Behria leonis E. Gándara & Ruiz-Sanchez, 2024

Gándara, Etelvina, Ortiz-Brunel, Juan Pablo, Gómez-Hernández, Marko & Ruiz-Sanchez, Eduardo, 2024, A new cryptic species in Behria (Asparagaceae, Brodiaeoideae), from the Baja California peninsula, Mexico, Phytotaxa 646 (3), pp. 213-229 : 220

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.646.3.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Behria leonis E. Gándara & Ruiz-Sanchez

sp. nov.

Behria leonis E. Gándara & Ruiz-Sanchez sp. nov., Figs 3–4 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 .

TYPE:— MEXICO. Baja California Sur: Municipio, La Paz, Sierra de La Laguna , Km 11 brecha a Termopilas , Ejido San Antonio , adelante de San José del Rancho , 23.702 688, -109.985759, elevation 690 m, 23 September 2021, deciduous tropical forests, E. Gándara et al. 3299 (holotype IBUG!) .

Behria leonis differs from B. tenuifolia in having a longer perianth (2.2–3.2 cm vs. 1.7–2.6 cm), a wider perianth aperture (8.5–14.3 mm vs. 3.1–6.4 mm), a narrower perianth base (3.9–6.3 mm vs. 4.6–8 mm), hypocrateriform flowers instead of tubular flowers, and perianth slightly saccate at the base vs. perianth prominently saccate.

Perennial herbs, geophytes. Roots fibrous. Corms 13.2–29.2 mm in diameter, 11.3–31 mm long, subglobose with brownish membranous cataphylls. Leaves (1–)2–4(–6), 13–76 × 1.3–3.3 cm, linear, fistulose, with longitudinal striae, glabrous to minutely hispidulous, rounded and hollow in transversal section, green. Scapes 22–69 cm long, glabrous to minutely denticulated, cylindrical in transverse section (in fresh specimens), green, sometimes purplish at base or at apex. Inflorescences umbellated with spathe bracts 3–6, 2–6 mm long, membranaceous, greenish to purplish becoming hyaline. Flowers (2–)5–18(–23), pedicels 1.3–4.5 cm long; pendulous turning erect after anthesis, green to purplish; perianth 2.2–3.2 cm long, slightly saccate at the base, hypocrateriform, tepals with 6 lobes 3.9–6.7 mm long, 3.1–5.3 mm wide, forming a tube but with free apex forming a wide perianth aperture, red with a yellow band from apex to the middle in the external side of the lobes, and from the apex to the base in the internal side of the lobes, with the apex turning purple to blackish; stamens 6, exerted in mature flowers, joined solely at base for <1 mm, a staminal ring or staminal tube is absent; filaments (20–)21–30.5(–32) mm long after anthesis, cylindrical, pale reddish to magenta, sometimes becoming withish at the base; anthers (1.5–)2–4(–4.3) mm long, 0.5–0.8 mm wide after anthesis, ellipsoid, dorsifixed with longitudinal dehiscence, black before anthesis, turning grayish or greenish after anthesis, sometimes bluish or greenish in dried specimens; ovary (3.8–)4.2–7(–8.2) mm long, ellipsoid, triloculated; disposed on a gynophore (0.8–)1.5–3.5(–4.5) mm long, green; style 15.5–29.4(–31) mm long, cylindrical, reddish to magenta; stigma trilobed, magenta to purplish with white trichomes. Fruits a capsule 9–14 mm long, triloculated, loculicide. Seeds (5–)7–9(–11) mm long, irregularly lenticular, flattened, minutely granular, black.

Distribution, habitat and phenology: — Behria leonis is distributed along Sierra de la Laguna from 400 to 2060 m ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). This species inhabits the tropical deciduous forest and oak-pine forest ( León de la Luz et al. 2000). In the Cape Region, sandy soils, derived from granitic rocks prevail, fostering the formation of deep soils conducive to the growth of corms in this species (León de la Luz per. com.). Flowering records of B. leonis indicate that this species flowers from August to November, while fruits are recorded from September to December. Arriaga et al. (1990) mentioned that B. leonis is part of the plants that Hylocharis xantusii forage looking for nectar, we saw this endemic species of hummingbird and Phoebis sennae butterflies visiting the flowers during our field work ( Fig. 4 A View FIGURE 4 ).

