Phasmatocoris ecuadorensis, Gil-Santana, 2021

Gil-Santana, Hélcio R., 2021, A new species of Phasmatocoris Breddin, 1904 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Emesinae) from Ecuador, with taxonomic notes and an updated key of the genus, Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 47 (3), pp. 573-589 : 586-588

publication ID 10.35249/rche.

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scientific name

Phasmatocoris ecuadorensis


Key for the species of Phasmatocoris View in CoL , modified from Wygodzinsky (1966) and Gil-Santana (2015, 2018a):

1. Ventral surface of fore femora with slender, spinelike setae only; anterolateral projections of collar rounded-truncate apically; metanotum with or without spine …..................… 3

- Ventral surface of fore femora with short, spiniferous processes in addition to spinelike setae; anterolateral projections of collar with long and slender, spinelike processes; metanotum spined …...........………………...……………………………........................….. 2

2. Pronotum with a median and a pair of humeral spines posteriorly (always distinct, though in some cases short); posteroventral series of fore femur with six or more large, spiniferous processes ..........................................................… Ph. praecellens ( Bergroth, 1911)

- Hind margin of pronotum lacking spines; posteroventral series of fore femur with at most five large, spiniferous processes ….................... Ph. minor (McAtee & Malloch, 1925) View in CoL

3. Fore tibia ventrally with two series of denticles ...........................……………..…………... 4

- Fore tibia ventrally with a single series of denticles.….............................……..…....…… 7

4. Size, almost 20 mm; general color testaceous, abdomen ochraceous; hind lobe before posterior margin with one median, and a pair of humeral toothlike processes. Parameres of male strongly widened apically ................………………... Ph. spectrum Breddin, 1904 View in CoL

- Size, less than 15 mm; general color stramineous to ochraceous; hind lobe lacking processes before posterior margin or with a very small, low, excavated protuberance at middle of posterior margin. Parameres of male pointed or rounded apically ……....… 5

5. Portion of anteroventral series of fore femur situated basad of interruption consisting of one isolated seta; posterior margin of hind lobe with a very small, low, excavated protuberance at its middle. Parameres of male blunt-rounded apically .............................. .....................................................................................................… Ph. labyrinthicus Pape, 2013 View in CoL

- Portion of anteroventral series situated basad of interruption consisting of several setae forming an apparent continuation of posteroventral series; posterior margin of hind lobe without protuberances. Parameres of male pointed apically …................................ 6

6. Length, more than 10 mm; pronotum testaceous, fore and hind lobe concolorous; head twice as long as high in lateral view; teeth of under surface of fore tibia hook-shaped; subbasal cell of forewing more than twice as long as basal cell …......................................... .........................................................................................… Ph. patquianus Wygodzinsky, 1966 View in CoL

- Length, much less than 10 mm; fore lobe of pronotum ochraceous, hind lobe castaneous; head one and one-half times as long as high in lateral view; teeth of under surface of fore tibia peg like; subbasal cell of forewing less than twice as long as basal cell ............... ..……………............................................................................ Ph. usingeri Wygodzinsky, 1966 View in CoL

7. Spine-like setae of fore femur extending to, or almost to, base of femur .....................… 8

- Spine-like setae of fore femur not reaching base of femur, separated from base at least by about length of fore tarsus .....................................................................………………… 9

8. Subbasal cell of forewing shorter than basal cell; fore lobe of pronotum more or less horizontal in lateral view …………….................... Ph. testaceus (McAtee & Malloch, 1925) View in CoL

- Subbasal cell of forewing longer than basal cell; fore lobe of pronotum strongly declivous in lateral view ………..........…………….…….....… Ph. diffinis (McAtee & Malloch, 1925) View in CoL

9. Total length 22.2-24.0 mm. With conspicuous pale, reddish and darkened markings or portions, including reddish markings on head; lateral portions of thorax and a medial band on hind lobe of pronotum brownish; mid and hind femora and tibiae dark reddish, with femorotibial articulations largely whitish ……........ Ph. catarinae Gil-Santana, 2015 View in CoL

- Total length 11-17.5 mm. Body with less conspicuous markings, or without markings; all or at least the mid-femorotibial articulations with the same color of the leg or apical portion of mid and hind femora darkened.……..…………….............................................. 10

10. General color ferruginous to testaceous; metanotum tuberculate behind but without spine; posterior process of pygophore broad and platelike or spine-like ……............................… 11

- General color piceous, blackish, brownish-black or yellow-orange to testaceous; metanotum with a short spine or small blunt tubercle or elevation; posterior process of pygophore spine-like .......…………………………………...............................................…………………. 13

11. Fore lobe of pronotum very slightly longer than hind lobe; posterior process of pygophore broad and plate-like …........................................................………………………….................. 12

