, Merril H. Sweet leg.; (20) three specimens [X0539994, X0545619, X0548322], Mexico, Nayarit, 15 mi S Acaponeta, 20.viii.1964, H.R. Burke & J. Apperson leg.; (21) three specimens [X0544623, X0545418, X0549779], Mexico, Nayarit, 42.7 mi SW Compostela, Río de Lo de Marcos, 1.i.1972, R.R. & M.E. Murray leg.; (22) one specimen [X0535302], Mexico, Nayarit, vic. Jala, Volcán Ceboruco, 27.x.1992, J. Huether leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (23) one specimen [X0545310], Mexico, Nayarit, 3.5 mi E Tepic, 8.ix.1980, J.B. Karren leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (24) two specimens [X0536309, X0543236], Mexico, Oaxaca, 5 mi S Candelaria Loxicha, 18-19.vii.1974, W. Clark, R.R. Murray, J.S. Ashe & J.C. Schaffner leg.; (25) one specimen [X0535320], Mexico, Oaxaca, 4.7 mi S San Gabriel Mixtepec, 16.vii.1985, Woolley & Zolnerowich leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (26) one specimen [X0551145], Mexico, San Luis de Potosí, El Banito [Balneario “El Bañito”, N of Valles], 30.v.1942; (27) ten specimens [X0536754, X0542998, X0545637, X0546728, X0547354, X0548178, X0551249, X0551293, X0551449, X0551750], Mexico, Sinaloa, Mazatlán, 18.viii.1964, H.R. Burke & J. Apperson leg.; (28) fourteen specimens [X0532921, X0533077, X0534205, X0534223,, X0534327, X0534350, X0534365, X0534397, X0534650, X0534826, X0535007, X0535306, X0535500, X0546823], Mexico, Sinaloa, 26.vii.1970, A.W. Tuttle leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (29) four specimens [X0539847, X0546455, X0552056, X0552604], Mexico, Sonora, 40 mi N Guaymas, 12.viii.1976, M. Schwartz & W. Hanson leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (30) one specimen [X0538685], Mexico, Veracruz, Catemaco,, Burke, Meyer & Schaffner leg.; (31) three specimens [X0545016, X0545334, X0551744], Mexico, Veracruz, Alvarado, 6.ix.1968, Veryl V. Board leg. ZSM: (1) one specimen, Mexico, Colima, Polyspila felina Stål, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke , Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (2) one specimen, Mexico, Colima, Polyspila felina Stål Machatschke det. 1951, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke; (3) one specimen, Vulkan Colima, coll. Joh. Laue 1918; (4) twenty specimens, Vulkan Colima, Mexiko, 1918, coll. Joh. Laue; (5) one specimen, Vulcan Colima, Mexico, 1918, coll. Joh. Laue, Esperanza, 1000 m; (6) four specimens, Vulkan Colima, coll. Joh. Laue, 27.iii.1918; (7) three specimens, Vulkan Colima, coll. Joh. Laue, 1.viii.1918; (8) two specimens, Vulkan, PAN Colima, coll. Joh. Laue; (9) one specimen, Acapulco, Guerrero, Höge, pantherina St., Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke ; (10) one specimen, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Höge, pantherina St., Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke ; (11) one specimen, Tupátaro, Guanajuato, Höge, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (12) one specimen, Nieder Californien, San José del Cabo, A. v. Blücher, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det.2011; (13) one specimen, Mexico, pantherina Stål, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke ; (14) two specimens, Mexico, Dr. Ross, 1906; (15) one specimen, Mexico, Coll. Kraatz, Clavareau det., Polyspila pantherina Stål, Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke.


EGRC: (1) ten specimens, Nicaragua, León, 15 km N León, 23.vii.1970, L.H. Rolston leg. FSCA: (1) one specimen, Nicaragua, Nueva Segovia, 6.x.1981, C. Ferrey leg., Calligrapha nr. pantherina Stål Det. I. Askevold 1987 ; (2) one specimen, Nicaragua, León, [illegible], 7.ix.1985, encima de la hoja, A.C. Saravia leg.; (3) three specimens, Nicaragua, Chinandega, El Viejo, 27.viii.1986, Sida hojas, F.P. Villegas leg. MCZ: (1) two specimens, Chontales, Nicaragua, T. Belt [one with: 1st Jacoby Coll.; one with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål ]. NHM: (1) three specimens, Chontales, Nicaragua, T. Belt, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr.-Amer. [one with: Janson (instead of Belt)]; (2) four specimens, Janson, Nicara., Chonts, Fry Coll. 1905.100. NMNH: (1) twelve specimens, Nicaragua, Managua, Boloña [Bolonia], vii.1971, J. Maldonado c. [two with: Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011]; (2) three specimens, Nicaragua, 16 mi W of Sébaco, 23.viii.1972, G.F. & S. Hevel, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.


EGRC: (1) one specimen, Panamá, Chiriquí, Galera de Chorcha, 13.vii.1976, E.G. Riley leg.; (2) one specimen, Panamá, Chiriquí, Plan de Chorcha (at base), 30.v.1993, E.G. Riley leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. GómezZurita det. 2011; (3) one specimen, Panamá, Chiriquí, Renacimiento, Santa Clara, 4000–4200 ft, 4.vii.1976, E.G. Riley leg.; (4) ten specimens, Panamá, Chiriquí, Santa Clara, Finca Hartmann, 15–, E.G. Riley & Rider leg. FSCA: (1) one specimen, Panamá, Chiriquí, Finca La Suiza, 16.v.1996, R. Turbow leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (2) one specimen, Panamá, Chiriquí, 5 km N Hornito, 17.v.1996, R. Turnbow leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011; (3) three specimens, Panamá, Chiriquí, Puerto Armuelles, 13–20.vii.1981, H.V. Weems, Jr. & G.B. Edwards leg.; (4) four specimens, Panamá, [Chiriquí], Puerto Armuelles, 1– 9.vii.1982 [1x], 23–27.vii.1982 [1x], 23–26.viii.1982 [1x], 1–6.viii.1983 [1x], malaise, A. Castillo leg., Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011. NHMB: (1) one specimen, Chiriquí, Panama, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Bechyné det. 1951. NMNH: (1) one specimen, Panamá, Chiriquí, Volcán, 27.iii.1972, W. Bivin, light trap, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.


