Griffinia capixabae Campos-Rocha & Dutilh, 2017

Campos-Rocha, Antonio, Meerow, Alan William, Semir, João & Dutilh, Julie Henriette Antoinette, 2017, A new species of Griffinia (Amaryllidaceae) from Espírito Santo state, Brazil, and reassessment of Griffinia concinna, Phytotaxa 327 (2), pp. 175-183 : 176-179

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.327.2.6

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Griffinia capixabae Campos-Rocha & Dutilh

sp. nov.

Griffinia capixabae Campos-Rocha & Dutilh View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 & 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Griffinia capixabae View in CoL is mostly similar to Griffinia intermedia Lindley (1826: 990) View in CoL . However, G. capixabae View in CoL lacks spots on the perigone throat, typical of G. intermedia View in CoL , has two spathe bracts free from the base (vs. one in G. intermedia View in CoL ), and the hypanthium tube represents up to 1/6 of the total length of perigone (vs. 1/8 to 1/ 12 in G. intermedia View in CoL ).

Type:— BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Estrada 25 de Julho, terr. Fracalossi, 280 m, 29 February 2011, L. Kollmann & M. Groppo 12243 (holotype MBML!).

Bulbiferous, geophytic perennial herb. Bulb 4.2–6.8 cm long, 4.5–8.8 cm diameter, globose to subglobose, white, covered with reddish or brown colored tunic; bulb neck 4–14(–22) cm long. Leaves (1–)2–6, pseudopetiolate; pseudopetiole 11–32 × 0.8–1.8 cm, green, often vinaceous in the lower half or sometimes for its whole length, caniculate on the adaxial side, rounded on the abaxial; lamina 26–66 × 9.5–20 cm, dark green on the adaxial side, light green on the abaxial, elliptical, oblong or ovate, apex acute to acuminate, base attenuate, both sometimes asymmetric, margin slightly revolute, with a projected midrib on the abaxial surface. Inflorescence with 10–22 flowers; scape 17–40 cm long, 1–1.8 cm diameter, green and vinaceous at the base or sometimes throughout its length, erect, solid, two-edged; spathe of 2 bracts, 2.6–5 × 1.2–2 cm, greenish, hyaline at margin, free to the base, lanceolate; bracteoles numerous, lanceolate or subulate. Pedicels 1–4(–5.5) cm long, green, obtusely triangular in cross section, elongating as fruit matures. Perigone 4–6 cm long, zygomorphic, completely white or generally lilac distally, frequently with a white longitudinal stripe on the lateral sepals; hypanthium tube 0.8–1.6 cm long. Sepals oblanceolate, with a subapical adaxial apiculum, 2–6 mm long; upper sepal curved upwards, 3.2–5.2 × 0.8–1.2 cm; lateral sepals 3.3–5.2 × 0.65–1.2 cm, patent, asymmetrical; petals slightly smaller than the sepals, oblanceolate, apiculum inconspicuous, <1 mm long; lateral petals 3–5 × 0.65–1.3 cm, curved upwards; lower petal 3–5 × 0.4–1 cm, deflexed downward. Stamens 6, 5 declinate, 1 upper episepal erect-ascending. Filaments completely white or more generally lilac distally, shorter than the perigone, upper episepal 2.5–4 cm long, lateral episepal 2.4–4.4 cm long, lateral epipetal (1.7–) 2.4–3.7 cm long, lower epipetal 2.4–3.7 cm long; anthers 2.5–4.5 mm long, lilac, oblong-reniform; pollen gray. Style 3.2–5.1 cm long, white, sometimes lilac distally; stigma punctate to capitate, lilac. Ovary 4.5–11 mm long, 4.5–8.5 mm diameter, white, oblong–ellipsoid to obovoid; ovules 1–2(–3) per locule, 1.4–2 mm long. Capsules 1.8–3.8 cm long, 1.8–4 cm diameter, green, generally with reddish pigmentation, ovoid to ovoid-compressed, trilobed. Seeds 0.8–1.8 cm long, 0.7–1.5 cm diameter, whitish, globose to subglobose, with relatively inconspicuous flatly adherent elaiosome.

