Hadronema incognitum, Forero, 2008

Forero, D., 2008, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Hadronema Group (Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), With Descriptions Of New Genera And New Species, And Comments On The Neotropical Genus Tupimiris, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (312), pp. 1-172 : 90-93

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Hadronema incognitum

sp. nov.

Hadronema incognitum View in CoL , sp. nov. Figures 2, 29, 32, 34, 36

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the relatively large size (table 1); the metathoracic scentgland evaporatory area strongly reduced; the genital capsule subquadrangular (fig. 29), with the ventral right prolongation long (fig. 29, arrow); the insertion of left paramere on genital capsule nearly ventral; the left paramere weakly sinuate, gently curved before the apex (fig. 29, arrow); and females with subgenital plate long, broadly truncate apically (fig. 34), almost reaching posterior margin of eighth sternum.

Hadronema incognitum is distinguished from other species of Hadronema , except H. militare , by the subquadrangular genital capsule, relative large size, and weakly sinuate left paramere. Hadronema incognitum is similar to H. militare in coloration, size, and structure, but can be easily separated from it by the rather gently curved left paramere at the apex (fig. 29), and by not having the rami clubbed (fig. 29, arrow). Hadronema incognitum is also slightly smaller than H. militare (table 1).

DESCRIPTION: Male: Large, total length 3.73–4.17. COLORATION: Black with red and whitish markings (fig. 2). HEAD: Black, clypeus with two lateral and one basal longitudinal irregular shiny black marking; frons with two longitudinal areas of irregular oblique shiny black lines; two shiny black areas in front of ocular ridge next to eyes; suture between mandibular and maxillary plates shiny black, apex of mandibular plate reddish black; labrum black, shiny; labium black, segments III–IV shiny black; antennae pitch black. THORAX: Pronotum and collar black, anterior margin sometimes reddish black; calli black with scattered irregular shiny areas; posterior lobe mostly black, fading to red posteriorly, posterior margin whitish; mesoscutum reddish black, laterally more strongly red; scutellum black, sometimes apically pale; proepisternum black; proepimeron with anterior half black, sometimes reddish black, posterior half reddish orange, ventroposterior margin pale; mesepisternum and mesepimeron black; metepisternum black, weakly reddish black on center; venter black. Hemelytra: Clavus black; corium mostly black, costal margin and adjacent area white; cuneus white on lateral half; area between corium and membrane shiny black; membrane fuscous, veins dark brown. Legs: Black. ABDOMEN: Black, membrane of dorsal margin of sternites orange, posterior margin weakly pale. GENI- TALIA: Genital capsule black; proctiger bright orange, ventrally and apically brown; left paramere brownish black, apically brown; right paramere brown. STRUCTURE: THO- RAX: Metepisternum with evaporatory area reduced and peritreme greatly enlarged. Legs: Profemur with large basal ventral process, bifid. GENITALIA (fig. 29): Genital capsule subquadrangular, apparently cleft in ventral view, left side posteriorly rounded and beset with numerous long setae forming a sensory lobe, right side with a long posteriad prolongation; supragenital bridge heavily sclerotized; left paramere insertion almost ventral, nearly straight, weakly sinuate, gently curved before apex, with two apical small processes apically, one directed ven- trad; right paramere with a small acute process apically; rami of ventral spicule of subequal length, anterior one shorter, posterior one barely longer, both rami approximately of same width, not clubbed at the apex; dorsal spicule denticulate on apical third, about a third the length of ventral spicule.

Female: Similar in coloration and structure to male (fig. 2), but larger and more strongly oval, total length 4.36–5.01. STRUCTURE: GENITALIA: Subgenital plate subrectangular, long, almost reaching posterior margin of sternite VIII, apex broadly truncate (fig. 34); dorsal lobes of interramal sclerites narrow, of medium size (fig. 32); central sclerotized area on posterior wall heavily sclerotized, trapezoidal, not divided transversely, medial posteriorly directed tubercle prominent, bearing numerous small tubercles, dorsal margin of sclerotized area with small denticles (fig. 34); sclerotized rings as in figure 32.

DISTRIBUTION: Hadronema incognitum is restricted to California and Oregon, ranging from the Cascades and Sierra Nevada west to the Coast Range (fig. 36).

HOSTS: Hadronema incognitum has been found mostly associated with Lupinus adsurgens , several unidentified species of Lupinus (Fabaceae) , and Senecio sp. (Asteraceae) . A few specimens were found on Vicia sp. (Fabaceae) . Two specimens associated with Phacelia hastata (Hydrophyllaceae) may be sitting records. Some specimens (e.g., AMNH_PBI 00102745) were also found on Lupinus plants with Meloidae . This is consistent with reports of associations with Meloidae for other species of Hadronema ( Pinto, 1978; Young, 1984a, 1984b).

ETYMOLOGY: The species is named from the Latin adjective ‘‘incognitus’’, meaning not known, and refers to the fact that this new species was unnoticed in collections under ‘‘ H. militare ’’.

