Digonocryptus atrozyrix Aguiar et Ramos, 2011

Aguiar, Alexandre Pires & Ramos, Adriana C. B., 2011, 2846, Zootaxa 2846, pp. 1-98 : 21-22

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Felipe (2021-08-23 11:50:27, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 12:37:19)

scientific name

Digonocryptus atrozyrix Aguiar et Ramos

sp. nov.

Digonocryptus atrozyrix Aguiar et Ramos , sp. nov.

Figs 5, 6, 106, 180, 220

Description. Holotype FEMALE. Fore wing 14.3 mm.

Head. Ventral tooth of mandible approximately as long as dorsal tooth. Clypeus apical area delimited by smooth border; clypeal margin with two weak teeth. Antenna with 26 flagellomeres; white band starting at flagellomere IV; 6 flagellomeres at least 50% white.

Mesosoma . Mesopleuron with scarce short hairs, 100% of cuticular surface visible, polished, smooth. Subalar prominence large and round, suboval, not keeled. Sulcus between sternaulus and scrobe absent. Posterior transverse carina of mesosternum absent. Lower metapleuron striate-rugulose. Propodeum: area in front of anterior transverse carina mostly polished, smooth, medially with two incomplete, short ridges extending from carina towards anterior margin. Propodeal apophyses conspicuous, higher than wide, compressed, oblong in cross-section. Posterior transverse carina absent. Area between anterior transverse carina and apophyses obliquely striate; area from margin of petiolar foramen to apophyses radially rugulose to striate. Fore wing in Fig. 180; vein 3-Cu 1.37 length of 4-Cu. Hind wing in Fig. 220.

Metasoma. Postpetiole dorso-longitudinally conspicuously concave, forming elongate depression with somewhat creased margins (Fig. 106); dorsolateral and median dorsal carinae absent; petiolar spiracles in dorsal view weakly prominent. Ovipositor 1.29 length of hind tibia. Apex of lower valve with 15 teeth.

Color. Black and yellow. Lateral pattern as in Fig. 5. Orbital band interrupted only at malar space; width about 0.3 of interocular distance. Labrum and clypeus yellow, except clypeal sulcus and apical area black. Mesosoma dorsally black, except as follows. Pronotum along anterior margin with narrow yellow stripe interrupted medially and near epomia. Scutellum basal 0.6 yellow. Propodeum as in Figs 5–6; apophyses, including small lateral area at its base, yellow. All femora dark brown. Fore tibia laterally and mesally, except apically, pale yellow, remaining brown. Mid and hind tibiae dark brown, except basal end on each side and ventrally yellowish. Fore tarsus brown, t5 missing. Mid t1 between basal 0.2 and apical 0.1 pale yellow, t1 centrally and entire t2 brown; other mid tarsomeres missing. Hind t1 basal 0.3, t4–5 dark brown, t1 apical 0.7, t2–3 pale yellow. Metasoma dorsally black, except as follows. Postpetiole subapically with two large yellow spots, one on each side, almost meeting medially. T2–3 subapical margin with pale yellow stripe medially interrupted by about 0.2 tergite width. T4–T6 apical margin with yellow stripe widely interrupted, on T5–6 barely visible. T7 exceptionally with yellow stripe on anterior margin, narrowing medially, where it is briefly interrupted. T8 apex with two yellow spots; lateral yellow spots also visible dorsally.

MALE. Unknown.

Comments. Similar to D. annulitarsis from which it can be readily separated by having the posterior transverse carina absent (vs. distinct between apophyses); T1–3 apical margin with transverse yellow stripe medially interrupted (vs. complete); propodeum with yellow restricted to apophyses and small lateral area at its base (vs. with large yellow mark) (compare Figs 2 vs. 6).

Material examined. HOLOTYPE ♀ “Valley of the Clouds// Chiriqui, Panama // III.17.60 K.W.Brown ”; “ Digonocryptus // sp. 9” ( AEIC). Right wings slide mounted; fore right t5 and left t3–5, mid right leg beyond trochanter, mid left t3–5, missing.

Distribution. Panama.


American Entomological Institute