Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758)

Ghahari, Hassan, Moulet, Pierre & Rider, David A., 2014, An annotated catalog of the Iranian Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha), Zootaxa 3837 (1), pp. 1-95 : 40-41

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scientific name

Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758)


Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758)

Cimex viridulus Linnaeus, 1758: 444 ; Cimex torquatus Fabricius, 1775: 710 ; Cimex smaragdulus Fabricius, 1775: 711 ; Cimex transversus Thunberg, 1783: 40 ; Cimex variabilis Villers, 1789: 505 ; Cimex spirans Fabricius, 1798: 533 ; Cimex viridissimus Wolff, 1801: 55 ; Pentatoma flavicollis Palisot de Beauvois, 1818: 185 ; Pentatoma oblonga Westwood, 1837: 37 ; Pentatoma unicolor Westwood, 1837: 38 ; Pentatoma berylina Westwood, 1837: 38 ; Pentatoma subsericea Westwood, 1837: 38 ; Pentatoma leii Westwood, 1837:38 ; Pentatoma tripunctigera Westwood, 1837: 38 ; Pentatoma chinensis Westwood, 1837: 38 ; Pentatoma proxima Westwood, 1837: 9 ; Pentatoma chloris Westwood, 1837: 38 ; Pentatoma chlorocephala Westwood, 1837: 38 ; Pentatoma propinqua Westwood, 1837: 9 ; Cimex hemichloris Germar, 1838: 166 ; Nezara approximata Reiche & Fairmaire, 1848: 443 ; Pentatoma plicaticollis Lucas, 1849: 87 ; Rhaphigaster prasinus Dallas, 1851: 274 (non Linnaeus, 1758); Rhaphigaster orbus Stål, 1854: 221 ; Pentatoma vicaria Walker, 1867: 303 ; Nezara viridula var. aurantiaca A. Costa, 1884: 37 ; Nezara antennata var. icterica Horváth, 1889: 31 ; Nezara viridula var. hepatica Horváth, 1903: 406 ; Nezara icterica (Horváth, 1889) Ghauri 1972 stat. nov.

Distribution in Iran. Ardabil ( Linnavuori 2008), Fars ( Safavi 1959; Kiritshenko 1966; Modarres Awal 1997b), Golestan ( Jakovlev 1877, 1880; Hoberlandt 1955; Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b; Karimian & Khormali 2006; Linnavuori 2008; Ghahari et al. 2011a), Guilan ( Wagner 1961; Miyamoto 1963; Hoberlandt 1997; Modarres Awal 1997b; Linnavuori 2008); Hamadan ( Mirab-balou et al. 2007), Hormozgan ( Kiritshenko 1966; Linnavuori 2004), Kerman ( Seidenstücker 1958; Farahbakhsh 1961; Kiritshenko 1966; Wagner 1968; Hoberlandt 1997; Modarres Awal 1997b), Khorasan ( Modarres Awal 1996a, 1997b, 2008; Mehneh et al. 2010), Khuzestan ( Hoberlandt 1955; Safavi 1959; Modarres Awal 1997b; Linnavuori 2012), Kordestan ( Wagner 1968), Mazandaran ( Kiritshenko 1949; Hoberlandt 1955, 1997; Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b; Heiss 2002; Linnavuori 2008; Sakenin et al. 2008), Semnan ( Modarres Awal 1997b; Kalaii et al. 2013), Sistan & Baluchestan (Ghahari et al. 2011b), West Azarbaijan (Nateq Golestan 2004; Nateq Golestan et al. 2004, 2010b, c), Zanjan ( Modarres Awal 1997b), Caspian Sea area ( Farahbakhsh 1961), Iran (no locality cited) ( Oshanin 1906; Khanjani 2006; Rider 2006).

General distribution. Mediterranean basin, Near East, Central and Far Eastern Asia ( Japan), tropical and subtropical Africa and Asia, ( Ferrari et al. 2010), it is also known from Argentina to the southern half of United States.

Host plants. In cotton field ( Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b; Linnavuori 2004; Karimian & Khormali 2006; Ghahari et al. 2011a), Salix sp. ( Salicaceae ) near rice field ( Miyamoto 1963), on castor-bean, citrus, cucumber, melon, mulberry, tobacco, tomato, water-melon ( Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b), lucerne, pistachio, soybean ( Modarres Awal 1997b), Medicago sativa ( Fabaceae ) ( Modarres Awal 1996a; Mirabbalou et al. 2007), Citrus aurantium ( Rutaceae ) (Sakenin et al. 2008), Phragmites sp. ( Poaceae ), and Tamarix sp. ( Tamaricaceae ) (Linnavuori 2012). Ribes & Pagola Carte (2013) recall that N. viridula has been recorded on more than 150 plants belonging to many diverse families.

Comments. The variety N. viridula f. smaragdula (Fabricius, 1775) is distinguished by its reddish color, variety Nezara viridula f. torquata Fabricius, 1775 by the yellow collar on the pronotum; smaragdula seems to be an automnal form in western Europe; these forms are only color variations and have no taxonomic value.

Farahbakhsh, Gh. (1961) Family Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), In: Farahbakhsh, Gh. (ed.). A checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Tehran, Publication No. 1, pp. 25 - 28.

