Liogenys sulcoventris Cherman

Cherman, Mariana Alejandra, Mise, Kleber Makoto, Moron †, Miguel Angel, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z. & Almeida, Lucia Massutti de, 2017, A taxonomic revision of Liogenys occurring in Brazil with an interactive key and remarks on New World Diplotaxini (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae), ZooKeys 699, pp. 1-120 : 96-102

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scientific name

Liogenys sulcoventris Cherman

sp. n.

Liogenys sulcoventris Cherman sp. n. Figs 87, 90


Holotype male, pinned, wih genitalia mounted. Original labels: [white printed] “Coleção/A.M.BELLO”, [white printed] "Nova Friburgo/RJ - BRASIL/XII - 2002/ Col: E. Grossi", [white printed] "CZMT- CEMT/0000018010", [red printed] “HOLOTYPE” (CEMT). Paratypes (6) bearing the label [red printed] “PARATYPE”: Female paratype labeled: [white printed] “Macaé de Cima/Nova Friburgo/ RJ - BRASIL/ I-2006/ Leg. B. Miller", [white printed] "CZMT- CEMT/0000018011". Female paratype labeled: [white printed] “Macaé de Cima/Nova Friburgo/ RJ - BRASIL/ I-2006/ Leg. B. Miller", [white printed] "CZMT- CEMT/0000018013" (CEMT). Two male and two female paratypes labeled: [white printed]"BRASIL. RJ. N. Friburgo/ Macaé de Cima/XI. 2005" "1400m./-22.3752S; -42.4957W/P. C. Grossi Coll." (CERPE). Holotype and two paratypes deposited at CEMT, Setor de Entomologia da Coleção Zoológica, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Cuiabá. Four paratypes deposited at CERPE, Coleção Entomologica da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife.

Non-type material.

BRAZIL. MG: Mar de Espanha, 6/II/1910, J. F. Zikan col., 1 ex. (CEIOC); Virgínia, Faz. Dos Campos, 1500m, without date, J. F. Zikan col., 1 ex. (MNRJ); Passa Quatro: Faz dos Campos, 12/XI/1917, J. F. Zikan col., 1 ex. (MNRJ); without date, J. F. Zikan col., 1 ex. (CEIOC); ES: Itaguaçú, 14/V/1964, C. Elias col., 1 ex. (DZUP); Santa Teresa, 6/XI/1966, C.T. and C. Elias col., 1 ex. (DZUP); Alegre. Faz. Jerusalém, 24/IX/1914, J. F. Zikan col., 1 ex. (CEIOC); RJ: Rio de Janeiro, 1844, M de Castelnau col., 1 ex. (MNHN); Nova Friburgo, without date and collector, Hüs ing Halle leg., PARATYPE Liogenys palmata Burm, 1855 G.Frey 1967/68 det., 1 ex. (MLUH); Copacabana: XI/1996, A. Bello col., 1 ex.; XI/2009, A. Bello col., 1 ex.; XI/2009, A. Bello col., 1 ex. (CEMT); Visconde de Mauá, XII/1991, A. Bello col., 2 ex. (CEMT); SP: Pindamonhangaba, Eugênio Lefevre, [22°49'32"S, 45°37'43"W], 29/IX/1963, alt. 1161.7 m, Exp.Dep. Zool. col., Liogenys palmata Burm, 1855 G. Frey 1967/69 det., 2 ex. (MZSP); Eugênio Lefevre trav., alt. 1161.7 m, without date, Lopes et Oiticica col., 1 ex. (MNRJ); São Miguel Arcanjo. Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, 24°04'01"S, 47°59'40"W, 25/XI/2011, 762 m, E. Bovy col., tapir faeces, 1 ex. (CEMT); PR: Castro, 21/XII/1955, Laroca col., 1 ex. (DZUP); Arapoti, X/1937, A. Maller col. 2 ex. (MNRJ); Guarapuava, I/1960 Schneider col., 1 ex. (MNRJ); without locality, without date, Metzler leg., 1 ex.; Hilarianus anguliceps Moser det., Metzler leg., 1 ex. (SDEI); without date, Exp.Dep. Zool. col., Hüsing Halle leg., PARATYPE Liogenys palmata Burm, 1855 G.Frey 1967/68 det., 1 ex. (MHLU); without date and collector, Liogenys testaceipennis Moser Frey 1968 det., 1 ex. (NMHB); 5/XI/1920, J. F. Zikan col., 1 ex.; 14/XI/1919, J. F. Zikan col., 1 ex. (CEIOC).


Body brownish; elongate; elytra testaceous to brownish, pronotum reddish or dark brown; clypeal emargination rounded, shallow and wide; outer sides of anterior teeth sub-parallel; canthus exceeding the outer margin of the eye; male mesotibia quadrate in cross section; male metafemur strongly produced medially on posterior margin; metatibia slightly bent outwards; inner margin of male metatibia medially produced towards apex; claw bifid, symmetrical, superior tooth as long as and narrower than the inferior; male ventrites I, II and III sulcated medially, IV slightly elevated; pygidium convex or flat, as wide as it is long, pygidial disc bristled only on apex; male genitalia, width of basal region equal to the parameres together at its transverse midline; total length of parameres more than five times the length of their apex; inner margins convergent; apex harpoon-like with lateral angle curved projecting perpendicularly to parameres (Fig. 87G).