OUMNH: (1) eight specimens, PNG, West New Britain, nr. Rabal, Lower slopes of Tavavur Volcano , iii.2009, coll. G.C. McGavin , OUMNH-2009-014 , Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011 .


MCZ: (1) one specimen, Texas, Alte Sammlung, Jacoby 2nd Coll., det. Bow.


MfN: (1) one specimen, 96381, Callig. pantherina Stål ; (2) one specimen, SJXC. NHM: (1) one specimen, fulvipes Höpfner, Klug , D. spinosa ; (2) one specimen, 67-56, [illegible]; (3) one specimen, E. Coll. Thomson, 67-56; (4) three specimens, E. Coll. Laferté, 67-56 [one with: floridas; one with: Calligrapha pantherina Chevt Mexico]. NHMB: (1) one specimen, pantherina; (2) one specimen, 4610, panterina, Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2010; (3) two specimens, [no data]. NMCZ: (1) thirteen specimens, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense; (2) one specimen, 228, Coll. Achard Mus. Pragense. NMNH: (1) seven specimens, Gift Ex. MCZ Dupl. Series [one with: Calligrapha pantherina Chvl. Mexiq. ]. RBINS: (1) one spcimen, Amer., Chevrolat; (2) two specimens, 1885, Restité; (3) three specimens, Coll. Chapuis; (4) four specimens, Coll. Duvivier; (5) one specimen, Coll. Thomson. ZSM: (1) one specimen, Calligrapha diversa Stål, N.A., Staatssammlung München 1975 Erwerb Coll. Machatschke , Calligrapha pantherina Stål J. Gómez-Zurita det. 2011.

Variation. The humeral marking of Calligrapha pantherina is very irregular in shape, particularly at apex, as it is the prominent roundish spot on disc, which is usually large and well delimited, but in some cases can appear smaller or fused with surrounding markings. The midlateral spot in rare occasions can emit dark suffusions touching the dark margin of elytra, possibly generating some confusion with C. felina (although the latter usually shows very conspicuous metallic pigmentation, which is more faintly developed in C. pantherina ). Finally, there is also a lot of variability in the disposition and shape of the numerous small additional markings on the elytra of this species, also between elytra of the same individual.

Distribution. Calligrapha pantherina has a huge range in most of Mesoamerica, from northern Mexico to western Panama, and predominantly in the Pacific region, although the species reaches the Caribbean domain in Veracruz ( Mexico), Honduras and the Canal Zone in Panama ( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 ). In consequence, the number of biomes where the species can be found is large, including dry and moist forests across Central America. These range from San Lucan Xeric Scrub in the Baja California; the south of the Sonoran Desert, the Sinaloan Dry Forests and the intermediate Sonoran-Sinaloan Transition Subtropical Dry Forest; edges of the Sierra Madre Occidental Pine-Oak Forests; Bajío, Jalisco, Balsas, Southern Pacific, and Central American Dry Forests; Veracruz Moist and Dry Forests, Sierra de los Tuxtlas and Petén-Veracruz Moist Forests; Central American Pine-Oak and Atlantic Moist Forests, and IsthmianPacific and Isthmian-Atlantic Moist Forests.Apart from its natural range, C. pantherina was introduced as biological control agent in Australia in 1989, and it is present in this territory but also in Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea and Fiji ( Forno et al. 1992; Jolivet et al. 2009; Heard & Day 2012; Mille et al. 2016).


Swedish Museum of Natural History - Zoological Collections


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Texas A&M University Insect Collection


Natural History Museum Bucharest


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum für Naturkunde
















Calligrapha pantherina Stål, 1859

Gómez-Zurita, Jesús 2021

Calligrapha pantherina:

Merckx 2018

Calligrapha pantherina: Benítez-García et al., 2017

Benitez-Garcia 2017

Calligrapha pantherina: Maes & Gómez-Zurita, 2016

Maes & Gomez-Zurita 2016

Calligrapha pantherina:

Mille 2016

Calligrapha pantherina: Montelongo & Gómez-Zurita, 2014

Montelongo & Gomez-Zurita 2014

Calligrapha pantherina:

Jolivet 2009

Calligrapha pantherina: Gómez-Zurita, Funk & Vogler, 2006

Gomez-Zurita, Funk & Vogler 2006

Calligrapha pantherina:

Forno, Kassulke & Harley 1992

Calligrapha pantherina:

Moldenke 1971

Calligrapha pantherina: Bechyné & Springlová de Bechyné, 1965

: Bechyne & Springlova de Bechyne 1965

Calligrapha pantherina:

Blackwelder 1946

Polyspila pantherina:

Weise 1916

Calligrapha pantherina:

Jacoby 1882

Calligrapha pantherina:

Gemminger & Harold 1874

Chrysomela pantherina: Stål, 1865

Stal 1865

Calligrapha pantherina Stål, 1859

Stal, Guadalajara 1859
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