Hadronema militare Uhler

Forero, D., 2008, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Hadronema Group (Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), With Descriptions Of New Genera And New Species, And Comments On The Neotropical Genus Tupimiris, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (312), pp. 1-172 : 98-112

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Hadronema militare Uhler


Hadronema militare Uhler View in CoL Figures 2, 24, 25, 29, 32, 34, 36

Hadronema militaris Uhler, 1872: 412 [n. sp.]; Uhler, 1886: 18 [list, distribution]; Townsend, 1891: 54 [list]; Townsend, 1892: 193 [distribution]; Cockerell, 1893: 363 [list, distribution]; Uhler, 1895: 31 [distribution]; Crevecoeur, 1905: 233 [list, distribution]; Tucker, 1907: 60 [list]; Van Duzee, 1917: 385 [catalog]; Gibson, 1918: 82 [key, note]; Knight, 1918: pl. 1 [fig. claw]; Knight, 1923: 501 [diagnosis, distribution, host]; Knight, 1925: 182 [list]; Blatchley, 1926: 844 [diagnosis, distribution, host]; Kelton, 1959: 30 [male genitalia]; Kelton, 1980: 228 [diagnosis, host, distribution]; Schuh, 1995: 115 [catalog].

Oncotylus militaris: Uhler, 1872: 471 [list].

Hadronema (Hadronema) militaris: Knight, 1928: 177 [subgeneric placement, distribution, key].

Hadronema militare: Knight, 1941: 84 View in CoL [distribution]; Froeschner, 1949: 139, 167 [key, list, distribution]; Carvalho, 1958: 69 [catalog]; Steyskal, 1973: 204 [emendation]; Maw et al., 2000: 117 [list].

Hadronema (Hadronema) militare: Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 411 View in CoL [catalog].

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the relatively large size (table 1); the metathoracic scentgland evaporatory area strongly reduced; the genital capsule subquadrangular, with the lateral right prolongation long (fig. 29, arrow); the insertion of left paramere on the genital capsule almost ventral, appearing cleft in ventral view (fig. 24C–E); the left paramere weakly curved, abruptly and strongly curved before the apex, forming an apical notch (fig. 29, arrow); and the subgenital plate of females long, truncate apically, nearly reaching apex of eighth sternum (fig. 34).

Hadronema militare is most similar to H. incognitum in size, structure, and coloration. It can be distinguished from the latter by the apically strongly notched left paramere (fig. 29, arrow), which is gently curved apically in H. incognitum (fig. 29, arrow); the blunt apex of the right paramere (fig. 29, arrow), which is rather acute in H. incognitum (fig. 29, arrow); the relative length of the lateral right process of the genital capsule, which is barely shorter and nearly truncate in H. militare (fig. 29, arrow), and longer and rounded in H. incognitum (fig. 29, arrow); and by having the longest ramus of the ventral spicule clubbed apically (fig. 29, arrow), which is not clubbed in H. incognitum (fig. 29, arrow). Other Hadronema species may resemble H. militare in coloration, but only H. breviatum , H. incognitum , and H. simplex share a reduced evaporatory area on the metepisternum. Hadronema militare can be further separated from H. breviatum and H. simplex due to the shape of the genital capsule, which is subtriangular in these two species but subquadrangular in H. militare , and by the overall larger size of the latter. As with other species of Hadronema , females are difficult to identify if they are not associated with males. Nevertheless, unassociated females may be assigned to either H. militare or H. incognitum due to the elongate and truncate subgenital plate. All females of other species of Hadronema share a shorter and roundly acute subgenital plate.

REDESCRIPTION: Male: Large, total length 4.31–4.45. COLORATION: Black with red and whitish markings (fig. 2). HEAD: Black, clypeus with two lateral and one basal longitudinal irregular shiny black markings; frons with two longitudinal areas of irregular oblique shiny black lines; two shiny black areas in front of ocular ridge next to eyes; suture between mandibular and maxillary plates shiny black, apex of plates weakly reddish black; labrum black, shiny; labium black, segments III–IV shiny black; antennae pitch black. THORAX: Collar black; pronotum black, anterior margin reddish black; calli black with scattered irregular shiny areas; posterior lobe mostly black, fading to red orange posteriorly, posterior margin whitish; mesoscutum reddish black; scutellum black, apically weakly pale; proepisternum black; proepimeron with anterior half reddish black, posterior half reddish orange, ventroposterior margin pale; mesepisternum and mesepimeron black, central area reddish black; metepisternum black, weakly reddish black on margins; sternum black. Hemelytra: Clavus black; corium mostly black, costal margin and adjacent area white; cuneus mostly white; area between corium and membrane shiny black; membrane fuscous, veins dark brown. Legs: Black, membrane of femur-tibia articulation weakly orange. AB- DOMEN: Black, membrane on dorsal margin of sternites orange, posterior margin whitish. GENITALIA: Genital capsule black; proctiger bright orange, ventral surface brown; left paramere brownish black, apically pale orange; right paramere brown. STRUC- TURE: THORAX: Metepisternum with evaporatory area strongly reduced, peritreme greatly enlarged (fig. 24B). Legs: Profemur with basal process large, bifid (fig. 25D). GENITALIA: Genital capsule subquadrangular, appearing cleft in ventral view (fig. 24C–E), left side posteriorly rounded and beset with numerous long setae forming a sensory lobe (fig. 24C); right side with a long posteriad prolongation (fig. 29, arrow); supragenital bridge heavily sclerotized; left paramere insertion almost ventral, weakly curved, strongly notched before apex, with two apical small processes apically, one directed ventrad (fig. 29, arrow); right paramere usually blunt at apex, not acuminate; rami subequal in length, anterior one shorter, posterior one barely longer; longer ramus a little greater in diameter and clubbed apically; dorsal spicule about a third the length of ventral spicule, denticulate apically (fig. 29).

Female: Similar in coloration and structure to male (fig. 2), but larger and more strongly oval, total length 5.02–5.22. STRUCTURE: GENITALIA: Subgenital plate subrectangular, long, almost reaching posterior margin of sternite VIII, apex truncate (fig. 34); dorsal lobes of interramal sclerites wide (fig. 32); central sclerotized area of posterior wall heavily sclerotized, trapezoidal, not divided transversely, medial posteriorly directed tubercle prominent, not bearing numerous small tubercles, dorsal margin with a very small tubercle, sometimes almost nonexistent (fig. 34); sclerotized rings as in figure 32.

DISTRIBUTION: Hadronema militare is broadly distributed in North America, ranging from the Sierra Nevada east to New York state and north into Canada, with records absent from the Great Plains (fig. 36). Published records from California for H. militare should be considered with caution because H. incognitum is the species mainly represented in the area. Crevecoeur (1905) recorded H. militare from Kansas (‘‘ 5 mi NE of Onaga’’). I have not examined any specimen from Kansas to confirm his observation. Nonetheless, if true, this locality will be situated in the middle of the Great Plains, filling the gap between the western and eastern distributions for H. militare . Knight (1923) and Blatchley (1926) recorded H. militare from the eastern United States. Specimens examined agree with their observation of having only this species of Hadronema in the East.

HOSTS: Hadronema militare has been associated chiefly with species of Lupinus and other Fabaceae . Knight (1923) recorded H. militare from Baptisia tinctoria, Blatchley (1926) from B. alba var. macrophylla (as Baptisia leucantha ), and Kelton (1980) from Thermopsis rhombifolia (Fabaceae) . Label data for the material examined show that H. militare has been frequently collected on Lupinus albifrons , L. argenteus , L. perennis , and mostly on unidentified species of Lupinus . Other Fabaceae include Oxytropis lambertii , ‘‘ Psoralea ’’ sp., and Vicia sp. Some specimens were found on Penstemon strictiformis (Scrophulariaceae) , probably a misidentified host due to sweep collecting. The specimens collected on Picea sp. (Pinaceae) , Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Sarcobataceae) , and Solidago sp. (Asteraceae) are apparently sitting records.

