
Engel, Michael S. & Gonzalez, Victor H., 2022, A new bee genus from the pampas of eastern Argentina, with appended notes on the classification of “ paracolletines ” (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), Journal of Melittology 2022 (109), pp. 1-39 : 25-31

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Key to Genera of Neopasiphaeini

1. Metasoma without yellow integumental bands, yellowish-brown bands occasionally present but not emarginate or broken sublaterally; clypeus dark in female, rarely yellow in male; scape of male usually unmodified, sometimes thickened but not flat ................................................................................................ 2

—. Metasoma with transverse, pale-yellow, integumental bands, broken or narrowed sublaterally, on subapical parts of terga; clypeus yellow in both sexes; scape of male greatly broadened .......................................... Neopasiphae Perkins View in CoL

2(1). Basal vein (1M) meeting or distal to 1cu-a of forewing; maxillary palpus much longer than width of galea, typically hexamerous (six palpomeres); 1m-cu received beyond basal one-third of second submarginal cell [except in Baeocolletes Michener and Packercolletes , n. gen., where 1m-cu enters first submarginal cell] .............................................................................................................................. 3

—. Basal vein (1M) basal to 1cu-a of forewing; maxillary palpus about as long as width of galea, tetramerous (four palpomeres); 1m-cu received near basal one-third or one-fourth of second submarginal cell ...... Phenacolletes Cockerell View in CoL

3(2). Pretarsal claws cleft apically in male and usually in female, inner ramus pointed like outer ramus or sometimes in female reduced to a tooth or absent; episternal groove distinct below scrobal groove; no strong carina behind posterior orbit ........................................................................................................... 4

—. Pretarsal claws (at least of male, those of female unknown) each with broad, flat inner ramus arising near base; episternal groove below scrobal groove represented only by weak, short depression; strong carina just behind posterior orbit ..................................................................................... Hesperocolletes Michener View in CoL

4(3). Metasomal sternum VIII of male with median apical process robust, heavily sclerotized, its apex suggesting a pygidial plate and commonly exposed in repose, or (in some species of Goniocolletes Cockerell ) process broadened and appearing as extension of elongate disc; volsella not reaching gonostylus or reaching only its basal part, gonostylus fused to gonocoxite; pterostigma usually large; apex of marginal cell only minutely bent away from wing margin; profile of propodeum usually with sloping or subhorizontal basal area ................................. 5

—. Metasomal sternum VIII of male with median apical process slender and hairy at apex, pale, not exposed; volsella large, produced posteriorly, reaching beyond apex of articulated gonostylus; pterostigma less than one-half as long as marginal cell, measured on wing margin; apex of marginal cell bent gradually from wing margin for about one-sixth length of cell and bearing long appendage; profile of propodeum nearly vertical ..... Chrysocolletes Michener View in CoL

5(4). Two submarginal cells [except in some Coletellus aberrans (Leijs) ] .................. 6

—. Three submarginal cells [except in some specimens of Minycolletes abnormis (Cockerell) ] ................................................................................................................ 17

6(5). Forewing 1m-cu basal to 2Rs .................................................................................. 7

—. Forewing 1m-cu distal to or rarely meeting 2Rs ................................................ 8

7(6). Clypeus and supraclypeal area usually flat, depressed, shining, largely impunctate; metatibial spurs robust, coarsely serrate, arched apically, outer one nearly as coarsely serrate as inner; pretarsal claws simple; male fore- and midlegs unmodified; mandible of male unmodified ............... Baeocolletes Michener

—. Clypeus and supraclypeal area convex, later elevated above level of antennal toruli, with abundant punctures; metatibial spurs slender, not strongly arched apically, inner spur pectinate, outer spur not like inner spur; pretarsal claws with inner ramus; male fore- and midlegs greatly modified; mandible of male flatened ................................................. Packercolletes Engel, n. gen.

