Heraeus mexicanus

Pablo M. Dellapé, María C. Melo & Thomas J. Henry, 2016, A phylogenetic revision of the true bug genus Heraeus (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Myodochini), with the description of two new genera and 30 new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 177 (177), pp. 29-134 : 96-97

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1111/zoj.12362



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Heraeus mexicanus

sp. nov.


( FIGS 30 View Figure 30 G, 33E, 34I–L, 36B, 38)


Labium extending to mesocoxae. Distiflagellomere with a pale band. Membrane with an apical pale spot. Metafemur with a subapical dark band. Apex of pygophore pointed posteriorly in lateral view.

Description ( Fig. 36 View Figure 36 B)

Total length 5.32.

Head: Brown, shiny, coriaceous; with short recumbent and long erect setae dorsally. Head length 1.10, width 0.82. Postocular length 0.38. Eyes not surpassing the dorsal margin of head in lateral view. Ocelli placed at level of an imaginary line passing the posterior border of eyes. Interocular width 0.40, interocellar width 0.22. Labium pale brown, with short erect setae; extending to mesocoxae. Labial segment lengths: I 0.72, II 0.78, III 0.64, and IV 0.32. Antennae pale brown, apex of basiflagellomere and distiflagellomere darker, distiflagellomere with a sub-basal whitish band; all segments with abundant short recumbent and sparse short erect setae. Antennal lengths: scape 0.43, pedicel 1.01, basiflagellomere 0.80, and distiflagellomere 0.88. Length of pale band on distiflagellomere 0.24.

Thorax: Pronotum pruinose, punctate, punctures larger on posterior lobe. Anterior pronotal lobe brown, collar and posterior lobe paler, with four longitudinal pale stripes, humeral angles yellowish; collar delimited posteriorly by a punctate sulcus; anterior and posterior lobes with short recumbent setae and long erect setae, longer on anterior lobe. Collar length 0.06, anterior lobe length 0.53, posterior lobe length 0.43; anterior lobe width 0.85, posterior lobe width 1.31. Evaporative area extended. Scutellum brown, with a longitudinal median dark stripe, apex paler; pruinose, punctate; with short recumbent and long erect setae, as on anterior pronotal lobe. Hemelytra pale brown, irregularly pigmented. Costal margin pale on proximal three-quarters, apex of corium darker with a subapical whitish spot and an inner small pale spot; setae short and recumbent; membrane irregularly brown, veins paler, with a pale apical spot. ( Fig. 36 View Figure 36 A). Legs: Coxae, protrochanter, and profemur brown, at most with apices paler, meso- and metafemur with a subapical narrow dark band; remainder of legs pale brown, apex of tibiae, tarsi, and pretarsi darker ( Fig. 33 View Figure 33 E); setae long and erect, longer on profemur.

Abdomen: Brown, with abundant short recumbent setae. Male genitalia: Pygophore ( Fig. 34 View Figure 34 I, J) rounded, with a pointed posterior margin; apex with a small protuberance pointing posteriorly in lateral view; anterior margin of dorsal aperture rounded. Parameres: Figure 34 View Figure 34 (K, L). Aedeagus ( Fig. 30 View Figure 30 G) with minute spines on conjunctiva and sclerotized vesical lobes; processus gonopori long and slender.


Costa Rica and Mexico ( Fig. 38 View Figure 38 ).


The specific epithet ‘ mexicanus ’ is an adjective referring to Mexico, the country where most of the type series was collected.

Type material

Holotype: ♂, MEXICO, N[uevo] L[eon], Anegade Arroya, 16 mi. S Linares, 1250 ft, 9-VII-1963, Duckworth & Davis (USNM).

Paratypes: 1♂, 2♀, same data as for holotype (USNM); MEXICO: Nuevo Leon: 1♂, 3♀, 3 mi. E Galeana, 5000 ft, 7/9-VIII-1963, Duckworth & Davis (USNM); 1♀, 7/9-VIII-1963, Duckworth & Davis (UNAM); 1♂, 7/9-VIII-1963, Duckworth & Davis (MLP); Campeche: 1♀, Escarcega, 3-VI-1962, light trap, F. Islas S. (USNM); 1♂, 28-IV-1962, light trap, F. Islas S. (USNM); Veracruz: 1♂, 25 mi. S Acayucan, 4-VII- 1965, collected at blacklight trap, P.J. Spangler (USNM); COSTA RICA: 1♂, Puntarenas, San Vito, Darryl Coles Farm, Loma Linda, 30-VII-1986, D.V. Bennett (UCMS); 1♀, Puntarenas, nr Monteverde, 31-V-1988, blacklight, J.E. O’Donnell (UCMS).















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