Hadronema militare has been associated with the meloids Lytta nutalli Say and L.

viridana LeConte ( Young, 1984a, and references therein). Some of the host plant records for H. militare may be in fact hosts for species of Lytta View in CoL (e.g., L. nutalli on Thermopsis montana View in CoL and Vicia americana View in CoL , and L. viridana on species of Astragalus View in CoL [as Cnemidophacos View in CoL and Diholcos, Selander, 1960 View in CoL ]).

DISCUSSION: A female in the USNM is labeled as the ‘‘type’’ of H. militare . Nevertheless, a lectotype designation has never been formally made, and this female may have been designated merely for curatorial purposes. A male found in the USNM bears two labels of ‘‘ Oncotylus militaris ’’, an early designation for this taxon (see list of species in Uhler, 1872: 471). In this specimen are preserved the vestiture, antennae, and left foreleg and middle right one. All the other legs are missing. The genital capsule bears all the setae, and the preapical notch is clearly evident on the left paramere. The character on the left paramere allows for separation from H. incognitum . All these characters help unambiguously identify this specimen as H. militare , and I therefore designate it as the lectotype for this species.

LECTOTYPE MALE (here designated): [ USA: Colorado: Weld Co.: Weld County, 40.63333 ° N 104.53333 ° W], ‘‘col. june,’’ P.R. Uhler collection, ‘‘ Oncotylus ? militaris Uhler Weld Co. Colorado,’’ ‘‘ Oncotylus ? militaris Uhler Weld Co. Colorado’’ det. Uhler, Lectotype Hadronema militaris Uhler, 1872 desig. by D. Forero (red label), 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00070386) (USNM).

