Louteridium donnell-smithii S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts

Daniel, Thomas F. & Tripp, Erin A., 2018, Louteridium (Acanthaceae: Acanthoideae: Ruellieae: Trichantherinae): Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Reproductive Biology, and Conservation, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 65 (2), pp. 41-106 : 79-84

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13155705

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scientific name

Louteridium donnell-smithii S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts


5. Louteridium donnell-smithii S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts View in CoL 23:284. 1888. TYPE.— GUATEMALA. Alta Verapaz: Pansamalá , 3800 ft., V-1887 (flr, frt), H. von Türckheim 856 (holotype: GH-00094124-images seen; see discussion).

Shrubs or trees to 12 m tall, terrestrial or epipetric. Older (woody) stems subquadrate to quadrate, irregularly striate-fissured, pubescent or glabrate; younger (herbaceous) stems quadrate to quadrate-sulcate, densely pubescent with erect to flexuose eglandular trichomes to 2 mm long (distal 1 or several internodes sometimes with glandular trichomes as well). Leaves not all seasonally deciduous, evenly distributed on young shoots, petiolate, petioles to 190 mm long, blades membranaceous, ovate to broadly ovate to cordate, 140–465 mm long, 85–316 mm wide, 1–2 × longer than wide, acuminate at apex, acute to rounded to cordate at base, surfaces densely pubescent with cauline type trichomes, margin crenate-dentate with rounded (to acute) teeth up to 2 mm long. Inflorescence a terminal pedunculate raceme to thyrse to 450 mm long (including peduncles and excluding corollas), peduncle to 250 mm long, pubescent with flexuose glandular and eglandular trichomes to 2.8 mm long (viscid), rachis viscid; dichasia opposite, sessile or pedunculate, (1–) 3–5 (–many)-flowered, to 130 (–185) mm long (excluding corollas), dichasial peduncles to 5 (to 35 or to 90 at proximal nodes) mm long, viscid. Bracts foliose to subfoliose and often persistent proximally, reduced in size and caducous (usually only scars present) distally, proximalmost pair sessile to subsessile, lanceolate to cordate, similar to leaves except smaller (e.g., 45 × 32 mm), distal pairs ovate to lanceolate, 10–22 mm long, 2. 5–9 mm wide, abaxially pubescent like leaves (i.e., trichomes mostly eglandular). Bracteoles and secondary bracteoles usually present on young inflorescences but becoming deciduous as inflorescence matures, linear to lanceolate, 3. 5–13 mm long, 1–3. 4 mm wide, abaxially pubescent like bracts or viscid. Flowers pedicellate, pedicels to 105 mm long, viscid with trichomes mostly glandular. Calyx 22–35 (– 40 in fruit) mm long, lobes fused at base for 1–3 mm, heteromorphic, membranaceous, abaxially viscid where exposed in bud, posterior lobe conduplicate, ovate, 21–37 mm long, equaling to longer than lateral lobes, 8–15 mm wide, acuminate to subfalcate at apex, lateral lobes lunate, 17–33 (–37) mm long, 6–10. 5 mm wide, acute to subacuminate at apex. Corolla cream to green-yellow with maroon veins to pale maroon, 41–57 mm long, externally viscid or pubescent (sometimes sparsely so) with erect to flexuose glandular trichomes 0.05– 0.3 mm long, tube 25–34 mm long, narrow proximal portion 8–14 mm long, 5. 7–9 mm in diameter near midpoint, throat 15–24 mm long, 25–38 mm in diameter at mouth, lobes recoiled, broadly ovate to subtriangular, 16–20 mm long, 13–15 mm wide, acute or emarginate at apex. Stamens 2, 65–85 mm long, filaments glabrous distally, pubescent proximally with eglandular trichomes, thecae 10–15 mm long; staminodes 2, 0.5 mm long. Style 76–85 mm long, glabrous (or with a few glandular trichomes near base), stigma subequally to unequally 2-lobed and often ± funnelform, lobes broadly elliptic to obovate to 3-pronged, 1–2. 2 mm long, 0.7– 2.1 mm wide. Capsule 21–31 mm long, 5–8 mm in diameter, pubescent with erect glandular trichomes 0.1– 0.8 mm long, stipe 1.5– 2.5 mm long. Seeds 12–16 per capsule, 4.5– 5.5 mm long, 4–5 mm wide, surfaces minutely papillose in longitudinal rows.

