Sericomyrmex bondari Borgmeier, 1937

Jesovnik, Ana & Schultz, Ted R., 2017, Revision of the fungus-farming ant genus Sericomyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae), ZooKeys 670, pp. 1-109 : 37-45

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Sericomyrmex bondari Borgmeier, 1937


Sericomyrmex bondari Borgmeier, 1937 View in CoL Figures 22, 23, 24(Worker); Figure 25(Queen); Figure 26(Larva); Figure 27 (Map)

Sericomyrmex bondari Borgmeier, 1937: 248. Lectotype worker (here designated): BRAZIL, Bahia, Sul da Bahia, Áqua Preta, [-8.8333, -66.1667], 1 May 1936, G. Bondar (MZSP: 3w; USNMENT01126238, topmost specimen on the pin). Paralectotypes: same data as lectotype (MZSP: 2w; USNMENT01126238, lower two specimens on the pin).

Sericomyrmex beniensis = Weber, 1938: 182. syn. n. Type material examined. BOLIVIA, Huachi Beni, 31 Dec 1921, W. M. Mann, WMM327. (USNM: 3w, USNMENT01126217; 3w, USNMENT01126218; 3w, USNMENT01126220; 3w, USNMENT01126221) (MCZ: 3w, USNMENT01126219).

S. bondari worker diagnosis.

Large species; hairs thick and dark; posterior cephalic emargination deep, gradually impressed; posterior cephalic corner acute to rounded; mandible dorsally smooth, glossy; frontal lobe triangular, narrow; mesosomal tubercles distinct, sometimes relatively sharp; first gastral tergite with lateral carinae weakly to moderately developed, dorsal carinae absent.

S. bondari worker description.

Measurements in mm, range (lectotype): HWe 0.96-1.40 (1.16) HW 0.98-1.40 (1.18) HW1 0.93-1.40 (1.2) HW2 1-1.56 (1.24) HW3 0.65-0.9 IFW1 0.65-1.00 (0.76) IFW2 0.22-0.38 (0.3) HL1 0.99-1.30 (1.01) HL2 0.87-1.12 (0.93) SL 0.68-0.96 (0.78) EL 0.14-0.20 (0.16) Om 8-12 (11) WL 1.25-1.76 (1.52) PL 0.24-0.4 (0.38) PPL 0.18-0.3 (0.19) GL 0.81-1.24 (0.96) HFL 1.12-1.52 (1.3) PW 0.66-1.02 (0.78) (0.8) CI 93-110 (107) FLI 61-72 (66) SI 63-78 (67) OI 12-17 (14) CEI 6-17 (13) [N=59]

Pilosity. Hairs thick, black, often curved, appressed to erect, mostly suberect, longer and denser on dorsal than on lateral surfaces, e.g., mesosoma laterally with barely any hairs, just pubescence.

Head. In full-face view slightly broader than long (CI=104 ± 3), posterior corner rounded to acute, posterior cephalic emargination distinct and deep (CEI=13 ± 2), gradually impressed. Vertexal impression often distinct and deep, sometimes extending anterad to include frons, frontal tumuli usually faint. Mandible with 7-9 teeth, dorsally smooth, glossy, finely transversely striate along masticatory margin, striation sometimes faint. Eyes medium-sized (OI =15 ± 1), mildly convex, lacking white layer, 8-12 ommatidia across largest diameter. Frontal lobe triangular, narrow (FLI=67 ± 2), posterior margin shorter than medial, and with long lateral margin, giving lobe appearance of being directed anterad. Frontal carina complete, reaching posterior cephalic corner, antennal scape relatively short (SI=71 ± 3), not reaching posterior cephalic corner. Antennal scape with thick black hairs, antennal flagellum lacking thick black hairs, but with pubescence and thin, long, light yellow hairs.

Mesosoma. Lateral pronotal and lateral mesonotal tubercles from moderately developed to large and sharp, variable within species and within colonies. Propodeal carinae low, serrate, each with posterodorsal denticle.

