Carenoplistus acutus ( Signoret, 1880 )

Ghahari, Hassan, Moulet, Pierre & Rider, David A., 2014, An annotated catalog of the Iranian Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha), Zootaxa 3837 (1), pp. 1-95 : 33

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Plazi (2016-04-12 10:48:26, last updated by Jonas 2025-01-28 20:40:13)

scientific name

Carenoplistus acutus ( Signoret, 1880 )


Carenoplistus acutus ( Signoret, 1880)

Oestopis acuta Signoret, 1880: 534 ; Carenoplistus fixeni Jakovlev, 1882: 94 .

Distribution in Iran. Alborz ( Lindberg 1938; Farahbakhsh 1961), Fars, Khorasan ( Hoberlandt 1997), Kerman ( Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Hoberlandt 1997; Modarres Awal 1997b), Sistan & Baluchestan ( Hoberlandt 1955; Safavi 1959; Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b), Tehran ( Hoberlandt 1959; Modarres Awal 1997b), West Azarbaijan ( Kiritshenko 1938; Nateq Golestan 2004; Nateq Golestan et al. 2004, 2010a, b, c, 2011), Iran (no locality cited) ( Signoret 1880; Oshanin 1906, 1912; Derjanschi & Péricart 2005; Rider 2006).

General distribution. Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey (Asian part).

Host plants. On sweet lemon ( Farahbakhsh 1961; Modarres Awal 1997b), Populus sp. ( Salicaceae ) ( Nateq Golestan et al. 2010a, 2011), in deciduous forests ( Nateq Golestan et al. 2010a).

Derjanschi, V. & Pericart, J. (2005) Hemipteres Pentatomoidea euro-mediterraneens. Vol. 1: Generalites. Systematique. Premiere Partie. Faune de France, 90. F. F. S. S. N. ed., Paris. 494 pp.

Farahbakhsh, Gh. (1961) Family Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), In: Farahbakhsh, Gh. (ed.). A checklist of economically important insects and other enemies of plants and agricultural products in Iran. Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Tehran, Publication No. 1, pp. 25 - 28.

Hoberlandt, L. (1955) Hemiptera - Heteroptera from Iran, I. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 29 [1954], 121 - 148.

Hoberlandt, L. (1959) Hemiptera - Heteroptera from Iran, II. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 33, 497 - 523.

Hoberlandt, L. (1997) Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomological expeditions to Iran 1970, 1973 and 1977; Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae, Cydnidae, Scutelleridae, Pentatomidae. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 44 (1995), 181 - 293.

Kiritshenko, A. N. (1938) Die echten Halbfliigler (Hemiptera) der Nachitshewan ASSR. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Azerbaidzhanskii filial, 8, 75 - 121.

Lindberg, H. (1938) Einige Heteropterenfunde aus Nord-Persien. Notulae Entomologicae, 18, 88 - 91.

Modarres Awal, M. (1997 b) Family Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), pp. 76 - 81. In: Modarres Awal, M. (ed.), List of agricultural pests and their natural enemies in Iran. Ferdowsi University Press, 429 pp.

Nateq Golestan, N., Safaralizadeh, M. H. & Sarafrazi, A. (2010 a) Preliminary study on Pentatomids in West Azerbaijan province of Iran (Heteroptera). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 5 (2), 686 - 691.

Nateq Golestan, M., Safaralizadeh, M. H. & Sarafrazi, A. M. (2011) Faunistic study on Pentatomid bugs (Hem., Heteroptera) in West Azarbaijan province, Iran. Journal of Entomological Research, 2 (4), 319 - 328. [in Persian, English summary]

Oshanin, B. (1906) Verzeichnis der palaearktischen Hemipteren, 1. Heteroptera, St. Petersburg, 1087 pp.

Oshanin, B. (1912) Katalog der palaarktischen Hemipteren, Berlin, 187 pp.

Rider, D. A. (2006) Family Pentatomidae. In Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiii + 550 pp. [Article: 233 - 402].

Safavi, M. (1959) Monographie des Hemipteres Heteropteres de l'Iran. Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees, 18, 31 - 40.

Signoret, V. (1880) De quelques genres nouveaux et especes nouvelles de l'ordre des Hemipteres faisant partie de la collection du Musee Civique de Genes. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 15 (1879 - 1880), 531 - 545.

