PHENOLOGY.— Flowering: November–June; fruiting: December–June. Brewer et al. 5748 notes corollas opening at night, just after dark. Davidse & Brant 32089 and Gregory 612 note corollas opening at dusk or in the evening and withering by sunrise. Daniel (2010) noted floral color forms with different flowering times (see below). Fredy Archila (in litt. January 2012) observed both bats and moths visiting flowers of L. donnell-smithii in and around Cobán, Guatemala over a period of years.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT.— Southern Mexico (Chiapas), Belize, Guatemala, Honduras ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE ); plants occur, usually on limestone (often karstic), on slopes and along streams in lowland moist to wet forests, mesophytic montane forests, montane rain forests, and cloud forests at elevations from 1 to 1600 (to 2100) meters.

ILLUSTRATIONS.— Figures 13 View FIGURE , 4C, D; Lindau (1895:294, fig. 118); Gibson (1974:407, fig. 90).

LOCAL NAMES.— “Carreton” (Lentz et al. 2428), “matacucuyuchi” (Miranda 7163); “oxox če” (Williams & Wilson 40437 and Wilson 40943, Quecchí name); “palpalte” (Ochoa 80); “tabaco silvestre” (Contreras 5510); “vejiga” (Standley 91236); “ulul k’uum” (Ventur 177).

USES.— Williams & Wilson 40437 notes that the young growth is eaten; Ochoa 80 indicates that “esta planta es comida por el jabali.”

CONSERVATION.— Louteridium donnell-smithii is the most commonly collected species of the genus, and it is also infrequently cultivated in botanical gardens. Its EOO (32,499 km 2) encompasses all or parts of at least 40 protected areas (10 in Belize, 19 in Guatemala, 9 in Honduras, two in Mexico). Collections of the species have been made in 13 of these areas. The species has been abundantly collected in most portions of its EOO , and in some regions it was sometimes noted on collection labels or observed ( TFD) to be common. Fredy Archila of Cobán , Guatemala indicates (in litt. Jan 2012) that in the vicinity of Cobán there were hundreds of trees of L. donnell-smithii in the 1980s. Although most of these are no longer extant, some still remain as street trees in that city. Based on these data, this species is accorded a preliminary conservation assessment of Least Concern ( LC) .

DISCUSSION.— In the protologue, Watson (1888) provided the collection information cited above. The holotype has been cited by various authors (e.g., Richardson 1972; Daniel 1995) as being at US. Indeed, a specimen there (accession: 1320518 with image number: 00136468) was annotated by D. Gibson and T. Daniel as the holotype. This somewhat fragmentary specimen, originally in H. Rusby’s herbarium, bears von Türckheim’s number 856 (as indicated in the protologue), but notes a collection date of February 1886. The date of collection of the specimen from Pansamalá indicated in the protologue is May 1887. The specimen at GH, where Watson conduct- ed his studies, bears the date noted in the protologue and an annotation written by Watson stating, “ Louteridium Donnell-Smithii , Watson-n. gen.” Therefore the specimen at GH indicated above conforms to the information in the protologue. The earlier annotations by Gibson and Daniel of the specimen at US are considered to be erroneous, and the specimen at GH noted above is treated as the holotype. This flowering and fruiting specimen lacks leaves, which are described in the protologue. However, drawings of the leaves are on another sheet at GH bearing the same barcode number. If the drawings are original material, the holotype would be considered as mounted on two sheets, and if they were made subsequently, the sheet with an inflorescence, flowers, and fruits would be considered as the holotype. Other collections that bear von Türckheim’s number 856, but with a date of February 1886, are located at the following herbaria: K, NY, P, PH, US (although one of three specimens at US has both “1887” and February 1886 on it). Whether these represent isotypes with an incorrect date (i.e., actually collected in May 1887) or the same collection number was used for gatherings of this species during different visits to Pansamalá on various dates remains unknown.