Etymology: —The species epithet “ leonis ” is named in honor of the Mexican botanist José Luis León de la Luz. He is a highly regarded researcher who retired from CIBNOR (Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste S.C.) and is known as the foremost botanist in Southern Baja California Sur. Throughout his career, José Luis León de la Luz has extensively collected thousands of plants in the region and has made significant contributions to the field of botany. Notably, he played a role in neotypifying Behria tenuiflora , ensuring a standardized reference specimen for future studies. Furthermore, he collaborated on projects involving the extraction and identification of alkaloids from this species, contributing to the understanding of its chemical composition.

Conservation status: —The calculated EOO for Behria leonis was 2612 km 2, while the AOO was 72 km 2. Based on the results of the analysis of the extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO), B. leonis meets the criteria B1ab(i)+2ab(ii) (B = Geographic range in the form either EOO and/or AOO). Based on these values and the corresponding criteria, B. leonis should be classified as Endangered (EN) according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN 2024). This classification indicates that the species will face a high risk of extinction in the wild if conservation measures are not implemented. However, populations of this species in the high mountains, up to 1000 m of elevation, are healthy, dense, and free of human threats (León de la Luz pers. com.).

Additional specimens examined (paratypes): — MEXICO. Baja California Sur: Los Cabos, eastern foothills of the Sierra de la Laguna, 12.5 km west of MEX 1 along the road to San Pedro de la Soledad , 23.218 61, -109.845833, elevation ca. 950 m, 5 November 1997, V. Steinman & T. LaDoux 1274 (MEXU) ; Campamento de Palo Extraño , 23.516 667 -109.933333, elevation 1780 m, 9 September 1986, R. Domínguez Cadena 270, 270a (HCIB) ; Cañón de La Zorra , abajo de San Juanito, 23.512 282 -109.919107, elevation 1550 m, 30 October 1979, J.L. León de la Luz 122 (HCIB) ; Paso de Golondrinas, al SE del Campamento Palo Extraño , 23.483 333 -109.883333, elevation 1900 m, 1 November 1985, R. Domínguez Cadena 113 (HCIB) ; Ca. del Rancho La Victoria , 23.6 -109.916667, elevation 1600 m, 30 September 1994, M. Domínguez León 797 (HCIB) ; Ca. Rancho Matancitas , 23.150 408 -110.056625, elevation 400 m, 30 October 1987, J.L. León de la Luz 3042 ( HCIB), Ca. Rancho Matancitas , 23.150 408 -110.056625, elevation 400 m, 23 October 1987, R. Domínguez Cadena 644 ( HCIB). La Paz, Rancho Laguna and vicinity, Sierra Laguna , Cape District, elevation 1670–1830 m, 3 October 1951, H. S. Gentry 11214 ( MEXU) ; granitic slopes surrounding long interior valley (La Laguna), south of Pico La Aguja on Sierra de la Laguna , elevation 1920–2040 m, 22 October 1977, D.E. Breedlove & D. I. Axelrod 43363 (MEXU) ; Sierra de la Laguna, ca. de la Cieneguita del Picacho, 23.549 548, - 109.993 299, elevation 1846 m, 2 September 2008, J.L. León de la Luz 2008-130 ( HCIB), Sierra de La Laguna , Camino de El Triunfo a San Antonio , 23810359, -110063017, elevation 435 m, 23 September 2021, deciduous tropical forests with xerophilous elements, E. Gándara, E. Ruiz & M. Gómez 3298 ( IBUG!) ; Sierra de La Laguna, Km 15 brecha a Termopilas , Ejido San Antonio , 23692257, -109953751, elevation 853 m, 23 September 2021, deciduous tropical forests, E. Gándara, E. Ruiz & M. Gómez 3300 (IBUG!) ; Sierra de La Laguna, Km 21 brecha a