Andrallus spinidens (Fabricius, 1787)

Ghahari, Hassan, Moulet, Pierre & Rider, David A., 2014, An annotated catalog of the Iranian Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha), Zootaxa 3837 (1), pp. 1-95 : 11

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Plazi (2016-04-12 10:48:26, last updated by Jonas 2025-01-28 20:40:13)

scientific name

Andrallus spinidens (Fabricius, 1787)


Andrallus spinidens (Fabricius, 1787)

Cimex spinidens Fabricius, 1787: 285 ; Asopus geometricus Burmeister, 1835: 380 ; Pentatoma aliena Westwood, 1837: 40 ; Acanthidium cinctum Montrouzier, 1858: 252 ; Audin etia aculeata Ellenrieder, 1862: 137; Apateticus ludovicianus Stoner, 1917: 462 .

Distribution in Iran. Guilan ( Linnavuori 2008; Ghahari et al. 2011a), Hormozgan ( Hoberlandt 1997), Khorasan ( Modarres Awal 1996a, 1997b, 2008), Khuzestan ( Hoberlandt 1955, 1997; Safavi 1959; Modarres Awal 1997b; Linnavuori 2012), Mazandaran ( Modarres Awal 1997b; Sakenin et al. 2008; Ghahari et al. 2008a, b, 2009, 2011a), Semnan ( Kalaii et al. 2013), Northern Iran (no locality cited) ( Mohaghegh 2006), Iran (no locality cited) ( Safavi 1976; Rider 2006; Mohaghegh 2008).

General distribution. Italy, Greece, Central Asia (incl. Caucasus), Egypt (Sinai), Japan, Australia, Tropical Asia, tropical Africa, New World (North, Central and South America).

Comments. In mountain forests with Fagus sp. ( Fagaceae ), Fraxinus sp. ( Oleaceae ) ( Linnavuori 2008), on Abutilon theophrasti ( Malvaceae ), Oryza sativa ( Poaceae ) (Sakenin et al. 2008), in rice fields on Absena velvetleaf ( Malvaceae ), Ricinus communis ( Euphorbiaceae ), Ziziphus spina-christi ( Rhamnaceae ) ( Ghahari et al. 2008a), in cotton fields on Alcea hyrcana , and Malva montana (both Malvaceae ) ( Ghahari et al. 2011a).

Andrallus spinidens is a powerful predator of Chilo suppressalis Walkr View in CoL ( Lepidoptera View in CoL : Pyralidae View in CoL ) ( Modarres Awal 1997b; Ghahari et al. 2009), Naranga aenescens Moore View in CoL ( Lepidoptera View in CoL : Noctuidae View in CoL ) in the rice fields of northern Iran (Ghahari et al. 2009), and Melanitis leda (Linnaeus) View in CoL ( Lepidoptera View in CoL : Satyridae View in CoL ); it can suck dead caterpillars ( Péricart 2010).

Ghahari, H., Cherot, F., Ostovan, H. & Sakenin, H. (2008 a) Heteroptera from rice fields and surrounding grasslands of northern Iran (Insecta), with special emphasis on predator species. Journal of Entomological Research Society, 10 (1), 13 - 25.

Ghahari, H., Ostovan, H., Kamali, K. & Tabari, M. (2008 b) Arthropod predators of rice fields in central parts of Mazandaran. J. Agricultural Science (Islamic Azad University), 14 (1), 63 - 74 (in Persian, English summary).

Ghahari, H., Cherot, F., Moulet, P., Carpintero, D. L., Linnavuori, R. E., Sakenin, H. & Ostovan, H. (2011 a) Heteroptera (Insecta) fauna of Iranian cotton fields and surrounding grasslands. Entomologie faunistique, 64, 3 - 13.

Hoberlandt, L. (1955) Hemiptera - Heteroptera from Iran, I. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 29 [1954], 121 - 148.

Hoberlandt, L. (1997) Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomological expeditions to Iran 1970, 1973 and 1977; Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 44 (1995), 181 - 293.

Kalaii, S., Sakenin Chelav, H. & Ghahari, H. (2013) A study on Heteroptera of cotton fields and surrounding areas of Garmsar and vicinity, Semnan province, Iran. Calodema, 283, 1 - 4.

Linnavuori, R. E. (2008) Studies on the Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae and Pentatomidae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 48 (1), 1 - 21.

Modarres Awal, M. (1996 a) Studies on some Pentatomorpha (Heteroptera) fauna in north of Khorasan province. Journal of Agricultural Science & Technology, University of Mashhad, 9 (2), 121 - 144. [in Persian, English summary]

Modarres Awal, M. (1997 b) Family Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), pp. 76 - 81. In: Modarres Awal, M. (ed.), List of agricultural pests and their natural enemies in Iran. Ferdowsi University Press, 429 pp.

Modarres Awal, M. (2008) Contribution to Heteroptera fauna of Khorasan Razavi province of Iran. Turkiye Entomoloji Dernegi, 32 (4), 243 - 253.

Mohaghegh, J. (2006) The predatory stink bugs (Het.: Pentatomidae, Asopinae) from the south coast of the Caspian Sea. Proceedings of 17 th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, p. 82.

Mohaghegh, J. (2008) New records of the predatory stinkbugs (Het.: Pentatomidae: Asopinae) from Iran. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran, 27 (2), Supplement, 1 - 4.

Pericart, J. (2010) Hemipteres Pentatomoidea euro-mediterraneens. Vol. 3: Podopinae et Asopinae. Faune de France, 93. F. F. S. S. N. ed., Paris, 290 pp.

Rider, D. A. (2006) Family Pentatomidae. In Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiii + 550 pp. [Article: 233 - 402].

Safavi, M. (1959) Monographie des Hemipteres Heteropteres de l'Iran. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees, 18, 31 - 40.

Safavi, M. (1976) Contribution a la connaissance des Hemipteres Heteropteres de l'Iran (IV). Journal of Entomological Society of Iran, 3 (1 & 2), 89 - 91. [in Persian, English summary]