Further specimens examined (paratypes):— BRAZIL. Espírito Santo: Alfredo Chaves, Carolina , ca. 700 m, 4 May 1982, R.A. Kautsky 742 ( SP!) ; Itarana, Barra de Jatiboca, Fazenda do Stuhr , 357 m, 26 February 2003, J.A. Lombardi, A. Salino, R.C. Mota & F.A. Carvalho 5217 ( BHCB!) ; Marilândia, Liberdade, propr. Deoclécio Lorenccini. Afloramento rochoso, interior de mata, 150–350 m, 22 March 2007, V. Demuner, T. Cruz, M. Belizário & E. Bausen 3377 (MBML!, UEC!) ; Marilândia, Liberdade, propr. Deoclécio Lorenccini. Interior de mata, 250–400 m, 12 June 2006, V. Demuner, R.R. Vervloet, T. Cruz & E. Bausen 4188 ( MBML!) ; trazido para o cultivo em dezembro de 2013, da propriedade do Sr. Deoclécio Lorenccini, bairro Liberdade, próximo ao córrego, na encosta, 226 m, 24 February 2014, A. Campos-Rocha, G.H. Shimizu & M.N. Saka 1441 (NA!, UEC!). Santa Teresa , 25 de Julho. Interior de mata úmido e sombreado, 28 March 2000, V. Demuner & W. Pizziolo 871 ( MBML!) ; Cabeceira do 25 de julho, propriedade de Geraldo Pretti, Sítio Recanto Feliz , Floresta Estacional Semidecidual , 11 August 2005, A.P. Fontana & W.S. da Silva 1646 ( MBML!) ; Estrada do 25 de Julho. Terreno do Casotti , 450 m, 6 April 1999, L. Kollmann 2404 ( MBML!) ; trazido para o cultivo em dezembro de 2013, bairro 25 de julho, próximo ao córrego 5 de Novembro, 22 February 2014, A. Campos-Rocha, G.H. Shimizu & M.N. Saka 1450 (NA!, UEC!) .

Etymology:—The specific epithet, a word of Tupi origin, an indigenous language, honors the people born in the state of Espírito Santo (“capixaba”). It means “land for agriculture” ( Nascentes 1966), and also refers to the restricted distribution of the species, endemic to the Serra da Mantiqueira Capixaba in the central region of the state.

Distribution and habitat:—Only four records are known ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ), always in shaded stony and humid locations in semideciduous forest of the Serra da Mantiqueira, Espírito Santo.

Conservation status:—With estimated AOO of 16 km 2 and EOO of 1,670 km 2, G. capixabae is considered endangered (EN) based on the subcriteria B1ab(iii) and B2ab(iii), due to the low number of known occurrences (≤ 5) and the continuing decline in habitat. None of the known populations is located in a protected area.

Phenology:— Griffinia capixabae was observed in bloom from February to June. Fruits were seen between the months of February to August.

Taxonomic relationships:— Griffinia capixabae resembles G. intermedia ( Figs. 4A–B View FIGURE 4 ), described at the beginning of the 19th century from material of the state of Rio de Janeiro, cultivated in Europe. Historically the latter species has been of rather uncertain identity, with specimens actually pertaining to different taxa identified as G. intermedia ( Preuss 1999a) . However, analysis of a population in the Parque Nacional de Itatiaia leaves no doubt about its identity (A. Campos-Rocha and collaborators, in preparation). The known distribution of G. intermedia is restricted to southern Rio de Janeiro ( Campos-Rocha 2015). Griffinia intermedia has a single spathe bract, bifid at the apex, likely representing the fusion of two bracts, although there is no ontogenetic investigation available. The flowers of G. intermedia have spots on its sepals and petals, unlike G. capixabae , which has unspotted flowers and two simple bracts that are free from the base. The hypanthium tube of G. capixabae is large, representing between 1/4 and 1/6 of the total perigone length. In G. intermedia this value varies between 1/8 and 1/12, occasionally 1/7 of the perigone length. Griffinia capixabae is also similar to G. concinna and G. hyacinthina ( Ker Gawler 1816: 163) Ker Gawler (1820: 444) , large flowered species with lilac perigones that occur in the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil ( Figs. 4C and 4D View FIGURE 4 , respectively). It is distinguished from both by the length of the perigone, which is generally much smaller in G. capixabae (4–6 cm vs. 5.5–10.5 cm in G. concinna and 5–10.5 cm in G. hyacinthina ), with sepals and lateral petals less curved, a little wider (up to 1.3 cm vs. 1.1 cm in G. hyacinthina and G. concinna ), and the tube 0.8–1.6 cm vs. 2–4.5 cm in G. concinna and 1.5–2.5 cm in G. hyacinthina . In addition, the pseudopetioles of G. capixabae are caniculate on the adaxial surface ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 , vs. flat). The new species has a peculiar lamina, generally elliptic to narrowly elliptic, with a venation pattern in which the transverse ribs have a denser distribution than usually observed in G. concinna and G. hyacinthina , despite occasional variation found in these characteristics in the species mentioned.


Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão


Instituto de Botânica


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Universidade Estadual de Campinas














Griffinia capixabae Campos-Rocha & Dutilh

Campos-Rocha, Antonio, Meerow, Alan William, Semir, João & Dutilh, Julie Henriette Antoinette 2017

Griffinia capixabae

Campos-Rocha & Dutilh 2017

G. capixabae

Campos-Rocha & Dutilh 2017

Griffinia intermedia

Lindley 1826: 990

G. intermedia

Lindley 1826

G. intermedia

Lindley 1826

G. intermedia

Lindley 1826
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