Plesianthidium (Spinanthidiellum) volkmanni (Friese)

Eardley, Connal & Griswold, Terry, 2015, Taxonomic revision of Plesianthidium Cameron (Apoidea: Megachilidae: Anthidiini), an endemic southern African bee genus, Zootaxa 3973 (1), pp. 1-56 : 17-21

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3973.1.1

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scientific name

Plesianthidium (Spinanthidiellum) volkmanni (Friese)


Plesianthidium (Spinanthidiellum) volkmanni (Friese) View in CoL

( Figs 8–11 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 )

Anthidium volkmanni Friese, 1909: 409 View in CoL –410 (lectotype—female ‘♂♀von Grootfontein (Volkmann leg.)’ (ZMHB, examined) South Africa).

Dianthidium volkmanni: Cockerell 1932: 524 .

Spinanthidium (Spinanthidiellum) volkmanni: Pasteels 1969: 55 View in CoL –129.

Plesianthidium (Spinanthidiellum) volkmanni: Gess & Gess 2003: 190 View in CoL –423.

Dianthidium speculifrons Cockerell, 1935: 347 View in CoL (holotype—‘male from near Oudtshoorn’, recorded earlier as the male of D. calvini ( Cockerell 1932: 526) View in CoL (NHML, examined) South Africa), synonymised by Pasteels (1984).

Anthidium speculifrons (Cockerell) View in CoL : Pasteels 1984: 129.

Spinanthidium (Spinanthidiellum) speculifrons: Pasteels 1969: 60 .

Discussion. The syntype series of two females and one male is composite with the male a different species than the females. Here one of the females is designated as the lectotype. The male paralectotype belongs to P. (Spinanthidiellum) rufocaudatum .

Diagnosis. Plesianthidium volkmanni can be distinguished from all other Plesianthidium , except P. rufocaudatum and P. haematurum by the carinate preoccipital ridge, the form of the female clypeus that is preapically depressed and apically extended into a truncate flange ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 b) and the shagreened scutal integument ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 c). Females also differ from P. rufocaudatum in the blackish rather than orangish margin of T6 (female of P. haematurum is unknown). Additional distinguishing characters for males include T6 and T7 mostly black and in the structures of T7 ( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 a, b) and S6–S8 ( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 c–e). Interestingly, though, the general form of the male S8 is unlike that of P. rufocaudatum , it resembles that of some other members of the subgenus P. ( Spinanthidium ): P. richtersveldense , P. bruneipes , P. neli and P. calvini .

Description. Female. Lengths: face 3.1–3.4 mm; scutum 2.4–2.6 mm; forewing 6.2–6.8 mm; body 7.4–8.0 mm. Integument black, except distal margins of T2–T5 slightly reddish ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 a). Vestiture whitish, except vertex and metasomal dorsum orange ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 a, 9a), scopa yellowish. Preoccipital ridge carinate; distance between lateral ocellus and preoccipital ridge twice ocellar diameter; supraclypeus distinctly convex; clypeus distinctly convex above, concave subapically, distal region extended anteroventrally, ventral edge not strongly concave or crenulate; clypeus densely punctate; mandible with four teeth; maxillary palpus 2-segmented; scutum densely punctate, dull between punctures; tegula sparsely punctate medially; propodeum glabrous medioventrally; T2–T3 with sparse distal fasciae, moderately densely punctate distally; T6 slightly expanded posterolaterally, without mediolongitudinal carina.

Male. Lengths: face 2.7–3.0 mm; scutum 2.3–2.4 mm; forewing 6.9–7.1 mm; body 8.5–8.7 mm. Integument black, except clypeus, lower paraocular area yellow, T2–T6 with reddish distal margins (more pronounced than female) ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 b). Preoccipital ridge carinate; distance between lateral ocellus and preoccipital ridge 1.5–2.0x ocellar diameters; supraclypeus distinctly convex; clypeus distinctly convex, moderately densely punctate; mandible with three distinct teeth; maxillary palpus 2-segmented; scutum densely punctate medially; tegula densely punctate, shiny between punctures; propodeum glabrous medioventrally; hind trochanter without a ventral spine; T2–T5 without distal fasciae; T6 with very small mediolongitudinal carina, with small tubercle posteromedially, without lateral spines, with distal margin punctate, forming convex, translucent, slightly upcurved, flange of equal-length, except near apex of mediologitudinal carina ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 a); T7 posterior edge tridentate with moderately large median tooth and small lateral tooth, lateral spines pointed, median broadly truncate ( Figs 10 View FIGURE 10 a, b); S4 with moderately wide black apicomedian comb, S5 broadly emarginate posteromedially; S6 unevenly convex posteriorly ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 c); S7 disc short, broadly and deeply (laterally angulate) concave posteriorly ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 d); S8 with disc long, strongly concave posterolaterally, pointed posteromedially, sides straight ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 e); gonostylus narrow subapically ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 f).