8(6). Facial fovea absent; propodeum with short sloping or broad basal subhorizontal or horizontal area, curving onto vertical posterior surface; pterostigma large, not parallel-sided, at least two-thirds as long as marginal cell on costal margin of wing ......................................................................................................... 9

—. Facial fovea broad; propodeum almost wholly vertical in profile; pterostigma small, nearly parallel-sided, litle more than half as long as marginal cell on costal margin of wing ................................................. Andrenopsis Cockerell

9(8). Propodeum with broad basal subhorizontal or horizontal area, curving onto vertical posterior surface; scape length variable; jugal lobe of hind wing short, well short of ataining level of 1cu-a, or extending well beyond level of 1cu-a; inner metatibial spur pectinate or ciliate .............................. 10

—. Propodeum with short, sloping basal area curving onto vertical posterior surface; scape not meeting median ocellus; jugal lobe of hind wing nearly ataining level of 1cu-a; inner metatibial spur pectinate ............................................... .................................................................. Minycolletes abnormis (Cockerell) , partim

10(9). Jugal lobe of hind wing short, well short of ataining level of 1cu-a; middle flagellomeres longer than broad; scape long, meeting or surpassing level of median ocellus, or rarely not meeting median ocellus [e.g., Euryglossidia (Euryglossidia) nigrescens Cockerell ]; inner metatibial spur pectinate or ciliate .... 11

—. Jugal lobe of hind wing extending well beyond level of 1cu-a; middle flagellomeres broader than long; scape short, well below level of median ocellus; inner metatibial spur ciliate ................................................................................... 16

11(10). Mouthparts unmodified; probasitarsus without spines [Genus Euryglossidia Cockerell , s.l.] ............................................................................................................ 12

—. Galea with several elongate apical setae and labial palpus filamentose, about as long as face; probasitarsus with thickened spines on distal dorsal surface ... ........................................................................................................ Filiglossa Rayment

12(11). Mesoscutum typically minutely roughened, sometimes with widely spaced punctures ................................................................................................................... 13

—. Mesoscutum with coarse, dense punctures ........... E. ( Cygnella ) Engel, n. subgen.

13(12). Metatrochanter and metafemur with well-developed scopae composed of elongate, branched setae; metatibia with abundant plumose setae .................... 14

—. Metatrochanter and metafemur with scopae absent; metatibia with simple setae .............................................................................. E. ( Manocolletes ) Engel, n. subgen.

14(13). Inner metatibial spur of female pectinate; integument dully metallic blue or green .......................................................................................................................... 15

—. Inner metatibial spur of female finely ciliate; integument nonmetallic, shining .......................................................................... E. ( Notinopasiphae ) Engel, n. subgen.

15(14). Male legs unmodified ........................................ E. ( Euryglossidia ) Cockerell, s.str.

—. Male legs modified, with protarsomeres II– V short and squat, mesobasitarsus broad and rectangular, metabasitarsus thin, elongate, and greatly arched to form deep concavity on inner surface; metasomal sterna V and VI of male with pronounced medial swellings ...................................... E. ( Notocolletes ) Cockerell

16(10). Probasitarsus of female elongate and flatened, twice as long as combined length of remaining protarsomeres, with elongate, thick, simple setae; protibial calcar thinkened, without malus; mandible broad, with wide outer surface but pronouncedly narrowed apically to long, simple, acute tooth, without preapical tooth; metasomal sternum VIII of male bifid apically .................. ................................................................................... Machaerocolletes Engel, n. gen.

—. Probasitarsus of female unmodified; protibial calcar with malus; mandible unmodified, with preapical tooth; metasomal sternum VIII of male simple apically ....................................................................... Colletellus Michener , partim

17(5). Metasomal sternum VIII of male ending in a single, heavily sclerotized, apical process; supraclypeal area broadly convex, median area sometimes impunctate; flagellomeres rarely modified ............................................................ 18

—. Metasomal sternum VIII of male with two flat, delicate, apical processes, longer than body of sternum; supraclypeal area with longitudinal, strongly elevated, impuncatate, shining carina or broad ridge extending from frontal carina down to upper margin of clypeus; distal three flagellomeres of male modified ................................................................ Glossurocolletes Michener View in CoL

18(17). Metabasitibial plate present (but anterior margin obsolescent in one species of Lamprocolletes Smith ); pygidial plate of female broad, sides converging posteriorly [except in Protomorpha fallax (Cockerell) ]; basal vein (1M) slanting 45° or more to costal margin of wing, and much longer than 1Rs ..................... 19

—. Metabasitibial plate of female and some males absent; pygidial plate of female with apical part slender, parallel-sided or slightly narrowed preapically; basal vein (1M) more or less transverse, slanting about 30° to costal margin of wing, and litle if any longer than 1Rs .......................... Excolletes Michener

