Camptocerus pilifrons Smith and Cognato, 2010

Smith, Sarah M. & Cognato, Anthony I., 2010, A taxonomic revision of Camptocerus Dejean (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Insecta Mundi 2010 (148), pp. 1-88 : 56-58

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5165174

publication LSID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-08-05 19:47:28, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 18:20:46)

scientific name

Camptocerus pilifrons Smith and Cognato

sp. nov.

Camptocerus pilifrons Smith and Cognato View in CoL , new species

(Fig. 37, 66)

Type Material. Holotype: male, ECUADOR: Napo: Reserva Ethnica Waorani , 1 km S Onkone Gare Camp, -0.652778, -76.433333, 220 m, ex. canopy fogging, vii.1995, (T.L. Erwin et al.), lot 1115 ( USNM held in trust for MECN) GoogleMaps . Paratype: ECUADOR: Napo: Reserva Ethnica Waorani , 1 km S Onkone Gare Camp, -0.652778, -76.433333, 220 m, ex. canopy fogging, vii.1994, (T.L. Erwin et al.) lot 714, 1M ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; vii.1995, lot 1114, 1M ( USNM) ; viii.1995, lot 1115, 2M ( MSUC) ; x.1995, lot 1254, 1M, 1F ( USNM) ; x.1995, lot 1256, 1F ( USNM) ; x.1995, lot 1260, 1F ( MSUC) ; x.1996, lot 1669, 1M ( USNM) .

Male genitalia. Median lobe flat, lateral and apical margins lightly sclerotized; lateral folds lateral folds thin and straight; apex flat; lateral margins of median lobe folded dorsally, forming a broad point on basal third; apical orifice membranous. Median struts stout, laterally compressed and wider basally, less than a quarter of body length. Internal sac central area membranous; seminal valve moderately sclerotized with 2 triangular plates basally, forming a thin moderately sclerotized ring at apical orifice, connected to median lobe by a thin membrane ( Fig. 66). Tegmen semicircular, ventral side short. Spicule destroyed in dissection.

Female. Similar to male except epistoma with 2 rows of setae on distal margin. Frons flat; short, sparse, setae present only on lateral margins. Each gena with a circular mycangium (Fig. 4c). Segments 5-7 of funicle bearing setae on both dorsal and ventral margins, these less than length of 3 segments. Elytra finely sculptured. Disk covered with shallow rugosities to interstria 8. Declivital interstriae 1-5 on apical half with a crenulation at the base of each puncture, each bearing a short bristle, bristles of equal length; striae weakly impressed.

Specimens examined. (7M, 3F)

Distribution. Ecuador (Napo).

Hosts. Unknown.

Biology. Unknown.

Etymology. Pili- (L) = hairy, - frons (L) = fore-

head, brow. In reference to the setose excavation

of the frons.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museo Ecuadoriano de Ciencias Naturales