PARALECTOTYPES: USA: Colorado: Unknown Co.: Unknown locality, Type No. 1121 U.S.N.M., 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00160641) (USNM); ‘‘col. june,’’ P.R. Uhler collection, ‘‘ Oncotylus ? militaris Uhler’’, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00106655) (USNM); unknown locality, P.R. Uhler collection, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106656) (USNM). Utah: Weber Co.: Ogden, 41.22306 ° N 111.97306 ° W, C.V. Riley, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106670) (USNM).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: CA- NADA: Alberta: 18 km E of Stavely, 50.17139 ° N 113.38153 ° W, 26 Jun 1989, C. and A. von Nidek, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00190051), 10♀ (AMNH_PBI 00190052, AMNH_PBI 00190053, AMNH_PBI 00190064, AMNH_PBI 00190066, AMNH_PBI 00190067, AMNH_PBI 00190075–AMNH_PBI 00190079) (ZMAN). Brooks, 50.56666 ° N 111.9 ° W, 13 Jun 1957, Brooks and McNay, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104411, AMNH_PBI 00104412), 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104413, AMNH_PBI 00104414) (CNC). Calgary, 51.08333 ° N 114.08333 ° W, 25 Jun 1974 – 29 Jun 1974, C. von Nidek, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00190061), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00190060, AMNH_ PBI 00190062) (ZMAN); 21 Jun 1972 – 23 Jun 1972, C. von Nidek, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00190073), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00190070–AMNH_PBI 00190072) (ZMAN). Clarinda, 49.09566 ° N 111.74316 ° W, 960 m, 15 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104514) (CNC). Clear Prairie, 56.56666 ° N 119.51666 ° W, 16 Jun 1961, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104516) (CNC). Coutts, 49 ° N 111.95 ° W, 15 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104419, AMNH_PBI 00104420) (CNC); 15 Jun 1952, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104421), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104422–AMNH_PBI 00104424) (CNC). Crossfield, 51.4333 ° N 114.03329 ° W, 22 Jun 1981, C. von Nidek, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00190068) (ZMAN). Cypress Hills Provincial Park, 49.66666 ° N 109.51666 ° W, 16 Jul 1973, G.S. Jamieson, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104518), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104519) (CNC). Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Top Road, 1.2 km E of Spruce Coulee, 49.63 ° N 110.2 ° W, 1433 m, 15 Jul 1990, M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus argenteus Pursh (Fabaceae) , 243 (AMNH_PBI 00103645–AMNH_ PBI 00103668), 24♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103669– AMNH_PBI 00103692) (CNC). Cypress Hills Provincial Park, summit (E/W) road near Route 41, 49.66222 ° N 110.27277 ° W, 03 Sep 1993, M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus argenteus Pursh. (Fabaceae) , 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104589) (CNC). Elkwater, 49.63 ° N 110.2 ° W, 13 Jun 1951, L.A. Konotopetz, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104347) (CNC); 06 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104397) (CNC). Empress, 50.96666 ° N 110.01666 ° W, 07 Jun 1957, A.R. Brooks, Macnay, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104515) (CNC). Fort Macleod, 49.7167 ° N 113.4167 ° W, 20 Jun 1987 – 21 Jun 1987, C. and A. von Nidek, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00190065) (ZMAN). Lethbridge, 49.7 ° N 112.83333 ° W, 20 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104512) (CNC); 07 Jul 1932, R.M. White, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104449, AMNH_PBI 00104450) (CNC); 18 Jun 1929 – 11 Jul 1929, J.H. Pepper, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104441, AMNH_PBI 00104442) (CNC); 04 Jun 1930, J.H. Pepper, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104443) (CNC); 18 Jun 1941, R.W. Salt, 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104451–AMNH_PBI 00104454) (CNC); 06 Jul 1925, H.E. Gray, 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104455–AMNH_PBI 00104457) (CNC); 18 Jun 1923, H.E. Gray, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104468) (CNC); 25 Jun 1922, W. Carter, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104498) (CNC); 25 Jun 1922, H.L. Seamans, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104502) (CNC); 09 Jun 1923, H.L. Seamans, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104503) (CNC); 06 Jul 1959, J.B. Wallis, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104513) (CNC); 18 Jun 1950, B.P. Beirne, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00104348–AMNH_PBI 00104350), 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104361, AMNH_PBI 00104362) (CNC). Lethbridge, experimental farm, 49.7 ° N 112.83333 ° W, 07 Jun 1923, H.L. Seamans, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104508), 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104509) (CNC). Manyberries, 49.4 ° N 110.7 ° W, 04 Jun 1952, A.R. Brooks, Thermopsis sp. (Fabaceae) , 33 (AMNH_PBI 00104385–AMNH_PBI 00104387), 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104391), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104388– AMNH_PBI 00104390) (CNC); 04 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, Thermopsis sp. (Fabaceae) , 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104392, AMNH_PBI 00104393), 53 (AMNH_PBI 00104380–AMNH_ PBI 00104384), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104394– AMNH_PBI 00104396) (CNC). Medicine Hat, 50.03333 ° N 110.68333 ° W, 14 Jun 1930, J.H. Pepper, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104499, AMNH_PBI 00104500) (CNC); 12 Jun 1930, F.S. Carr, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103641) (CNC); 11 Jun 1929, J.H. Pepper, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104489, AMNH_PBI 00104490) (CNC); 14 Jun 1930 – 16 Jun 1930, J.H. Pepper, 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104491–AMNH_PBI 00104494) (CNC); 02 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, Vicia sp. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104399), 6♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104402–AMNH_PBI 00104404, AMNH_ PBI 00104408–AMNH_PBI 00104410), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104496) (CNC); 12 Jun 1926, F.S. Carr, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104495, AMNH_ PBI 00104497) (CNC); 02 Jun 1952, A.R. Brooks, Vicia sp. (Fabaceae) , 5♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104400, AMNH_PBI 00104401, AMNH_ PBI 00104405–AMNH_PBI 00104407) (CNC). Medicine Hat, Ross creek, 50.03333 ° N 110.68333 ° W, 13 Jul 1929, J.H. Pepper, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104501) (CNC). Morrin, 51.66666 ° N 112.76666 ° W, 14 Jun 1929, G.F. Manson, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104444), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104469) (CNC). Onefour, 49.06666 ° N 110.45 ° W, 14 Jun 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104417, AMNH_PBI 00104418) (CNC); 14 Jun 1952, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104415), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104416) (CNC). Pincher Creek, Beauvais Lake, 49.55 ° N 113.7667 ° W, 14 Jun 1987 – 16 Jun 1987, C. and A. von Nidek, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00190074) (ZMAN). Rycroft, 55.76666 ° N 118.71666 ° W, 21 Jun 1961, A. R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104446) (CNC). Standard, 51.11666 ° N 112.98333 ° W, 05 Jun 1926, H. L. Seamans, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104504), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104505) (CNC). Waterton Lakes National Park, 49.05 ° N 113.9 ° W, 04 Jul 1923, J. McDunnough, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104507, AMNH_PBI 00104517) (CNC); 04 Jun 1970 – 06 Jun 1970, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105194) (CNC). Waterton Park, 49.05 ° N 113.91666 ° W, 26 Jul 1972, L.A. Kelton, 43 (AMNH_PBI 00104370–AMNH_ PBI 00104373), 6♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104374– AMNH_PBI 00104379) (CNC); 04 Jul 1970 – 06 Jul 1970, L.A. Kelton, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00104357–AMNH_PBI 00104359), 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104369) (CNC); 14 Jul 1923, E.H. Strickland, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104506) (CNC). British Columbia : 10 mi S of Merritt, 49.97209 ° N 120.78333 ° W, 19 Jul 1959, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104150), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104159, AMNH_PBI 00104160) (CNC). Aspen Grove, 49.88333 ° N 120.63333 ° W, 10 Jul 1975, L.A. Kelton, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104032, AMNH_PBI 00104033), 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104040, AMNH_PBI 00104041) (CNC). Cecil Lake, 56.3 ° N 120.58333 ° W, 15 Jun 1961, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104447), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104487) (CNC). Keremeos, 49.2 ° N 119.81666 ° W, 19 Jun 1923, C.B. Garrett, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104152), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104154) (CNC). Merritt, 50.11666 ° N 120.78333 ° W, 19 Jul 1959, L.A. Kelton, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104155) (CNC). Oliver, 49.18333 ° N 119.55 ° W, 02 Jul 1975, L.A. Kelton, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104031), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104038) (CNC); 17 May 1959, R.E. Leach, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104039) (CNC). Oliver, Madden Lake, 49.18333 ° N 119.55 ° W, 03 Jul 1959, L.A. Kelton, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104161–AMNH_PBI 00104167) (CNC). Oliver, McIntyre Creek, 49.18333 ° N 119.55 ° W, 27 May 1959, R.E. Leech, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104158) (CNC); 04 Jul 1959, L.A. Kelton, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104144, AMNH_PBI 00104145), 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104156, AMNH_PBI 00104157) (CNC); 03 Jul 1959, L.A. Kelton, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00104146–AMNH_PBI 00104148) (CNC). Oliver, White Lake, 49.18333 ° N 119.55 ° W, 23 May 1959, E.E. MacDougall, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104112, AMNH_ PBI 00104113), 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104050) (CNC); 27 May 1959, E.E. MacDougall, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104051) (CNC); 29 Jun 1959, L.A. Kelton, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 173 (AMNH_PBI 00104052–AMNH_PBI 00104068), 30♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104080–AMNH_PBI 00104109) (CNC); 28 May 1959, R.E. Leech, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104111) (CNC); 25 May 1959, R.E. Leech, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104110) (CNC); 10 Jun 