Zelia guimaraesi Dios & de Santis

Dios, Rodrigo de Vilhena Perez & Santis, Marcelo Domingos de, 2019, A new synonym for Zelia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera, Tachinidae), the genus Opsozelia Townsend, 1919, with the description of three new species, ZooKeys 880, pp. 113-133 : 123-125

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scientific name

Zelia guimaraesi Dios & de Santis

sp. nov.

Zelia guimaraesi Dios & de Santis View in CoL sp. nov. Figs 3 View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4 , 7 G–I View Figure 7 , 8 View Figure 8

Type material examined.

Holotype ♂: Brazil: Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia, ii.1966, F. Plaumann col. (MZSP). Labelled as follows: "Brasilien / Nova Teutônia / 27°11B 52°23L, 300-500 m / ii.1966 / Fritz Plaumann" " Zelia / guimaraesi sp. nov. / Dios & Santis det. 2016" [handwriting/printed label]; “Holotipo” [red label].

Paratypes: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo, "Mury, Nova Friburgo / Rio de Janeiro - Br. / 12.xi.1970 / Gred & Guimarães col." 1 ♂ (MZSP); Petrópolis, Le Vallon, Alt, Mosella, 1 ♀, 1. ii–8– iii.1957, Albuquerque col. (MNRJ); São Paulo, Salesópolis, (Est. Biol. Boracéia / Salesópolis, SP-Br / 22 - 24.x.1982 / EXC. MZUSP col.) 1 ♂, (MZSP); Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia, 1 ♂, same as holotype, 1 ♀, iv.1967, 1 ♀, xi.1966, 4 ♂, ix.1967, F. Plaumann col. (MZSP); Rio Grande do Sul, Santo Augusto, 1 ♂, i–ii, 1962, Roppa col. (MNRJ).


Parafacial larger or equal to 1/3 of the head width; tergite V entirely reddish brown; facial ridge with only one to two setulae; halter stem dark yellow; wings smokier alongside the veins; frontal vitta larger.


Body length: 12.0 mm.

Coloration: Frontal vitta and ocellar triangle dark brown to black. Head light yellow to tawny covered entirely with silver pruinosity. Occiput with long and black setulae. Postpedicel orange, but distal ¼ brownish orange. Palpus yellow-tawny. Thorax brown to dark brown with silver or light golden pruinosity; scutum with four dark vittae, in prescutum the two inner vittae are thinner than the outer, in postscutum, the inner vittae half the length of the outer, neither reaching the scutellum. Scutellum dark brown, with pale pruinosity posteriorly. Subscutellum with pale pruinosity. Wing hyaline, slightly light brown along the veins. Calypteres slightly infuscated. Halter yellowish to brownish. Posterior spiracle light brown. Legs brown to tawny with silver pruinosity on coxae and femora; tarsi darker. Claws brown, pulvilum yellow. Abdomen pale yellow, with median brown longitudinal vitta covering syntergite I+II, continuing along the middle of the abdomen to the end of tergite IV; tergite V entirely reddish black.

Head: Frontal vitta at its widest point ca. 1.1 × as wide as the vertex in dorsal view. Frontal vitta, in the narrowest point, equal to bigger width than ocellar triangle. Fronto-orbital plate with 12-13 pairs of proclinate setae; narrower than frontal vitta and parafacial. Postocellar proclinate. Orbital plate with six setulae. Width of parafacial measured between inner margin of compound eye and antennal insertion is 2 × the width of gena. Postpedicel slender, 1.5 × the combined length of scape and pedicel; arista plumose with two to three dorsal and one ventral rows; length of the ventral cilia longer than the dorsal, longest cilia ca. 7 × basal width of arista. Facial ridge with two to three setulae on lower third. Lower facial margin not protruding, and invisible in profile. Vibrissa long, inserted above lower facial margin. Premuntum as long as palpus. Labella developed, little longer than 0.5 × the prementum.

Thorax: Acrostichals 2-3+2. Dorsocentral 3+3-4. Intra-alar 1+2-3, first post-sutural weak; intra-postalar absent. Supra-alar 2+2-3, first post-sutural weak. Postpronotal lobe with four setae, three forming an anterior row and one posterior. Anepisternum with eight strong setae and with one to two upward directed setulae anteriorly. Scutellum with one basal, one apical and one discal pairs of setae.

Wing: Base of R dorsally and ventrally setulose. M vein bent forward to R4+5, forming an angle slightly smaller than 90°, and convex after bend.

Legs: Fore coxa with many setae anteriorly; fore femur with dorsal and posteroventral rows of setae; fore tibia with two posterodorsal setae and row of shorter anterodorsal setae. Mid femur with three anteroventral on apical third, tibia with two pos terodorsal, two anterodorsal and one anteroventral setae, two dorsal, one ventral, one posteroventral and one anteroventral preapical setae; mid tibia with one anteroventral median seta, two anterior median setae and two posterior median setae. Hind femur with three anteroventral setae on basal half and three ventral setae on basal half and with row of anterodorsal setae; one posterodorsal preapical seta; hind tibia with two anterior median, two anteroventral median and two posterodorsal median setae. Claws straight with the tip curved, same length as 5th tarsomere.

Abdomen: Syntergite I+II without pair of median margin setae. Tergite III with two or none discal setae increasing in size anteriorly, one median marginal seta and one lateral marginal seta. Tergite IV with four discal setae increasing in size anteriorly and a marginal row of setae.

Terminalia ( Fig. 7 G–I View Figure 7 ): Tergite VI and segment VII+VIII yellowish tawny with scarce silver pruinosity. Surstyili in lateral view wider, more than 2 × the maximum cerci width; triangular shaped, slightly narrowed at the apex. Surstyli in posterior view with an expansion laterally. Apex of the hypandrium directed upwards. Middle bar longer than the total length of the granular structure of distiphallus. Apex of distiphallus curved.

Female differs from male by the following ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ): Body length, 12.4 mm. Fronto-orbital plate with two reclinate orbital setae, and one proclinate orbital setae. Inner vertical and outer vertical setae well developed and reclinate. Palpus swollen apically. Postscutum with two black vittae laterally on anterior half. Mid and hind legs yellow, but posteroventrally ¼ brownish black. Pulvillus and claws not elongated. Abdomen yellowish orange, with tergite III with a triangular spot starting posteriorly, and laterally with a brownish black spot at the insertion of lateral margin setae, tergite IV posteriorly with a horizontal brownish black band, laterally and medially almost reaching anterior margin, and tergite V entirely yellowish orange. Tergite III-V with an anteriorly band of pruinosity, in all the tergite.

Terminalia ( Fig. 8 View Figure 8 ): Tergite VI and VII complete dorsally, with setae in all tergite VI and with few setae on the posterior margin of tergite VII, 6th spiracle on membrane ventrally, before tergite VI and 7th spiracle ventrally between tergite VI and sternite VIII. Tergite VIII present as thin and incomplete structure, with its apex elongated dorsally; very close to sternite X ventrally. Sternite VI and VII complete ventrally, with few setae in all posterior margin. Sternite VIII subrectangular as a narrow strip with setulae in the entire surface. Sternite X, as a narrow strip, with setula only on the posterior margin. Cerci well developed, sub-circular, with several setae apically with lingulae. Syntergite IX+X absent. Three spermatheca; equal sized; oval with apical portion with a pore and surface entirely rugose.

Type locality.

Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutônia.


Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina states).


Z. guimaraesi sp. nov. is named in honor of the late Dr. José Henrique Guimarães, the former curator of Diptera at the MZSP, who contributed greatly to the study of Neotropical Tachinidae .











