Colletes pampeanus Ferrari, 2019

Ferrari, Rafael R., 2019, A revision of Colletes Latreille (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Colletinae) from Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, Zootaxa 4606 (1), pp. 1-91 : 57-61

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4606.1.1

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Colletes pampeanus Ferrari

sp. nov.

Colletes pampeanus Ferrari , new species

( Figs. 4 View FIGURE 4 , 34, 35)

Diagnosis: The female of C. pampeanus n. sp. can be diagnosed through the combination of labrum black and concave medially, clypeal convex area longitudinally finely striate, and mesoscutum covered with pale-yellow hairs. The male is diagnosable by paraocular area with pale-yellow and black hairs intermixed, and T3–T5 discs with erect setae and marginal zones with appressed hairs. Colletes pampeanus n. sp. is most similar to C. meridionalis as both are virtually the same size (10/ 8mm in length (♀ /♁)), and have legs covered with pale-yellow setae and meta- somal terga with pale-yellow appressed hairs. The two species, however, can be differentiated from one another by mesepisternum without protrusion ventrally in C. pampeanus n. sp. (mesepisternum ventrally with protrusion surrounded by appressed short hairs, in C. meridionalis ); and malar area considerably longer, ~1.2/2.0x MOD (♀ /♁), in C. pampeanus n. sp. (malar area ~0.6/~1.3x MOD (♀ /♁) in C. meridionalis ).

Description: FEMALE ( Figs. 34A, 34C, 34E View FIGURE 34 ):

Dimensions (mm): Approximate body length 10.3; head width 3.4; head length 2.6; intertegular distance 2.5; forewing length 7.4.

Colouration: Black except mandible, malar area below, clypeal convex area, apical ring of scape, pedicel, F1–F2 ventrally reddish-brown. Tegula, wing venation (except vein R of forewing black), stigma, legs (except front basitarsus black, coxae and trochanters dark-brown, distitarsi and proximal half of tarsal claws dark-yellow), marginal zones of T1–T5 pale-brown. Ventral surface of F3–F10, ventrally reflexed lateral areas of T1–T5, discs of S2–S6 (except S3–S5 marked with pale-brown posteromedially and S6 mid-longitudinally) dark-brown. Tibial spurs, marginal zones of metasomal sterna pale-yellow.

Structure: Labrum medially concave; concavity margined laterally by longitudinal ridges. Clypeal mid-longitudinal area deeply depressed throughout; depression narrowest above (0.4x MOD), broadest below (2x MOD). Malar area ~1.2x as long as basal depth of mandible (45:38). Hypostomal carina short and flat. F1 ~1.3x as long as its apical width (40:30). UID:LID (67:61). Frontal area without protrusion below lateral ocellus. Vertexal area concave behind upper summit of eye in postero-lateral view. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum modified into a long spine. Mesepisternum ventrally, near ventral end of episternal groove, without protrusion surrounded by appressed hairs. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum ~0.5x as long as metanotum (25:49); metapostnotal pits well-delimited; posterior transverse carina sinuous and complete. Posteromedial surface of front coxa without spine. Posterior hind tibial spur ciliate. Hind basitarsus ~3.5x longer than broad (57:16). Outer rami of hind tarsal claws ~1.7x as long as inner rami (15:9). Marginal zone of T1 flat. Marginal zone of S6 depressed.

Pubescence: Head with off-white, plumose, erect, moderately long; except paraocular area with off-white and black hairs intermixed; genal area with very long hairs towards proboscidial fossa; frontal and vertexal areas with fuscous, long hairs. Mesosoma with pale-yellow, plumose, erect, long hairs; except pronotal lobes and mesoscutum with moderately long hairs; mesepisternum and metepisternum with off-white hairs; lateral surface with appressed short hairs on disc, very long hairs on upper margin. Legs with pale-yellow hairs; trochanters and femora with plumose, erect, long hairs (except front trochanter and femur with plumose hairs and setae intermixed); front and mid tibiae with short, suberect setae (except ventral and posterior surfaces with erect, longer setae distally); femoral and tibial scopae with branched apically only, suberect, very long hairs anteriorly; hind tibia and basitarsi with erect, moderately long setae (except posterior margins with longer setae, longest on hind basitarsi). Metasomal terga covered with off-white, appressed, short hairs (except T6 with black, suberect, moderately short setae); T1 also with erect, plumose, long hairs (such hairs suberect and short laterally); T2–T3 also with pale-yellow, erect, moderately short setae (those setae longer laterally and posteriorly); T4–T5 also with fuscous, erect, moderately long setae (those setae pale-yellow laterally). Metasomal sterna covered with pale-yellow hairs throughout; S1 with plumose, erect, long hairs; S2 disc with erect, branched apically only, moderately long hairs; S3–S6 discs with erect, short setae (except S3–S5 with moderately long setae posteriorly); S6 setae distributed mid-longitudinally; S2–S5 also with a line of plumose, suberect, moderately short hairs near marginal zones.