1959, L.A. Kelton, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104130–AMNH_PBI 00104132) (CNC). Osoyoos, 49.03333 ° N 119.46666 ° W, 1067 m, 14 Jul 1953, J.R. McGillis, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104069, AMNH_PBI 00104070), 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104116, AMNH_PBI 00104133) (CNC); 25 Jun 1953, J.R. McGillis, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104114) (CNC); 03 Jul 1953, J.R. McGillis, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104115) (CNC). Osoyoos, Anarchist Mountain, 49.03333 ° N 119.33333 ° W, 13 Jul 1970, L.A. Kelton, 43 (AMNH_PBI 00104071– AMNH_PBI 00104074), 10♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104120–AMNH_PBI 00104129) (CNC); 07 Jun 1959, R. Madge, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104075, AMNH_PBI 00104076) (CNC); 06 Jul 1959, R. Madge, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104077, AMNH_PBI 00104078), 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104134, AMNH_PBI 00104135) (CNC); 05 Jul 1959, R.B. Madge, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104079), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104117–AMNH_ PBI 00104119) (CNC). Quilchena-Pennask Lake road, km 7.1, 50.13055 ° N 120.39 ° W, 29 Jun 2001, G.G.E. Scudder, 123 (AMNH_PBI 00104034– AMNH_PBI 00104037, AMNH_PBI 00104042– AMNH_PBI 00104049) (CNC). Richter Pass, Osoyoos, 49.06666 ° N 119.58333 ° W, 24 May 1959, L.A. Kelton, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104153), 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00104151) (CNC). Rock Creek, 49.05 ° N 119.1 ° W, 07 Jun 1959, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104136), 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104168–AMNH_PBI 00104174) (CNC); 07 Jun 1959, E.E. MacDougall, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00104137), 15♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104182– AMNH_PBI 00104196) (CNC); 07 Jun 1959, R.B. Madge, 63 (AMNH_PBI 00104138– AMNH_PBI 00104143), 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104175–AMNH_PBI 00104181) (CNC). Vernon, 50.26666 ° N 119.26666 ° W, 15 Jun 1937, D.B. Waddell, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104149) (CNC). Ontario: Belle River, 42.3 ° N 82.71666 ° W, 07 Jun 1961, L.A. Kelton, G. Brumpton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103735) (CNC). Grand Bend, 49.86666 ° N 88.66666 ° W, 15 Jun 1962, Kelton and Thorpe, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 63 (AMNH_ PBI 00103736–AMNH_PBI 00103741), 6♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103742–AMNH_PBI 00103747) (CNC). Ojibway, 44.88333 ° N 79.86666 ° W, 06 Jun 1961 – 07 Jun 1961, L.A. Kelton, G. Brumpton, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 103 (AMNH_ PBI 00103725–AMNH_PBI 00103734), 6♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103748–AMNH_PBI 00103753) (CNC). Saskatchewan: Cypress Hills, 49.58333 ° N 109.83333 ° W, 28 May 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104360) (CNC). Elbow, 51.11666 ° N 106.6 ° W, 17 Jun 1960, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104448), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104486) (CNC); 01 Aug 1951, A.R. Brooks, 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104470– AMNH_PBI 00104476) (CNC); 01 Aug 1951, L.A. Konotopetz, 8♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104477– AMNH_PBI 00104484) (CNC); 03 Jun 1960, A.R. Brooks, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104485) (CNC). Great Sand Hills, 50.5 ° N 109.08333 ° W, 04 Jul 1952, L.A. Konotopetz, Psoralea sp. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104511) (CNC). Hepburn, 52.51666 ° N 106.73333 ° W, 26 Jun 1923, K.M. King, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104510) (CNC). Krydor, 52.78333 ° N 107.06666 ° W, 08 Jul 1950, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104445), 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104488) (CNC). Mortlach, 50.45 ° N 106.06666 ° W, 20 Jun 1954, Brooks and Wallis, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104425, AMNH_ PBI 00104426) (CNC). Saint Victor, 49.43305 ° N 105.86666 ° W, 28 Jun 1955, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104354), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104398) (CNC); 25 Jun 1955, A.R. Brooks, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104351, AMNH_PBI 00104352), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104364– AMNH_PBI 00104366) (CNC). Saskatoon, 52.13333 ° N 106.66666 ° W, 26 Jun 1951, L.A. Konotopetz, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104427, AMNH_PBI 00104428) (CNC); 05 Jul 1950, A.R. Brooks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104430) (CNC); 10 Jun 1949, L. A. Konotopetz, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104429), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104434, AMNH_PBI 00104435, AMNH_PBI 00104463, AMNH_PBI 00104464) (CNC); 26 Jun 1951, L.A. Konotopetz, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00104432), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104439, AMNH_PBI 00104440, AMNH_PBI 00104465) (CNC); 21 Jun 1949, L.A. Konotopetz, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104436) (CNC); 21 Jul 1950, A.R. Brooks, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104437, AMNH_PBI 00104460) (CNC); 30 Jun 1950, A.R. Brooks, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104438) (CNC); 05 Jul 1949, A.R. Brooks, 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104458, AMNH_PBI 00104459) (CNC); 26 Jun 1950, A.R. Brooks, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104461) (CNC); 10 Jun 1949, A.R. Brooks, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104462) (CNC); 13 Jun 1949, L.A. Konotopetz, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104466, AMNH_PBI 00104467) (CNC). Willows, 49.6 ° N 105.85 ° W, 19 Jun 1955, A.R. Brooks, 33 (AMNH_ PBI 00104353, AMNH_PBI 00104355, AMNH_ PBI 00104356), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104363, AMNH_PBI 00104367, AMNH_PBI 00104368) (CNC); 24 Jun 1955, A.R. Brooks, 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104433) (CNC). USA: Arizona: Apache Co. : White Mountains, near McNary, 33.91056 ° N 109.58444 ° W, 29 May 1932, D.K. Duncan, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00106638– AMNH_PBI 00106642) (USNM); 08 Jul 1940, Gertsch and Hook, 33 (AMNH_ PBI 00101115–AMNH_PBI 00101117), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101122, AMNH_PBI 00101327– AMNH_PBI 00101329) (AMNH). Cochise Co. : Sierra Vista , 31.554 ° N 110.303 ° W, 01 Oct 1967 – 31 Oct 1967, R.F. Sternitzky, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103723) (CNC). Coconino Co.: 17 mi NW of Flagstaff, 35.37 ° N 111.79 ° W, 13 Aug 1975, J.C. Schaffner, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00105631–AMNH_PBI 00105634, AMNH_PBI 00106297), 31♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105639–AMNH_PBI 00105669) (TAMU). Flagstaff, San Francisco Mountains, 33.68333 ° N 109.05 ° W, 2621 m, 13 Aug 1934, F.E. Lutz, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00100780) (AMNH). Lees Cabin, 36.86748 ° N 111.5951 ° W, O. Heidemann, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00125445, AMNH_PBI 00125446) (CUIC). San Francisco Mountains, Coconino National Forest, 35.99444 ° N 112.1975 ° W, 2941 m, 14 Jul 1968, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00103721) (CNC). Williams, 35.24944 ° N 112.19028 ° W, H.S. Barber, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00106682–AMNH_PBI 00106684), 3♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00106691–AMNH_PBI 00106693) (USNM). Navajo Co.: 15–20 mi SW of Show Low, 34.04972 ° N 110.27592 ° W, 1707 m, 30 May 1983, Schuh, Stonedahl, and Massie, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 73 (AMNH_PBI 00101104– AMNH_PBI 00101110), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101118) (AMNH). 2 mi S of Pinedale, Lewis Canyon Campground, 34.27858 ° N 110.25083 ° W, 2042 m, 30 May 1983, R.T. Schuh and G.M. Stonedahl, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 73 (AMNH_PBI 00100930– AMNH_PBI 00100933, AMNH_PBI 00101111– AMNH_PBI 00101113), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101121) (AMNH). California: Alpine Co.: Hope Valley, 38.77694 ° N 119.93277 ° W, 18 Jul 1948, R.C. Bynum, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00079894) (UCB). El Dorado Co.: Angora Peak, 38.86722 ° N 120.07277 ° W, 2629 m, 12 Jul 1931, E.O. Essig, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00079814) (UCB). Echo Lake, 38.83389 ° N 120.04056 ° W, 23 Jul 1933, E.C. Zimmerman, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106678) (USNM). Half Moon Lake, Tahoe, 38.89629 ° N 120.1382 ° W, 2482 m, 23 Jul 1915, E.P. Van Duzee, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00079815) (UCB). Inyo Co. : 5 mi S of Crooked Creek Naval Research Station, White Mountains, 37.34222 ° N 118.00333 ° W, 3048 m, 07 Jul 1966, C.W. O’Brien, 113 (AMNH_PBI 00079895–AMNH_ PBI 00079899, AMNH_PBI 00079906–AMNH_ PBI 00079911), 6♀ (AMNH_PBI 00079900– AMNH_PBI 00079905) (UCB). Modoc Co.: 5 mi SE of Fort Bidwell, Surprise Valley Dunes, 41.80944 ° N 120.0817 ° W, 09 Jun 1970, P. Opler, Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Sarcobataceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00079893) (UCB). Mono Co.: Blanco’s Corral, White Mts., 37.81888 ° N 118.47638 ° W, 3048 m, 19 Jul 1953, D.D. Linsdale, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00079889), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00079890– AMNH_PBI 00079892) (UCB). Crooked Creek Naval Res. Station, White Mountains, 37.58583 ° N 118.71306 ° W, 3048 m, 07 Jul 1966, L. and C.W. O’Brien, 143 (AMNH_ PBI 00079841–AMNH_PBI 00079854) (UCB); 04 Aug 1966, L. and C.W. O’Brien, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00079818), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00079819) (UCB). Colorado: Archuleta Co.: 17 mi SE of Pagosa Springs, 37.09 ° N 106.79 ° W, 18 Jun 1972, G.C. Gaumer, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105630), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105635–AMNH_PBI 00105638) (TAMU). Pagosa Springs, 37.26944 ° N 107.00917 ° W, 2195 m, 22 Jul 1968, L.A. Kelton, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00103718, AMNH_PBI 00103719), 9♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104301–AMNH_PBI 00104309) (CNC). Pagosa Springs, F4363, 37.46666 ° N 106.95 ° W, 2286 m, collector unknown, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101326) (AMNH). Rt 160, 5 mi N of Pagosa Springs, 37.34172 ° N 107.00917 ° W, 27 Jun 1980, K. and R. Schmidt, Penstemon strictiformis Rydb. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. N.H. Holmgren 1980, 133 (AMNH_ PBI 00101024–AMNH_PBI 00101036), 11♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101054–AMNH_PBI 00101064), 7 nymphs (AMNH_PBI 00101047–AMNH_PBI 00101053) (AMNH). Boulder Co.: 4 mi NW of Boulder, 40.05588 ° N 105.32342 ° W, 2103 m, 08 Jun 1961, B.H. Poole, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104277, AMNH_PBI 00104278) (CNC). 