Madecorphnus barclayi Frolov, 2012

Frolov, Andrey V., Montreuil, Olivier & Akhmetova, Lilia A., 2016, Review of the Madagascan Orphninae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) with a revision of the genus Triodontus Westwood, Zootaxa 4207 (1), pp. 1-93 : 26-29

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4207.1.1

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Madecorphnus barclayi Frolov, 2012


Madecorphnus barclayi Frolov, 2012

( Figs. 11 View FIGURE 11 A–G)

Madecorphnus barclayi Frolov, 2012b: 162 .

Type material examined. Holotype ( Figs. 11 View FIGURE 11 A–F), male, “ MADAGASCAR E . Masoala, 50–470 m, R. Antsamanarana, 3–7/xii/1993 Flight Intercept Trap BMNH(E) 1994-138 / Holotypus Madec. barclayi Frolov 2009 ” (BMNH). Paratypes: two specimens with the same locality label as the holotype, male ( ZIN) and female ( BMNH) .

Diagnosis. This species is most similar to M. tuberculatus in having internal sac of aedeagus with 2 sclerites but the shape of the sclerites is different: they are much smaller and less sclerotized. It also differs in having narrower body with smaller eyes.

Description. Male. Body length 5.6–6.0 mm. Color uniformly castaneous, elytra somewhat paler.

Right mandible about 1.5 times longer than left, strongly curved, with a tooth behind apex ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 A). Labrum trapezoidal, with rounded anterior angles, its length about 1/5 width (in dorsal view). Mentum with 2 conical tubercles ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 F).

Frontoclypeus slightly asymmetrical, almost flat anteriorly, obtuse, with 1 long and a few smaller setae. Head dorsally with minute punctures separated by more than 5 puncture diameters.

Pronotum 1.5 times wider than long, widest medially. Margins with relatively wide border, lateral margins with 4 long setae. Punctation on pronotum similar to that on head.

Elytra convex, with distinct humeral humps. Maximum width approximately at basal 1/3. First stria distinct and reaching the apex of elytron, other striae indistinct. Epipleura with long, sparse, brown setae. Base of elytra with border connected to first elytral interval. Elytra punctate with sparse relatively large punctures on disc.

Protibiae with 3 outer teeth, lateral margin basad of outer teeth not crenulate. Apex with robust, spur-like seta and a few smaller setae basally. Mesothoracic and metathoracic legs similar in shape, metathoracic legs 1.3 times longer than mesothoracic legs. Longer tibial spur shorter than 2 basal tarsomeres in mesothoracic legs and almost as long as 3 tarsomeres in metathoracic legs.

Parameres symmetrical, relatively wide in dorsal view, with 2 distinct teeth laterally ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 B). Internal sac with 2 slender bifurcated sclerites ( Figs. 11 View FIGURE 11 D–E).

Female. The female differs from male in having short mandibles and long protibial spur.

Variation. Body length of examined specimens 5.6 mm (male) and 5.5 mm (female). Apart from the body length the male paratype is very similar to the holotype.

Distribution and habitat. Madecorphnus barclayi is known from one locality in the northern part of the Masoala Peninsula ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 G). It is the only species of the genus recorded from the peninsula so far. The Masoala Peninsula is one of the largest forest blocks in Madagascar and a top conservation priority due to its lowland humid forests, now rare elsewhere in Madagascar ( Du Puy & Moat 1996, Kremen et al. 1999).


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum
















Madecorphnus barclayi Frolov, 2012

Frolov, Andrey V., Montreuil, Olivier & Akhmetova, Lilia A. 2016

Madecorphnus barclayi

Frolov 2012: 162
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