Colletes rugicollis Friese, 1900

Ferrari, Rafael R., 2019, A revision of Colletes Latreille (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Colletinae) from Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, Zootaxa 4606 (1), pp. 1-91 : 69-73

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4606.1.1

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scientific name

Colletes rugicollis Friese, 1900


Colletes rugicollis Friese, 1900 View in CoL

( Figs. 24 View FIGURE 24 , 40, 41, 47B, 47D, 53B View FIGURE 53 )

Colletes rugicollis Friese, 1900: 183 View in CoL ; Schrottky 1902: 347, 1907: 19, 1913: 237; Vachal 1904: 26; Friese 1908: 11, 1916: 290, 1921: 75; Ducke 1912: 78; Moure 1944: 2, 1949: 438; Michener 1954: 17; Michener et al. 1958a: 4, 1958b: 208; Sakagami & Laroca 1971: 219; Moure & Urban 2002: 19; Silveira et al. 2002: 155; Moure et al. 2007: 687; Azevedo et al. 2008: 150; Rasmussen & Ascher 2008: 94; Hakim & Laroca 2010: 122; Steiner et al. 2010: 23; Gonçalves et al. 2012: 55; Moure et al. 2012; Ferrari & Silveira 2015: 270 View Cited Treatment ; Ramos et al. 2015: 338; Ascher & Pickering 2018.

Lectotype ♀ examined. Designated by Moure & Urban (2002: 19). ( ZMB).

Colletes punctatissimus Schrottky, 1902: 347 ; Silveira & Campos 1995: 377. Synonymy proposed by Moure (1944: 2).

Holotype ♀ lost. ( MZSP).

Diagnosis: Both sexes of C. rugicollis can be diagnosed through the combination of hypostomal carina produced as a tall concave lamella in profile, and T1 with a convex marginal zone. Colletes rugicollis is most similar to C. argentinus , since in both the vertexal area has a protrusion below lateral ocellus, and T1 is coarsely and densely punctate and its marginal zone is convex. However, C. rugicollis can be differentiated from C. argentinus by hypostomal carina produced as a tall, concave lamella (hypostomal carina short and flat in C. argentinus ); and paraocular area with mostly pale-yellow hairs (paraocular area with mostly off-white hairs in C. argentinus ). Their males can also be distinguished by supraclypeal area densely punctate in C. rugicollis (supraclypeal area sparsely punctate in C. argentinus ).

Redescription: FEMALE ( Figs. 39A, 39C, 39E View FIGURE 39 ):

Dimensions (mm): Approximate body length 9.3–10.7; head width 3.1–3.4; head length 2.4–2.8; intertegular distance 2.6–3.2; forewing length 8.0–8.7.

Colouration: Black except distal 2/3 of mandible, distal half of tarsal claws reddish-brown. Ventral surface of F3–F10, wing venation (except veins R, M+Cu and V of forewing black), stigma, hind tarsus (except distitarsus pale-brown), marginal zones of T1–T5, ventrally reflexed lateral areas of T2, S2–S6 (except pale-brown mid-longitudinally) dark-brown. Tibial spurs, proximal half of tarsal claws, ventrally reflexed lateral areas of T1 pale-brown. Marginal zones of metasomal sterna pale-yellow.

Structure: Labrum medially concave; concavity not margined laterally by longitudinal ridges. Clypeus without mid-longitudinal depression. Malar area ~0.35x as long as basal depth of mandible (16:48). Hypostomal carina produced as a tall, concave lamella in profile. F1 ~1.3x as long as its apical width (36:30). UID:LID (61:57). Frontal area with a protrusion below lateral ocellus. Vertexal area flat behind upper summit of eye in postero-lateral view. Dorsolateral angle of pronotum pointed. Mesepisternum ventrally, near ventral end of episternal groove, without protrusion surrounded by appressed hairs. Horizontal surface of metapostnotum 0.75x as long as metanotum (30:40); metapostnotal pits poorly-delimited; posterior transverse carina sinuous and complete. Posteromedial surface of front coxa without spine. Posterior hind tibial spur ciliate. Hind basitarsus ~2.8x longer than broad (54:19). Outer rami of hind tarsal claws ~1.75x as long as inner rami (14:8). Marginal zone of T1 convex. Marginal zone of S6 depressed.

