Neoleptophlebia uncinata Zhou, 2023

Wang, Kai-Chen, Yang, Qing-Yi & Zhou, Chang-Fa, 2023, A new Neoleptophlebia Kluge, 1997 species from eastern China (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae), Zootaxa 5343 (4), pp. 375-385 : 376-381

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5343.4.5

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Neoleptophlebia uncinata Zhou

sp. nov.

Neoleptophlebia uncinata Zhou , sp. nov.

( Figs 1–7 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View Figure 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 )

Material examined. H olotype: Male imago (reared from nymph), South Gate, creek nearby Parking Lot, Baohua Mountain, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, China, 8-15.III.2023, colls. Dewen Gong, Xuhongyi Zheng, Xinhe Qiang, Qingyi Yang. Paratypes: 7 male and 8 female imagoes (reared from nymphs), 10 nymphs, same place and data as holotype, colls. Dewen Gong , Xuhongyi Zheng , Xinhe Qiang, Qingyi Yang ; 1 male imago, Yingtuo Village , Zijin Mountain, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China, 3.IV.2006, colls. Dong Liu, Xin Liu, Xin Wang .

Description. Mature nymph (in alcohol): body length 6.0–8.0 mm, antennae 1.9–2.5 mm, cerci 4.7–5.3 mm, terminal filament 4.6–5.2 mm. Body color amber to dark brown, with some pale dots and stripes on different parts dorsally ( Figs 1A–C View FIGURE 1 ).

Head generally brown, area between ocelli darker than others; areas between lateral ocelli and compound eyes slightly paler, area between clypeus and median ocellus with an oval pale portion or large dot ( Figs 1A, F View FIGURE 1 ). Antennae with brown scape and pedicel, but flagella pale ( Fig. 1F View FIGURE 1 ). Compound eyes dark; basal ocelli dark too and apices of them pale. Vertex smooth, posterior margin of head convex ( Figs 1A, F View FIGURE 1 ).

Mouthparts: width of labium ca. 0.4x head; width: length 0.5:1.0; dorsal surface and free margins with dense hair-like setae; ventral surface with two sub-median hair-like setal tufts; front margin generally convex but with a shallow median notch ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Mandibles with smoothly convex outer margins, basal half dorsal surface coarse, with relatively sparse and long hair-like setae ( Figs 2D, F View FIGURE 2 ); both mandibles with a row of hair-like setae at median line of ventral surface respectively ( Fig. 2H View FIGURE 2 ); a row hair-like setae on mesal margin of right mandible ( Fig. 2F View FIGURE 2 ); outer incisor of left mandible divided into four apical denticles, inner one with three; prostheca composed with a distinct spine and a tuft of tine spine ( Fig. 2E View FIGURE 2 ). Outer incisor of right mandible divided into three apices, inner one with two; prostheca divided into lots of tine spine ( Fig. 2G View FIGURE 2 ). Almost whole crown of maxillae with dense hair-like setae, a row of 5–6 comb-like setae near inner corner of galea-lacinia; crown wider than base of galea-lacinia; the latter with two rows of feather-like setae on mesal margin; outer margins of stipes and cardo with very sparse and tiny hair-like setae ( Figs 2I, J View FIGURE 2 ); length ratio of three segments of maxillary palpi from base to apex 1.37: 1.14: 1.00. Free margins of basal segment convex, outer one with a row of spine-like setae, inner margin with a row of hair-like setae ( Fig. 2I View FIGURE 2 ); apex of segment II wider than base, apical half inner margin with hair-like setae; segment III near triangular in shape, whole surface with relatively long and dense hair-like setae, especially outer margin ( Fig. 2I View FIGURE 2 ). Glossae and paraglossae of labium with dense hair-like setae on both surface; width of paraglossae ca. 2.0x glossae; length ratio of segments of labial palpi from base to apex 1.68: 1.00: 1.16; segment I much stronger than others, its inner margin expanded greatly; outer margin with spine-like setae, inner margin with hair-like setae; segment II with relatively long hair-like setae on outer margin only, base of it much narrower than apex; segment III nearly triangular, with spine-like setae on whole surface ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Superlinguae of hypopharynx with dense hair-like setae on surface but without on slightly concave outer margins; lingua with tiny hair-like setae only ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ).

Pronotum amber to brown, its width slightly wider than head, with pale lateral margins, midline pale too, median area slightly darker than lateral areas; mesonotum slightly darker than pronotum, with two dark and two pale indistinct dots at wingpad base respectively; scutella of mesothorax and metathorax pale ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Legs deep yellow to amber, joints darker than other parts, width of coxae ca. 3.0x trochanter ( Figs 3A–C View FIGURE 3 ). Trochanter and femora of foreleg with spatulate-like setae on surface ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ), tibiae and tarsus with spine-like setae on inner margins only, length ratio three segments of forelegs 1.75: 1.37: 1.00 ( Figs 3A, E View FIGURE 3 ). Setal pattern of midlegs similar to forelegs except it with an additional transverse spine-like setae on tibiae apex; length ratio of three segments 2.00: 1.46: 1.00 ( Figs 3B, G View FIGURE 3 ). Hindlegs similar to midlegs but its femora with sparser setae but tibiae with additional spine-like setae on outer margin; length ratio of three segments 2.01: 1.70: 1.00 ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ). Midlegs and hindlegs with patellar-tibial fusion sutures ( Figs 3B, C, F View FIGURE 3 ). Claws of all legs similar, with a row of denticles (16–23) from base to near apex ( Fig. 3H View FIGURE 3 ).

