Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. divaricatus (Bonnier & Layens) Kerguelen , Soc. Echange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Bassin Medit ., Bull. 18: 27. (1981)
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Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. divaricatus (Bonnier & Layens) Kerguelen , Soc. Echange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Bassin Medit ., Bull. 18: 27. (1981) |
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Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. divaricatus (Bonnier & Layens) Kerguelen, Soc. Echange Pl. Vasc. Eur. Bassin Medit., Bull. 18: 27. (1981) View in CoL
Bromus intermedius Guss. subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens, Tabl. Syn. Pl. Vasc. Fl. Fr. 369. (1894), non B. divaricatus sensu Rhode ex DC. Type Protologue: [France] "Endroits incultes, sables". Type: [France], (lectotype, designated here: [figure] in Bonnier and Layens, Tabl. Syn. Pl. Vasc. Fl. Fr. 369. (1894); epitype, designated here: [France]: Pornichet, Loire Inférieure [Loire-Atlantique], sea shore, June 25 1856, Lloyd, BM [BM001067302 image! as Bromus molliformis Lloyd]). (Figure 5)
Bromus molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot, Fl. Gall. & Germ. Exsicc. (Haguenau) 1: 297-298. (Feb 1854). Type Protologue: "Loire Inférieure” [Loire-Atlantique]. Type: [France]. Le Roc-Saint-Luc, commune de Pissotte, près de Fontenay-le-Comte ( Vendée); June 3, 1853, (lectotype, designated here: P [P02381530 image!]; isolectotypes: P [P03354928, P03354936, P03486702, P03364411]). (Figure 6)
Serrafalcus lloydianus Godr. & Gren. in Grenier and Godron, Fl. France 3: 591 (1855). Type Protologue: "Hab. Sables maritimes; Cannes, Hyères, Montpellier, etc.; littoral de l’Océan depuis Bayonne jusqu’à l’embouchure de la Loire".
Based on Bromus intermedius Guss. subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens.
Bromus hordeaceus L. is a very variable species with a complex nomenclatural history at subspecies level. The origin of many problems in the group is the name B. molliformis J.Lloyd, Fl. Loire-Inf. ( Lloyd 1844: 314-315), which was invalidly published as a provisional name "je proposerais, si c’était une espèce nouvelle, de l’appeler Br. molliformis ". The name was later validated as Bromus molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot, Fl. Gall. & Germ. Exsicc. (Haguenau) 2: Cent. 14. 1854. Billot supplies a brief description for "cette espèce donnée par M.Lloyd dans sa Flore de la Loire-Inférieure sous le nom de B. divaricatitus Rohde?" Billot (Feb. 1854: 297-298) neglects to mention several details of Lloyd’s description of B. molliformis and describes the species as follows:
"Racine fibreuse. Chaume de 2-4 décimètres. Feuilles et graines inférieures mollement poilues. Panicule oblongue, droite, étalée, resserrée après la floraison; pédoncules courts, simples. Epillets oblongs, étalés, velus; arête égalant la glumelle, d’abord droite, à la fin tortillée divariquée, insérée à 1 1/2 millimètre du sommet obtus, échancré”.
Billot (1854) publishes the first validating description for Bromus molliformis . He includes the reference of the features to differentiate the new species from the closely related B. hordeaceus L. and from B. divaricatus Rhode. He sold his exsiccata to several herbaria. There is not a register of those herbaria. Currently, some of them are included in P where some original specimens with its species number (1386) are preserved. Additionally, there are several names and combinations at several ranks, both validly and invalidly published and various nomenclatural changes. Nevertheless, B. molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot remained untypified and still lacked a stable nomenclature.
Serrafalcus lloydianus Godr. & Gren. (1855: 591) is a superfluous name for B. molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot. Grenier and Godron (1855) listed several synonyms, including " B. divaricatus Lloyd non Rhode" and B. molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot [sub. B. molliformis Lloyd]. They also mention Billot’s exsiccate n. 1586; and include his new species in the complex of species having “arête … tordue sur elle-même et divariquée”. Therefore, this name does not need a Lectoype as it is a superfluous and illegitimate renaming (Art. 52.1) of Bromus molliformis J.Lloyd ex Billot and has the same type we select here for that name.
Bonnier and Layens (1894: 369) describe Bromus intermedius Guss. subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens, based on B. divaricatus [sensu] Lloyd, non Rhode, with the characteristics of Lloyd’s plant. Kerguélen (1981: 27) combines it to Bromus hordeaceus subsp divaricatus (Bonnier & Layens) Kerguélen. Bonnier and Layens type material is unknown ( Stafleu and Cowan 1976). Kerguélen (1975: 104) mentions Lloyd’s type material is in herbarium NTM, pointing out two localities "Pornic, Saint Brevin" indicated by Lloyd. Nevertheless, no original material is preserved in NTM (Mary Laury Guerin, Com. pers. 2018).
Bromus hordeaceus L. var. molliformis (J.Lloyd ex Billot) Halácsy (1904: 396). This is another combination of B. molliformis J.Lloyd and Halácsy pointed out its main traits "Panicula magis conferta, ramis brevissime, spiculis densius et longius velutinu-pilosis, aristis demum extrorso subcurvatis".
Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. molliformis (J.Lloyd) Maire & Weiller (1955: 255). This post-1953 combination, without direct citation to the basionym, nor to a potentially validating Latin description, but only to " Bromus molliformis Lloyd, Fl. Loire-Inf. 315 (1844)", is another combination not validly published.
As Bromus intermedius subsp. divaricatus Bonnier & Layens is an untypified name, we choose, as lectotype, the figure in Bonnier and Layens (1894: 369) that is definitely original material. However, as is common with figures, it is difficult to observe some diagnostic characteristics. Thus, we select, as epitype, a specimen collected by Lloyd, conserved in BM, consistent with the protologue. It is a sheet bearing two collections. We choose the specimen on the left from Pornichet (barcode BM001067302).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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