Neogyptis crypta, (PLEIJEL, 1993 b), 2012

Pleijel, Fredrik, Rouse, Greg W., Sundkvist, Tobias & Nygren, Arne, 2012, A partial revision of Gyptis (Gyptini, Ophiodrominae, Hesionidae, Aciculata, Annelida), with descriptions of a new tribe, a new genus and five new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 165 (3), pp. 471-494 : 482

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Marcus (2021-08-30 18:28:32, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 03:09:12)

scientific name

Neogyptis crypta

comb. nov.


Gyptis crypta Pleijel, 1993b: 238–242 , figure 2.

Gyptis vittata Gardiner, 1976: 119 , figure 81; Uebelacker, 1984: 28.29–28.31, figure 28 [not Gyptis vittata Webster & Benedict, 1887 ].

Type material: Holotype ( USNM 52893 About USNM ) and 31 paratypes ( USNM 52892–52894 About USNM , 45534 About USNM , 75478 About USNM , 75319 About USNM , 157615 About USNM ).

Type locality: USA, North Carolina, Wrightsville Beach, Banks Channel , intertidally in burrow of Notomastus lobatus .

Material examined: NORTH CAROLINA. One paratype ( USNM 52892 About USNM ), Wrightsville Beach , Banks Channel, intertidal in burrow of N. lobatus , 20.vii.1974 ; holotype ( USNM 52893 About USNM ) and five paratypes ( USNM157615 About USNM ), same locality, 18.viii.1974 ; five paratypes ( USNM 52894 About USNM ), same locality, 27.ii.1975 . FLORIDA. 18 paratypes ( USNM 45534 About USNM ), Tampa Bay , 1963 ; one paratype ( USNM 75319 About USNM ), off south-west Florida, 24°47.5′N, 82°13.16′W, 24 m, vii.1981 GoogleMaps ; MISSISSIPPI. One paratype ( USNM 75478 About USNM ), off Mississippi, 30°16.27′N, 88°36.42′W, 3.4 m, 24.x.1980 GoogleMaps ).

Description: Length up to 7.5 mm for 39 segments. Live animals opaque with yellowish gut; eyes red. Body outline in dorsal view slightly elliptical, posteriorly tapered. Prostomium rounded rectangular, wider than long. Palpophores cylindrical, palpostyles thinner, tapering to rounded tips; palpophores as long as or slightly longer than palpostyles. Paired antennae tapering, slightly longer than or as long as palps, distal-most third forming well-demarcated tips. Median antenna similar to paired antennae but much shorter, inserted on or just in front of line between anterior pair of eyes. Eyes small, anterior pair larger and positioned slightly further apart. Nuchal organs ciliated bands along lateral sides of prostomium. Lip pads absent. Proboscis smooth, with proximal and distal ring, opening with terminal ring of ten conical papillae. Non-everted proboscis reaching segment 9. Segment 1 dorsally reduced, segments 2 and 3 possibly dorsally fused. Dorsal cirri and cirrophores segment 1–5 much longer and stouter than following ones, with dorsal cirri segment 3 and 4 reaching about segment 10–11. Ventral cirri segment 1–4 with well-delineated cirrophores and longer and stouter cirri than on following segments. Segment 5 with notopodial lobes and notochaetae, and neuropodial lobes and neurochaetae. Transverse dorsal ridges across median and posterior segments. Dorsal cirri reaching as far or slightly further than chaetae. Notopodial aciculary lobes conical. Notochaetae of three kinds; five to ten dorsally bent aciculary chaetae inserted anterior to other chaetae, large number of capillary chaetae with two alternating rows of teeth, and few, ventrally positioned curved chaetae with conical side subdistally serrated. Prechaetal neuropodial lobes elongated conical. Twenty to 40 neurochaetae, all compound and unidentate, with dorsal and median blades up to five times longer than ventral. Usually double noto- and neuroaciculae. Ventral cirri inserted distally near tip of neuropodium, tapering to fine points. Pygidium with long pygidial cirri, longer than dorsal cirri; pygidial papilla absent.

Habitat: Sand and mixed bottoms intertidally to 24 m depth, reported several times from burrows of the polychaete N. lobatus ( Gardiner, 1976; Uebelacker, 1984).

Distribution: North Carolina, Florida, and off Mississippi.

Remarks: The description above is based on Pleijel (1993b), which also includes illustrations of the species. Neogyptis crypta comb. nov. is unique amongst Amphidurini in having both noto- and neuropodial lobes and chaetae starting on segment 5; usually in related taxa the notopodial lobes and notochaetae do not appear until on the following segment.

Gardiner SL. 1976. Errant polychaete annelids from North Carolina. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 91: 77 - 220.

Pleijel F. 1993 b. Gyptis crypta, a new hesionid species from the U. S, east coast, with a redescription of Gyptis vittata Webster & Benedict, 1887 (Annelida: Polychaeta). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 106: 237 - 242.

Uebelacker JM. 1984. Chapter 28. Family Hesionidae Sars, 1862. In: Uebelacker JM, Johnson PG, eds. Taxonomic guide to the polychaetes of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Final report to the Minerals Management Service, contract 14 - 12 - 001 - 29091. Mobile, AL: Barry A. Vittor & Associates, Inc, 1 - 39.

Webster HE, Benedict JE. 1887. The Annelida Chaetopoda from Eastport, Maine. Report of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries 1885: 707 - 755.











