Cecidophyopsis Keifer, 1959

Stalažs, Arturs & Turka, Ināra, 2019, Eriophyoid mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyoidea) of Latvia: an annotated checklist, Zootaxa 4629 (2), pp. 211-236 : 216-217

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Plazi (2019-07-05 05:32:15, last updated 2024-11-26 07:17:21)

scientific name

Cecidophyopsis Keifer, 1959


Genus: Cecidophyopsis Keifer, 1959

Cecidophyopsis alpina Amrine, 1994

Type data. Ribes alpinum L. ( Grossulariaceae ); Finland.

Host plant records from Latvia. Ribes alpinum L., blackcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Botrycarpum ) and redcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Ribes ) ( Grossulariaceae ).

Bibliographical records from Latvia. Cecidophyopsis alpina — Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016 .

Distribution in Latvia. Common ( Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016).

Remark. Close phylogenetic relatedness with Cecidophyopsis aurea ( Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016) .

Cecidophyopsis aurea Amrine, 1994

Type data. Ribes alpinum L. ( Grossulariaceae ); Poland. See also remarks.

Host plant records from Latvia. Ribes alpinum , blackcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Botrycarpum ) and redcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Ribes ) ( Grossulariaceae ).

Bibliographical records from Latvia. Cecidophyopsis aurea — Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016 .

Distribution in Latvia. Common ( Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016).

Remarks. Close phylogenetic relatedness with Cecidophyopsis alpina ( Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016) . The type host plant of C. aurea actually is Ribes alpinum L., not Ribes aureum Purhs , as reported by Amrine et al. (1994). The type plants of C. aurea was verified at the type locality in March 2019. Detiled information on type host information will be published soon.

Cecidophyopsis cf. ribis

Type data for Cecidophyopsis ribis (Westwood, 1869) . Ribes ‘Ben Nevis’ (blackcurrant ‘Ben Nevis’) ( Grossulariaceae ); Scotland, United Kingdom.

Host plant records in Latvia assigned to Cecidophyopsis ribis . Cultivated blackcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Botrycarpum ), redcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Ribes ) and Ribes alpinum L. ( Grossulariaceae ).

Bibliographical records from Latvia. Cecidophyes ribis — Shevchenko & Rupais 1964 ; Rupais 1976b; Cecidophyopsis ribis — Rupais 1976a ; Ozola 1977; Grosa 1981; Lazurenko 1982; Rupais 1999; Kampuss & Strautina 2000, 2004; Kampuss 2005a, 2005b; Rubauskis et al. 2006; Surikova 2006; Surikova & Strautina 2006; Laugale 2007; Apenite et al. 2011; Stalažs 2014; Eriophyes ribis — Ozols 1930 ; Eglītis et al. 1931, 1933, 1937; Anonymous 1937, 1938; Eglītis et al. 1943; Eglītis 1956, 1957; Čakstiņa 1962; Rupais 1962; Spuris 1966; Bērziņš 1970b; Priedītis 1971b; Ozols 1973; Spuris 1974; Bērziņš 1974.

Distribution in Latvia. In older publications reported as frequently abundant species ( Priedītis 1971b; Ozols 1973; Rupais 1976 a, 1976b; Grosa 1981). Level of blackcurrant infestation with Cecidophyopsis spp. mites varies in different habitats with the highest observed in plant collections ( Stalažs 2012).

Remarks. Amrine et al. (1994) associated Cecidophyopsis ribis with only one host plant species, Ribes nigrum L. ( Grossulariaceae ), but actually designated the type Ribes ‘Ben Nevis’ is a separate plant taxon from Ribes nigrum , as this and most modern cultivars originated as artificial inter-specific or inter-cultivar hybrids.

Cecidophyopsis selachodon van Eyndhoven, 1967

Type data. Ribes cf. rubrum (cultivated redcurrant) ( Grossulariaceae ); The Netherlands.

Host plant records from Latvia. Blackcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Botrycarpum ) and redcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Ribes ) ( Grossulariaceae ).

Bibliographical records from Latvia. Cecidophyopsis selachodon — Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016 .

Distribution in Latvia. Not common ( Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016).

Cecidophyopsis cf. selachodon

Host plant records in Latvia assigned to Cecidophyopsis selachodon . Cultivated redcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Ribes ) ( Grossulariaceae ).