DISCUSSION: Hadronema incognitum has been confused in collections with H. militare . It not only shares with H. militare a similar coloration, relative large size, and male genitalic structures, but also similar hostplant associations. Nevertheless, characters on the genital capsule and left paramere (see above) support its status as a new species.

Hadronema incognitum and H. militare do not overlap in their range, although they are both present in Modoc County, California. It is not known if they concur in other peripheral areas of their distributional range. Hadronema militare is widely distributed, whereas H. incognitum is restricted to California and Oregon. This restricted western distribution is similar to what is found for instance in Slaterocoris solidaginis Kelton ( Kelton, 1968) View in CoL , Squamocoris fumosus Stonedahl and Schuh ( Stonedahl and Schuh, 1986) View in CoL , Lopidea marginata Uhler ( Asquith, 1991) View in CoL ( Miridae View in CoL : Orthotylinae ), and several species of Oligotylus ( Schuh, 2000a) View in CoL ( Miridae View in CoL : Phylinae ). Disjunct distributional patterns between sister groups, like H. incognitum and H. militare , are common in Miridae View in CoL , as in the case of Ceratopsallus View in CoL and Bisulcopsallus ( Schuh, 2006) View in CoL .

HOLOTYPE MALE: USA: Oregon: Jackson Co.: Siskiyou Summit on I-5, [42.075 ° N 122.60583 ° W], 1311 m, 04 Jul 1982, G.M. Stonedahl and T.J. Henry, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , Holotype Hadronema incognitum , n. sp. D. Forero (red label), 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00100501) ( AMNH).

