Opetiorhynchus rufus Wied, 1831: 667

LECROY, MARY & SLOSS, RICHARD, 2000, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 3. Passeriformes: Eurylaimidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Furnariidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae, And Rhinocryptidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (257), pp. 1-88 : 17-18

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)257<0001:TSOBIT>2.0.CO;2

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scientific name

Opetiorhynchus rufus Wied, 1831: 667


Opetiorhynchus rufus Wied, 1831: 667 (Prov. de Bahia).

“Wied’s Opetiorhynchus rufus (Beitr., III, ii, p. 667), which he identified with ‘ Merops rufus Linn., Gmel., Lath. ,’ proves, as shown by one of his original specimens still extant in the collection (No. 6803, male ad.), that the species should be synonymized with Furnarius figulus (Licht.) , as various authors have already recognized” (Allen, 1889b: 242). AMNH 6803 has no standing as a type. Wied was not proposing a new taxon, merely a change of generic allocation. As it happens, it was also a misidentification.

Aphrastura spinicauda bullocki Chapman

Aphrastura spinicauda bullocki Chapman, 1934: 2 View in CoL (Mocha Island, Chile).

Now Aphrastura spinicauda spinicauda (Gmelin, 1789) View in CoL . See Vaurie, 1980: 59, 336, and Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 52.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 387391 , male, collected on

Isla Mocha, 38°22′S, 73°56′W, Arauco, Chile, on 11

November 1932, by Dillman S. Bullock (no. 1457).

Phleocryptes melanops brunnescens Zimmer Phleocryptes melanops brunnescens Zimmer, 1935b: 2

(Chorrillos, Perú). Now Phleocryptes melanops brunnescens Zimmer, 1935 .

See Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 59.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 165783 , adult male, collected at Chorillos , 12°10′S, 77°02′W, Lima, Peru, on 14 February 1913, by Rollo H. Beck (no. 160) on the Brewster – Sanford Expedition (no. 828). GoogleMaps

Leptasthenura aegithaloides berlepschi Hartert Leptasthenura aegithaloides berlepschi Hartert (in Hartert and Venturi, 1909: 210) (Augusto Pericheli, Jujuy, 2550


Now Leptasthenura aegithaloides berlepschi Hartert ,

1909. See Fjeldså and Krabbe, 1990: 349, and Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 57.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 523285 , adult male, collected at Angosta Perchela , 2550 m, Jujuy, Argentina, in November 1905, by Luis Dinelli.

COMMENTS: Paynter (1995: 31) puts the locality of Angosta Perchela as probably near Tilcara, 23°34′S, 65°22′W. This is supported by the text of the description of this subspecies. Hartert had before him two Dinelli specimens from Jujuy collected in November 1905, the holotype from Angosta Perchela at 2550 m and a paratype from Tilcara at 2470 m.

Leptasthenura fuscescens Allen Leptasthenura fuscescens Allen, 1889a: 90 (Falls of the


Now Leptasthenura aegithaloides aegithaloides (Kittlitz,

1830). See Hellmayr, 1914: 175, Fjeldså and Krabbe,

1990: 349, and Ridgely and Tudor, 1994: 57.

SYNTYPES: AMNH nos. 30734 and 30735, unsexed, collected near Valparaiso, 33°02′S, 71°38′W, Valparaiso, Chile, in June 1885, by Dr. Henry H. Rusby.

COMMENTS: Hellmayr (1914: 175) discussed the error in locality in the original description. He mentioned that the original label of AMNH 30735 has “Falls of the Madeira” crossed out and “ Valparaiso ” written in by Rusby. The original label of the other syntype, not mentioned by Hellmayr, has only the locality “near Valparaiso ” in Rusby’s handwriting. The type of L. aegithaloides also came from Valparaiso.

Leptasthenura punctigula Chapman

Leptasthenura punctigula Chapman, 1919b: 327 (Sarmiento, alt. 1700 ft., Prov. Tucuman, Argentina).

Now Leptasthenura platensis Reichenbach, 1853 View in CoL . See Cory and Hellmayr, 1925: 63–64, Sibley and Monroe,

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 141054 , male adult, collected at Los Sarmientos , 1700 ft, 27°24′S, 65°41′W, Tucumán, Argentina, on 30 May 1916, by Leo E. Miller (no. 16983) and Howarth S. Boyle. GoogleMaps

Leptasthenura fuliginiceps boliviana Allen Leptasthenura fuliginiceps boliviana Allen, 1889a: 91

(northern Bolivia).

Now Leptasthenura fuliginiceps fuliginiceps (d’Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837) . See Cory and Hellmayr, 1925:

69, and Fjeldså and Krabbe, 1990: 350.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 30737 , unsexed, collected at Reyes , 14°19′S, 67°23′W, El Beni, Bolivia, in June 1886, by Dr. Henry H. Rusby. GoogleMaps

COMMENTS: Allen (1889a: 91) in the original description of this form evidently inadvertently omitted both the AMNH number of the holotype and the type locality. The specimen listed above as the holotype has “type” written on the AMNH Rusby Collection label in Allen’s handwriting and in the catalog. It is the only AMNH specimen of this form collected by Rusby; in addition, our wing measurement of 66 mm is very close to the 65. 5 mm given in the original description. Reyes, Bolivia, is the locality given on Rusby’s field label.

Schizoeaca fuliginosa vilcabambae Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh

Schizoeaca fuliginosa vilcabambae Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh, 1972: 143 View in CoL (at latitude 12°36′S by longitude 73°30′W, in the Cordillera de Vilcabamba, Cuzco, Peru, at an elevation of 3,190 metres).

Now Schizoeaca vilcabambae vilcabambae Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh, 1972 View in CoL . See Remsen, 1981.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 803123 , adult male, collected at Cordillera Vilcabamba , 3190 m, 12°36′S,

73°30′W, Cuzco, Peru, on 22 July 1968, by John S.

Weske (no. 1829) and John W. Terborgh.

Schizoeaca fuliginosa ayacuchensis Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh

Schizoeaca fuliginosa ayacuchensis Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh, 1972: 143 (Puncu, 30 km north-east of Tambo, latitude 12°47′S by 73°49′W, Ayacucho, Peru, at an elevation of 3,370 metres).

Now Schizoeaca vilcabambae ayacuchensis Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh, 1972 View in CoL . See Remsen, 1981.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 803124 , adult male, collected at Puncu , 30 km NE of Tambo, 3370 m, 12°47′S,

73°49′W, Ayacucho, Peru, on 26 August 1968, by

John S. Weske (no. 1933) and J. W. Terborgh.














Opetiorhynchus rufus Wied, 1831: 667


Schizoeaca fuliginosa vilcabambae

Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh 1972: 143

Schizoeaca vilcabambae vilcabambae

Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh 1972

Schizoeaca fuliginosa ayacuchensis

Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh 1972: 143

Schizoeaca vilcabambae ayacuchensis

Vaurie, Weske, and Terborgh 1972

Aphrastura spinicauda bullocki

Chapman 1934: 2

Leptasthenura punctigula

Chapman 1919: 327

Leptasthenura platensis

Reichenbach 1853
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