Bibliographical records from Latvia. Cecidophyopsis selachodon — Kampuss (2005a ,b); Stalažs 2014.

Distribution in Latvia. Correct data is not available. Redcurrants infested with mites occur sporadically, especially on older plants in plant collections ( Stalažs 2012).

Remarks. Kampuss (2005a, 2005b) identified mites based on bud-gall presence on redcurrant plants (K. Kam- puss 2008, pers. communication). Amrine et al. (1994) associate Cecidophyopsis selachodon with only one host plant species— Ribes rubrum L.

Cecidophyopsis spicata Fenton et al. 1996

Type data. Ribes spicatum E. Robson (Grossulariaceae) , alternate host plants blackcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Botrycarpum ); Finland.

Host plant records from Latvia. Blackcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Botrycarpum ) and redcurrants ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Ribes ) ( Grossulariaceae ).

Bibliographical records from Latvia. Cecidophyopsis spicata — Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016 .

Distribution in Latvia. Common ( Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016).

Remark. Close phylogenetic relatedness with Cecidophyopsis ribis ( Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska 2016) .

Cecidophyopsis spp.

Host plant records from Latvia. Blackcurrants—both in cultivated and wild habitats, including correctly identified Ribes nigrum L. in a plant collection of National Botanic Garden, Salaspils, Latvia ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Botrycarpum ), redcurrants—both in cultivated and wild habitats, including native Ribes spicatum E. Robson and non-identified non-native redcurrants in wild habitats ( Ribes L. subgenus Ribes section Ribes ) and Ribes alpinum L.—both in cultivated and wild habitats ( Grossulariaceae ). Refer to Stalažs (2007, 2009, 2010 a, 2010b, 2011, 2012), Apenite et al. (2012), Rupais et al. (2014) and Stalažs & Moročko-Bičevska (2016).

Anonymous (1937) Latvijas Augu aizsardzibas instituta darbibas parskats par 1936 - 1937. gadu: Report of the Latvian Institute for Plant Protection for 1936 - 37. With a short summary in English. Latvian Chamber of Agriculture, Jelgava, 22 pp. [in Latvian]

Anonymous (1938) Latvijas Augu aizsardzibas instituta darbibas parskats par 1937 - 1938. gadu: Report of the Latvian Institute for Plant Protection for 1937 - 38. With a short summary in English. Latvian Institute, Jelgava, 12 pp. [in Latvian]

Apenite, I., Ralle, B., Laugale, V. & Strautina, S. (2011) Blackcurrant gall mite in Latvia: resistence of cultivars and efficacy of acaricides. In: X International Rubus & Ribes Symposium, Book of Abstracts. ISHS, Zlatibor (Serbia), pp. 72.

Apenite, I., Ralle, B., Laugale, V. & Strautina, S. (2012) Blackcurrant gall mites in Latvia: resistance of cultivars and efficacy of acaricides. Acta Horticulturae, 946, 257 - 262. https: // doi. org / 10.17660 / ActaHortic. 2012.946.41

Berzins, I. A. (1970 b) Gallovye klesi-vrediteli drevesnyh rastenij Latvijskoj SSR. In: Vtoroe akarologiceskoe sovesanie: tezisy dokladov, cast' 1. Abstracts of the conference, Kiev, 1970, pp. 68. [in Russian]

Berzins, I. A. (1974) Vrednonosnost' smorodinnogo klesa (Eriophyes ribis Nal.) i mery bor'by s nim v Latvijskoj SSR. In: Kratkie doklady naucnoj konferencii po zasite rastenij, cast' 2. Proceedings of the conference, Saku, 1974, pp. 3 - 5. [in Russian]

Cakstina, T. (1962) Auglu darzu kaitekli un slimibas. Latvijas Valsts Izdevnieciba, Riga, 221 pp. [in Latvian]

Eglitis, H., Eglitis, M., Ozols, E., Petersons, P., Smarods, J., Starcs, K. & Zirnitis, J. (1931) Kulturaugu kaiteklu, slimibu un nezalu apkarosana. Latvijas Augu Aizsardzibas instituts, Riga, 96 pp. [in Latvian]