19(18). Arolia present ........................................................................................................... 20

—. Arolia absent ............................................................................ Urocolletes Michener

20(19). Clypeus and supraclypeal area flat, depressed, shining, at least partly impunctate, sometimes longitudinally striate ....................................................... 21

—. Clypeus and supraclypeal area not flat, usually punctate ............................... 22

21(20). Occipital and genal areas not swollen, sulcus separating clypeus and supraclypeal area weak; probasitarsus of female with long coarse bristles on outer surface; compound eyes of male slightly converging below; mandibles of male not elongate, shorter than length of compound eye; metasomal sternum VIII of male with narrow neck, apodemes not projecting as pronounced basal extensions ............................................................................ Cladocerapis Cockerell

—. Occipital and genal areas swollen, vertex long, median ocellus closer to posterior margin of head than to antennal toruli; sulcus separating clypeus and supraclypeal area strong; probasitarsus with dense, short, simple setae; compound eyes of male slightly diverging below; mandibles of male elongate, as long as compound eyes; metasomal sternum VIII of male quadrate, without neck, with apodemes projecting as pronounced basal extensions ...................... ............................................................................... Otocolletes Houston & Maynard

22(20). Dorsolateral angle of pronotum weak or absent, pronotal dorsal margin not concave ...................................................................................................................... 23

—. Dorsolateral angles of pronotum much elevated above adjacent mesoscutal surface so that pronotal dorsal margin between them concave ................................. ...................................................................................................... Colletopsis Michener

23(22). Jugal lobe of hind wing well short of ataining level of 1cu-a, separated by at least length of 1cu-a if not frequently more ............................................................... 24

—. Jugal lobe of hind wing nearly ataining or exceeding level of 1cu-a .............. 34

24(23). Metasoma with weak punctures and granular or coriaceous interspaces ....... 25

—. Metasoma with strong punctures and smooth interspaces ............................. 30

25(24). Basal area of propodeum with noticeable horizontal to subhorizontal area curving onto vertical surface ................................................................................... 26

—. Basal area of propodeum wholly declivitous [Genus Leioproctus Smith View in CoL , s.l., partim] ....................................................................................................................... 27

26(25). Basal area of propodeum delimited by carina posteriorly; inner metatibial spur of female pectinate ............................................ Aageocolletes Engel, n. gen.

—. Basal area of propodeum not delimited by carina posteriorly; inner metatibial spur of female ciliate ...................................... L. ( Leioproctus View in CoL ) Smith, s.str., partim

27(24). Inner metatibial spur finely ciliate; metasoma dark brown to black ............. 28

—. Inner metatibial spur pectinate; metasoma reddish orange .................................... ............................................................................................... L. ( Anacolletes ) Michener

28(27). Malar space short, linear to 0.25× as long as wide; at most half of clypeus below lower tangent of compound eyes, but typically even less ........................ 29

—. Malar space long, 0.33–0.5× as long as wide, sometimes more than 0.5× basal mandibular width; more than half of clypeus below lower tangent of compound eyes .............................................................................. L. ( Nesocolletes ) Michener

29(28). Male sternum VIII with broad, almost trapeziform disc and broad medially emarginate spiculum; metatrochanteral flocuss composed of setae with minute branches giving spiculate appearance; gonostyli tapering to broadly rounded apex ................................................................... L. ( Maoricolletes ) Engel, n. subgen.

—. Male sternum VIII with largely transverse disc and triangular spiculum tapering to acutely rounded point; metatrochanteral flocuss composed of setae with numerous long branches, giving typical plumose appearance; gonotstyli tapering to acutely rounded apex ..................... L. ( Donovanapis ) Engel, n. subgen.

30(24). Metanotum with median tubercle, projection, spine, or bifid process [Genus Lamprocolletes Smith , s.l.] ......................................................................................... 31

—. Metanotum without median tubercle or other ornamentation ...................... 33

31(30). Basal area of propodeum wholly declivitous or nearly so, without subhorizontal zone ............................................................................................................. 32

—. Basal area of propodeum subhorizontal ............... L. ( Stoclele ) Engel, n. subgen.

32(31). Metanotal spine, if present, thick, blunt, and slightly upward projecting, spine and metanotum together at most 0.5× length of mesoscutellum ........................... ...................................................................................... L. ( Lamprocolletes ) Smith, s.str.

