
Forero, D., 2008, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Hadronema Group (Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), With Descriptions Of New Genera And New Species, And Comments On The Neotropical Genus Tupimiris, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (312), pp. 1-172 : 15-16

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DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the presence of a supragenital bridge (figs. 6, 16, 21, 26, 28, 29, 39, 43); a hatchet-shaped right paramere with long subparallel body; a dorsal medial tubercle on the right paramere with flattened apex, ranging from rounded to truncate, and directed medially (figs. 4E, 6, 15E, 16, 20F, 21, 24C, 26, 28, 29, 37E, 39, 42E, 43, 45E); right paramere usually inserted slightly above left (figs. 4E, 15E, 20F, 37E, 42E, 45E); left paramere usually sickle-shaped, with a small acute process projecting ventrad at the apex; a sensory area of long setae on middorsal surface of left paramere; and body of left paramere without any processes or protuberances (figs. 6, 16, 21, 26, 28, 29, 39, 43).

DISCUSSION: The Hadronema group comprises the previously described genera Aoplonema , Daleapidea , Hadronema , Hadronemidea , and the newly described Aoplonemella , Origonema , and Scutomiris . The most distinctive character shared by the members of this group is the supragenital bridge. This structure unequivocally identifies members of the Hadronema group in North America among Orthotylini . Outside North America it is not known exactly how many other Orthotylini exhibit this character because the genital capsule is usually not illustrated or discussed (e.g., Carvalho and Schaffner, 1973; Gruetzmacher and Schaffner, 1977; Carvalho, 1983, 1985) unless there are conspicuous processes on its aperture (e.g., Stonedahl and Schuh, 1986; Stonedahl and Schwartz, 1988; Schwartz, 2004). Only two other orthotyline taxa are known to possess a supragenital bridge. In the Neotropics, Araucanocoris Carvalho (as discussed below) has a developed supragenital bridge, although not all the included species exhibit this character. In the Austro-Papuan region, species of Sagittacopula Wall also possess a supragenital bridge ( Wall, 2007), but this genus is not related with the Hadronema group (see phylogenetic discussion).

The taxa comprising the Hadronema group also share similar host-plant associations. Many of the species feed or breed mainly on Fabaceae and Asteraceae , although other host-plant associations may occur. It is also noteworthy that some of the species of the group have been associated with meloid beetles or cantharidin traps (e.g., Pinto, 1978), a rare association for the Miridae ( Wheeler, 2001) .






— Disc of scutellum flat, not swollen; vestiture composed of shorter, simple setae, with or without sericeous setae on dorsum..... 3 Disc of scutellum swollen (fig. 45F); vestiture composed of long, simple setae intermixed with sericeous setae on dorsum (fig. 45D)..

.................. Scutomiris , gen. nov. Vestiture composed of simple setae only (figs. 15D, 24F, 37D, 42D)........... 4 Vestiture with two kinds of setae, decumbent simple setae intermixed with sericeous setae (fig. 4D)................. Aoplonema Frons not strongly convex (figs. 24A, 37A, 38A, 42A); vestiture composed of bristlelike setae (figs. 24F, 37D, 42D); vesica composed of two spicules, one short and one long (figs. 26, 27, 29, 39, 43)............. 5 Frons strongly convex (fig. 15A); vestiture composed of decumbent short setae (fig. 15D); vesica composed of a single unornamented spiculum (fig. 17).............

............... Aoplonemella , gen. nov. First tarsal segment of forelegs of male expanded (fig. 25A, C), ventral surface beset with numerous tenent setae (figs. 25E, F, 38C)........................... 6 First tarsal segment of forelegs of male not expanded, cylindrical, ventral surface with simple setae....... Origonema , gen. nov. Eyes adjacent to the anterior margin of the pronotum (figs. 2, 3, 24A); profemur of male with a basal bifid tubercle projecting ventrad (fig. 25D); mesotibia of male nearly straight..

.......................... Hadronema Eyes removed from the anterior margin of the pronotum (figs. 37A, 38A); profemur of male nearly cylindrical, without any process or protuberance; mesotibia of male curved (figs. 37F, 38B).............. Hadronemidea











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