Psyttalia sonla Long, 2024

Oanh, Nguyen Thi, Long, Khuat Dang, Xuan, Trinh Thi, Tinh, Duong Van & Nghiep, Hoang Thi, 2024, The genus Psyttalia Walker (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) in Vietnam: descriptions of seven new species and their host information, Zootaxa 5477 (1), pp. 1-26 : 17-19

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5477.1.1

publication LSID

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scientific name

Psyttalia sonla Long

sp. nov.

Psyttalia sonla Long , sp. nov.

Figures 11 View FIGURE 11 , 12 View FIGURE 12

Type material. Holotype, ♀, “Opii. 344 ” ( IEBR), NW Vietnam: Son La, Chieng Sinh , coffee orchard, 21°16’06’’N 103°55’36’’E 663m, MT, 20.x–1.xi.2017, KDLong, NVDzuong. GoogleMaps

Comparative diagnosis. Psyttalia sonla sp. nov. is similar to P. antenervis sp. nov. sharing the first subdiscal cell of fore wing strongly narrowed basally, and the punctate narrow groove-like precoxal sulcus. See the comparative differences under P. antenervis sp. nov.

Description. Holotype, ♀, length of body 2.9 mm, fore wing 3.1 mm, ovipositor 1.6 mm ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ).

Head. Antenna with 44 flagellomeres, flagellomeres bristly; first flagellomere 1.3 × as long as second; length of first and second flagellomeres 3.0 and 2.3 × their width, respectively; length of maxillary palp 0.9 × height of head; in dorsal view, head 2.1 × as wide as long medially; length of eye in dorsal view 4.2 × temple ( Fig. 12A View FIGURE 12 ); OOL: OD: POL = 6: 4: 3; in lateral view, medially eye 1.5 × as long as wide and 3.4 × as wide as temple ( Fig. 12C View FIGURE 12 ); ventral margin of clypeus nearly straight medially ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ); width of clypeus 2.4 × its maximum height, 0.8 × height and 0.5 × width of face, respectively; hypoclypeal depression wide and shallow ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ); distance between tentorial pits 2.7 × distance from pit to eye margin; malar space narrow, 0.5 × basal width of mandible; mandible not twisted, apically moderately narrowed and with both teeth wide, normal basally and with narrow ventrally ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ); clypeus rugo-punctate; face rugo-punctate with distinct raised carina medially ( Fig. 12B View FIGURE 12 ); occipital carina remains far removed from hypostomal carina and dorsally largely absent; frons nearly flat, slightly depressed anteriorly; vertex and temple mostly smooth ( Fig. 12A View FIGURE 12 ).

Mesosoma. Laterally, length of mesosoma 1.3 × its height; pronope absent, only with groove; pronotal side largely smooth, but anterior groove present ( Fig. 12F View FIGURE 12 ); propleuron flattened; epicnemial area smooth dorsally; precoxal sulcus shallow, and moderately crenulate ( Fig. 12F View FIGURE 12 ); remainder of mesopleuron smooth and shiny; pleural sulcus smooth ventrally; mesosternal sulcus shallow, narrow and finely crenulate; postpectal carina absent; mesoscutum very shiny and nearly entirely glabrous ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ); notauli only anteriorly as pair of partly short smooth impressions and largely absent on disc, mesoscutum flat posteriorly; scutellar sulcus parallel-sided medially, largely punctate, 0.3 × as long as scutellum ( Fig. 12D View FIGURE 12 ); scutellum slightly convex and smooth, only apically sparsely setose; metanotum with short carina anteromedially and short carina posteriorly; propodeum with median carina fused into fading reversed Y-shaped carina posteriorly; surface of propodeum smooth, except lateral sinuate carinae above spiracle ( Fig. 12G View FIGURE 12 ).

Wings. Fore wing: 1-SR shorter than wide and not linear with 1-M; pterostigma narrow triangular in shape; length of pterostigma 4.4 × as long as its width medially; vein r angled with anterior-ventral margin of pterostigma, and not linear with 3-SR ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ); 1-R1 ending at wing apex and 1.7 × as long as pterostigma; r-m unsclerotized; subdiscal cell strongly narrowed anteriorly ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ); vein r = 0.6 × 2-SR; r: 3-SR: SR1 = 8: 24: 46; 2-SR: 3-SR: r-m = 13: 24: 7; vein 1-M straight; 1-SR+M thin, weakly sclerotized; SR1 evenly curved; vein r-m unsclerotized; veins M+CU1 and 2-SR basally weakly sclerotized; m-cu curved, far antefurcal ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ); 2-SR+M short and widened, vein 2-SR+M 2.0 × its maximum width; cu-a short, reclivous, far postfurcal; vein 1-CU1 thick; cu-a: 1- CU1: 2-CU1 = 4: 3: 22; vein 2-CU1 curved subapically ( Fig. 12H View FIGURE 12 ); only apex of M+CU1 sclerotized. Hind wing with M+CU: 1-M: 1r-m = 17: 21: 10; cu-a short, weakly pigmented; m-cu and SR absent ( Fig. 12K View FIGURE 12 ).

Legs. Length of femur, tibia and basitarsus of hind leg 3.7, 8.9 and 5.0 × as long as wide, respectively; hind basitarsus 0.3 × hind tibia, and 0.5 × second–fifth tarsus combined (=15: 48: 31), respectively; inner and outer spurs 0.5 and 0.4 × basitarsus, respectively; hind tibia and tarsus with long setae.

Metasoma. Length of first tergite 1.25 × its apical width, convex medio-posteriorly, its surface largely smooth, except for coriaceous medio-apically ( Fig. 12I View FIGURE 12 ), dorsal carinae present in basal half of tergite and with depressed area below; second suture not indicated; combined length of second and third metasomal tergites 0.45 × the remaining tergites posteriorly; first tergite superficially sculptured medially; second and following tergites smooth, shiny and sparsely setose.

Colour. Yellow; antenna brownish yellow; head yellow but stemmaticum brown; palpi pale yellow; mesosoma yellow; all legs pale yellow; tegula yellow; pterostigma yellow basally, yellowish brown apically; wing membrane subhyaline, veins brown; metasoma yellow, except second–third tergites brownish yellow; ovipositor sheath brown; ovipositor yellow.

Male. Unknown

Distribution. NW Vietnam: Son La (Chieng Sinh).

Biology. Unknown.

Etymology. Named after the holotype locality Son La province, Northwest Vietnam.


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok













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