Metasoma. Petiole with two low denticles dorsally, postpetiole with two dorsal and two lateral carinae, lateral pair sometimes faint. First gastral tergite with lateral carinae distinct, dorsal carinae faint or absent. Decumbent to suberect hairs on gastral dorsum curved at base and sometimes hooked at tip, margins of gastral segments 2-5 (A5-A8) with curved suberect to erect hairs.

S. bondari queen description.

Measurements in mm, range: HWe 1.33-1.48 HW 1.35-1.48 HW1 1.40-1.46 HW2 1.15-1.58 HW3 0.93-1.09 IFW1 0.99-1.02 IFW2 0.34-0.40 HL1 1.32-1.44 HL2 1.12-1.24 SL 0.92-1.00 EL 0.27-0.29 Om 17-21 EW 0.08-0.08 WL 1.96-2.25 PL 0.40-0.45 PPL 0.24-0.28 GL 1.95-2.05 HFL 1.60-1.64 PW 1.15-1.28 FWg 6.71-6.71 HWg 4.66-4.66 CI 98-103 FLI 69-75 SI 68-71 OI 19-22 [N=3]

Head. Mandible with 7-8 teeth, dorsally smooth, glossy, finely transversely striate only along masticatory margin. Preocular carina fading posterior to eye, several short and thin supraocular carinae present, never reaching posterior cephalic corner (Figure 8c). Eye large (OI=20 ± 1) and convex, 17-21 ommatidia across largest diameter. Frontal lobe wider than in worker (FLI=73 ± 3), antennal scape as in worker, not reaching posterior cephalic corner.

Mesosoma. Lateral pronotal tubercles distinct. Scutum in dorsal view with notauli faint, sometimes absent. Median mesoscutal line sometimes anteriorly developed into weak costa, posteriorly with shallow longitudinal impressions on each side. Parapsidal lines thin, slightly curved. Scutellum inflated, short in dorsal view, narrowing posteri orly, posterior margin with V-shaped, relatively deep, medial notch; notch sometimes continuing into median impression that divides scutellum in two lateral parts. Propodeal carinae short, low, each with posterodorsal denticle, sometimes carinae reduced and only denticles visible.

Metasoma. Petiole in frontodorsal view with two narrow, long dorsal denticles and two smaller, lateral denticles. Postpetiole with two short and low dorsal carinae and two low lateral denticles. First gastral tergite with lateral carinae strongly developed, dorsal carinae absent or faint, anteromedian groove distinct.

S. bondari male.


S. bondari larva description.

Two to four setae on dorsal and lateral body surfaces on each side. Supra-antennal setae present. Four genal setae on each side. Mandibular apical tooth undivided. Small number of labial denticles anterior to sericteries. First and second thoracic segments ventrally with multiple multidentate spinules, arranged in transverse rows. Numbers of ventral setae: six on T1 and T3, four on T2, around six on abdomen (not including anal setae). One pair of setae directly anterior to anal opening, another pair on abdominal segment 9 laterad of anal opening.

S. bondari geographic range.

Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname. Map: Figure 27.

S. bondari notes.

It is difficult to mistake S. bondari for any other Sericomyrmex species because of its thick, dark hairs. When individuals with reduced hairs are encountered (Figure 23 d–f), the sympatric sister species, S. mayri , can be separated from bondari by its striate mandibles, wider head (CI mayri =108, CI bondari =104), narrower frontal lobes, and shallow posterior cephalic emargination. The morphologically similar S. radioheadi is smaller (medium-sized, while bondari is large); completely lacks dark hairs; and has a longer antennal scape (SI=77), reduced lateral pronotal tubercles, and unusually sharp, long lateral mesonotal tubercles. The thick, dark hairs and large size are also useful for separating S. bondari queens from those of mayri , as are the lateral pronotal tubercles, which are more pronounced in bondari than in queens of other Sericomyrmex species.