Abdomen: terga amber to dark brown, usually with a pale midline and a pair of submedian pale dots respectively; lateral portions near margins pale ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Posterolateral angles of terga VIII–IX extended into sharp projections ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ); posterior margins of each tergum with a row of transverse denticles ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ). Sterna uniformly amber to brown ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Gills I–VII similar, margins with tiny hair-like setae ( Fig. 1I View FIGURE 1 ). Gills I smaller than others, common base ca. 0.4x gill length; with dark trachea but without distinct tracheal branch ( Fig. 1G View FIGURE 1 ). Gills II and VII slightly smaller than gills III–VI, all of them with main trachea and tracheal branches ( Figs 1H–J View FIGURE 1 ). Common base of them ca.0.4x gill length ( Fig. 1H View FIGURE 1 ). Cerci and terminal filament amber to brown, with rows of hair-like setae and tiny triangular denticles between articulations ( Figs 1A,D View FIGURE 1 ).

Male imago (in alcohol): body length 9.0– 9.5 mm, caudal filaments 7.5–8.0 mm, forewings 8.6–9.0 mm, hindwings 2.3–2.5 mm. Generally body chocolate to dark brown ( Figs 4A View Figure 4 , 6A–C).

Head chocolate but with pale anterior margin; ocelli with dark base and pale apex; compound eyes clearly divided into dark basal half and reddish brown upper half, the latter semispherical; distance between two eyes less than median ocellus ( Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 ).

Thorax chocolate to dark brown; wings transparent except very base with stains ( Figs 4A View Figure 4 , 6A–C). Veins of forewings amber, crossveins of posterior half more indistinct than other half; bullae of Sc, Rs distinct; MP forked slightly more basally than Rs, MA forked near middle point; all of them forked near symmetrically; 4– 5 intercalaries between CuA and CuP; outer margin sclerotized ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Hindwings near oval in shape, maximum length: width 2.0: 1.0; a slightly concave recession at the middle of anterior margin; MA single, MP forked at basal 1/3 symmetrically. Outer margin sclerotized too ( Figs 6B, C View FIGURE 6 ). Legs brown to dark brown, joints darker than others; length ratio of femora: tibiae: tarsi of forelegs 1.00: 1.20: 1.55, length ratio of five segments of foretarsi 1.00: 12.67: 11.62: 9.11: 3.40. Ratio of midlegs 1.00: 1.07: 0.45, segment IV of midtarsi slightly longer than segment I-III; Ratio of hindlegs 1.00: 1.07: 0.40; tarsal segments similar to midlegs ( Figs 5G–I View FIGURE 5 ). Claws of all legs similar, with two claws respectively, one blunt, one acute ( Fig. 5J View FIGURE 5 ).

Abdomen generally dark brown to dark, area between tergites pale; pale midline very narrow, companied by a pair of oblique pale short stripes on each tergites ( Fig. 4E View Figure 4 ). Sternites reddish brown ( Fig. 4F View Figure 4 ). Genitalia: subgenital plate deeply forked into two triangular lobes, surface with tiny hair-like setae ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ); basal half of segment I of forceps wider than apical half, its length ca. 2.3x combined length of segments II–III; segments II slightly longer and wider than segments III, each length of them ca. 2.0x width ( Figs 5A, C View FIGURE 5 ). All segments with numbers of tiny projections on inner margins and very tiny hair-like setae on outer margins ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ). Gonopores on lateral penes, each with a spear or hook-like projection oriented downward laterally ( Figs 5A, E View FIGURE 5 ); basal half of penes about 2.0x apical half in width ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Three caudal filaments brown, subequal in length ( Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ).

Male subimago (alive): body darker than male, near dark brown ( Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ). Tibiae covered with tiny cilia or microtrichia while free segments of tarsi covered with triangular scales or pointed microlepides.

Female imago (in alcohol): body length 9.0– 9.2 mm, forewings 8.3–8.5 mm, hindwings 2.1–2.3 mm; color pattern similar to male ( Figs 4C View Figure 4 , 6D–F). Color pattern similar to males, compound eyes semi-spherical, grey to dark, at posterolateral corners of head; posterior margins of head slightly concave ( Fig. 5L View FIGURE 5 ). Length ratio of femora: tibiae: tarsi of forelegs 1.57: 1.82: 1.00, ratio of midlegs 2.24: 2.48: 1.00, ratio of hindlegs 2.24: 2.63: 1.00. Length ratio of four segments of foretarsi 1.33: 1.19: 1.00: 1.27, ratio of four segments of midtarsi = 1.33: 1.25: 1.00: 2.23, ratio of four segments of hindtarsi 1.32: 1.14: 1.00: 2.39. Abdomen chocolate to dark, subanal plate forked deeply. Subgenital plate tongue-like, semi-circular; subanal plate narrowed progressively, with deep fork ( Figs 4G, H View Figure 4 , 5K).

Female subimago (in alcohol): body length 8.5–8.8 mm, forewings 8.0– 8.2 mm, hindwings 2.1–2.3 mm. Darker than female ( Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ). Length ratio of femora: tibiae: tarsi of forelegs 1.44: 1.79: 1.00, ratio of midlegs 2.07: 2.31: 1.00, ratio of hindlegs 2.38: 2.63: 1.00. Length ratio of four segments of foretarsi 1.38: 1.21: 1.00: 1.24, ratio of four segments of midtarsi 1.22: 1.03: 1.00: 1.91, ratio of four segments of hindtarsi 1.24: 1.10: 1.00: 2.30. Abdomen chocolate to dark, subanal plate forked.

Egg: length 150–170 µm, width 70–90 µm, elongated oval; covered with dense small projections ( Figs 7A, B View FIGURE 7 ).

Etymology: specific name “ uncinate ” comes from the Latin word “ uncinatus ”, meaning “hook” or “hook shape”, indicating the distinct projections of its penes.

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