Eglitis, H., Eglitis, M., Ozols, E., Pctersons, P., Smarods, J., Starcs, K. & Zirnitis, J. (1933) Kulturaugu kaiteklu, slimibu un nezalu apkarosana. Latvijas Augu Aizsardzibas instituts, Riga, 137 pp. [in Latvian]

Eglitis, H., Eglitis, M., Ozols, E., Kirulis, A., Smarods, J., Starcs, K. & Zirnitis, J. (1937) Kulturaugu kaiteklu, slimibu un nezalu apkarosana. Latvijas Lauksaimniecibas kamera, Riga, 207 pp. [in Latvian]

Eglitis, H., Eglitis, M., Ozols, E., Iirulis, A., Smarods, J., Starcs, K. & Zirnitis, J. (1943) Kulturaugu kaiteklu, slimibu un nezadu apkarosana. Saimniecibas literaturas apgads, Riga, 256 pp. [in Latvian]

Eglitis, V. K. (1956) Rastitel'noadnye klesi Latvijskoj SSR. In: Ozols, A. M. (Resp. Ed.), Sbornik trudov po zasite rastenij. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akadcmija, Riga, pp. 43 - 50. [in Russian]

Eglitis, V. (1957) Chelicerata. In: Taurins, E. & Ozols, E. (Eds.), Latvijas PSR dzivnieku noteicejs, 1, Bezmugurkaulnieki. Latvijas Valsts izdevnieciba, Riga, pp. 189 - 249. [in Latvian]

Fenton, B., Jones, A. T., Malloch, G. & Thomas, W. P. (1996) Molecular ecology of some Cecidophyopsis mites (Acari: Eriophyidae) on Ribes species and evidence for their natural cross colonisation of blackcurrant (R. nigrum). Annals of Applied Biology, 128 (3), 405 - 414. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1744 - 7348.1996. tb 07102. x

Grosa, I. (1981) Upenu sk irnu un hibridu izturiba pret izplatitakajiem kaitigajiem organismiem. In: Ripa, A. (Chief Ed.), Tautsaimnieciba derigo augu agrotehnika un biokiimija, LPSR ZA Botaniskais darzs, Riga, pp. 60 - 65. [in Latvian]

Kampuss, K. & Strautina, S. (2000) Preliminary evaluation of Latvian black currant (Ribes spp.) genetic resources. In: Proceedings of the International conference Fruit production and fruit breeding , Tartu, 2000, pp. 168 - 172.

Kampuss, K. & Strautina, S. (2004) Evaluation of blackcurrant genetic resources for sustainable production. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, 12 (Special Edition), 147 - 158.

Kampuss, K. (2005 a) Upenu un janogu (Ribes L.) Genetisko resursu izpete Latvija, [disertacija]. Latvijas Lauksaimniecibas universitate, Jelgava, 150 pp. [in Latvian]

Kampuss, K. (2005 b) Research of black, red and white currant (Ribes L.) genetic resources in Latvia, [Summary of dissertation]. Latvijas Lauksaimniecibas universitate, Jelgava, 51 pp. [in Latvian & English]

Laugale, V. (2007) Evaluation of black currant collection in Pure Horticultural Research Station, Latvia. Sodininkyste ir Dar z ininkyste, 26 (3), 93 - 101.

Lazurenko, I. (1982) Auglu koku un ogulaju kompleksa aizsardzibas sistema pret kaitekliem, slimibam un nezalem. Zinatniski tehniskas informacijas parvalde, Riga, 59 pp. [in Latvian]

Ozola, I. (Ed.) (1977) Auglu koku un ogulaju kompleksa aizsardzibas sistema pret kaitekliem, slimibam un nezalem. Zinatniski tehniskas informacijas parvalde, Riga, 54 pp. [in Latvian]

Ozols, E. (1930) Kulturaugu kaitekli 1929. gada. Latvijas Augu Aizsardzibas Instituta Raksti, 1, 26 - 30. [in Latvian]

Ozols, E. (1973) Lauksaimniecibas entomoloGija. Ar papildinajumiem par augiem kaitigam nematodem, ercem, daudzkajiem, gliemjiem un mugurkaulniekiem. Zvaigzne, Riga, 496 pp. [in Latvian]

Prieditis, A. (1971 b) Auglu koku un ogu krumu kaitekli Liesma, Riga, 197 pp. [in Latvian]

Rubauskis, E., Strautina, S. & Surikova, V. (2006) Importance of cultivar choice in preventing infestation by the blackcurrant gall mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis Westw.) on blackcurrant plantations. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, 14 (Supplement 3), 209 - 215.

