Scolytoplatypus permirus Schaufuss, 1891

Jordal, Bjarte H., 2013, Deep phylogenetic divergence between Scolytoplatypus and Remansus, a new genus of Scolytoplatypodini from Madagascar (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae), ZooKeys 352, pp. 9-33 : 12-14

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scientific name

Scolytoplatypus permirus Schaufuss, 1891


Scolytoplatypus permirus Schaufuss, 1891 View in CoL Figs 8-13

Scolytoplatypus permirus Schaufuss, 1891: 31.


Length 2.5-3.1 mm.

Male.Frons concave, marked at its upper margin by a small heart-shaped tubercle. Pronotum with a short spine in postero-lateral corners, posterior margin strongly bisinuate. Scutellum narrow, sunken between elytra. Elytral disk on posterior third and declivity with carinate interstriae and deeply excavated striae; interstriae 2, 4 and 6 not carinate on declivity; declivity in lateral profile gradually rounded.

Female. Similar to male except frons convex, pronotum with one large mycangial pore, posterior third of pronotum laterally constricted, posterior part of elytral disk smooth, declivity with shallowly impressed striae, interstriae 1, 3 and 5 weakly elevated, elytral apex broadly rounded, extended flange less transverse, with broad v-shaped emargination at suture; protibiae broad, posterior face tuberculate.


The amount of interstrial setae and granules on declivity varies considerably between individuals.

Molecular data.

DNA barcodes in Table 1.

Distribution and biology.

New records: Antsiranana Prov, Parc National Montagne d’Ambre, 12°30'52"S, 049°10'53"E, MA-01-01A-01, 21-26 Jan 2001, Malaise trap. Antsiranana Prov, Sakalava Beach [vegetated beach dunes], 12°15'46"S, 049°23'51"E, MA-01-04B-17, 13-20 Aug 2001, malaise trap. Fianarantsoa Prov, Forêt d’Atsirakambiaty, 7.6 km 285° WNW Itremo, 20°35'36"S, 046°33'48"E, BLF7155, 22-26 Jan 2003, EB09 sifted litter (leaf mold, rotten wood). Fianarantsoa Prov, Ranomafana National Park, Belle Vue trail, 21°15'59"S, 047°25'13"E, MA-02-09C-23, 31 Mar-7 Apr 2002; MA-02-09C-36, 24 Jul-4 Aug 2002, MA-02-09C-21, 19-26 Mar 2002; MA-02-09C-25, 14-23 Apr 2002, all in Malaise traps; JIRAMA water works, 21°14'55"S, 047°27'08"E, MA-02-09D-08, 21-24 Dec 2001, malaise trap. Toamasina Prov, Andasibe National Park, botanic garden near entrance, 18°55'35"S, 048°24'28"E, MA-01-08B-18, 01-10 Nov 2001, malaise trap [CAS]. Fianarantsoa prov, Ranomafana NP, Centre ValBio [-21.25, 47.42], alt. 950m, ex Dalbergia branch, 2012: 1x-7, B.Jordal leg; Vato trail [-21.29, 47.42], alt. 1100m, ex Xylopia branch, 2012: 4x-11, B.Jordal leg; Valo area [-21.31, 47.43], alt. 1100m, ex Albizia branch, 2012: 6x-9, B.Jordal leg. [ZMBN].

A fairly common species throughout the wet forests of Madagascar, where it frequently co-occurs with Scolytoplatypus hova Schaufuss. It breeds in small diameter branches, typically ranging between 2-5 cm. Previously known from Montagne d’Ambre and Joffreville in the north of the island, from Antananarivo, and in the east from Perinet in Andasibe national park ( Schedl 1977). The many new records from the South-Eastern rain forest in Ranomafana documents its likely presence throughout the moist and wet forests of the island. This is a very polyphagous species, reported previously from 20 host plant species in 14 different plant families ( Schedl 1977), adding here another three host genera and one new plant family ( Annonaceae ).















