Hadronema breviatum Knight

Forero, D., 2008, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Hadronema Group (Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), With Descriptions Of New Genera And New Species, And Comments On The Neotropical Genus Tupimiris, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (312), pp. 1-172 : 87-90

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Hadronema breviatum Knight


Hadronema breviatum Knight View in CoL Figures 2, 26, 30, 33, 35

Hadronema (Hadronema) breviata Knight, 1928: 177 [n. sp.]; Carvalho, 1958: 68 [catalog].

Hadronema breviatum: Steyskal, 1973: 207 View in CoL [emendation].

Hadronema (Hadronema) breviatum: Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 411 View in CoL [catalog].

Hadronema breviata: Schuh, 1995: 115 [catalog].

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the short antennal segment II, not equal to head width (table 1); the small total length (table 1); the unequal length of the rami of the vesical ventral spicule, with their insertion wide apart (fig. 26, arrows); the longer area of denticles on the dorsal margin of the ventral spicule (fig. 26, arrows); and the rather short dorsal lobes of the interramal sclerites on the posterior wall (fig. 30).

Hadronema breviatum is distinguished from the remaining Hadronema species by the short antennal segment II, which is shorter than head width, the short total body length (table 1), and by the unequal length of the rami with their insertions wide apart (fig. 26). Females of H. pictum may have a shorter antennal segment II relative to head width (table 1), but the ratio of antennal segments II/III is larger than in H. breviatum , and the total body length is larger (table 1). Females of H. simplex have a similar coloration, but H. breviatum specimens are smaller. Association with males will give unambiguous identifications for this species.

REDESCRIPTION: Male: Small, total length 2.60–2.78. COLORATION (fig. 2): Dark brown with pale areas on hemelytra and pronotum. HEAD: Black; clypeus with three longitudinal areas of irregular shiny spots; frons with two longitudinal areas of oblique, irregular, shiny black lines; mandibular and maxillary plates reddish black; black line connecting bases of mandibular and maxillary plates with antennal socket and eye; labrum shiny black; labium darkening distally; antennae dark brown. THORAX: Collar and pronotum dark brown, calli black with shiny areas, posterior margin of pronotum pale; mesoscutum and scutellum black, latter apically whitish; proepisternum black; proepimeron anteriorly black, posteriorly whitish; mesepisternum and mesepimeron black with suture dark; mesothoracic spiracle black; metepisternum reddish brown. Hemelytra: Clavus dark brown; corium pale brown with a central dark brown spot, embolium whitish; cuneus white with inner margin dark brown; membrane brown with veins dark brown. Legs: Black; basal portion of trochanters pale. ABDOMEN: Black, posterior margin of sternites whitish. GENITALIA: Genital capsule black; proctiger pale; parameres brown. STRUCTURE: THORAX: Metepisternum with evaporatory area reduced. Legs: Basal process of profemur weakly bifid, lateral tubercle small. GENITALIA: Genital capsule subtriangular, without sensory lobe, lateroventral projection on right side small, blunt; paramere insertions lateral; left paramere sickle-shaped; right paramere acute apically; ventral spicule with denticles on its distal two-thirds of dorsal margin, rami unequal in length, separated from each other almost by the length of the outermost ramus (fig. 26, arrows); dorsal spicule about a third the length of ventral, barely denticulate apically (fig. 26, arrow).

Female: Coloration and structure similar to male; broader, barely larger (fig. 2), total length 2.83–3.21. STRUCTURE: GENITALIA: Subgenital plate triangular, rounded apically, barely reaching sternite VIII; dorsal lobes of interramal sclerites short and small, with few microtrichia (fig. 30); central sclerotized area of anterior wall small, transversely divided, central tubercle relatively large and well sclerotized, dorsal margin denticulate (fig. 33); dorsal labiate plate with sclerotized rings weakly sclerotized, without accessory sclerites (fig. 30).

DISTRIBUTION: Ranging from Canada (southern Alberta) south to Arizona west of 100th meridian (fig. 35).

HOSTS: One specimen was found on Artemisia tridentata (Asteraceae) and another on an unidentified species of Fabaceae . Young (1984b) listed H. breviatum from California associated with cantharidin traps. I have not been able to examine those specimens to confirm the species identification. No further biological information is known for this taxon.

DISCUSSION: Hadronema breviatum is known only from a few specimens. Although the distribution of this taxon is wide, collecting efforts have failed to produce longer series. The only recorded plant species may not be a true breeding record. The Miridae fauna of A. tridentata is well known (e.g., Schuh, 2004), and it is unlikely that this species has been missed when collecting other Miridae species.

Specimens mentioned by Knight (1928) from Orderville (Utah) were not examined. The locality of one of the paratypes, ‘‘Kaibab Forest, rim of Grand Canyon’’, is in Arizona, not Utah, as listed by Knight (1928). Specimens of H. breviatum mentioned by Carvalho and Afonso (1977) as from Mexico (Jalisco) are in fact H. mexicanum (see below).

HOLOTYPE MALE: USA: Wyoming: Park Co.: Yellowstone National Park , [44.76667 ° N 110.23333 ° W], 20 Jul 1920 – 25 Jul 1920, A.A. Nichol GoogleMaps , Holotype (by H.H. Knight) ‘‘ Hadronema breviatus ’’ (sic), H.H. Knight coll. 1976, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00070385 View Materials ) ( USNM) .

PARATYPES: USA: Arizona: Coconino Co.: Kaibab Point, 36.1984 ° N 112.05274 ° W, 25 Aug 1926, A.A. Nichol, 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00103640, AMNH _PBI 00103640) ( CNC). 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00106623) ( USNM). Rim of Grand Canyon, Kaibab Forest, 35.956 ° N 111.966 ° W, 01 Jul 1927, V.M. Tanner, 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00106622, AMNH _PBI 00106624) ( USNM).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: CA- NADA: Alberta: Elkwater, 49.63 ° N 110.2 ° W, 05 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104595, AMNH_PBI 00104596) (CNC). Elkwater Park, 49.63 ° N 110.2 ° W, 13 Jul 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103893) (CNC). Glenwood, 49.36666 ° N 113.51666 ° W, 01 Jul 1939, R.W. Salt, ( Fabaceae ), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104598) (CNC). Irvine, 49.95 ° N 110.26666 ° W, 11 Jun 1952, A.R. Brooks, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104599) (CNC). Manyberries, 49.4 ° N 110.7 ° W, 03 Jun 1952, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103892) (CNC). Onefour, 49.06666 ° N 110.45 ° W, 14 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104597) (CNC). USA: Nevada: Eureka Co.: Garden Summit on Rt 278, 23.5 mi N of Eureka at Rt 50, 39.84109 ° N 116.16276 ° W, 1981 m, 27 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Artemisia tridentata (Asteraceae) , 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00101160) (AMNH). South Dakota: Haakon Co.: Philip, 44.03943 ° N 101.6651 ° W, 660 m, 23 Jun 1923, H.C. Severin, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00107028) (USNM). Washington: Yakima Co.: Mount Adams, 46.22037 ° N 121.4687 ° W, 03 Aug 1930, A.R. Rolfs, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106759) (USNM).


American Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes














Hadronema breviatum Knight

Forero, D. 2008

Hadronema breviata:

Schuh, R. T. 1995: 115

Hadronema (Hadronema) breviatum: Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 411

Henry, T. J. & A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988: 411

Hadronema breviatum:

Steyskal, G. 1973: 207

Hadronema (Hadronema) breviata

Carvalho, J. C. M. 1958: 68
Knight, H. H. 1928: 177
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