Rupais, A. (1962) Kokaugu kaiteklu noteicejs pec bojajumiem (ar apkarosanas pamatiem). Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Akademijas izdevnieciba, Riga, 200 pp. [in Latvian]

Rupais, A. A. (1976 b) Cetyrehnogie klesi (Acariformes, Eriophyidae) - vrediteli dekorativnyh derev ' ev i kustarnikov v Pribaltike. Latvijas Entomologs, 19, 96 - 104. [in Russian]

Rupais, A. A. (1976 a) Opredelitel' vreditelej dekorativnyh i plodovyh derev'ev i kustarnikov po povrezdeniam. Zinatne, Riga, 323 pp. [in Russian]

Rupais, A. (1999) Kokaugu kaiteklu sugu noteicejs pec bojajumiem auglu darzos un apstadijumos. Valsts Augu aizsardzibas dienests, Riga, 271 pp. [in Latvian]

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Shevchenko, V. G. and Rupais A. A. (1964) Cetyrehnogie klesi (Acarina, Eriophyidae) - vrediteli parkovyh nasazdenij Latvii. Fauna Latvijskoj SSR i Sopredel'nyh Territorij, 4, 203 - 239. [in Russian]

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Spuris, Z. (1974) Arachnida. In: Spuris, Z. (Ed.), Latvijas dzivnieku pasaule. Liesma, Riga, pp. 115 - 121. [in Latvian]

Stalazs, A. A. (2007) O vidovom sostave pockovyh klesej roda Cecidophyopsis (Eriophyidae) na rasteniah roda Ribes (Grossulariaceae) i svazannyh s etim problemah. In: Aktual'nye problemy sadovodstva Rossii i puti ih resenia. Materialy Vseros. nauc. - metod. konf. molodyh ucenyh. Proceedings of the conference, Orel, 2 - 5 July 2007, pp. 245 - 253. [in Russian]

Stalazs, A. (2009) Plants of Ribes genus infected by gall forming Cecidophyopsis mites in Latvia. In: Book of Abstracts. 5 th International Conference Research and Conservation of Biological Diversity in Baltic Region , DU AI Saule , Daugavpils, 22 - 24 April 2009, pp. 132.

Stalazs, A. (2010 a) Cecidophyopsis mites on different currant cultivars in Latvia. In: Book of Aabstracts. XXVIII Nordic-Baltic Congress of Entomology, Birstonas, 2 - 7 August, 2010, pp. 25.

Stalazs, A. (2010 b) Occurrence and distribution of Cecidophyopsis mites on different currant cultivars and species in Latvia. In: Book of Abstracts. 7 th Workshop on integrated soft fruit production, Budapest, 20 - 23 September, 2010, pp. 27.

Stalazs, A. (2011) Occurrence and distribution of Cecidophyopsis mites on different currant cultivars and species in Latvia. IOBC / wprs Bulletin, 70, 93 - 95.

Stalazs, A. (2012) Diversity of currant (Ribes) species and cultivars infested by Cecidophyopsis mites in Latvia. Acta Horticulturae, 946, 333 - 337. https: // doi. org / 10.17660 / ActaHortic. 2012.946.55

Stalazs, A. (2014) Latvijas auglaugu kaitekli bezmugurkaulnieki un to saimnieciska nozime. Scripta Letonica, 1 (2), 3 - 280.

Stalazs, A. & Morocko-Bicevska, I. (2016) Species identification, host range and diversity of Cecidophyopsis mites (Acari: Trombidiformes) infesting Ribes in Latvia. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 68, 129 - 153. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 10493 - 016 - 0024 - 7

Surikova, V. & Strautina, S. (2006) Resistance of black currant to black currant gall mite Cecidophyopsis ribis (Westw.) in Lativa. In: Book of Abstracts. COST 863 JM WG 2 and 3 Berry plant quality and sustainable production , Zagreb, 19 - 22 April, 2006, 39. [in Latvia]