Distribution ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ). Whereas most distribution records are from Namaqualand P. volkmanni has also been collected in the southern Cape.

Associated plants. The only confirmed floral records are Lebeckia sp. and Fabaceae sp. The records in Eardley and Urban (2010) were documented before P. volkmanni and P. rufocaudatum were recognized as separate. They are therefore unreliable.

Material examined. Type material. Female lectotype of P. volkmanni here designated: ‘Kl. Namaland Steinkopf L.Schultze S., Anthidium volkmanni ♀Fr. 1908 Friese det., Type, Spinanthidium volkmanni Friese J. Pasteels det., 1963, Holo Typus’, in ZMHB. Male syntype of Dianthidium speculifrons : ‘N. Oudtshoorn C.P. Nov. 1 J.O., Dianthidium calvini Ckll ♂ Cotype, Dianthidium speculifrons Ckll. TYPE, Type, B.M. TYPE HYM. 17a 1934, BMNH (E) 970299’, in NHML.

Additional material. Namibia. Khorixas, Bethamis 514, 1978.ii, C. Kok S.J. van Tonder (1♀ SANC 04309). South Africa. Phelandaba, 27.05S, 32.5333E, 1981. i.21, C.D. Eardley (1♀ SANC 04322) (doubtful record); Kuboos 5km, 1974. x.9, R.H. Watmough (1♂ SANC 04057); Kliphoogte, 29.0656S 17.4019E, 2011. ix.14, L. Packer (2♂ PC 15277 E10, E11); Eksteenfontein, 1.5 km W, 28.8261S 17.2404E, 2008. x.10, T.L. Griswold (10♀ 3♂ BLCU- 751649, 751650, 751651 751647, 751648, 751625, 751691, 751692, 751693); Eksteenfontein, 24 km SE, 28.9816S 17.3728E, 2008. x.9, T.L. Griswold, on Fabaceae sp. (4♂ BLCU 751618, 751619, 751620, 751621); Eksteenfontein, 28.8260S 17.2403E, 2008. x.9–10, C.D. Eardley (1♀ 3♂ SANC 19169, 19174, 19211, 19212); Eksteenfontein, near, 28.8495S 17.2981E, 2012. ix.13, C.D. Eardley (1♀ 6♂ SANC 19216, 19218, 19219, 19220, 19222, 19223, 19224); O’okiep, 1890. ix.1, Lightfoot (1♀ SAMC 004405); Concordia, 10 km N, 29.51666S 17.9500E, 2006. viii.23, C.D. Eardley R. Combey (1♀ SANC 19177); Goegap Nature Reserve, near 1985. vii.28– ix.5, 1987. viii.31–ix.13, M. Struck (5♀ 6♂ SANC 0 4044, 0 4055, 0 4056, 0 8046, 0 8047, 08049); Kamiesberg Pass, 30.2000S 17.9833E, 1987. ix.11, C.D. Eardley (1♀ 2♂ SANC 0 4040, BLCU 724890, 724902); Kamiesberg Pass, 30.1897S 17.9768E, 2012. ix.15, C.D. Eardley Q. Mthethwa (2♂ SANC 19215, 19221); Garies and Hondeklipbaai, between, 30.2121S 17.7708E, 2012. ix.14, C.D. Eardley (1♂ SANC 19217); Skurfkop, near, 31.9227S 18.6311E, 2005. ix.20–21, C.D. Eardley (1♀ 3♂ SANC 19165,19192, 19195, 19208); Studer's Pass (km 23), 30.4288S 18.0592E, 2007. ix.16, T.L. Griswold, on Lebeckia sp. (1♀ 3♂ SANC 19201, 19213, 19207, BLCU 722872); Papendrop, 2 km SW, 31.71S 18.2082E, 2002. x.10, F.D. Parker M.E. Irwin (3♂ BLCU 724892, 724894, 724895); Nieuwoudtville Flower Reserve, 1984. viii.29, V. Whitehead M. Macpherson (3♂ SAMC 006903); idem, 31.22.18S 19.08.58 E, 2003. xi.11, 2007.viii–ix, M. Kuhlmann K. Timmermann (3♀ 3♂ KC); Nieuwoudtville Falls, 6.5 km N Nieuwandtville, 31.3197S 19.1174E, 2007. ix.18, T.L. Griswold (1♂ BLCU 722293); Nieuwoudtville Caravan Park, 31.22S 19.07E, 1990. ix.26–30, F.W. Gess (1♂ AMGC 2661); Nieuwoudtville, 13.5 km N, 31.2744S 19.1458E, 2007. ix.18, T.L. Griswold (2♂ BLCU 722352, 722350); Nieuwoudtville, 7 km W, 31.3766S 19.0193E, 2002. x.9–11, F.D. Parker M.E. Irwin (1♀ 1♂ BLCU- 724893, 724904); Nieuwoudtville, 31.3666S, 19.1333E, 1986. ix.6, H.C. Hattingh (1♀ SANC 08056); Remhoogte, 30.2351S 18.16536E, 2003. ix.5–17, C. Mayer (2♀ 1♂ KC); Leliefontein, 30.23169S 18.1626E, 2003. ix.7, C. Mayer (1♀KC); Engelspunt, near, 31.14.08S 18.58.23E, 2003. ix.24, K. Timmermann (2♀KC); Papkuilsfontein farm, 20km S Nieuwoudtville, 31.33.16S 19.08.31 E, 2006. x.17, 2007. ix.9, M. Kuhlmann (1♂ KC); Grootdrif, 5 km N, 31.26.40S 18.56.23E, 2007. ix.21, K. Timmermann, (2♂ KC); Gembokrivier road, 31.26.40S 18.56.23E, 2007. ix.21, M. Kuhlmann (1♀KC); Vanrhynsdorp, near Water Fall, 31.7916S 18.7661E, 2005. ix.15, C.D. Eardley (1♂ SANC 12284); Vanrhynsdorp, 31.36S 18.45E, 1927. viii.12, H. Brauns (1♂ AMGC 2659, TMSA 04310); Vanrhynsdorp, 24 km SE, waterfall, 31.7826S 18.8954E, 2007. ix.19, T.L. Griswold, on Fabaceae (1♂ BLCU 722438); Knersvlakte, 20 km N Vanrhynsdorp, 31.44S 18.6966E, 2001. ix.21, W.J. Pulawski (1♀ BLCU 843431); Botterkloof Pass, dunes, 31.8127S 19.2647E, 1975. x.8, G.E. Bohart, Spinanthidium volkmanni Fr. J. Pasteels det. 1978 (2♀ 4♂ BLCU 724871, 724900 724896, 724897, 724898, 724903); Pakhuis Pass, 32.1333 19.0333E, 1987. ix.7, C.D. Eardley (1♂ SANC 04035); Hoek se Berg, 32.1477S 19.1844E, 2011. ix.23, C.D. Eardley (1♂ SANC 19199, 19203, 19204, 19205); Hoek se Berg, 32.1172S 19.1734E, 2007. ix.20, T. Griswold (1♂ BLCU 722902); Hoek se Berg, 32.1478S 19.1844E, 2011. ix.23, L. Packer (5♂ PC 15279 B8, E8, B7); Wuppertal, 32.2833S 19.2166E, 1987. ix.8, C.D. Eardley (1♂ SANC 04036); Biedouw Valley, 32.1468S 19.1845E, 2007. ix.20, T. Griswold (1♂ BLCU 722886); Biedouw Valley, 32.1333S 19.2666E, 1987. ix.5–7, 2007. ix.20, C.D. Eardley (1♀ 1♂ SANC 19200, BLCU 724901); Biedouw Valley, 2011. ix.23, L. Packer (2♂ PC 15280 H4, H3); Clanwilliam, 32.1666S 18.8833E, 1986. ix.30, J.H. Hoffmann M.W. Mansell (1♀ 3♂ SANC 04054); Clanwilliam, 32.1330S 18.8786E, 2001. ix.22, C.D. Eardley (1♂ SANC 19190); Clanwilliam, 5 km N, 32.1333S 18.8500E, 2001. ix.27, C.D. Eardley (1♀ SANC 19185); Clanwilliam, 25 km NW Skurfkop Road, 32.0558S 18.6724E, 2007. ix.21, T. Griswold (4♂ BLCU 722950, 722958, 722935, 722961, 722963, 722964, 722965, 722968); Pakhuis Pass, 32.0922S 19.0673E, 2007. ix.20, T.L. Griswold (10♂ BLCU 722532, 722529, 722530, 722544, 722538, 722541, 722552, 722553, 722520); Kareevlakte, 1975. ix.29, V. Whitehead (1♂ SAMC 006904); Het Kruis, 1947. x.1 (3♂ SAMC 004407); Paleisheuwel, 1948. xi.1 (1♀ SAMC 006891); Clanwilliam, 33km W, 1966. ix.19, C.D. Michener (1♂ SAMC 006898); Clanwilliam, 32.1802S 18.8877E, 1977. ix.28, V.B. Whitehead, Spinanthidium volkmanni Fr. J. Pasteels det. 1978 (2♂ BLCU 724871, 24887); Ratelfontein, 5.5 km E, 32.0453S 18.6416E, 2007. ix.21, T. Griswold (2♀ 2♂ BLCU 722977, 722978, 722975, 722979); Sederberg, 15–30 km SE Clanwilliam, 32.4349S 19.1759E, 1982. x.24, T.L. Griswold R.T. Griswold (1♂ BLCU 724888); Ysterfontein, 11 km W Clanwilliam, Graafwater road, 32.10S 18.47E, 1990. x.2–8, F.W. Gess (1♀ 2♂ AMGC 2671, 2672, 2681); Klawer, 1919, ix.9, A. Roberts (1♂ SANC 4141); Piekenierskloof, Paleisheuwel, 32.37S 18.57E, 1990. x.6, F.W. Gess (1♀ AMGC 2677); Clanwilliam, 18.5 km Klawer road (R363), 32.02S 18.50E, 1990. x.9, F.W. Gess (1♂ AMGC 2683); Citrusdal, 32.37S 19.00E, 1990. x.16, F.W. Gess (2♀ 2♂ AMGC 2684, 2685, 2687, 2691, 2692); Katbakkies Pass, W side, 32.8952S 19.5619E, 2008. x.22, T.L. Griswold (1♂ BLCU 752728); Gydo Pass, Ceres, Clanwilliam road, 33.1333S 19.3333E, 1990. ix.26, C.D. Eardley (3♂ SANC 0 8054, BLCU 724889, 724891); Prince Alfred Hamlet, 15 km N, 33.1333S, 19.3333E, 1982. xi.19, C.D. Eardley (1♀ SANC 04050); Montegu, 6 km SE, 33.8286S 20.1772E, 2004. ix.22–30, M.E. Irwin F.D. Parker M. Hauser (2♀ 2♂ FDP 54503, 754507, 753247, 754508); Riverhuis farm, 14 km NW Robertson (R60), 33.7778S 19.75972E, 2004. ix.22–29, M.E. Irwin F.D. Parker M. Hauser (1♀ 3♂ FDP 736854, 736021, 736591, 736226); Swartberg Mountains Nature Reserve, Prince Albert, 33.3000S 22.0483E, 2004. x.2–23, M.E. Irwin F.D. Parker M. Hauser (1♀FDP 752825); Stellenbosch, 33.56S 18.02E, 1928. x.26, 1928. viii.1–31, C.S. Grobbelaar (1♀ 2♂ AMGC 2655, 2656, 2658); idem, 1926. x.2–30, H. Brauns (9♂ TMSA 4310, 4313, 4312, 4314, 4319,); idem, 1925. x.25, G. Arnold (1♀ SAMC 004406); idem, 1926. x.2, H. Brauns (1♀ SAMC 004404); Jonkershoek Nature Reserve, SE Stellenbosch, 33.9333S 18.8666E, 1915. ix.21 (4♀ 2♂ SANC 04058); Swartberg Mountains, 18 km N Oudstshoorn, 33.4625S 22.2625E, 2004. x.2–23, M.E. Irwin F.D. Parker M. Hauser (1♀FDP 737105); Ladismith 4 km S, 33.5325S 21.2531E, 2004. x.1, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker, M. Hauser (1♂ FDP-752728); Sevenweekspoort, 1959. ix.19 (2♂ SAMC 004397); Willowmore, 33.18S 23.30E, 1917. x. 4–5, 1919. x.4, 1923. x.1–31, H. Brauns (2♀ 9♂ SAMC 0 0 4400, AMGC 2657).


Natural History Museum, Tripoli


Agricultural Research Council-Plant Protection Research Institute


Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory


Iziko Museums of Cape Town


Transvaal Museum


















Plesianthidium (Spinanthidiellum) volkmanni (Friese)

Eardley, Connal & Griswold, Terry 2015

Plesianthidium (Spinanthidiellum) volkmanni:

Gess 2003: 190

Anthidium speculifrons

Pasteels 1984: 129

Spinanthidium (Spinanthidiellum) volkmanni:

Pasteels 1969: 55

Spinanthidium (Spinanthidiellum) speculifrons:

Pasteels 1969: 60

Dianthidium speculifrons

Cockerell 1935: 347
Cockerell 1932: 526

Dianthidium volkmanni:

Cockerell 1932: 524

Anthidium volkmanni

Friese 1909: 409
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