Pubescence: Head with pale-yellow, plumose, erect, moderately short hairs (except mandible with suberect setae); clypeus with short hairs; paraocular, interantennal and frontal areas also with sparse, moderately long hairs; vertexal and genal areas with black, plumose, erect, long hairs (except short behind upper summit of eye). Mesosoma with black, plumose, erect, long hairs; mesoscutum with moderately short, off-white and black hairs intermixed; lateral surface of propodeum with off-white, short hairs. Legs with black hairs; trochanters and femora with plumose, erect, very long hairs; femoral and tibial scopae with branched apically only, suberect, very long hairs anteriorly; tibiae and basitarsi with erect, moderately short setae (except moderately long on posterior margin of mid basitarsus and posterior surface of hind tibia; long on posterior margin of hind basitarsus). Metasoma covered with black hairs throughout; T1 with plumose, erect, long hairs; T2–T5 with erect, minute setae (except moderately long laterally); T6 with suberect, moderately short setae; S1 with plumose, erect, moderately long hairs; S2 with erect, moderately long setae and short plumose hairs intermixed; S3–S6 with suberect, short setae (longer on S3, shorter on S6); S3–S5 with a line of plumose, short hairs near marginal zones.

Surface sculpture: Clypeus densely and coarsely punctate mid-longitudinally (interspaces rugulose); punctures crowded and moderately coarse elsewhere (interspaces smooth). Supraclypeal area with sparse moderately coarse punctures; interspaces rugulose. Malar area substrigulate. Paraocular area punctures crowded and moderately coarse (except punctures fine near antennal socket); interspaces smooth throughout. Frontal area punctures crowded and coarse; interspaces smooth. Vertexal area densely and moderately finely punctate near lateral ocellus; fine and minute punctures intermingled towards eye; interspaces smooth throughout. Mesoscutum and mesepisternum with punctures crowded and very coarse (except mesoscutum only densely punctate posteromedially); interspaces smooth throughout. Scutellum densely and coarsely punctate (except punctures moderately dense anteriorly and crowded towards posterior margin); interspaces smooth throughout. Metanotum rugose. Metepisternum with oblique carinae mid-anteriorly; rugose elsewhere. Lateral surface of propodeum densely and moderately coarsely punctate; interspaces rugulose. Vertical surface of metapostnotum rugose above. T1–T2 densely punctate (except punctures sparse mid-longitudinally); T1 coarsely punctate; T2 moderately finely punctate; interspaces smooth throughout. T2–T5 finely and moderately sparsely punctate; interspaces smooth. Metasomal sterna with imbricate interspaces. S2–S4 densely and moderately finely punctate. S5 punctures crowded and fine. S6 densely and finely punctate (except moderately densely punctate mid-longitudinally).

MALE ( Figs. 40B, 40D, 40F View FIGURE 40 ). As in female, except for usual secondary sexual characteristics and as follows:

Dimensions (mm): Approximate body length 7.1–8.0; head width 2.8–3.1; head length 2.2–2.4; intertegular distance 2.1–2.4; forewing length 6.8–7.1.

Colouration: Ventral surface of F2, dorsal surface of mid and hind tibiae dark-brown. Tibial spurs pale-yellow. Dorsal surface of mid and hind tarsi pale-brown (except basitarsi dark-brown). Ventrally reflexed lateral areas of T1 reddish-brown.

Structure: Malar area ~0.5x as long as basal depth of mandible (18:38). F1 as long as its apical width (30:30). UID:LID (55:44). Horizontal surface of metapostnotum 0.75x as long as metanotum (25:41); metapostnotal pits well-delimited. Hind basitarsus ~3.8x longer than broad (49:13). Outer rami of hind tarsal claws 1.8x as long as inner rami (18:10). Marginal zone of S6 not depressed. S7, S8 and genital capsule as in Figs. 41A, 41B, 41C View FIGURE 41 , respectively.

Pubescence: Mesoscutum with mostly off-white hairs. Lateral surface of propodeum with black, erect, long hairs. T1 with short hairs. S2 covered with short setae only.

Surface sculpture: Clypeus evenly densely and coarsely punctate; interspaces smooth throughout. Supraclypeal area densely punctate. T1 very coarsely punctate. T2 evenly densely and moderately coarsely punctate. T3–T5 moderately finely punctate. Metasomal sterna with smooth interspaces. S6 sparsely and minutely punctate.

Material studied: Primary type specimen: Lectotype ♀ —“ Bolivia; Yungas; 98”. “ Colletes ♀; rugicollis; det. Friese 1898”. “Coll.; Friese”. “ SYNTYPE; Colletes ; rugicollis Fr. ; Examined C Rasmussen’ 07”. “ LECTOTYPE; Colletes rugicollis ; Friese, 1900; lab. Melo, 2015”. “; 58f9bd”. { ZMB}.