Daniel (2010) noted variation in the timing of anthesis, color of corollas, and diurnal visitation to dark-colored flowers by hummingbirds in this species. There is a possible correlation with cream to green-yellow corollas at lower elevations and chestnut to maroon corollas at higher elevations. Based on specimens of L. donnell-smithii at F, which are mostly from Guatemala, plants with cream to green-yellow corollas occur from 75 to 630 m, whereas those with chestnut to maroon corollas occur at 1000 to 2100 m. Figures 4C and D show these extremes of corolla coloration in Guatemala. Other flowers show various degrees of maroon coloration on cream-yellowish corollas. Based on a larger sample of herbarium specimens that include data on corolla color and elevation, it would appear that both the cream to green-yellow and chestnut to maroon color forms occur in Chiapas, Belize, and Guatemala, but that there is no clear difference in elevational ranges of these forms in Chiapas and Belize. However, it is somewhat difficult to correlate corolla color and elevation from herbarium specimens because of variation in the terminology of colors used by collectors. Additional studies that address the different (or at least partially so) flowering times of the different color forms and their primary pollinators, as well as any correlation of floral color with elevation, are desirable.

The inflorescence of L. donnell-smithii is commonly a somewhat contracted thyrse at the proximal nodes (with dichasial peduncles usually to 5 mm long) and a raceme (with sessile dichasia) distally. Several collections (e.g., Armour & Chable 6047, Hawkins 981, Vargas et al. 1183) have exceptionally elongate peduncles (to 90 mm long) with expanded dichasia (e.g., secondary peduncles to 55 mm long). These latter dichasia are usually only at the proximal 1 to 3 nodes.

