Heteropoda dulongensis, Korai & Jäger, 2024

Korai, Shakal Khan & Jäger, Peter, 2024, Five new species of the spider genus Heteropoda Latreille, 1804 (Araneae: Sparassidae) from China, European Journal of Taxonomy 947 (1), pp. 109-129 : 113-117

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.947.2623

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scientific name

Heteropoda dulongensis

sp. nov.

Heteropoda dulongensis sp. nov.


Figs 2–4 View Fig View Fig View Fig , 10 View Fig


This new species is similar to Heteropoda simplex Jäger & Ono, 2000 ( Bayer & Jäger 2009: figs 73–111) in having a distinctly S-shaped sperm duct in the male palps, a distinct short septal pocket in the median septum of the female epigyne, but can be distinguished from the latter by the following characters: male: (1) conductor elongated, with sharp tip extending retrolaterally beyond cymbial margin (more sabrelike, not extending beyond cymbial margin in H. simplex ); (2) embolus apically curved in ventral view (straight in H. simplex ); (3) dRTA distinctly thick, with bird claw tip (relatively narrow, with simple tip in H. simplex ); (4) vRTA with simple outline (with distinct small hump in H. simplex ); (5) spermophor with distinctly “U”-shaped winding in ventral view (without such deep “U”-shaped winding in H. simplex ). Female: (1) anterior part of IDS with more than three windings up to the turning point (with about one and half winding in H. simplex ); (2) glandular pores antero-laterad (posteriad to latero-posteriad in H. simplex ) ( Figs 2–3 View Fig View Fig ).


The specific name is derived from the type locality of this species, Dulongjiang Township; adjective.

Type material


CHINA • ♂; Yunnan Province, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Gongshan County, Dulongjiang Township , Kongdang Village ; [27°52′12″ N, 98°20′24″ E]; [1742 m a.s.l.]; 5 Jun. 2014; Y. Zhu and Y. Zhong leg.; CBEE. GoogleMaps


CHINA • 3 ♀♀; same data as for holotype; CBEE GoogleMaps .


Male (holotype)

MEASUREMENTS. BL 17.6; PL 8.30, PW 7.50; AW 3.80; OL 9.20, OW 5.00. Eyes: AME 0.30, ALE 0.55, PME 0.50, PLE 0.65, AME–AME 0.25, AME–ALE 0.10, PME–PME 0.30, PME–PLE 0.50, AME– PME 0.50, ALE–PLE 0.60, CH AME 0.90, CH ALE 0.60. Spination: Palp 131, 101, 2121, 1014; Fe I 323, II 320, III 333, IV 331; Pa I–IV 101; Ti I–II 2028, III–IV 2126; Mt I–II 1014, III 2014, IV 3036. Measurements of palp and legs: Palp 16.5 (4.6, 1.7, 4.2, –, 5.9); I 47.5 (13.3, 6.2, 12.7, 12.8, 2.3); II 48.1 (13.9, 5.9, 12.8, 11.6, 3.7); III 39.4 (10.8, 5.7, 10.2, 9.0, 3.5); IV 39.9 (11.3, 4.9, 10.2, 9.8, 3.5). Leg formula: II–I–IV–III. Cheliceral furrow with 3 anterior, 4 posterior teeth and ca 39 intermarginal denticles.

PALP. As in diagnosis. RTA arising distally on tibia. Conductor arising in a 9- to 9:30-o’clock-position from tegulum, distinctly extending beyond cymbial margin. Cymbium elongated, at least more than two times as long as tegulum. Tegulum slightly elongated ( Figs 2A View Fig , 3 View Fig ).

COLOURATION IN ETHANOL. Dorsal shield of prosoma yellowish-brown, with bright transversal crescent submarginally on posterior part, and radially arranged patches covered by hairs around fovea. Fovea distinctly darker, pattern converging anteriorly and posteriorly. Chelicerae deep reddish-brown. Labium, sternum, and gnathocoxae yellowish-brown to slightly reddish-brown, the former with lateral brown margins. Opisthosoma dorsally yellowish-brown, with distinct dark patches and a light patch in dark posterior half; ventrally yellowish-brown to reddish-brown, with small light marking anterior to spinnerets ( Fig. 4A–B View Fig ).

Female (paratype)

MEASUREMENTS. BL 18.4; PL 7.90, PW 7.00; AW 3.85; OL 10.50, OW 6.90. Eyes: AME 0.30, ALE 0.55, PME 0.50, PLE 0.65, AME–AME 0.26, AME–ALE 0.12, PME–PME 0.34, PME–PLE 0.53, AME– PME 0.54, ALE–PLE 0.59, CH AME 0.90, CH ALE 0.60. Spination: Palp 131, 101, 2121, 1014; Fe I 323, II 320, III 333, IV 331; Pa I–IV 101; Ti I–II 2028, III–IV 2126; Mt I–II 1014, III 2014, IV 3036. Measurements of palp and legs: Palp 14.1 (4.7, 1.5, 2.9, –, 4.9); I 42.1 (14.8, 7.2, 13.3, 3.8, 2.7); II 51.3 (14.7, 6.2, 13.9, 12.4, 3.9); III 39.8 (11.1, 5.7, 10.2, 9.2, 3.5); IV 41.1 (12.1, 4.9, 9.8, 9.9, 4.1). Leg formula: II–I–IV–III. Cheliceral furrow with 3 anterior, 4 posterior teeth and ca 39 intermarginal denticles.

COPULATORY ORGAN. As in diagnosis. Epigynal field slightly wider than long, with one slit sensillum on each side, situated laterally of the base of anterior bands. Median septum freely visible, just slightly covered by lateral lobes, mainly in the posterior part. Septal pocket slightly rounded. Anterior part of IDS barely covering the posterior part, three coils extending in posterior half. Fertilization ducts wider than their arising point ( Fig. 2B–D View Fig ).

COLOURATION IN ETHANOL. Dorsal shield of prosoma reddish-brown to yellowish-brown, with bright transversal crescent submarginally on posterior part, and a large darker patch centrally with serrated lateral margins, with dark lateral margins. Chelicerae deep reddish-brown, with denser bunches of setae. Labium, sternum, and gnathocoxae yellowish-brown to reddish-brown, the former with lateral brown margins. Opisthosoma dorsally deep reddish-brown to slightly yellowish-brown with some light patches and tiny dots, ventrally yellowish-brown to reddish-brown, with two long and two short longitudinal lines ( Fig. 4C–D View Fig ).


China (Yunnan Province) ( Fig. 10 View Fig )













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