—. Metanotal spine elongate, slender apically, and projecting posteriorly, spine and metanotum together about 0.75× length of mesoscutellum ............................ .................................................................................. L. ( Kanakapis ) Engel, n. subgen.

33(30) Metasomal terga of female with apical setal bands; metasomal terga, including apical marginal zones, densely punctate; clypeus protuberant, with shining mediolongitudinal convexity; malar space absent .......................................... ................................................................................................. Ceratocolletes Michener

—. Metasomal terga of female without apical setal bands; metasomal terga not densely punctate and apical marginal zones differently sculptured relative to discs; clypeus weakly protuberant, without shining mediolongitudinal convexity; malar space present, nearly linear ............. Asciocolletes Engel, n. gen.

34(23). Pterostigma less than half the length of costal margin of marginal cell ....... 35

—. Pterostigma greater than or equal to half the length of costal margin of marginal cell ..................................................................................................................... 39

35(34). Frons not rugulose; male sternum VII with 4 apical lobes; malar space less than 0.6× basal mandibular width; male flagellum typically simple, sometimes ventrally crenulate; probasitarsus without spines ventrally ......................... 36

—. Frons rugulose; male sternum VII with 2 apical lobes; malar space much greater than basal mandibular width; flagellomeres II–X of male with cup-shaped, ventral, prong, flagellomeres I and XI with simple ventral lobe; probasitarsus of female with spines ventrally and long, curved bristles dorsally ...... .................................................................................... Rhamphocolletes Engel, n. gen.

36(35). Inner metatibial spur serrate to finely ciliate; scape of female not reaching median ocellus .............................................................................................................. 37

—. Inner metatibial spur coarsely pectinate; scape of female meeting or surpassing median ocellus .................................................................................................. 38

37(36). Inner metatibial spur finely ciliate; lower (ventral) surface of prementum unmodified; metatibial scopa with plumose setae .......... Walkerapis Engel, n. gen.

—. Inner metatibial spur serrate; lower (ventral) surface of prementum bowed; metatibial scopa sparse, with setae on outer surface mostly bifurcate or trifurcate .............................................................................. Conospermapis Engel, n. gen.

38(36). Metacoxa with short, ventral, apical tubercle or spine; malar space linear; metasoma of female without apical setal bands; flagellum of male medially crenulate; metasomal terga with abundant, small, distinct punctures, separated by a puncture width ............................................... Damocrateia Engel, n. gen.

—. Metacoxa without ventral tubercle or spine; malar space about 0.5× basal mandibular width; metasoma of female with apical setal bands; flagellum of male not crenulate; metasomal terga weakly punctate, punctures widely spaced .................................................................................. Zosterocolletes Maynard

39(34). Head and mesosoma with dull coriaceous, coriarious to imbricate or tessellate interspaces amid small punctures ................................................................ 40

—. Head and mesosoma with smooth, polished interspaces between punctures ........................................................................................................................ 43

40(39). Flagellomere I not greatly atenuate; metasomal terga without lateral longitudinal furrows; metasoma of male not depressed or broadened medially; clypeus with scatered punctures ........................................................... 41

—. Flagellomere I greatly atenuate, much longer than flagellomeres II– III or II– IV combined; metasomal terga III and IV with longitudinal furrows delimited by carinae on lateral margin; metasoma of male markedly depressed and broadened medially; clypeus coarsely and densely punctured .... Alokocolletes Maynard

41(40). Clypeus not protuberant; labial palpi elongate, 1.3–3.0× as long as maxillary palpi, with apical palpomere compressed, lanceolate, and typically 0.5–1.2× as long as antennal scape; inner metatibial spur of female densely pectinate; male protarsi unmodified; protibial calar with finely pectinate malus [Genus Eremocolletes Engel, n. gen.] .................................................................................... 42

—. Clypeus greatly protuberant in profile; labial palpi unmodified; inner metatibial spur of female coarsely punctate; male protarsi expanded and flatened; protibial calar lacking malus .................................. Cyranocolletes Engel, n. gen.

42(41). Inner orbits diverging below; maxillary palpus only 0.5× as long as post-palpal portion of galea; mandible of male with upper margin excavated subapically; males conspicuously larger than females .... E. ( Houstoniella ) Engel, n. subgen.