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED.— MEXICO. Chiapas: Las Nubes, F . Billiet 8889 ( BR); Mpio. Ocosingo, W end of Laguna Ocotal Grande, [ca. 16°50’26.15”N, 091°28’5.95”W], D. Breedlove 15709 ( DS, F, LL, MICH, NY, US); Mpio. Las Margaritas, western side of Laguna Miramar E of San Quintín, [ca. 16°24’24.45”N, 091°18’6.60”W], D. Breedlove 33282 ( DS, ENCB, F, LL, MEXU, MICH); Mpio. La Independencia , valley of GoogleMaps Santa Elena along rd. to Ixcán, 30 km E of paved rd. at Montebello, [ca. 16°15’57.16”N, 091°49’20.79”W], D. Breedlove 41991 ( DS, MO); Mpio. La Trinitaria, 10 km ENE of Dos Lagos above Sta. Elena, D. Breedlove 49721 ( CAS, ENCB), D. Breedlove & F GoogleMaps . Almeda 57578 ( CAS, ENCB, NY); Mpio. Ocosingo, near lake at Naja , [ca. 16°59’4.48”N, 091°35’11.70”W], D. Breedlove 49962 ( CAS, MEXU); Mpio. Ocosingo , 70 km SW of Palenque on rd. to Ocosingo along the Jol Uk’um, [ca. 17°10’33.18”N, 092°06’54.71”W], D. Breedlove 50875 ( CAS, ENCB), D. Breedlove & F GoogleMaps . Almeda 48259 ( CAS); Mpio. La Trinitaria , KM 21–23 along road from Lago Tzizcao toward Santa Elena, [ca. 16°06’20.94”N, 091°34’48.32”W], D. Breedlove & M GoogleMaps . Bourell 68070 ( BR, CAS, MEXU, US), D. Breedlove & T . Daniel 71197 ( CAS); Mpio. Ocosingo, 1 km S de Naja, camino a Monte Líbano , [ca. 16°58’25.71”N, 091°35’15.33”W], E GoogleMaps . Martínez 17416 ( MEXU, MO); Mpio. Ocosingo, Naha , 15 km N de Monte Líbano, camino a Chancala, E . Martínez S . 18025 ( MEXU); Mpio. Ocosingo , Cañón del Colorado, E . Martinez S. & C . Ramos 26235 ( K, MEXU, XAL); Mpio. Las Margaritas , 1 km S de Flor del Río, E . Martínez S . et al. 24768 ( B); Mpio. La Trinitaria , KM 18 , Col. Cuauhtémoc, [16°05’16.55”N, 092°02’57.11”W], A GoogleMaps . Méndez G. [= A. Ton] 8026 ( MEXU); Mpio. Trinitaria, Col. Cuauhtémoc , KM 20 a Montaña Alta, A . Méndez G. [= A. Ton] 8893 ( IEB, MEXU, MO, RSA, XAL); Monte Líbano , 60 km E de Ocosingo, [ca. 16°54’7.71”N, 091°37’10.27”W], F GoogleMaps . Miranda 7163 ( MEXU); Mpio. Las Margaritas [= Mpio. Palenque?], NW del ejido José Castillo T ., [ca. 17°24’59.51”N, 091°50’10.35”W], M GoogleMaps . Ochoa 80 ( MEXU); Mpio. La Independencia , Col. Fco. Madero, ca. de la carretera, [ca. 16°17’23.49”N, 091°54’38.13”W], T GoogleMaps . Ramamoorthy et al. 1930 ( CAS, MEXU); near jct. of Río Perlas and Río Jataté at San Quintín and near Laguna Miramar , [ca. 16°23’27.68”N, 091°20’21.96”W], E GoogleMaps . Sohns 1684 ( MICH, NY, UC, US); Km. 36– 38 al E Tziscao o a 7–9 km al E de Amparo Agua Tinta, sobre el camino Montebello a Bonampak , [ca. 16°07’19.90”N, 091°26’36.06”W], O GoogleMaps . Téllez & J . Villaseñor 6642 ( CAS, ENCB, MEXU); Mpio. Ocosingo , 3 km W de Plan de Ayutla, [ca. 16°47’59.90”N, 091°18’58.16”W], F GoogleMaps . Vázquez B. & S . Avandano R . 