The specimens of S. bondari with slightly to very reduced hairs include five workers from Brazil ( Melgaço, Pará), one from Ecuador (Cuyabeno), and three from Venezuela ( Bolívar) out of a total of ~200 dry-mounted specimens we examined. Aside from reduced hairs they have the typical bondari morphology and measurements (Figure 5g). Individuals with an intermediate state (hairs slightly reduced) exist in Brazil, some from Melgaço ( Pará) and some from Espírito Santo. The existence of intermediate forms, the molecular phylogeny, and PCA analysis of the morphological measurement data all indicate that populations with reduced hairs are rare variants of bondari rather than separate species. Another variation within bondari , occurring in the Brazil ( Carajás, Pará) specimens, is a slightly bicolored (rather than uniformly colored) integument (Figure 23 a–c), but this state occurs only in a minority of workers from the same nest, the rest of which are homogeneously colored.

Synonymy. The specimens we examined from the type series of S. beniensis , collected by Mann in Bolivia and described by Weber (1938), are morphologically identical to the lectotype of S. bondari . In his description Weber compares it to saussurei and bierigi (= amabilis ), but does not mention S. bondari , so he might not have seen Borgmeier’s specimens or description. Interestingly, Weber’s description mentions some important characters such as head shape, deep cephalic margin, and smooth mandibles, but not the dark hairs that make this species so easy to recognize.