- Fore lobe of pronotum 1.6 to 1.7 times longer than hind lobe; posterior process of pygophore spine-like ……..…..............................................................… Ph. borgmeieri (Wygodzinsky, 1945) View in CoL

12. Portion of anteroventral series situated basad of interruption consisting of a single isolated seta; posterior process of pygophore not continuous with surface of pygophore, very short and broad, almost semicircular in outline …................... Ph. rapax (McAtee & Malloch, 1925) View in CoL

- Portion of anteroventral series of fore femur situated basad of interruption consisting of several spiniform setae forming an apparent continuation of posteroventral series; process of pygophore continuous with surface of pygophore, subrectangular in shape ....................... ......................................................................................................... Ph. breddini Wygodzinsky, 1966 View in CoL

13. General color yellow-orange to bright testaceous or testaceous to light brownish; metanotum with small blunt tubercle …………….….......................................................…… 14

- General color piceous, blackish, brownish-black; metanotum with a short but distinct spine or a pointed prominence ................................................................................................… 15

14. General color yellow-orange to bright testaceous; distal half of fore femora, hind femora and tibiae darkened; pygophore with lateral notch at upper margin and posterior process elongated on posterior view; paramere without protuberance on inner surface; last sternite of female with a conspicuous apical median spine …....…………......................................... ........................................................……. Ph. xavieri Gil-Santana, Alves, Barrett & Costa, 2007 View in CoL

- General color testaceous to light brownish; distal third of fore femora, apical portion of hind femora and basal portion of hind tibiae pale, somewhat yellowish; pygophore with upper margin straigh and posterior process short, subtriangular on posterior view; paramere with an apical large rounded protuberance on upper portion of inner surface; last sternite of female slightly acute at median portion of apex ................................................... ............................................................................................................... Ph. galvaoi Gil-Santana, 2015 View in CoL

15. Shape of apical portion of parameres subrectangular or suboval ( Fig. 24 View Figures 24-27 ); posterior process of pygophore regularly narrowed from base to apex in posterior view ( Fig. 21 View Figures 18-23 ) …........... 16

- Shape of apical portion of parameres subtriangular; posterior process of pygophore somewhat constricted beyond base, slightly widened toward middle and again narrowed toward apex ……………………………………………..…………..…...................................... 18

16. Hind lobe of pronotum with an almost imperceptible longitudinal depression. Basal cell of forewing not completely separating subbasal and discal cells, base of the latter narrowly meeting apex of the former. Apical portion of parameres subrectangular, their outer surface somewhat impressed on disc ………...................................... Ph. moraballi Wygodzinsky, 1966 View in CoL

- Hind lobe of pronotum with a wide, distinct longitudinal depression ( Fig. 6 View Figures 1-6 ). Subbasal and discal cells of forewing clearly separated by basal cell ( Figs. 13-14 View Figures 13-17 ). Apical portion of parameres suboval, with a pair of pointed processes at tip of inner surface ( Fig. 24B View Figures 24-27 ); their outer surface not impressed on disc ( Fig. 24A View Figures 24-27 ) ……………………………………............... 17

17. Total length of male: 17.5 mm; angles of collar of fore lobe of pronotum dark reddish ( Fig. 4 View Figures 1-6 ); anterolateral angles of hind lobe of pronotum with a subtriangular dark yellowish spot ( Fig. 3 View Figures 1-6 ); fore femora with a subdistal pale annulus ( Figs. 3 View Figures 1-6 , 9 View Figures 7-12 ); hind femora with subapical narrow yellowish spots, on lateral and dorsal surfaces ( Fig. 12 View Figures 7-12 ); forewings with the basal third of basal cell pale whitish and pale markings adjacent to veins of discal cell ( Fig. 13 View Figures 13-17 ); metanotum with a short, pointed, horizontally directed backwards prominence ( Fig. 7 View Figures 7-12 ); process of pygophore curved in lateral view ( Fig. 23 View Figures 18-23 ) ……................. ...........................................................................................................… Ph. ecuadorensis sp. nov.

- Total length of male: 12.5-13.7 mm; fore and hind lobes of pronotum completely dark blackish, without paler portions of markings; subdistal and subapical portions of fore and hind femora without annulus or spots, respectively; forewings dark brown, without pale markings; metanotum with a short obliquely elevated spine; process of pygophore, generally straight in lateral view ………………..........................… Ph. papei Gil-Santana, 2018 View in CoL

18. Distance from apex of antenniferous tubercles to anterior border of eyes, in lateral view, somewhat less than length of eyes; parameres not indented dorsally before apex ........…...... ............................................................................................................ Ph. sturmi Wygodzinsky, 1966 View in CoL

- Distance from apex of antenniferous tubercles to anterior border of eyes, in lateral view, somewhat greater than length of eyes; parameres indented dorsally before apex ................... .............................................................................................….. Ph. magdalenae Wygodzinsky, 1966 View in CoL













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