Gadomus tejkali ( Brzobohatý & Schultz, 1978 )

Lin, Chien-Hsiang, Brzobohatý, Rostislav, Nolf, Dirk & Girone, Angela, 2017, Tortonian teleost otoliths from northern Italy: taxonomic synthesis and stratigraphic significance, European Journal of Taxonomy 322, pp. 1-44 : 21

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Carolina (2020-05-15 17:07:41, last updated 2024-11-26 04:58:04)

scientific name

Gadomus tejkali ( Brzobohatý & Schultz, 1978 )


Gadomus tejkali ( Brzobohatý & Schultz, 1978)

“genus Melanonidarum” vanheuckelomae Nolf & Steurbaut, 1983: pl. 4, figs 8–9.

The abundant occurrence of otoliths of G. tejkali at Mondovi allows a reconstruction of the otolith growth series of this species ( Fig. 3 View Fig E–L), in addition to the extensive growth series of the same species illustrated by Brzobohatý (1995: pl. 1, figs 1–11) from the Badenian (middle Miocene) of the Central Paratethys. The Tortonian and Badenian materials reveal that the specimens named “genus Melanonidarum” vanheuckelomae Nolf & Steurbaut, 1983 are, in fact, the juvenile specimens of G. tejkali , and therefore “g. M.” vanheuckelomae is synonymised here (see Nolf & Steurbaut 1983 for iconography).

Brzobohaty R. & Schultz O. 1978. Die Fischfauna des Badeniens. In: Papp A., Cicha I., Senes J. & Steininger F. (eds) M 4 Badenien (Moravien, Wielicien, Kosovien), Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen. Miozan der zentralen Paratethys 6: 441 - 465.

Brzobohaty R. 1995. Macrouridae (Teleostei, Otolithen) im Oligozan und Miozan der Zentralen Paratethys und ihre palaogeographische Bedeutung. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Wien 138 (4): 615 - 637.

Nolf D. & Steurbaut E. 1983. Revision des otolithes de teleosteens du Tortonien stratotypique et de Montegibbio (Miocene Superieur d'Italie septentrionale). Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie 20: 143 - 197.

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. A–D, M–O. Recent otoliths of species of Xenomystax Gilbert, 1891. A–D. X. atrarius Gilbert, 1891 from Peru, fish total length (TL) 81 cm, 72 cm, 57 cm and 43 cm, respectively. M–N. X. congroides Smith & Kanazawa, 1989, from off Mississippi. O. X. bidentatus (Reid, 1940), from the Caribbean Sea, TL 48 cm. – E–L. Fossil otoliths of Gadomus tejkali (Brzobohatý & Schultz, 1978) (IRSNB P 9847–P 9854) growth series from Roddi (E) and Mondovi, Madonna della Neve (F–L). 1 = ventral view; 2 = inner view. Scale bars = 1 mm.











