Troporhogas alboniger Quicke, Loncle & Butcher, 2024

Quicke, Donald L. J., Ranjith, A. P., Loncle, Marisa K., Van Achterberg, Cornelis, Long, Khuat Dang & Butcher, Buntika A., 2024, Revision of Troporhogas Cameron (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Rogadinae) with six new species from India and Thailand, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 99-136 : 99-136

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1206.120824

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Troporhogas alboniger Quicke, Loncle & Butcher

sp. nov.

Troporhogas alboniger Quicke, Loncle & Butcher sp. nov.

Figs 5 View Figure 5 , 6 View Figure 6 , 7 A – C View Figure 7 , 21 J View Figure 21

Type material.

Holotype ♀. Thailand, Nan province, Doi Phu Kha National Park , 19 ° 12.164 ' N, 101 ° 04.473 ' E, 19. vi. 2019, M. V. light trap, col. M. Loncle ( CUMZ) GoogleMaps . Paratype Thailand: ♂ Loei province, Phu Ruea National Park, 17 ° 28.826 ' N, 101 ° 21.330 ' E, 19–26. vii. 2006, Malaise trap, col. N. Jareonchai ( QSBG).


Troporhogas alboniger sp. nov. can be differentiated from all other species by its colour pattern, the female being bicoloured (black and white), its body without any yellow or brownish yellow colouration. Head black except area around the mouthparts including palps white. The mesosoma is completely black except for white tegular area. Metasoma bicoloured: TT 1, 2, and 6 white, TT 3–5 black (with white spot on the middle of posterior area of fifth tergite). Molecularly (Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ) and morphologically it is closest to T. contrastus (originally described from Vietnam) which displays a very different colour pattern, having the head and anterior mesosoma yellow. Apart from colouration, T. alboniger sp. nov. differs from T. contrastus in (1) having fewer flagellomeres (41 cf. 45, 46); (2) anterior margin of mesopleuron a little below antescutal depression with zone of fine subvertical striation with (Fig. 7 B, E View Figure 7 ; white arrows) compared with a few, irregular somewhat longitudinal rugae (Fig. 7 B, E View Figure 7 ; white arrows); (3) posteromedial part of mesopleuron above precoxal sulcus with more or less round setiferous pits (Fig. 7 B, E View Figure 7 ; yellow arrows) compared with distinctly elongate pits (Fig. 7 B, E View Figure 7 ; yellow arrows); (4) anteromedial area of propodeum adjacent to anterior areola with smaller and more widely spaced setiferous punctures (Fig. 7 C View Figure 7 ) compared with a denser zone of deep large setiferous punctures (Fig. 7 F View Figure 7 ).


Holotype, female, body length 5.5 mm; fore wing 4.6 mm; ovipositor sheath 0.6 mm.

Head. Antenna with 41 flagellomeres. Terminal flagellomere acuminate, 4 × longer than wide, 1.3 × longer than penultimate flagellomere. First flagellomere 1.1 × and 1.25 × longer than second and third, respectively, the latter 2.1 × longer than wide. Width of head: width of face: height of eye = 2.3: 1.0: 1.1. Face and clypeus rugose with sparse setosity laterally. Inter-tentorial distance 2.2 × tentorio-ocular distance. Shortest distance between posterior ocelli: transverse diameter of posterior ocellus: shortest distance between posterior ocellus and eye = 1.0: 2.3: 2.0. Vertex and temple smooth and shiny, with distinct mid-longitudinal groove. Occipital carina very weakly curved dorsally, a distinct transverse groove present immediately anterior to it.

Mesosoma. Mesosoma 1.6 × longer than high. Notauli crenulate becoming foveate posteriorly. Scutellar sulcus with three well-developed carinae between outer pair. Axilla with ~ 6 sinuous carinae carina. Mesopleuron and metapleuron setose, precoxal sulcus a short deep groove with a broad area of irregular striation extending below it. Propodeum with submedial carinae weak, uniting anteriorly in a narrow U-shape, lateral to this with long setae, arising from distinct small punctures.

Wings. Fore wing. Length ratios of fore wing veins r-rs: 3 RSa: 3 RSb = 1.0: 3.2: 5.1. Length ratios of vein 2 RS: 3 RSa: rs-m = 2.2: 2.9: 1.0.

Legs. Length ratios of fore femur: fore tibia: fore tarsus = 1.1: 1.0: 1.1. Length ratios of hind femur: hind tibia: hind tarsus = 1.0: 1.0: 1.0. Length of hind femur and tibia 4.5 × and 8.6 × as long as medially wide, respectively. Tarsal claws with large acutely pointed basal lobe.

Metasoma. T 1 1.2 × longer than posteriorly wide. T 2 1.4 × longer than third. TT 1 and 2 with mid-longitudinal carina dorsally, sparsely striate. Ovipositor sheath straight and shorter than hind basitarsus, ~ 0.3 × length hind femur (including trochantellus).

Colour. Bicoloured body; scapus, pedicellus and antennal segments black. Head brownish black, but mouthpart area and palps white, stemmaticum black. Mesosoma dark brown to black except for white tegulae. Metasoma bicoloured; TT 1, 2, and 6 white, TT 3–5 black with white spot on the middle of posterior area of T 5, hypopygium white. Wings hyaline with brown venation, pterostigma brown becoming pater posteriorly. Fore and mid legs pale brown, paler posteriorly, and coxa and trochantellus white; hind legs entirely black. Ovipositor sheath black.

Male. Length of body 4.6 mm, of fore wing 4.1 mm. Antenna incomplete, with at least 34 flagellomeres. Occipital carina distinctly pointed medially. Head and mesosoma yellow. Metasomal tergites white except TT 3 and 4 which each have a pair of black submedial, somewhat triangular marks.


North and east Thailand.




From Latin alboniger referring to the white and black colouration.


Cameroon University, Museum of Zoology