4.5 mi N of Boulder, 40.08103 ° N 105.28145 ° W, 1676 m, 10 Jun 1961, J.R. Stainer, 33 (AMNH_ PBI 00104272–AMNH_PBI 00104274), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104295) (CNC). Boulder, 40.015 ° N 105.27 ° W, 1676 m, 09 Jun 1961, B.H. Poole, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104279, AMNH_PBI 00104280) (CNC); 29 Jun 1932, C.H. Hicks, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00106627, AMNH_PBI 00106628), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106629–AMNH_PBI 00106632) (USNM); 23 May 1932, C.H. Hicks, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00106633, AMNH_ PBI 00106634), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106635) (USNM); 16 May 1932, C.H. Hicks, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00106636, AMNH_PBI 00106637) (USNM); 12 Jun 1961, J.R. Stainer, 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104289, AMNH_PBI 00104290) (CNC); 09 Jun 1961, J.R. Stainer, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104291) (CNC); 05 Jun 1961, J.R. Stainer, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104293) (CNC). Boulder, 40.01498 ° N 105.2705 ° W, 1624 m, 10 Jun 1961, B.H. Poole, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104275, AMNH_ PBI 00104276), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104292, AMNH_PBI 00104294) (CNC). Longs Peak, 40.25472 ° N 105.61583 ° W, 4340 m, 02 Jul 1939, T.D.A. Cockerell, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00070625) (USNM). Nederland, 39.96139 ° N 105.51028 ° W, 29 Jun 1961, J.R. Stainer, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104238) (CNC); 04 Aug 1968, L.A. Kelton, Vicia sp. (Fabaceae) , 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104318) (CNC). Nederland, 39.96138 ° N 105.51083 ° W, 2591 m, 13 Aug 1960, R.K. Dreischback, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106734) (USNM). Nederland, Caribou, 39.98057 ° N 105.57769 ° W, 2652 m, 07 Aug 1961, J.E.R. Stainer, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104234, AMNH_ PBI 00104235) (CNC). Nederland, Science Lodge, 39.96139 ° N 105.51028 ° W, 2896 m, 05 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00104231–AMNH_ PBI 00104233), 6♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104239– AMNH_PBI 00104244) (CNC); 06 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 123(AMNH_PBI 00104211–AMNH_PBI 00104222), 6♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104245–AMNH_ PBI 00104250) (CNC); 29 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 73 (AMNH_PBI 00104224–AMNH_ PBI 00104230), 6♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104251– AMNH_PBI 00104256) (CNC). Nederland, Science Lodge, 39.96138 ° N 105.51083 ° W, 3078 m, 03 Jul 1961, J.E.R. Stainer, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104223) (CNC). Rainbow Lakes, Roosevelt National Forest, 40.01111 ° N 105.57917 ° W, 2987 m, 03 Aug 1968, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103709), 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104314) (CNC). Ward, 40.06666 ° N 105.55 ° W, 2835 m, Aug 1919, collector unknown, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00101123–AMNH_ PBI 00101127), 31♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101129– AMNH_PBI 00101159) (AMNH). Ward, 40.0722 ° N 105.5083 ° W, 2789 m, Aug 1917, T.D.A. Cockerell, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00101128) (AMNH). Ward, Roosevelt National Forest, 40.07222 ° N 105.50778 ° W, 30 Jul 1968, L.A. Kelton, Solidago sp. (Asteraceae) , 33 (AMNH_ PBI 00103706–AMNH_PBI 00103708), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104315–AMNH_PBI 00104317) (CNC). Clear Creek Co.: Chicago Creek, 39.73999 ° N 105.52125 ° W, 2682 m, 05 Aug 1961, B.H. Poole, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104286), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104593) (CNC). Doolittle Ranch, Mount Evans, 39.67528 ° N 105.60056 ° W, 2987 m, 09 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104266, AMNH_PBI 00104267) (CNC); 21 Jul 1961, B.H. Poole, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104197), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104262–AMNH_ PBI 00104264) (CNC); 17 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104198) (CNC); 10 Aug 1961, B.H. Poole, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00104199– AMNH_PBI 00104203), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104268, AMNH_PBI 00104268) (CNC); Jul 1961, B.H. Poole, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00104204– AMNH_PBI 00104208), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104260, AMNH_PBI 00104261) (CNC); 09 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104209) (CNC); 23 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104210), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104270, AMNH_PBI 00104271) (CNC); 25 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104265) (CNC); 14 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104269) (CNC). Echo L. 10, Mount Evans, 39.65832 ° N 105.60333 ° W, 183 m, 13 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104319) (CNC). Mount Evans, 39.58 ° N 105.6 ° W, 3962 m, 04 Jul 1961, C.H. Mann, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104312, AMNH_PBI 00104313) (CNC). Mount Evans, marshy clearing, 39.58859 ° N 105.64333 ° W, 3444 m, 10 Aug 1961, J.G. Chillcott, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104285) (CNC). Squaw Pass Road, 39.67917 ° N 105.47306 ° W, 21 Aug 1982, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065371) (JTP). Timberline, II, Mt. Evans, 39.58859 ° N 105.64333 ° W, 183 m, 22 Jul 1961, S.M. Clark, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103710) (CNC). Costilla Co.: Veta Pass, 37.48528 ° N 105.17444 ° W, 09 Aug 1925, H.H. Knight, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106701), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106722) (USNM). Denver Co.: Denver, 39.73917 ° N 104.98417 ° W, 01 Jul 1922, Stoner, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00070621) (USNM); 29 May 1976, J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00064957) (JTP). Denver, 39.73917 ° N 104.98417 ° W, N. Banks, 43 (AMNH_PBI 00100774–AMNH_PBI 00100777), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100785–AMNH_PBI 00100787) (AMNH). Douglas Co.: 2 mi E of Greenland, 39.18249 ° N 104.81731 ° W, 03 Jul 1979, D.A. Polhemus, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00064946, AMNH_PBI 00064972–AMNH_ PBI 00064973), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00064945, AMNH_PBI 00064953) (JTP). 3 mi E of Larkspur, 39.22861 ° N 104.83068 ° W, 03 Jul 1979, D.A. Polhemus, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00064939–AMNH_PBI 00064942, AMNH_ PBI 00065425), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00064955) (JTP). Chatfield State Park, 39.53666 ° N 105.06888 ° W, 12 Jul 1979, J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00064962) (JTP). Daniels Park, 39.48139 ° N 104.92528 ° W, 02 Jul 1979, D.A. Polhemus, 93 (AMNH_PBI 00065329– AMNH_PBI 00065331, AMNH_PBI 00065426– AMNH_PBI 00065431), 9♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065332–AMNH_PBI 00065336, AMNH_ PBI 00065432–AMNH_PBI 00065435) (JTP). Head of Highline Canal, 39.56168 ° N 104.99692 ° W, 16 Jun 1978, J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00064959) (JTP); 20 Jun 1978, J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00064958) (JTP); 11 Jun 1979, J.T. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00064936) (JTP). Perry Park, 39.25667 ° N 104.99194 ° W, 13 Jul 1977, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00064938) (JTP). Roxborough Park Road near Chatfield State Park, 39.47389 ° N 105.08472 ° W, 1707 m, 01 Jun 1981, J.T. Polhemus, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00065369, AMNH_ PBI 00065370) (JTP). Waterton, 39.49361 ° N 105.08806 ° W, 10 Jun 1982, D.A. Polhemus, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00064947, AMNH_PBI 00064948) (JTP); 25 Jun 1981, J.T. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00065396) (JTP); 18 Jun 1981, D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065399) (JTP); 04 Jun 1981, D.A. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00065397), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065398) (JTP); 15 Jun 1981, D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065161) (JTP); 25 May 1982, D.A. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00064949) (JTP). Eagle Co.: Minturn, 39.58637 ° N 106.43086 ° W, 2391 m, 23 Jun 1981, J.T. Polhemus, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00065373, AMNH_PBI 00065374) (JTP). Muddy Pass, 39.76722 ° N 106.60527 ° W, 2682 m, 15 Aug 1961, J.E.R. Stainer, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104311) (CNC). El Paso Co.: 3 mi N of Falcon along Meridian road, 38.97655 ° N 104.60806 ° W, 14 Jun 1988, A.L. Hicks, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00106686, AMNH_PBI 00106687), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106694) (USNM). Colorado Springs, 38.83389 ° N 104.82083 ° W, 1803 m, 19 Jul 1901, collector unknown, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106702), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106723) (USNM). Elbert Co.: E of Kiowa along West Bijou Creek, 39.41561 ° N 104.28023 ° W, 15 Jun 1978, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00064956) (JTP). Gilpin Co.: 5 mi S of Nederland, 39.88892 ° N 105.51028 ° W, 02 Jul 1961, J.G. Chillcott, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104236, AMNH_PBI 00104237), 3♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104257–AMNH_PBI 00104259) (CNC). Tolland, 39.90498 ° N 105.5891 ° W, 2720 m, 01 Jun 1825, Stoner, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00070619) (USNM). Grand Co.: 3 mi SW Fraser, St. Louis Creek Camp, 39.91508 ° N 105.85677 ° W, 2682 m, 30 Jul 1967, F., P., and M. Rindge, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00101114) (AMNH). Hinsdale Co.: 3 mi S Spring Creek Pass, 37.94083 ° N 107.15921 ° W, 3018 m, 06 Aug 1997, J.C. Schaffner, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00105614–AMNH_ PBI 00105618), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105619– AMNH_PBI 00105621) (TAMU). Jackson Co.: Cowdrey, 40.85972 ° N 106.3125 ° W, 2438 m, 15 Aug 1968, L.A. Kelton, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00103844–AMNH_PBI 00103848), 27♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103849–AMNH_PBI 00103875) (CNC). Muddy Pass, Routt National Forest, 40.37667 ° N 106.57917 ° W, 2652 m, 15 Aug 1961, J.E.R. Stainer, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00103720) (CNC); 21 Aug 1968, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103711) (CNC). Rabbit Ears Pass, 40.38472 ° N 