Termopilas , 23646407, -109927886, elevation 811 m, 23 September 2021, deciduous tropical forests, E. Gándara, E. Ruiz & M. Gómez 3301 (IBUG!) ; Sierra de La Laguna, Cerro San Antonio al E del Valle La Laguna , 23.540 374 -109.973173, elevation 1985 m, 21 October 1987, J.L. León de la Luz 2930, 2932 (HCIB) ; Bajada al Rancho La Burrera , 23.537 604 -110.022257, elevation 1135 m, 2 November 1985, J.L. León de la Luz 925 (HCIB) ; Arroyo de Los Encinos Blancos, 1 km al N del Campamento Forestal , 23.553 328 -109.985215, elevation 1754 m, 12 October 1984, J.L. León de la Luz 621 (HCIB) ; Cerro de San Antonio , 23.540 498 -109.966092, elevation 1935 m, 13 October 1984, J.L. León de la Luz 663 (HCIB) ; Agua de San Antonio , 23.55 -109.983333, elevation 1920 m, 31 October 1985, R. Domínguez Cadena 55 (HCIB) ; El Barrito, Rancho La Burrera , 25 km al NE de Todos Santos, 23.5 -110.033333, elevation 600 m, 13 September 1994, M. Domínguez León 766 (HCIB) ; Rancho El León , 23.681 566 -109.939772, elevation 860 m, 4 September 1998, J.L. León de la Luz 9190 (ARIZ, HCIB) ; Arroyo del Rancho San Antonio de La Sierra , 23.883 333 -109.883333, elevation 700 m, 4 September 1998, M. Domínguez León 2557 (HCIB) ; Valle de La Laguna , 23.547 99 -109.97546, elevation 1736 m, 30 September 1998, M. Domínguez León 2635 (HCIB) ; Cima del Cerro de San Antonio , 23.533 333 -109.95, elevation 2060 m, 14 de September 1999, M. Domínguez León 2733 (HCIB) ; Valle de La Laguna , 23.544 259 -109.973038, elevation 1820 m, 27 September 2000, J.L. León de la Luz 9703 (HCIB) ; 1 km al S del Rancho San Antonio de La Sierra , 23.65 -110.183333, elevation 600 m, 7 September 2000, J.J. Pérez Navarro 1408 (HCIB) ; Portezuelo de Los Encinos, Camino al Cerro Puesto de Los Soldados , 24.092 791 -110.116676, elevation 922 m, 18 November 2010, M. Domínguez León 4774 (HCIB) ; La Laguna, Sierra de La Laguna. Growing in shade of pine-oak forest, 23.548 63 -109.97716, elevation 1675 m, 31 August 1971, R.R. Snelling s.n. (SD) ; Sierra de la Laguna, NE of Todos Santos, vicinity of Valle La Laguna at top of the Sierra, NE of Cañon La Burrera and Rancho Corral Grande , 23.550 56 -109.98306, elevation 1740 m, 29 October 1998, J. Rebman 5790 (SD, UCR) ; Sierra Cacachilas, SE of La Paz & W of El Sargento, N of Hwy 286 between La Paz & San Juan de Los Planes , on the top of Cerro El Llano, 24.110 67 -110.10963, elevation 1120 m, 29 October 2013, J. Rebman 27271 (SD) ; Sierra las Cacachilas, North of Hwy. 286 between La Paz & San Juan de los Planes , West of El Sargento , on the top of Cerro Morro to the north of El Picacho , 24.109 87 -110.13902, elevation 1192 m, 18 October 2014, J. Rebman 29067 (SD) ; Sierra las Cacachilas, north of Hwy. 286 between La Paz & San Juan de los Planes , west of El Sargento , on top of Cerro El Llano ( El Tinaja ) on the flats & slopes around the base camp, 24.110 28 -110.10925, elevation 1120 m, 14 October 2014, J. Rebman 28970 (SD) ; Triunfo , 23.805 65 -110.10698, 23 October 1941, F. F. Gander 9736 (SD) ; Sierra de la Laguna, rancho San Antonio de la Sierra, 11.6 miles SE of KP 147.6 ( Hwy . 1), elevation 3000 ft, 11-12 September 1985, J. Donahue 97.169 (GA) ; rancho Termopilas, km 16 de brecha a San Antonio de la Sierra, Sierra de la Laguna , 23.685 353 -109.992381, elevation 807 m, 14 septiembre 2021, M. Anguiano, D. Anguiano & R. Domínguez 902 (IBUG) .






&quot;Alexandru Ioan Cuza&quot; University


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department













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