Kisaura holiensis, Pandher, Manpreet Singh & Saini, Malkiat Singh, 2014

Pandher, Manpreet Singh & Saini, Malkiat Singh, 2014, New additions to the genus Kisaura Ross (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) from the Indian Himalaya, Zootaxa 3793 (5), pp. 538-544 : 539

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3793.5.2

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scientific name

Kisaura holiensis

sp. nov.

Kisaura holiensis sp. nov

( Figs. 1–4 View FIGURES 1 – 8 )

Material examined. Holotype ♂. INDIA: Uttarakhand: Holi, 1,600 m, 16-ix-2008, Pandher & Parey, deposited in NPC.

Paratypes: Collection data same as those of holotype, 2♂.

Diagnosis. This species closely resembles Kisaura longispina ( Kimmins 1955) , from Myanmar, in having very long lateral spiniform processes, reaching almost to the bases of the apical segments of the inferior appendages, and preanal appendages that extend (approximately) to the distal margin of segment IX. However, it is distinct from the latter in that tergite VIII has a shallow V-shaped excision, and the lateral spiniform processes are convergent, whereas in K. longispina tergite VIII is without a V-shaped excision, and the lateral spiniform processes are divergent.

Adult male: Body in alcohol pale yellow, covered with inconspicuous, sparse, yellow pubescence, wings paler with dark setae on pterostigma; antennae pale yellowish; head brownish- yellow, with denuded hairs and legs pale yellow. Length of each antenna 5.5 mm; maxillary palps relatively short, each only 1.0 mm long, segment III 1.5 times longer than II, segment V almost double IV; labial palps short, 0.6 mm long. Length of each forewing 6 mm, its discoidal cell very small and triangular, its pterostigma clearly marked; fork I absent in both forewings and hind wings.

Male genitalia ( Figs.1–4 View FIGURES 1 – 8 ): Tergite VIII with W-shaped concavity in posterior half and short narrow notch apically; sternite VIII with two wide and shallow excisions on each side anteriorly and without posteroventral process. Segment IX long, anterodorsal margin acutely produced, as viewed laterally, posterolaterally concave. Inferior appendages each 2-segmented; basal segment (coxopodite) little longer and stouter than apical segment (harpago), narrow at its base, broad and rounded apically in lateral view, having two apicomesal lobes, of which superior lobe unadorned and inferior lobe with tuft of long setae; apical segment mesal surface with long and stout basal spine and curved longitudinal row of smaller spines visible in dorsal or ventral views. Tergum X membranous, extending beyond distal margin of segment IX, with lateral spiniform process arising on each side at its base, directed cephalad and then recurved caudoventrad, reaching almost to apex of basal segment of corresponding inferior appendage, with articulated spinelet at apex. Preanal appendages as long as segment IX, clavate in lateral view. Phallus membranous, completely surrounded by tergum X and scarcely distinguishable from tergum X when phallus in retracted position.

Distribution. INDIA: Uttarakhand.

Etymology. This species is named for its type locality Holi.


National Pusa Collection













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