Surface sculpture: Clypeal convex area longitudinally finely striate; mid-longitudinal depression densely and moderately finely punctate above, sparsely punctate below. Supraclypeal area rugulose. Malar area sparsely and finely punctate near lower summit of eye; longitudinally striate medially; substrigulate near mandible. Paraocular area densely punctate; moderately coarsely punctate below; punctures finer above; interspaces smooth throughout. Frontal area densely and coarsely punctate; interspaces smooth. Vertexal area with minute and moderately fine punctures intermixed near eye; punctures denser and coarser towards lateral ocellus; interspaces smooth throughout. Mesoscutum densely and coarsely punctate (except punctures sparse posteromedially); interspaces smooth. Scutellum densely and moderately coarsely punctate (except punctures crowded and fine posteriorly). Metanotum punctures crowded and moderately fine; interspaces rugose. Mesepisternum densely and coarsely punctate (except punctures sparser and finer towards ventral surface); interspaces smooth (except rugulose near mid coxa). Metepisternum with oblique carinae mid-anteriorly; rugose above; densely and moderately coarsely punctate below (interspaces rugulose). Lateral surface of propodeum sparsely and moderately finely punctate (interspaces rugulose). Vertical surface of metapostnotum with transverse carina above. T1–T5 minutely punctate (interspaces smooth); T6 sparsely and finely punctate; interspaces imbricate. Metasomal sterna with imbricate interspaces throughout; S1 minutely punctate; S2–S5 sparsely and finely punctate (punctures denser and finer towards marginal zones); S6 densely and moderately finely punctate (except punctures sparse anterolaterally).

MALE ( Figs. 33B, 33D, 33F View FIGURE 33 ). As in female, except for usual secondary sexual characteristics and as follows:

Dimensions (mm): Approximate body length 8.1; head width 3.1; head length 2.5; intertegular distance 2.4; forewing length 6.8.

Colouration: Reddish-brown spot on mandible restricted to distal 1/3. Malar area, clypeus black. Ventral surface of F2 dark-brown. Wing venation pale-yellow (except forewing veins C pale-brown and R dark-brown). Legs dark-brown (except dorsal surface of distitarsi pale-brown). Discs of metasomal sterna black.

Structure: Clypeal mid-longitudinal area shallowly and narrowly (0.7x MOD) depressed throughout. Malar area ~ 2x as long as basal depth of mandible (62:30). F1 as long as its apical width (26:26). UID:LID (67:61). Dorsolateral angle of pronotum pointed. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum 0.5x as long as metanotum (27:54). Hind basitarsus 3.8x longer than broad (57:15). Outer rami of hind tarsal claws ~1.6x as long as inner rami (13:8). Marginal zone of S6 not depressed. S7, S8 and genital capsule as in Figs. 35A, 35B, 35C View FIGURE 35 , respectively.

Pubescence: Vertexal area with off-white towards occipital area, fuscous hairs near lateral ocellus. Mesoscutal hairs as long as those on scutellum and metanotum. Lateral surface of propodeum with erect, long hairs on disc. T1–T5 with appressed hairs restricted to marginal zones. T2 and S2 discs with plumose, erect, moderately long hairs. S3–S5 discs with moderately short setae. S6 with short setae (except setae long posterolaterally).

Surface sculpture: Clypeal convex area smooth, striation restricted to lower 1/5. Supraclypeal area densely and moderately finely punctate (except punctures sparse medially); interspaces rugulose. Paraocular area finely punctate throughout. Vertexal area moderately coarsely punctate towards occipital area. Mesoscutum moderately coarsely punctate; punctures moderately dense posteromedially. Mesepisternum moderately sparsely punctate (except densely punctate anterior to episternal groove and below scrobe). T1 densely punctate; fine and moderately fine punctures intermingled. T2–T3 moderately densely and finely punctate. T6 minutely punctate. Metasomal sterna minutely punctate throughout.

Type material: Holotype ♀ —“PINHEIRO RS; MACHADO; Brasil 30.12.1990; C. Schlidwein leg.”. “S146 H:469; F:52 1500”. “ Moure det.; 4.1994”. “CCDC-30383 C10”. “ HOLOTYPE; Colletes pampeanus ♀; Ferrari, new species”. { UFMG }. Paratypes: BRAZIL — Rio Grande Sul: Pinheiro Machado , 2/xii/1993, [C. Schlindwein], 2♁♁ , { UFMG}. Range: BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul). See also Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 . Biogeographical distribution: Chacoan dominion ( Pampean province ) at altitudes of 300–500m a.s.l. DNA barcode: Unavailable .

Floral hosts: Unknown.

Etymology: Reference to the fact that the species is currently known only from the Pampas—an important ecoregion in southeastern South America that is characterized by the predominance of grassy prairies.

Comments: Apparently a rare species.


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais















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