1650 ( ENCB, MEXU, XAL); Mpio. La Trinitaria, ca. 56 km E of La Trinitaria , 9.4 km E of Lago Tziscao, 16°06’N, 091°35’W, T GoogleMaps . Wendt et al. 2409 ( CAS, MEXU, MO, TEX) . BELIZE. Cayo: Maya Mts., central Bladen Nature Reserve , 16°29’41”N, 088°54’43”W, S GoogleMaps . Brew- er et al. 5748 ( MO); 2.5 mi past Guacamallo Bridge, road to Millionario [16°50’05”N 089°02’12”W], J GoogleMaps . Dwyer & R . Liesner 12313 ( BM, DUKE, MEXU, MO, NY); S of San Luis and E of Camp Six [16°54’35”N 089°00’22”W], J GoogleMaps . Dwyer et al. 360 ( MEXU, MO); vicinity of Grano de Oro lumber camp, 6 mi S of Millionario [16°40’22”N 089°01’35”W], A GoogleMaps . Gentry 7791 ( MO); Central Maya Mts., Macal river, vicinity of Guacamollo Bridge , 16°55’N, 088°55’W, R GoogleMaps . Glaholt 11 ( MO); Las Cuevas Research Station to Monkey Tail River, 16°44’N, 088°59’W, D. Harris 7888 ( BM, MO); between San Antonio and GoogleMaps Santa Helena, 17°06.290’N, 089°03.457’W, D. Lentz et al. 2428 ( NY); Ceibo Chico , drill site, 16°31’21”N, 089°07’04”W, M GoogleMaps . Peña et al. 947 ( MO); Grano de Oro Camp , M . Peña-Chocarro et al. 1435 ( BM, MO); Chiquibul Forest Reserve , 2.2 mi SE of Holtec Camp, G . Proctor 30106 ( BM, LL); 3 km S de New Maria camp, T . Ramamoorthy et al. 2965 ( MEXU); between Las Cuevas and Río Ceibo Chico , 16°43’02”N, 088°59’02”W, R GoogleMaps . Rees et al. 2 ( BM, MEXU, MO); Puente Natural , C . Whitefoord 9125 ( BM, MO); Chiquibul Forest Reserve , Natural Arch, C . Whitefoord 10044 ( BM, US); Chiquibul Forest Reserve , Monkey Tail Branch, C . Whitefoord 10051 ( BM); Chiquibul Forest Reserve, road from Caracol junction to New Maria Camp, C . Whitefoord 10136 ( BM, US) . Toledo: river trail from Blue Creek village to Blue Creek’s source (ca. 1 km N of village), ca. 26 km NW of Punta Gorda, [ca. 16°12’13.03”N, 089°02’49.12”W], T GoogleMaps . Daniel & M . Butterwick 5891 ( CAS); Maya Mts. foothills, Solomon Camp, vicinity of jct. Richardson Creek and Bladen Branch, 16°32–33’ N , 088°45–46’W, G. Davidse & A . Brant 32089 ( CAS, MEXU, MO, US), Maya Mts., canyon along Bladen Branch, from Richardson Creek to Quebrada de Oro , 16°31–33’ N , 088°46–49’W, G. Davidse & A . Brant 32300 ( CAS, MO); southern Maya Mts., Bladen Nature Reserve, upper Bladen Branch , 16°29’31”N, 088°54’37”W, G GoogleMaps . Davidse & M . Meadows 35742 ( CAS, MO); southern Maya Mts., Bladen Nature Reserve , just S of Upper Bladen Branch and 1.3 km (air) SE of “ AC Camp,” 16°28’17”N, 088°55’04”W, G GoogleMaps . Davidse et al. 35881 ( MO); Mira-Mar Hill, Edwards Road beyond Columbia [ca. 16°19’06”N 089°06’57”W], P GoogleMaps . Gentle 6355 ( F, K, LL, MO, UC, US); Camp 1, 3–4 km SE of Union Camp, 16°22’58”N, 089°07’10”W, T GoogleMaps . Hawkins 1387 ( CAS); NE side of Blue Creek, upstream from village of Blue Creek , 16°14’N, 089°00’W, S GoogleMaps . Hill 20270 ( MO, NLU, NY, US); SW Maya Mts., Columbia River Forest Reserve, Union Camp , 16°23’N, 089°09’W, B GoogleMaps . Holst 4045 ( CAS, MO, MEXU); without locale, Peck 780 ( K, GH, NY); Columbia Forest Reserve, vicinity of forest camp, ca. 6 mi S of Cabro, in upper Rio Grande drainage area [ca. 16°19’N 089°03’W], G GoogleMaps . Proctor 36148 ( MO); Fern Hill [ca. 5 miles from Punta Gorda fide Lowden 1970:850], W . Schipp 1110 ( BM, F, G, K, MICH, MO, NY, UC) .