Ferrari, A., Schwertner, C. F. & Grazia, J. (2010) Review, cladistic analysis and biogeography of Nezara Amyot & Serville (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Zootaxa, 2424, 1 - 41.

Ghahari, H., Cherot, F., Moulet, P., Carpintero, D. L., Linnavuori, R. E., Sakenin, H. & Ostovan, H. (2011 a) Heteroptera (Insecta) fauna of Iranian cotton fields and surrounding grasslands. Entomologie faunistique, 64, 3 - 13.

Heiss, E. (2002) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wanzenfauna (Heteroptera) Irans, I, In: Gutleb, B. & Wieser, Ch. (eds), Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Exkursion in den Nordiran, 2001. Carinthia II, 112, 33 - 140.

Hoberlandt, L. (1955) Hemiptera - Heteroptera from Iran, I. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 29 [1954], 121 - 148.

Hoberlandt, L. (1997) Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomological expeditions to Iran 1970, 1973 and 1977; Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 44 (1995), 181 - 293.

Horvath, G. (1903) Conspectus specierum generis Graphosoma. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 1, 400 - 409.

Jakovlev, V. E. (1877) Poluiestkokrylyja (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) sjevernoj Persii. Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva, 10, 67 - 98.

Jakovlev, V. E. (1880) Poluiestkokrylyja (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) fauny rossii i sosednich s nej strang. Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva, 11, 200 - 220.

Kalaii, S., Sakenin Chelav, H. & Ghahari, H. (2013) A study on Heteroptera of cotton fields and surrounding areas of Garmsar and vicinity, Semnan province, Iran. Calodema, 283, 1 - 4.

Karimian, Z. & Khormali, S. (2006) Identification the cotton damaging bugs and determining the abundance of major species in different microclimate of Golestan province. Proceedings of 17 th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, pp. 83.

Khanjani, M. (2006) Field crop pests in Iran. Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamadan Press, 719 pp. (in Persian).

Kiritshenko, A. N. (1949) Nastojag Eije poluiestkokrylyje (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) sobrannye akad. E. N. Pavlovskim v 1942 g. v Irane. IFudy 2001. AN SSSR, 8, 879 - 887.

Kiritshenko, A. N. (1966) Hemiptera-Heteroptera collected by D. M. Steinberg in Iran in 1955. Entomologischeskoe Obozrenie, 45, 798 - 805.

Linnavuori, R. E. (2004) Heteroptera of the Hormozgan province in Iran. III. Cimicomorpha (Anthocoridae, Canthacaderidae, Tingidae), Pentatomorpha. Acta Unoiversitatis Carolinae Biologica, 48, 273 - 286.

Linnavuori, R. E. (2008) Studies on the Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae and Pentatomidae (Heteroptera) of Gilan and the adjacent provinces in northern Iran. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 48 (1), 1 - 21.

Mehneh, A. H., Modarres Awal, M. & Rahimi, M. (2010) Introduction Pentatomids bugs (Pentatomidae: Pentatominae and Scutellerinae) from Mashhad region and urban (Khorasan Razavi province) and their distribution. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 5, supplement, 977 - 981.

Mirab-balou, M., Khanjani, M. & Zolfaghari, M. (2007) The preliminary study of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) fauna in the alfalfa field of Hamadan province (Western Iran). Pakistan Journal of Entomology, 29 (1), 5 - 8.

Miyamoto, S. (1963) Heteropterous insects from Iran and Afghanistan. Results of the Kyoto University Scientific Expedition to Karakorum and Hindukush, 1955, 4, 89 - 92.

Modarres Awal, M. (1996 a) Studies on some Pentatomorpha (Heteroptera) fauna in north of Khorasan province. Journal of Agricultural Science & Technology, University of Mashhad, 9 (2), 121 - 144. [in Persian, English summary]

Modarres Awal, M. (1997 b) Family Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), pp. 76 - 81. In: Modarres Awal, M. (ed.), List of agricultural pests and their natural enemies in Iran. Ferdowsi University Press, 429 pp.

Modarres Awal, M. (2008) Contribution to Heteroptera fauna of Khorasan Razavi province of Iran. Turkiye Entomoloji Dernegi, 32 (4), 243 - 253.

Oshanin, B. (1906) Verzeichnis der palaearktischen Hemipteren, 1. Heteroptera, St. Petersburg, 1087 pp.

Rider, D. A. (2006) Family Pentatomidae. In Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiii + 550 pp. [Article: 233 - 402].

Safavi, M. (1959) Monographie des Hemipteres Heteropteres de l'Iran. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees, 18, 31 - 40.

Seidenstucker, G. (1958) Heteroptera aus Iran 1956, I., Hemiptera-Heteroptera (ohne Familie Miridae). Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, 11, 1 - 5.

Wagner, E. (1961) Beitrag zur Heteropteren-Fauna von Iran. Ergebnisse der osterreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949 / 50 und 1956. Anzeiger der Mathematischen-Naturwissen Klasse der Osterreich Akademie Wissen, 10, 156 - 164.

Wagner, E. (1968) Contribution a la Faune de l'Iran. 7. Hemipteres Heteropteres (pro parte). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (Nouvelle serie), 4, 437 - 453.

