—. Inner orbits converging below to roughly parallel; maxillary palpus 0.7× or more as long as post-palpal portion of galea; mandible of male not excavated subapically; females larger than males ............. E. ( Eremocolletes ) Engel, n. subgen.

43(39). Malar space short, longer than 0.14× but shorter than 0.35× basal mandibular width; metatibial scopal setae monopodally branched ................................. 44

—. Malar space typically linear, sometimes short; metatibial scopal setae plumose .... ..................................................................................................................................... 46

44(43). Metanotum with median tubercle [Genus Exleycolletes Maynard , s.l.] ............. 45

—. Metanotum without median tubercle ....................... Zyzzocolletes Engel, n. gen.

45(44). Basal area of propodeum wholly declivitous, surface coriaceous or granular .... ........................................................................................... E. ( Hadrocolletes ) Maynard

—. Basal area of propodeum sloping, curving to vertical posterior surface, basal area transversely rugose .......................................... E. ( Exleycolletes ) Maynard, s.str.

46(43). Facial foveae impressed; densely punctured on head and mesosoma .......... 47

—. Facial foveae absent or present but distinctly not impressed; punctation variable ............................................................................................................................ 48

47(46). Female metasomal terga II– IV with narrow apical setal bands; integument of head and mesosoma black; male scape not reaching median ocellus ................ ................................................................................................... Protomorpha Rayment

—. Female metasomal terga II– IV without setal bands; integument of head and mesosoma variable, sometimes brightly metallic; male scape reaching median ocellus ..................................................................................... Charicolletes Maynard

48(46). Basal area of propodeum areolate; punctation of head and mesosoma dense [Genus Odontocolletes Maynard , s.l.] ..................................................................... 49

—. Basal area of propodeum smooth, coriaceous, or tessellate; punctation of head and mesosoma not dense ............................................................................ 50

49(48). Labrum with depressed apical area; lengths of flagellomeres IV –X of male about equal to widths; apical margins of metasomal terga translucent; facial foveae indistinct ................................................. O. ( Odontocolletes ) Maynard, s.str.

—. Labrum without depressed apical area; lengths of flagellomeres IV –X greater than widths; apical margins of metasomal terga opaque; facial foveae distinct .................................................................................. O. ( Fragocolletes ) Maynard

50(48). Scape reaching or surpassing median ocellus; metasoma variable; small to larger species ............................................................................................................ 51

—. Scape not reaching median ocellus; metasomal terga with scatered setae and translucent marginal zones, females at times with weak apical setal bands; small species ........................................................... Minycolletes Maynard , partim

51(50). Metasomal terga II– IV without apical setal bands; metanotum without tubercle ......................................................................................................................... 52

—. Metasomal terga II– IV with apicolateral bands of white setae contrasting with black integument; metanotum with median tubercle .......................................... .......................................................................................... Hexaproctus Engel, n. gen.

52(51). Metasoma not narrowed proximally, i.e., not subpetiolate; basal area of propodeum shorter than metanotum; integumental sculpturing variable, but generally not as described below; without patches of bright yellow tomentum .... 53

—. Metasoma typically subpetiolate; basal area of propodeum subhorizontal, longer than metanotum; integument minutely roughened with scatered weak punctures; generally wasp-like, frequently with patches of dense, bright yellow tomentum on pronotal lobe, mesoscutum, mesoscutellum, and metanotum ................................................................. Maynardapis Engel, n. gen.

53(52). Basal area not delimited posteriorly by transverse carina; integument generally black to dark brown but sometimes metallic olive green .......................... 54

—. Basal area delimited by transverse carina posteriorly; integument frequently metallic, sometimes bright metallic and densely punctured ................................. ............................................................................................ Calloproctus Engel, n. gen.

54(53). Scape reaching median ocellus; metasomal terga with scatered setae; pterostigma not parallel-sided; small to moderate-sized species; integument dark brown to black ............................................. L. ( Leioproctus View in CoL ) Smith, s.str., partim

—. Scape surpassing level of median ocellus; metasomal terga with dense, short, erect setae and rows of longer subapical setae overarching apical marginal zones; pterostigma slender, parallel-sided; large, robust species; integument metallic olive green .......................................... Aglaocolletes Engel, n. gen.


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