GUATEMALA. Alta Verapaz: antes de Campur, carretera a Cahabón, [ca. 15°35’19.06”N, 090° 02’46.43”W], J GoogleMaps . Castillo Mont 1197 ( NY); near Finca Sepacuite , O . Cook & R . Griggs 205 ( US); planted along street in Cobán , 15°28.517’N, 090°22.349’W, 1230 m, T GoogleMaps . Daniel et al. 11335 ( CAS, COLO, NY); Sierra de Chamá, along hwy. from Cobán to Chisec, N of Cobán , off of hwy. ca. 1.5 km N of Río Sachichá along rural road, 15°36.019’N, 090°23.333’W, T GoogleMaps . Daniel & M . Véliz 11337 ( BIGU, CAS, MO, US); Sierra de Chamá, ca. 2 km above Aldea Sehubub (= 7 km from Chiquixji ; = 35 km NE of Cobán), 15°35.928’N, 090°17.559’W to 15°36.842’N, 090°17.955’W, T GoogleMaps . Daniel et al. 11356 ( BR, CAS, F, K, MO, NY); Chucaneb , J . Donnell-Smith 1620 ( US); Pansamalá, J . Donnell-Smith 1621 ( G, K, US); Sepacuite , G . Goll 155 ( US); Sebol, [ca. 15°47’7.25”N, 089°56’14.34”W], C GoogleMaps . Lundell 18310 ( CAS, F, K, LL, MO, PH, US); road to Finca Trece Aguas , ca. 1.1 mi N of church in Senahú, [ca. 15°25’01.41”N, 089°49’14.17”W], J GoogleMaps . Luteyn & F . Almeda 3516 ( DUKE, F); trail between Sepacuité and Secanquim , [ca. 15°26’41.71”N, 089°44’45.44”W], W GoogleMaps . Maxon & R . Hay 3282 ( K, NY, US); near Senahú, W . Maxon & R . Hay 3296 ( NY, US); NO de Tactic , 6 km a Estor, A . Molina R. & A.R. Molina 12303 ( F); between Sepacuité and Secanquim , H . Pittier 320 ( NY, US); Tactic , [ca. 15°19’44.02”N, 090°21’6.69”W], P GoogleMaps . Standley 71094 ( F); E of Tactic on road to Tamahú , [ca. 15°18’47.45”N, 090°18’26.68”W], P GoogleMaps . Standley 71249 ( F), 71342 ( F); along Río Frio , S of Santa Cruz, P . Standley 90192 ( F); between Tatic and divide, on road to Tamahú, P . Standley 90593 ( F, US); vicinity of Cobán , [ca. 15°27’53.66”N, 090°21’2.74”W], P GoogleMaps . Standley 91236 ( F); between Cobán and Chimoté , near Rubeltein, J . Steyermark 44171 ( US); Pansamalá, H . von Tuerckheim 856 ( NY, US); Cobán , H . von Tuerckheim II-2033 ( NY, US); Cubilquitz , [ca. 15°39’56.02”N, 090°25’38.84”W], H GoogleMaps . von Tuerckheim 7936 ( K, MO, NY, US); Senahu, Finca Aguas , [ca. 15°24’53.59”N, 089°48’39.16”W], M GoogleMaps . Véliz 95.4359 ( BIGU, MEXU, MO); near San Juan Chamelco, ca. 15°26’N, 090°16’W, L GoogleMaps . Williams & M . Wilson 40437 ( F, MEXU); near “La Presa” ca. 6–8 km SE of Cobán , [ca. 15°28’N, 090°19’W], L GoogleMaps . Williams et al. 40323 ( F); 1–8 km NW of Cobán , [ca. 15°28’53.47”N, 090°22’55.17”W], L GoogleMaps . Williams et al. 42031 ( BM, F, MO, NY); vicinity of San Juan Chamelco, L . Williams et al. 43189 ( F, US); Finca Tres Aguas, C . Wilson 180 ( F); vicinity of San Juan Chamelco, [ca. 15°25’52.07”N, 090°20’10.64”W], M GoogleMaps . Wilson 40943 ( F). Baja Verapaz: bei Parula [Purulhá], [ca. 15°13’52.37”N, 090°13’27.20”W], F GoogleMaps . Lehmann 1430 ( BM); along Río Frio near San Julían [possibly in Alta Verapaz], L . Williams et al. 43563 ( F, MICH). El Progresso: near Finca Caieta , [ca. 14°59’00.03”N, 089°53’59.98”W], J GoogleMaps . Steyermark 43768 ( F, MICH, US). Huehuetenango: Barillas, Aldea San José Maxbal, trail to Laguna Maxbal, 15°58’N, 091°18’W, M GoogleMaps . Christenhusz et al. 5488 ( MO); San José Nueva Frontera– Yolnajab, camino hacia Laguna Yolnajab , Nenton, 16°03’30”N, 091°32’47”W, J GoogleMaps . Morales & M . García 4377 ( MO); Cerro Chiblac, between Finca San Rafael and Ixcán , Sierra de los Cuchumatanes [ca. 15°46’25”N, 091°13’58”W], J GoogleMaps . Steyermark 49180 ( F, US). Izabal: 25 km SSW of Puerto Barrios, [ca. 15°34’21.26”N, 088°37’0.05”W], D. Gregory 612 ( CAS, F, US); Modesto Méndez , [ca. 15°53’29.49”N, 089°13’46.15”W], W GoogleMaps . Harmon & J . Fuentes 2089 ( MO); Biotopo Chocón Machacas, Livingston , 15°45’56”N, 088°55’55”W, J GoogleMaps . Morales 1959 ( MO); Río Dulce , 2–4 mi W of Livingston, [ca, 15°48’12.69”N, 088°46’37.09”W], J GoogleMaps . Steyermark 39562 ( F); Chocón River , S . Watson 292 ( US). Petén: Dolores, S of village, [ca. 16°30’51.17”N, 089°24’56.87”W], E GoogleMaps . Contreras 2097 ( LL, MO, US); N of Lake Macanché, foot of Cerro Rocoso at Mancanché [ca. 16°58’04”N 089°38’20”W], E GoogleMaps . Contreras 5510 ( BM, F, K, MO, NY, WIS, US); La