Acarnus Gray, 1867

Ozga, Aline Vasum, Santos, George Garcia & Menegola, Carla, 2024, Taxonomic and geographic novelties of Acarnus (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Brazilian coast, with description of two new species, Zootaxa 5523 (4), pp. 401-422 : 404

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.4.1

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scientific name

Acarnus Gray, 1867


Genus Acarnus Gray, 1867 View in CoL (sensu Hooper, 2002)

Type species: Acarnus innominatus Gray, 1867a View in CoL (by monotypy).

Definition: Non-fistular Acarnidae View in CoL with cladotylote echinating spicules (Hooper, 2002).

Diagnosis: Non-fistulose, encrusting to massive growth forms; ectosomal tylotes with microspined ends, forming tangential or paratangential tracts (not brushes); choanosomal skeleton isodictyal, isotropic or anisotropic reticulate, occasionally plumo-reticulate or plumose or hymedesmioid in encrusting species; skeletal tracts cored by smooth styles, echinated by 1 or 2 (exceptionally 3) categories of cladotylotes, echinating acanthostyles present or absent, and smooth tylostyles; microscleres are palmate isochelae, toxas of several morphologies, smooth microxeas and acanthoxeas (emended from Nascimento & Pinheiro, 2023; our additions are in bold).

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