PARATYPES: USA: California: Kern Co.: 10–20 mi S of Isabella Lake, 35.42 ° N 118.53 ° W, 28 Apr 1969, J. Schuh, 53 ( AMNH _PBI 00100631– AMNH _PBI 00100635), 5♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00100644– AMNH _PBI 00100648) ( AMNH). 3 mi NE of Havilah, 35.54854 ° N 118.47997 ° W, 15 May 1963, S.W. Earnshaw, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079953) ( UCB). S of Tehachapi on Water Canyon Rd, 35.08017 ° N 118.4954 ° W, 1590 m, 21 May 2004, Schuh, Cassis, Schwartz, Weirauch, Wyniger, Forero, Lupinus adsurgens E. Drew (Fabaceae) , det. A. Sanders UCR 140618, 33 ( AMNH _PBI 00102057– AMNH _PBI 00102059), 4♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00102060– AMNH _PBI 00102063) ( AMNH). Los Angeles Co.: 0.9 mi W of Wrightwood on Rt 2, 34.36083 ° N 117.64826 ° W, 2030 m, 30 Jun 1980, R.T. Schuh, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) with Meloidae , 23 ( AMNH _PBI 00100547, AMNH _PBI 00102745), 15♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00100548– AMNH _PBI 00100561, AMNH _ PBI 00102796) ( AMNH). Mariposa Co. : El Portal, 37.67472 ° N 119.78306 ° W, 18 May 1938, N.A. Olson, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079990) ( UCB). Mariposa County , 37.485 ° N 119.96528 ° W, 23 May 1938, N.A. Olson, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079989), 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00079998) ( UCB). Mendocino Co.: 5 mi N of Branscomb, 39.72589 ° N 123.62444 ° W, 24 May 1976 – 25 May 1976, W. Middlekauff, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00079955) ( UCB). Modoc Co.: Buck Creek Ranger Station, 41.8717 ° N 120.30075 ° W, 08 Jun 1970 – 10 Jun 1970, J. Powell, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079991) ( UCB). Monterey Co.: 1.5 mi SW of Arroyo Seco Guard Station, Horse Bridge, 36.31222 ° N 121.29682 ° W, 396 m, 06 May 1975, J.A. Powell, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079813) ( UCB). Plumas Co.: 4 mi W of Quincy, 39.93694 ° N 121.02152 ° W, 07 Jul 1949, D. Cox, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079954), 4♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00079962– AMNH _PBI 00079965) ( UCB). San Diego Co.: Conservation Camp road, 34.76666 ° N 115.63333 ° W, 367 m, 19 May 1998, J.L. Mottern, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00083464) ( UCR). San Luis Obispo Co.: 10 mi S of Creston, 35.37384 ° N 120.52278 ° W, 01 May 1962, J.A. Powell, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079821) ( UCB). Tulare Co.: 4 mi N of Kaweah, 36.52773 ° N 118.9175 ° W, 13 May 1963, S.W. Earnshaw, 63 ( AMNH _ PBI 00079956– AMNH _PBI 00079961), 3♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00079966– AMNH _PBI 00079968) ( UCB). 8 mi SE of Fountain Springs, 35.80902 ° N 118.81344 ° W, 28 Mar 1974, J.D. Pinto, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00083461) ( UCR). Woodlake, 36.41361 ° N 119.09778 ° W, 24 Apr 1932, E.P. Van Duzee, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00106625) ( USNM). Tuolumne Co.: Mather, 37.88214 ° N 119.8557 ° W, 1378 m, 04 Jul 1932, E.C. Zimmerman, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00106643), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00106644, AMNH _PBI 00106645) ( USNM). Near Mather, 37.88214 ° N 119.8557 ° W, 21 Jul 1928, R.L. Usinger, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079988), 6♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00079992– AMNH _PBI 00079997) ( UCB); 10 Jul 1930 – 31 Jul 1930, E. Zimmermann, 83 ( AMNH _PBI 00079969– AMNH _PBI 00079976), 11♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00079977– AMNH _PBI 00079987) ( UCB). Oregon: Jackson Co.: 0.5 mi E of Pinehurst, 42.11778 ° N 122.35525 ° W, 1082 m, 27 Jun 1979, M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 73 ( AMNH _PBI 00100602– AMNH _PBI 00100607, AMNH _PBI 00102747), 10♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00100619– AMNH _PBI 00100628) ( AMNH). 0.5 mi S of Siskiyou Summit on Old Rt 99, Old Siskiyou Rd, 42.06777 ° N 122.60583 ° W, 1346 m, 26 Jun 1979, R.T. and Joe Schuh, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 103 ( AMNH _PBI 00100511– AMNH _PBI 00100520), 26♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00100521– AMNH _PBI 00100546) ( AMNH); 27 Jun 1979, R.T. and Joe Schuh, 43 ( AMNH _PBI 00100637– AMNH _PBI 00100640), 6♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00100649– AMNH _PBI 00100654) ( AMNH). Shady Cove, 42.61068 ° N 122.8125 ° W, 427 m, 23 Jun 1977, J. Schuh, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00100630), 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00100643) ( AMNH). Siskiyou Summit on I-5, 42.075 ° N 122.60583 ° W, 1311 m, 04 Jul 1982, G.M. Stonedahl and T.J. Henry, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 113 ( AMNH _PBI 00100495– AMNH _PBI 00100500, AMNH_ PBI 00100502– AMNH _PBI 00100506), 4♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00100507– AMNH _PBI 00100510) ( AMNH); 05 Jul 1982, T.J. Henry and G.M. Stonedahl, Vicia sp. (Fabacaeae) , 63 ( AMNH _ PBI 00165776– AMNH _PBI 00165781), 6♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00165784– AMNH _PBI 00165789); Phacelia hastata (Hydrophyllaceae) , 23 ( AMNH _PBI 00165782, AMNH _PBI 00165783) ( USNM). Siskiyou Summit, Old Road, 42.075 ° N 122.60583 ° W, 1260 m, 22 Jul 1999, Schwartz, Gillespie, Quiring, 43 ( AMNH _PBI 00103876– AMNH _PBI 00103879), 12♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00103880– AMNH _PBI 00103891) ( CNC). Siskiyou Summit, Old Siskiyou Hwy and Frontage Rd, 42.075 ° N 122.60583 ° W, 1314 m, 01 Jul 1994, M.D. Schwartz, 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00103843) Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 243 ( AMNH _PBI 00103804– AMNH _PBI 00103827), 10♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00103828– AMNH _PBI 00103837) ( CNC). Just E of Pinehurst, 42.11778 ° N 122.365 ° W, 1340 m, 27 Jun 1979, R.T. and Joe Schuh, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00100629), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00100641, AMNH _PBI 00100642) ( AMNH). Lake Co.: Summer Lake, 42.82786 ° N 120.79559 ° W, 16 Aug 1939, J. Schuh, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00100636) ( AMNH). Linn Co.: 1 mi N Frissel Point, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, 44.27127 ° N 122.20091 ° W, 28 Jul 1981, G. Stonedahl, Senecio sp. (Asteraceae) , 163 ( AMNH _PBI 00100562– AMNH _PBI 00100572, AMNH_PBI 00100608– AMNH _PBI 00100612), 34♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00100573– AMNH _PBI 00100600, AMNH_ PBI 00100613– AMNH _PBI 00100618); Senecio sp. (Asteraceae) , 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00102746) ( AMNH).


American Museum of Natural History


University of California at Berkeley


University of California


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Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes














Hadronema incognitum

Forero, D. 2008

Hadronema incognitum

Forero 2008

H. incognitum

Forero 2008

H. incognitum

Forero 2008


Schuh 2006

Lopidea marginata Uhler ( Asquith, 1991 )

Uhler (Asquith 1991

Squamocoris fumosus Stonedahl and Schuh ( Stonedahl and Schuh, 1986 )

Stonedahl and Schuh (Stonedahl and Schuh 1986

Slaterocoris solidaginis Kelton ( Kelton, 1968 )

Kelton (Kelton 1968


Van Duzee 1916


Douglas & Scott 1865
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