Additional specimens: BOLIVIA — La Paz: Chulumani, R. Portugais Finca , (-16.3666, -67.5000), 30/iv/1997, [L. Masner], 1♀, { PCYU }. Coroico, El Bagante , 18/iv/1997, [L. Masner], 1♁, { CNC }. BRAZIL — Minas Gerais: Araxá , 17/ ii/1965, [C. Elias], 1♁, { DZUP }. Baependi, Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio , 9/iv/2008, [F. Sil- veira], 1♀ 2♁♁, { UFMG }. Belo Horizonte, COPASA/ Barreiro , 29/iv/1999, [J. Moreira], 1♀, { UFMG }; Parque das Mangabeiras , 7/vi/1997, [R. Carmo], 2♀♀, { UFMG }; idem, except 24/iv/1997, 1♀; idem, except 13/ii/1997, [J. Damasceno], 1♁. Catas Altas, Serra do Caraça , xi/1961, [Martins & Silva], 3♀♀ 3♁♁, { MZSP }. Lambari, Serra da Campanha , (-21.9577, -45.3616), 27/xii/2001, 2♁♁, [F. Silveira], { UFMG }. Viçosa , 16/xii/1986, [G. Melo], 1♀ 1♁, { MEUV }; idem, except 29/iii/1987, [Melo & Soares], 1♀; 1/xii/1989, [M. Thiengo], 1♀ . Paraná: Near Guaratuba , Estrada dos Castelhanos, 4/v/2003, [Melo & Aguiar], 1♀, { RPSP }. Piraquara , 29/iii/2007, [G. Melo], 1♀, { RPSP }; idem, except 23/i/2003, [A. Aguiar], 1♁. São Mateus do Sul, UN-SIX/ Petrobrás, 21/i/2011, [R. Kamke], 1♀, {LANUFSC}; Fazenda Durgo , 3/iii/2009, [R. Kamke], 1♁, {LANUFSC }. Rio de Janeiro: Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , 28/xii/1947, [J. Zikán], 1♀, { INPA }; idem, except 16/iii/2007; [A. Azevedo], 1♀, { UFMG }. Santa Catarina: Pomerode, Testo Alto, 18/xi/2007, [R. Kamke], 1♁, {LANUFSC}; idem, except 21/iii/2008, 1♀. São Mar- tinho, 12/iii/2007, [L. Rocha], 1♁, {LANUFSC}. PERU—San Martín : Naciente del Río Negro spring, (-6.0850, -77.2710), 17/v/2015, [C. Rasmussen], 1♁, { PCYU }.

Range: BOLIVIA (La Paz) , BRAZIL (Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Sṳo Paulo) , PERU (San Martín). See also Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 .

Biogeographical distribution: Chocoan dominion (Cerrado province), Parana dominion ( Araucaria Forest , Atlantic and Parana Forest provinces), South American transition zone (Puna Province), and South Brazilian dominion (Ucayali province) at altitudes of 600–2500m a.s.l.

DNA barcode: Available. BOLD: ACV1586 (1♀ and 2♁♁). Distance from the nearest neighbour ( C. argentinus ): 2.89–4.03%.

Floral hosts: Compositae— Mikania cordifolia (L.f) Wild. (this study), Solidago chilensis Meyen (this study). Lamiaceae— Hyptis sp. (this study). Solanaceae— Physalis sp. ( Friese 1921), Solanum sp. ( Steiner et al. 2010).

Comments: Relatively common species that is widely distributed in South America.

Regrettably, the holotype of C. punctatissimus that was supposedly deposited at the MZSP ( Moure & Urban 2002; Moure et al. 2007, 2012) is currently lost ( Rasmussen et al. 2009; Ferrari & Silveira 2015; Ramos et al. 2015). According to Moure (1944), who originally synonymized C. punctatissimus with C. rugicollis , the holotype is a male not a female as indicated by Schrottky (1902: 347) in the original description of the species.


Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (Zoological Collections)


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


The Packer Collection at York University


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Universidade de Sao Paulo


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia
















Colletes rugicollis Friese, 1900

Ferrari, Rafael R. 2019

Colletes punctatissimus

Silveira, F. A. & Campos, M. J. O. 1995: 377
Moure, J. S. 1944: 2
Schrottky, C. 1902: 347

Colletes rugicollis

Ferrari, R. R. & Silveira, F. A. 2015: 270
Ramos, K. S. & Kawada, R. & Brand uo, C. R. F. 2015: 338
Goncalves, R. B. & Santos, E. F. & Scott-Santos, C. F. 2012: 55
Hakim, J. R. C. & Laroca, S. 2010: 122
Steiner, J. & Zillikens, A. & Kamke, R. & Feja, E. P. & Falkenberg, D. B. 2010: 23
Azevedo, A. A. & Silveira, F. A. & Aguiar, C. M. L. & Pereira, V. S. 2008: 150
Rasmussen, C. & Ascher, J. S. 2008: 94
Moure, J. S. & Urban, D. & Melo, G. A. R. 2007: 687
Moure, J. S. & Urban, D. 2002: 19
Silveira, F. A. & Melo, G. A. R. & Almeida, E. A. B. 2002: 155
Sakagami, S. F. & Laroca, S. 1971: 219
Michener, C. D. 1954: 17
Moure, J. S. 1944: 2
Ducke, A. 1912: 78
Friese, H. 1908: 11
Vachal, J. 1904: 26
Schrottky, C. 1902: 347
Friese, H. 1900: 183
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