106.61111 ° W, 2896 m, 21 Jul 1896, C.F. Baker, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00106649–AMNH_PBI 00106651), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106663–AMNH_PBI 00106666) (USNM); 20 Jul 1896, C.F. Baker, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106675) (USNM). Rabbit Ears Pass, Route National Forest, 40.38472 ° N 106.61166 ° W, 2874 m, 21 Aug 1968, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103717) Picea sp. (Pinaceae) , 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104297) (CNC). near Cowdrey, Colorado- Wyoming state line on Rt 125, 40.85972 ° N 106.3125 ° W, 04 Aug 1979, J.T. Polhemus, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00065417, AMNH_PBI 00065418), 5♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065144–AMNH_PBI 00065147, AMNH_PBI 00065419) (JTP). Jefferson Co.: Deer Creek Canyon, 39.55265 ° N 105.12084 ° W, 1981 m, 11 Jul 1986, R.T. Schuh, J.T. Polhemus, 73 (AMNH_PBI 00100737– AMNH_PBI 00100741, AMNH_PBI 00102648, AMNH_PBI 00102749), 5♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100742–AMNH_PBI 00100746) (AMNH). Indian Hills, 39.61667 ° N 105.23667 ° W, 2134 m, 15 Jul 1983, R.T. Schuh and D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100724) (AMNH). Lookout Mountain, 39.7324 ° N 105.238 ° W, 2134 m, 03 Jul 1922, collector unknown, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00070623, AMNH_PBI 00070624) (USNM). North Turkey Creek Park near Tenders, 39.59468 ° N 105.22014 ° W, 1890 m, 16 Jul 1983, R.T. Schuh, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 93 (AMNH_PBI 00100725–AMNH_PBI 00100733), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100734–AMNH_PBI 00100736) (AMNH). Plainview, 39.89359 ° N 105.2763 ° W, 2070 m, 10 Jul 1927, E.L. Bell, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106676) (USNM). Red Rocks Park near Morrison, 39.65361 ° N 105.19056 ° W, 1707 m, 15 Jul 1983, R.T. Schuh and D. A. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00100698) (AMNH). Upper Beaver Gulch, 39.65409 ° N 105.32064 ° W, 12 Aug 1981, D.A. Polhemus, 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065382–AMNH_PBI 00065388) (JTP). La Plata Co.: 6 mi E Mancos, 37.34495 ° N 108.17917 ° W, 30 May 1972, W.E. Clark, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105930) (TAMU). La Plata, San Juan National Forest, 37.44999 ° N 108.0645 ° W, 2591 m, 19 Jul 1968 – 21 Jul 1968, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103724) (CNC). Larimer Co.: 40 mi W Fort Collins, Bennett Crk. Picnic Ground, Pingree Pk. Rd., 40.58 ° N 105.847 ° W, 2256 m, 14 Jul 1986, R.T. Schuhand J.T. Polhemus, 53 (AMNH_PBI 00101076–AMNH_PBI 00101080), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101102, AMNH_PBI 00101103) (AMNH). 46 mi W of Fort Collins, Bennett Creek Picnic Grounds, Pingree Park Road, 40.66257 ° N 105.50054 ° W, 2347 m, 14 Jul 1986, R.T. Schuh and J.T. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00101086), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101088, AMNH_PBI 00101089) (AMNH). Estes Park, 40.39361 ° N 105.49417 ° W, 2286 m, 02 Jul 1961, J.R. Stainer, 133 (AMNH_PBI 00103693–AMNH_PBI 00103705) (CNC); 10 Aug 1961, J.R. Stainer, 27♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104320–AMNH_PBI 00104346) (CNC). Fall River Road, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.40445 ° N 105.62513 ° W, 2896 m, 16 Aug 1968 – 18 Aug 1968, L.A. Kelton, 43 (AMNH_PBI 00104281–AMNH_PBI 00104284), 2♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104287, AMNH_PBI 00104288) (CNC). Forrester’s (Colo. 2020, Colo. 1581), 40.93952 ° N 105.98546 ° W, 03 Aug 1896, Warren, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106673) (USNM). Fort Collins, 40.58528 ° N 105.08389 ° W, 14 Jun 1894, C.F. Baker, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00106652, AMNH_PBI 00106653), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106667) (USNM). Pingree Park, 40.56111 ° N 105.59722 ° W, 16 Aug 1930, T.A. Brindley, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00105931, AMNH_PBI 00105932), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105937–AMNH_PBI 00105940) (TAMU); 03 Sep 1972, L.A. Kelton, 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104590–AMNH_PBI 00104592) (CNC); 23 Aug 1923, C.J. Drake, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105941) (TAMU). Red Feather Lakes, 40.8025 ° N 105.5917 ° W, 2543 m, 05 Aug 1979, J.T. Polhemus, 63 (AMNH_PBI 00064977–AMNH_PBI 00064982), 4♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00064983–AMNH_PBI 00064986) (JTP). Rist Canyon, 40.63388 ° N 105.19972 ° W, 17 Jun 1904, collector unknown, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106712) (USNM). Rocky Mountain National Park, Moraine Valley, 40.33333 ° N 105.70833 ° W, 2438 m, 08 Jul 1966, J. and S. Slater, 183 (AMNH_PBI 00100984–AMNH_PBI 00101001), 22♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101002–AMNH_PBI 00101023) (AMNH); 08 Jul 1966, J.A. Slater, 163 (AMNH_PBI 00100935–AMNH_PBI 00100950), 33♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100951– AMNH_PBI 00100983) (AMNH). Las Animas Co.: 1 mi N of Stonewall on Purgatoire Campground Road, 37.16667 ° N 105.01667 ° W, 2560 m, 18 Aug 1986, R.T. Schuh, 53 (AMNH_ PBI 00101081–AMNH_PBI 00101085), 12♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101090–AMNH_PBI 00101101) (AMNH). Mineral Co.: Creede, 37.84917 ° N 106.92583 ° W, 04 Jul 1977, J.T. Polhemus, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00064950–AMNH_PBI 00064952), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00064954) (JTP). 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00106699), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106721) (USNM). Moffat Co.: Maybell, 40.51775 ° N 108.08028 ° W, 1805 m, 12 Aug 1973, R.R. Murray, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105933) (TAMU). Montezuma Co. : Dolores, 37.47389 ° N 108.50389 ° W, 15 Aug 1925, C.J. Drake, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105929), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105935) (TAMU); 15 Aug 1925, H.H. Knight, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103643) (CNC). 13 (AMNH_PBI 00125443) (CUIC). 23 (AMNH_ PBI 00106853, AMNH_PBI 00106854), 16♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106855–AMNH_PBI 00106870) (USNM). Mesa Verde National Park, 37.23333 ° N 108.47917 ° W, 2134 m, 17 Jul 1968 – 18 Jul 1968, L.A. Kelton, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 3♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00104298–AMNH_PBI 00104300) (CNC). Mesa Verde National Park, 37.23333 ° N 108.47917 ° W, 17 Jul 1968, L.A. Kelton, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 53 (AMNH_PBI 00103712– AMNH_PBI 00103716) (CNC); 13 Jul 1930, R.L. Usinger, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00079836– AMNH_PBI 00079838), 14♀ (AMNH_PBI 00079841–AMNH_PBI 00079854) (UCB). Montrose Co.: 18 mi E of Naturita on Colo. 90, 38.26 ° N 108.26 ° W, 07 Jul 1980, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065159) (JTP). 2 mi S Columbine Pass, 38.38822 ° N 108.38056 ° W, 05 Jul 1980, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00065007), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065008) (JTP). Black Canyon of Gunnison, 38.58 ° N 107.75 ° W, 30 Jul 1941, H.S. Barber, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00070622) (USNM). Montrose, 38.47831 ° N 107.8761 ° W, 1890 m, 24 Jun 1893, C.P. Gillette, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00106654), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106669) (USNM). Park Co.: Santa Maria on route 285, near Glenisle, 39.44967 ° N 105.63287 ° W, 28 Jun 1980, K. and R. Schmidt, 93 (AMNH_ PBI 00101037–AMNH_PBI 00101045), 11♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101065–AMNH_PBI 00101075) (AMNH). Rio Blanco Co. : 10 mi S of Buford, Hill Creek Campground, 39.89417 ° N 107.53837 ° W, 06 Aug 1978, J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065162) (JTP). Routt Co.: 8 mi S of Steamboat Springs (Colo. 2030), 40.36906 ° N 106.83111 ° W, 21 Jul 1896, Liebeck, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106674) (USNM). Steamboat Springs, 40.485 ° N 106.83111 ° W, 27 Jun 1982, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 43 (AMNH_PBI 00065349–AMNH_PBI 00065352), 8♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065353–AMNH_PBI 00065360) (JTP); 23 Jul 1983, D.A. and J.T. Polhemus, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00065309), 10♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065310–AMNH_PBI 00065319) (JTP). Teller Co.: Woodland Park, 38.99389 ° N 105.05639 ° W, 2438 m, 04 Aug 1943, H.H. Ross, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106711), 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00106727) (USNM). Unknown Co.: Clear Creek, N. Banks, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106672) (USNM). Idaho: Custer Co.: Stanley, 44.21139 ° N 114.945 ° W, 10 Jul 1926, R.W. Haezele, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106883) (USNM). Franklin Co.: Dayton, 42.11306 ° N 111.99278 ° W, 1447 m, 29 Jul 1937, R.E. Miller, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106728) (USNM). Fremont Co.: 14 mi N of Ashton, 44.27444 ° N 111.4475 ° W, 22 Jul 1991, R.S. Peigler, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105609), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105610) (TAMU). Ashton, 44.07158 ° N 111.4482 ° W, 1604 m, 02 Aug 1921, F.M. Salles, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106704) (USNM). Idaho Co.: Lowell, Clearwater National Forest, 46.0225 ° N 115.89 ° W, 30 Jul 1972, L.A. Kelton, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00104584, AMNH_PBI 00104585) (CNC). Latah Co.: Genesee, 46.55083 ° N 116.92444 ° W, 23 May 1936, T.A. Brindley, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106712) (USNM). Moscow, 46.7325 ° N 116.99917 ° W, 19 Jul 1936, T.A. Brindley, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104030) (CNC). 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106698), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106719, AMNH_PBI 00106720) (USNM); 05 Jun 1939 – 28 Jun 1939, T.A. Brindley, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00070617, AMNH_PBI 00070618) (USNM); 26 May 1939, T.A. Brindley, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00070620, AMNH_PBI 00106677) (USNM); 10 Jun 1939 – 15 Jun 1939, T.A. Brindley, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00070626, AMNH_PBI 00070627) (USNM). Moscow Mountain, 46.80361 ° N 116.86778 ° W, 18 Jun 1932, T.A. Brindley, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106697) (USNM). Lemhi Co.: Bannock Pass, on Rt 29, Beaverhead Mountains, Salmon National Forest, 44.81389 ° N 113.27056 ° W, 31 Jul 1994, M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus argenteus Pursh (Fabaceae) , 23 (AMNH_PBI 00103840, AMNH_PBI 00103842), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103841) (CNC). Owyhee Co.: Henry Lake, 42.22961 ° N 116.3103 ° W, 1726 m, 12 Jul 1928, C. Wakeland, 23 (AMNH_ PBI 00106708, AMNH_PBI 00106709) (USNM). Unknown Co.: Pleasant Valley, 1981 m, 02 Jun 1931, C. Wakeland, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106700) (USNM). Indiana: Lake Co.: Hessville, 41.59559 ° N 87.4617 ° W, 181 m, 29 May 1910, W.J. Gerhard, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00083463) (UCR). 