Male. Length: 14.7 mm; width: 7.2 mm. Brownish. Head: distance between eyes nearly twice the width of one eye; frons equal in length to clypeus, finely and densely punctured; clypeal emargination rounded, shallow and wide; outer sides of anterior teeth sub-parallel, slightly convergent; outer margin of anterior tooth more than three times shorter than the eye; clypeal lateral margin slightly convex; canthus exceeding the outer margin of the eye; distal maxillary palpomere, maximum width nearly the width of apex; fovea shallow, extending up to the transverse midline of the palpomere; labium transversely carinated, as wide as it is long; antenna 10-articulated, lamellae lighter in color and longer than flagellum. Thorax: anterior margin of pronotum slightly produced medially; maximum length of pronotum exceeding the length of tarsomeres I, II and III together; disc glabrous, punctures fine and sparse; pronotal posterior corners sharp, almost right-angled; proepisternum with short bristles; mesepisternum scaly; sides of metasternum bristled, a few long ones on the anterior margin; distance between meso- and metacoxae up to twice longer than the metacoxa; scutellum ogival, finely punctured along the margins. Elytra: shiny, glabrous, uniform light brown to testaceous, pronotum dark brown; elytra more than three times longer than the pronotum; elytral suture slightly darker than elytron and distinctly elevated; two pairs of inner ridges more noticeable than the two outer pairs. Legs: procoxa scaly on infra-carinal and outer surface; punctures visible at 12 × magnification; three protibial teeth, middle and apical equal in size, the three teeth equally spaced; protibial inner apical spur present; mesofemural disc setose, scarcely bristled; mesotibia quadrate in cross section; disc coarsely sculptured, mesotibial apical carina incomplete; basal apophysis of metacoxa produced beyond the outer margin of trochanter; metafemur strongly produced medially on posterior margin; inner margin of metatibia carinated and medially produced towards apex, apical inner surface setose; metatibial disc finely sculptured; two metatibial transverse carina present posteriorly and posterior discontinuous longitudinal carina; metatibial apical spurs of different lengths, the longest shorter than the diameter of the tibial apex; protarsomere II long; pro- and mesotarsomeres I to IV enlarged, protarsomeres two-fold wider than the mesotarsomeres and more than twice than the metatarsi; basal metatarsomere and tarsomere II equal in size; claw bifid, symmetrical, superior tooth as long as and narrower than the inferior; distance between teeth shorter than the inferior tooth. Abdomen: ventrites bristled on disc; ventrites I, II and III sulcated medially, IV slightly elevated; propygidium visible, bearing few short bristles; pygidium convex, sub-quadrate, as wide as it is long; pygidial width not exceeding distance between spiracles of propygidium, pygidial disc bristled only on apex; pygidial apex quadrate. Parameres: width of basal region equal to the parameres together at its midline, parameral split at 2/3; total length of parameres more than five times the length of their apex; inner margins convergent; apex harpoon-like with lateral angle curved projecting perpendicularly to parameres (Fig. 87G). In lateral view parameres strongly concave (Fig. 87H).

Female paratype. Length: 16.3 mm; width 8.3 mm. As the holotype except in the size bigger, body darker; frons more swollen, clypeal lateral margin straight; elytra pruinose; head punctures coarser; scutellum barely punctured at the base; ventrites smooth.


Male paratypes 14.6-14.8 mm; width: 7.2 mm. As the holotype except in the pygidium, convex or flat; female paratypes as the former.


Adjective in the nominative singular. From Latin sulcus ("furrow, ditch, track") + ventris genitive from venter ( “abdomen”). The species is named in reference to the shape of the male ventrites sulcate medially


BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro: Nova Friburgo [42°29'45"W; 22°22'31"S], Dec 2002, E. Grossi Coll..

Geographical distribution.



Liogenys sulcoventris Cherman, sp. n. resembles L. punctaticollis (Fig. 69) and L. tibialis (Fig. 77) in the size, shape and color of the body and elytra and in the shape of clypeus. The new species differs mainly in the head punctures which are fine and dense; pronotal punctures denser and clypeal emargination rounder. In males the ventrites I, II and III are sulcated medially and the ventrite IV is slightly elevated (Fig. 87F) (in L. tibialis ventrites I to IV are elevated and in L. puncaticollis they are smooth); the pygidium is wider apically and the shape of parameres is distinct, more than five times the length of their apex, which is harpoon-like with lateral angle curved projecting perpendicularly to parameres. Within the type series (MLUH) of L. palmata (junior synonym of L. punctaticollis ), there are two paratypes that match with L. sulcoventris Cherman, sp. n. and they are also from Nova Friburgo. However, the type-locality is not a conclusive data, as L. punctaticollis also occurs at the same locality.













