Aelia furcula Fieber, 1868

Ghahari, Hassan, Moulet, Pierre & Rider, David A., 2014, An annotated catalog of the Iranian Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha), Zootaxa 3837 (1), pp. 1-95 : 14-15

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Plazi (2016-04-12 10:48:26, last updated by Jonas 2025-01-28 20:40:13)

scientific name

Aelia furcula Fieber, 1868


Aelia furcula Fieber, 1868

Aelia furcula Fieber, 1868: 472 ; Aelia simillima Reuter, 1900: 233 .

Distribution in Iran. Alborz ( Hoberlandt 1997), East Azarbaijan (Brown 1962, 1966; Modarres Awal 1997b; Havaskary et al. 2012), Fars ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Brown 1962, 1966; Wagner 1968; Hoberlandt 1997; Safavi 1959; Linnavuori 2012), Golestan ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b), Hamadan ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Brown 1962, 1966; Wagner 1968; Hoberlandt 1997; Modarres Awal 1997b), Isfahan ( Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b; Samin & Asgari 2012), Kermanshah ( Farahbakhsh 1961; Brown 1966; Safavi 1959; Modarres Awal 1997b), Khorasan ( Safavi 1959; Modarres Awal 1997b), Kordestan ( Wagner 1961, 1968; Brown 1962, 1968; Hoberlandt 1997), Lorestan, Mazandaran ( Modarres Awal 1997b), Markazi ( Modarres Awal 1997b), Qazvin ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Brown 1962, 1966), Tehran ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Brown 1962, 1966; Hoberlandt 1997; Modarres Awal 1997b; Linnavuori 2008), West Azarbaijan ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b), Zanjan ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Brown 1962, 1966; Modarres Awal 1997b), Iran (no locality cited) ( Derjanschi & Péricart 2005; Khanjani 2006; Rider 2006).

General distribution. Ponto-Mediterranean and Central Asia: Greece, Turkey, European Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan ( Derjanschi & Péricart 2005); Cyprus (P. Moulet, unpublished data).

Host plants. On Poaceae ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b), wheat ( Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b; Khanjani 2006), barley ( Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b), brome chess, Agropyron caespitosum , Bromus tectorum var. hirsutus , Eremopyrum bonapartis var. s ublanuginosum, Heteranthelium pitiferum , Hordeum spontaneum (all Poaceae ), Helichrysum oligocephalum ( Asteraceae ) ( Modarres Awal 1997b) and Agropyrum pectiniforme , Alopecurus arundinaceus , Arrhenatherum kotschyi , Boisseria squarrosa , Bromus lanceolatus , B. danthoniae , Eremopoa persica Hordeum violaceum , Poa bulbosa , Melica jacquemonti , Pucinellia bulbosa (all Poaceae ) ( Derjanschi & Péricart 2005). Aelia furcula is a pest of cereals but, in Iran, eggs are destroyed by several Hymenoptera (families Selionidae and Encyrtidae ), and also the nymphs are parasitized by Diptera ( Tachinidae : Phasiinae ) ( Radjabi 1998; Samin 2010).

Brown, E. S. (1966) An account of the fauna associated with Eurygaster integriceps Put. and Aelia species (Hem. Pentatomoidea) in their overwintering areas in the Middle East. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 102, 29 - 46.

Derjanschi, V. & Pericart, J. (2005) Hemipteres Pentatomoidea euro-mediterraneens. Vol. 1: Generalites. Systematique. Premiere Partie. Faune de France, 90. F. F. S. S. N. ed., Paris. 494 pp.

Farahbakhsh, Gh. (1961) Family Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), In: Farahbakhsh, Gh. (ed.). A checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Tehran, Publication No. 1, pp. 25 - 28.

Havaskary, M., Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R., Kazemi, M. H. & Rafeii, A. (2012) A contribution to the stink bugs from Khodafarin, NW Iran (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 7 (1), 607 - 616.

Hoberlandt, L. (1997) Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomological expeditions to Iran 1970, 1973 and 1977; Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 44 (1995), 181 - 293.

Khanjani, M. (2006) Field crop pests in Iran. Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamadan Press, 719 pp. (in Persian).

Linnavuori, R. E. (2008) Studies on the Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae and Pentatomidae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 48 (1), 1 - 21.

Modarres Awal, M. (1997 b) Family Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), pp. 76 - 81. In: Modarres Awal, M. (ed.), List of agricultural pests and their natural enemies in Iran. Ferdowsi University Press, 429 pp.

Radjabi, G. (1998) Biological and ecological features of harmful species of Aelia in cereal growing area of Iran. Applied entomology and phytopathology, 66, 99 - 121. [not seen, according Derjanschi & Pericart 2005]

Reuter, O. M. (1900) Heteroptera palaearctica nova vel minus cognita. I. Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhandlingar, 42, 209 - 239.

Rider, D. A. (2006) Family Pentatomidae. In Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiii + 550 pp. [Article: 233 - 402].

Safavi, M. (1959) Monographie des Hemipteres Heteropteres de l'Iran. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees, 18, 31 - 40.

Samin, N. & Asgari, Sh. (2012) A study on the fauna of scelionid wasps (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea: Scelionidae) in the Isfahan province, Iran. Archives of Biological Science Belgrade, 64 (3), 1073 - 1077.

Wagner, E. (1961) Beitrag zur Heteropteren-Fauna von Iran. Ergebnisse der osterreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949 / 50 und 1956. Anzeiger der Mathematischen-Naturwissen Klasse der Osterreich Akademie Wissen, 10, 156 - 164.

Wagner, E. (1968) Contribution a la Faune de l'Iran. 7. Hemipteres Heteropteres (pro parte). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (Nouvelle serie), 4, 437 - 453.

