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00107010) (USNM). Massachusetts: Hampden Co.: Springfield, 42.10139 ° N 72.59028 ° W, G. Dimmock, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00106679–AMNH_PBI 00106681) (USNM). Montana: Gallatin Co.: Elkhorn Ranch, Gallatin River, Upper Gallatin Canyon, 45.06786 ° N 111.18763 ° W, 2134 m, 01 Aug 1928 – 05 Aug 1928, J. McDunnough, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104587), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104594) (CNC). Unknown locality, 1676 m, 12 Jun 1913, collector unknown, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106733) (USNM). Glacier Co.: 5 mi N of East Glacier Park on Rt 49, Blackfeet Indian Reservation, 48.51367 ° N 113.21722 ° W, 03 Aug 1994, M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus albifrons Benth. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103838), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103839) (CNC). Silver Bow Co.: Butte, 46.00389 ° N 112.53389 ° W, 20 Jul 1983, J.D. and D.R. Pinto, 43 (AMNH_ PBI 00083057–AMNH_PBI 00083060), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00083061–AMNH_PBI 00083064) (UCR). Nevada: Elko Co.: 16 mi SE of Elko on route 227, 40.72278 ° N 115.52125 ° W, 1707 m, 26 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 163 (AMNH_ PBI 00100873–AMNH_PBI 00100887, AMNH_ PBI 00102770), 42♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100888– AMNH_PBI 00100929) (AMNH). E side of Ruby Mountains, nr Thompson creek, T31NR59E, 40.5608 ° N 115.3053 ° W, 1920 m, 26 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00101110), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101120) (AMNH). Ruby Mountains, Lomoille Canyon, E of Powerhouse Picnic Area, 40.69222 ° N 115.475 ° W, 1885 m, 16 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 33 (AMNH_PBI 00100717–AMNH_PBI 00100719), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100720– AMNH_PBI 00100723) (AMNH). Ruby Mountains, summit of Harrison Pass, 40.32276 ° N 115.50386 ° W, 2134 m, 27 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00101109) (AMNH). Secret Pass, 17 mi S of I-80 on Rt 229, 40.81556 ° N 115.1975 ° W, 1905 m, 26 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00101119) (AMNH). Nye Co.: 3.5 mi SE of Manhattan, Toiyabe National Forest, 38.50311 ° N 117.02678 ° W, 2134 m, 13 Jul 1980, G.M. Stonedahl, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00100934) (AMNH). Northumberland Canyon Rd, Toquima Ranges, 15.5 mi E of Rt 376, 39.00464 ° N 116.88781 ° W, 2134 m, 29 Jun 1983, R.T. Schuh and M.D. Schwartz, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 183 (AMNH_PBI 00100699– AMNH_PBI 00100716), 17♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100681–AMNH_PBI 00100697) Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00102638) (AMNH). New Jersey: Monmouth Co.: Hornerstown, 40.10622 ° N 74.51404 ° W, 29 m, 14 May 1910, collector unknown, 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00100778) (AMNH). Passaic Co.: Newfoundland, 41.04648 ° N 74.43515 ° W, 231 m, 30 May 1910, collector unknown, 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00100790) (AMNH). New Mexico: Bernalillo Co.: Sedillo, 35.09972 ° N 106.29555 ° W, 2120 m, 01 Jun 1983, J.T. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065160) (JTP). Colfax Co. : Philmont Boy Scout Ranch, near Cimarron, 36.51086 ° N 104.9158 ° W, 1960 m, 20 Jul 1983, B.J. Hanselmann, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105928) (TAMU). Lincoln Co.: Sierra Blanca Mountain , north of Ruidoso, 33.37083 ° N 105.75142 ° W, 19 Aug 1982, B.J. Hanselmann, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105927) (TAMU). New York: Albany Co.: Pine Bush, 42.7023 ° N 73.85623 ° W, 94 m, 11 Jun 1988, A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Lupinus perennis (Fabaceae) , 23 (AMNH_PBI 00070466, AMNH_ PBI 00070467), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00070468) (USNM); 24 Jun 1989, T.J. Henry and A.G. Wheeler, Jr., Lupinus perennis (Fabaceae) , 23 (AMNH_PBI 00070469, AMNH_PBI 00070470), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00070471– AMNH_PBI 00070473) (USNM); 30 Jun 1984, E.R. Hoebeke, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00125442), 7♀ (AMNH_PBI 00125448–AMNH_ PBI 00125454) (CUIC). Suffolk Co.: Yaphank, Long Island, 40.83667 ° N 72.9175 ° W, 30 May 1911, C.E. Olsen, 83 (AMNH_PBI 00100766– AMNH_PBI 00100773), 4♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100781–AMNH_PBI 00100784) (AMNH). 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103644) (CNC). 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106843), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106875) (USNM); 15 Jun 1917, G.P. Engelhardt, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106847), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106874) (USNM); 31 May 1911, H. G. Barber, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 13 (AMNH_PBI 00125444) (CUIC); 27 May 1911, collector unknown, Lupinus perennis (Fabaceae) , 33 (AMNH_PBI 00106646– AMNH_PBI 00106648), 6♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106658–AMNH_PBI 00106662, AMNH_ PBI 00107006) (USNM); 29 May 1911, C.L. Pollard, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106657) (USNM). North Dakota: Dunn Co.: Killdeer Wildlife Management Area, 10 mi NW of Killdeer, 47.44466 ° N 102.97869 ° W, 24 Jun 2000, T.J. Henry, Oxytropis lambertii Pursh (Fabaceae) , decoloring foliage, 143 (AMNH_PBI 00165803– AMNH_PBI 00165816), 10♀ (AMNH_PBI 00165817–AMNH_PBI 00165826) (USNM). Oregon: Grant Co. : 2.5 mi E of Jct. Rt. 7 and Rt. 26, ca. 18 mi W of Unity, 44.57958 ° N 118.45089 ° W, 27 Jun 1988, G.M. Stonedahl, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 113 (AMNH_PBI 00100747–AMNH_PBI 00100757), 8♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00100758–AMNH_PBI 00100765) (AMNH). Umatilla Co.: 0.4 mi S of Jct of Rts 244 and 395, 1 mi SW of Ukiah, 45.12638 ° N 118.97148 ° W, 18 Jun 1979, M.D. Schwartz, 23 (AMNH_PBI 00100601, AMNH_PBI 00102751) (AMNH). Near Ukiah, 45.13417 ° N 118.93139 ° W, 23 Jun 1935, J. Schuh, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00100779) (AMNH). 13 (AMNH_ PBI 00104588) (CNC). Union Co.: La Grande, 45.32472 ° N 118.08667 ° W, 26 Jun 1926, E.W. Davis, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106710), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106726) (USNM). South Dakota: Custer Co.: Custer, 43.76667 ° N 103.59833 ° W, 27 Jul 1927, H.H. Knight, 43 (AMNH_PBI 00106729–AMNH_PBI 00106732), 3♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106735–AMNH_PBI 00106737) (USNM). Lawrence Co.: Black Hills, 44.41667 ° N 103.70833 ° W, 29 Jun 1973, L.A. Kelton, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00104586) (CNC). Texas: Dallam Co.: Dalhart, 36.05944 ° N 102.51278 ° W, 15 Jul 1965, H.R. Burke, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00105934) (TAMU). Utah: SanJuan Co.: Geyser Creek, near Taylor Flats, 38.49469 ° N 109.09081 ° W, 04 Jul 1980, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 10♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00065148–AMNH_PBI 00065157) (JTP). Geyser Pass Road, La Sal Mountains, 38.50346 ° N 109.23197 ° W, 05 Jul 1980, J.T. and D.A. Polhemus, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00065158) (JTP). Sevier Co.: 14 mi N Hwy 24 on Hwy 72, 38.58106 ° N 111.48509 ° W, 2463 m, 17 Jul 1980, G.M. Stonedahl, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 23 (AMNH_PBI 00101087, AMNH_PBI 00102750) (AMNH). Uintah Co.: Dodds Hollow, 21 mi NNW of Vernal, 40.65083 ° N 109.55722 ° W, 2682 m, 27 Jul 1963, F., P., and M. Rindge, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00101046) (AMNH). Washing- ton: Okanogan Co.: 2 mi NE Molson, 49.00157 ° N 119.16825 ° W, 1311 m, 25 Jun 1919, A.C. Burrill, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106626) (USNM). Yakima Co.: Toppenish, 46.3775 ° N 120.3075 ° W, 12 Jun 1926, E.W. Davis, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106696) (USNM). Wenas, 46.87262 ° N 120.7739 ° W, 701 m, 07 Jul 1882, P.R. Uhler, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101324, AMNH_PBI 00101325) (AMNH). 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106685), 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00107005) (USNM). Wyoming: Albany Co.: Medicine Bow National Forest, 41.25025 ° N 106.25084 ° W, 01 Jul 1979 – 02 Jul 1979, C. von Nidek, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00190069) (ZMAN). Big Horn Co.: 21 mi W of Burgess Junction on Rt 14, 44.77 ° N 107.94679 ° W, 2591 m, 13 Aug 1986, Schuh, Schwartz, and Stonedahl, Lupinus sp. (Fabaceae) , 23 (AMNH_PBI 00100665, AMNH_PBI 00100666), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00100656) (AMNH). 24 mi W of Burgess Junction on road to radar station, 44.77 ° N 108.00788 ° W, 2774 m, 12 Aug 1986, Schuh, Schwartz, and Stonedahl, Lupinus argenteus Pursh (Fabaceae) , 143 (AMNH_PBI 00100667–AMNH_PBI 00100680), 9♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00100655, AMNH_PBI 00100657–AMNH_ PBI 00100664) (AMNH). Big Horn Mountains, 44.75499 ° N 107.78239 ° W, 1981 m, 17 Aug 1927, H.H. Knight, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00103642) (CNC). 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106671), 3♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00106688–AMNH_PBI 00106690) (USNM). Carbon Co.: Saratoga, 41.455 ° N 106.80583 ° W, 29 Jul 1931, H.H. Knight, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106703), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106724) (USNM). Crook Co.: Sundance, 44.40639 ° N 104.37528 ° W, 30 Jul 1927, H.H. Knight, 83 (AMNH_PBI 00106844–AMNH_PBI 00106846, AMNH_PBI 00106848–AMNH_PBI 00106852), 3♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00106871–AMNH_PBI 00106873) (USNM). Fremont Co.: Shoshone National Forest, 43.80913 ° N 109.56306 ° W, 07 Aug 1927, H.H. Knight, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106695), 5♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106714–AMNH_PBI 00106718) (USNM). Laramie Co.: Cheyenne, 41.13998 ° N 104.82024 ° W, 1856 m, 14 Jul 1965, H.H. Knight, 33 (AMNH_PBI 00106705–AMNH_PBI 00106707), 1♀ (AMNH_ PBI 00106725) (USNM). Teton Co.: Jackson Hole, 43.44103 ° N 110.8307 ° W, 1983 m, 16 Jun 1965, M.W. Stone, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00083535), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00083536) (UCR). Togwotee Pass, 43.75 ° N 110.07917 ° W, 2941 m, 16 Aug 1961, J.E.R. Stainer, 13 (AMNH_

