Actenonyx, White, 1846

Kavanaugh, David H., 2022, A New Species of the New Zealand Endemic Genus Actenonyx White, 1846 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Odacanthini) with Notes on Variation, Distribution, and Habitat, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (11), pp. 281-299 : 284

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11067180


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scientific name



Key to Adults of Actenonyx View in CoL Species

1 Protarsi with tarsomeres 1 to 3 distinctly broader and bearing pads of adhesive setae ventrally....male................................................................ 2

Protarsi with tarsomeres 1 to 3 slender and without pads of adhesive setae ventrally.....female............................................................... 3

2 Median lobe of male genitalia ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE A-B) less arcuate in lateral view, apical lamella shorter, more broadly rounded apically, and nearly centered on shaft in dorsal view; last visible abdominal sternite ( VI) with two pairs of apicoparamedial setae (one or three setae present unilaterally or bilaterally in a few specimens)......................... A. bembidioides White View in CoL

Median lobe of male genitalia ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE C-D) more arcuate in lateral view, apical lamella longer, more narrowly rounded apically, and slightly deflected right of center on shaft in dorsal view; last visible addominal sternite ( VI) with only one pair of apicoparamedial setae................................................................... A. aotearoa sp. nov.

3 Ovipositor of female ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE ) with gonocoxite 2 distinctly longer than gonocoxite 1, tergite IX ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE ) longer, apical margin projected medially and more convex, sclerotization/pigmentation pattern with middle transverse band and apicoparalateral arms thicker and not sharply defined, apicoparalateral arms not extended laterally along the margin ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE ); intersegmental membrane ventrad tergite IX ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE ) with distinctly longer and denser setae (at least medially); elytra, with slight to distinct aeneous metallic reflection in most specimens (without or with faint green or blue metallic reflection in a few specimens), elytral silhouette ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE ) subrectangular, humeri more narrowly rounded......... A. bembidioides White View in CoL

Ovipositor of female ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE ) with gonocoxite 2 distinctly shorter than gonocoxite 1, tergite IX ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE ) shorter, apical margin broadly truncate, sclerotization/pigmentation pattern with middle transverse band and apicoparalateral arms more slender and sharply defined, apicoparalateral arms extended to apical margin and recurved laterally along the margin ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE ); intersegmental membrane ventrad tergite IX ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE ) with distinctly shorter and sparser setae; elytra without or with slight blue metallic reflection, elytral silhouette ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE ) subvoid, humeri more broadly rounded................................. A. aotearoa sp. nov.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute











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