S. bondari material examined.

BRAZIL: Amazonas: Manaquiri, Br 319, km101, [-3.68, -60.31], 10 Oct 2010, F. Baccaro; Manaus, Camp 41, - 2.4494, -59.7634, 118m, 10 Jan 2009, J. Sosa-Calvo; Manaus, Reserva Ducke, -2.9324, -59.9721, 95m, 26 Sep 2012, A. Ješovnik; Manaus, BDFFP Camp Gaviao, -2.4219, -59.8469, 29 Feb 2000, T. R. Schultz; Manaus, BDFFP Dimona Camp, 100-ha. Frag., -2.3388, -60.1026, 16 Aug 2000, R. M. M. Adams; ZF3- Km41, -2.4166, -59.8, 20 Sep 1996, A. C. Macedo; Bahia: Canavieiras, Oiticica, -14.4094, -30.0166, 30 Mar 1998, J. S. C. Carmo; Ilhéus, Pimenteira mata W-A17, -14.5352, -39.4275, 6 Oct 1997, J. R. M. Santos, J. S. C. Carmo; Ilhéus, Ponta do Ramo, -14.4977, -39.0405, 11 Feb 1997, J. R. M. Santos; Itacaré, -14.3177, -39.0719, 3 Aug 1998, J. R. M. Santos; Itamaraju, [-17.0438, -39.5300], 29 Mar 2004, J. H. C. Delabie; Jussari, Pratos, -15.1955, -39.4452, 18 Jul 1997, J. R. M. Santos; Maraú-Trembebé Mata WA4, -14.4022, -39.3233, 7 May 1997, J. R. M. Santos; Porto Seguro, E.E. Pau Brasil, -16.3925, -39.1694, 16 Jun 2000, J. R. M. Santos, S. M. Soares; Ubaitaba, -14.2502, -39.3213, 9 Apr 1998, J. R. M. Santos; Unacau A43, -15.0891, -39.295, 11 Feb 2000, J. R. M. Santos; Uruçuca, Mata A19, -14.5125, -39.2002, 24 Oct 2002, J. R. M. Santos; Espírito Santo: Guriri, -18.7167, -39.75, 1 Mar 2005, M. C. Teixeira; Parque Sooretama, Linhares, -19.0725, -39.9491, 17 Oct 1962, F. S. Pereira; Mato Grosso: Sinop, [-11.8581, -55.5056], 1 Oct 1974, Alv., Roppa; Pará: Melgaço, Caxiuanã, ECFPn V Transecto 3-700) Winkler #2, -1.7248, -51.4230, 26 Apr 2004, A. Y. Harada; Nova Ipixuna, Fazenda Bom Retiro, Parcela 04, -4.8412, -49.2180, 12 Apr 2012, M. Tavares, A. Palmeira; Novo Repartimento, Faz. Arataú, [-4.49, -50.19], 17 Jun 2002, A. M. Elizabeth; Oriximiná, Alega Reloiado, -1.76, -55.85, 8 Oct 1982, A. Y. Harada; Parauapebas, FL Nacional de Carajás, Parque Zoobotânico, -6.0629, -50.0571, 626m, 1 Oct 2014, A. Ješovnik; Rondônia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, Res do INPA No 0158, [-10.2, -61.9], 27 Mar 1985, W. Franca; Sergipe: Santa Luzia do Itanhy, Crasto, -11.3775, -37.4187, 21 Jun 2001, R. R. Silva, R. M. Feitosa, C. R. F Brandão; COLOMBIA: Amazonas: PNN Amacay acu Matamata, -3.6833, -70.25, 150m, 1 Oct 2001, D. Chota; PNN Amacayacu, San Martín, -3.7666, -70.3, 150m, 7 Nov 2001, D. Chota; Caquetá: Puerto Solano, PNN Serranía de Chiribiquete, Río Sararamano, 0.167, -72.6097, 250m, 1 Apr 2000, E. Gonzales; Meta: PNN Sumapaz, Cabaña las Marías, 3.8, -73.8666, 779m, 1 Oct 2003, H. Vargas; Villavicencio, La Vanguardia, Sector Pozo Azul, [4.1451, -73.6269], 375m, 16 Apr 2005; Putumayo: PNN La Paya Cabaña Chagra, -0.1166, -74.9333, 320m, 15 Oct 2001, R. Cobete; Vaupés: Est. Biol. Mosiro-Itajura (Caparu) Centro Ambiental, -1.0666, -69.5166, 60m, 1 Feb 2003, M. Sharkey, D. Arias; Vichada: Cumaribo, Cgto. Santa Rita, PNN El Tuparro, 5.3316, -67.8908, 135m, 8 Feb 2004, I. Quintero, E. Gonzales; ECUADOR: Morona-Santiago: Los Tayos, [-4.3, -78.67], 3 Aug 1976, Tjitte de Vries; Sucumbíos: Reserva Faunistico Cuyabeno, 0.1167, -76.1833, 1 Nov 1994, J. P. Caldwell; La Selva Lodge, Mandi Cocha, [-0.4973, -76.3747], 11 Jun 2003, S. Villamarin; FRENCH GUIANA: Cayenne: 10 km south Sinnamary, Paracou forest, 5.2808, -52.9465, 2006-2009; Nouragues Field Station, 4.09, -52.2, 1 Oct 2009; GUYANA: Cuyuni-Mazaruni: Mazaruni River, Forest Settlement, 6.3973, -58.6781, 1 Aug 1935, N. A. Weber; Oko R., Cuyuni trib., [6.4638, -58.8538], 22 Jun 1936, N. A. Weber; Potaro-Siparuni: Iwokrama For. Res. Whitewater Camp, 4.7168, -58.8333, 60m, 6 Nov 2002, J. S. LaPolla; Iwokrama, Kurapakari base Camp, [4.6698, -58.6854], 60m, 6 Apr 1996, T. R. Schultz; Paramakatoi, PK-Yawong Trail, [4.7167, -59.7], 704m, 16 Apr 1996, T. R. Schultz; Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo: Acarai Mts., nr Romeo’s camp, 1.3833, -58.9333, 735m, 16 Oct 2006, T. R. Schultz, C. J. Marshall; PERU: Madre de Dios: Puerto Maldonado, Los Amigos Biol. Station, -12.5617, -70.0924, 276m, 20 Nov 2005, J. Sosa-Calvo; San Martín: Davidcillo, 30km NNE Tarapoto, -6.25, -76.25, 220m, 21 Aug 1986, P. S. Ward; SURINAME: Brokopondo: Maripaheuvel, near Dam on Sara creek, [4.67, -54.95], 1 Sep 1959, I. v. d. Drift; Poeroe man Kemisa, [4.67, -54.95], 1 Sep 1959, I. v. d. Drift; Sipaliwini: Bakhuis Mountains, 4.7451, -56.7832, 5 m, 11 Mar 2006, J. Sosa-Calvo; Lely Mountains, 4.2529, -54.7561, 619m, 26 Oct 2005, J. Sosa-Calvo; Nassau Mountains, 4.8172, -54.6067, 514m, 3 Nov 2005, J. Sosa-Calvo; VENEZUELA: Bolívar: via El Dorado-Santa Elena Km. 80, [5.89, -61.46], 300m, 26 Jun 1984, J. Lattke.