PBI 00103722), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104296) (CNC).














Hadronema militare Uhler

Forero, D. 2008

Hadronema (Hadronema) militare: Henry and Wheeler, 1988: 411

Henry, T. J. & A. G. Wheeler, Jr. 1988: 411

Hadronema militare:

Maw, H. E. L. & R. G. Foottit & K. G. A. Hamilton & G. G. E. Scudder 2000: 117
Steyskal, G. 1973: 204
Carvalho, J. C. M. 1958: 69
Froeschner, R. C. 1949: 139
Knight, H. H. 1941: 84

Hadronema (Hadronema) militaris:

Knight, H. H. 1928: 177

Hadronema militaris

Schuh, R. T. 1995: 115
Kelton, L. A. 1980: 228
Kelton, L. A. 1959: 30
Blatchley, W. S. 1926: 844
Knight, H. H. 1925: 182
Knight, H. H. 1923: 501
Gibson, E. H. 1918: 82
Van Duzee, E. P. 1917: 385
Tucker, E. S. 1907: 60
Crevecoeur, F. F. 1905: 233
Uhler, P. R. 1895: 31
Cockerell, T. D. A. 1893: 363
Townsend, C. H. T. 1892: 193
Townsend, C. H. T. 1891: 54
Uhler, P. R. 1886: 18
Uhler, P. R. 1872: 412

Oncotylus militaris: Uhler, 1872: 471

Uhler, P. R. 1872: 471
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