Cumbre, W of KM 145 , [ca. 16°04’51.97”N, 089°21’3.37”W], E GoogleMaps . Contreras 6646 ( F, LL, MO, PH, US); Tikal District , ruins, Naranjo, O . Cook & R . Martin 79 ( US); along Río Dulce Flores highway near KM 327 , ca. 10 km NW of San Pedro Cadenas , 15°58’08.6”N, 089°16’42.7”W, T GoogleMaps . Daniel & M . Véliz 11255 ( BIGU, CAS, MICH, US); Strasse von Flores zur Río Dulce-Brücke, Strecke zwischen Poptún und San Luis , 12 km S von Poptún, H . Kurz & R . Frisch 147 ( W), 148 ( W); Sayab, Fallabón–Yaxha road, [ca. 17°04’01.49”N, 089°22’56.17”W], C GoogleMaps . Lundell 2081 ( F, MICH); Arroyo Dolores , ca. 200 m de Dolores, R . Ortíz 1569 ( F, MO, NY, US); San Luis , [ca. 16°11’37.30”N, 089°25’48.59”W], P GoogleMaps . Ventura 177 ( F). Zacapa: Volcán de Monos , [ca. 15°08’58.95”N, 089°30’18.66”W], J GoogleMaps . Steyermark 42400 ( F, US). Department undetermined: eastern portions of Vera Paz and Chiquimula, S . Watson s.n. ( K) . HONDURAS. Comayagua: Villa de Taulabé, Quebrada la Caliche , [ca. 14°39’56.69”N, 087°59’26.20”W], C GoogleMaps . Alduvín 101 ( MO); Siguatepeque , [ca. 14°36’10.86”N, 087°47’54.39”W], J GoogleMaps . Edwards P-589 ( F); Quebrada el Caliche, SE de la Villa Taulabé, [ca. 14°41’02.38”N, 087°57’02.73”W], D. Ruiz 138 ( NY, TEFH); near Taulabé , P GoogleMaps . Standley et al. 7001 ( F); Pito Solo, Lago Yojoa , [ca. 14°47’39.06”N, 087°58’38.47”W], J GoogleMaps . Valerio R . 2940 ( F); near Pito Solo , L . Williams & A . Molina R. 12335 ( F); along Lake Yojoa, near Pito Solo , L . Williams & A . Molina R. 17730 ( F). Copán: Montaña Los Zapotes, W of Los Zapotes, 18 km N of Copán Ruinas on road to Agua Caliente and 2–3 km W of Los Zapotes school, [ca. 14°59’13.83”N, 089°09’04.57”W], T GoogleMaps . Hawkins 981 ( CAS, MO); Montaña Espiritu Santo , 15°05’N, 088°55’W, T GoogleMaps . Hawkins & D. Mejía 185 ( EAP, MO). Cortés: entre Pito Solo y Agua Azul, Lago Yojoa , [ca. 14°51’07.26”N, 087°57’14.09”W], A GoogleMaps . Molina R. 10619 ( EAP, F); camino entre Tapiquilares y Las Crucitas, 20 km S de San Antonio de Cortés, al pie de la montaña La Nieve , [ca. 14°59’22.86”N, 088°02’19.81”W], C GoogleMaps . Nelson et al. 8128 ( MO). Santa Bárbara: eastern slopes of Cerro Santa Bárbara , [ca. 14°53’14.92”N, 088°07’01.01”W], P GoogleMaps . Allen et al. 6047 ( CAS, EAP, F, GH, US); Cerro Sta. Bárbara, R . Armour & A . Chable 6047 ( BM, F); Punta Gorda, Lago Yojoa , 14°53’N, 088°00’W, R GoogleMaps . Evans 1001 ( CAS); Punta Gorda, Lago Yojoa , 14°53’N, 088°00’W, R GoogleMaps . Liesner 26754 ( MO) .


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University of Texas at Austin


University of Michigan


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Universidad de Autonoma de Baja California


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Missouri Botanical Garden


California Academy of Sciences


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Nanjing University


University of Copenhagen


Royal Botanic Gardens


Instituto de Ecología, A.C.


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Instituto de Ecología, A.C.


Upjohn Culture Collection


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


University of the Witwatersrand


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


University of Texas at Austin


Bristol Museum


Duke University


Amherst College, Beneski Museum of Natural History


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


University of New England


University of Louisiana at Monroe


Harvard University - Gray Herbarium


University of Colorado Herbarium


Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala


Tulane University Herbarium


University of Helsinki


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


University of Wisconsin


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras


Escuela Agrícola Panamericana














Louteridium donnell-smithii S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts

Daniel, Thomas F. & Tripp, Erin A. 2018

Louteridium donnell-smithii S. Watson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts

S. Watson 1888: 284
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