Nisoprincessa, Gnezdilov, Vladimir M., 2017

Gnezdilov, Vladimir M., 2017, New Genus And Species Of The Tribe Parahiraciini (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea, Issidae) From The Philippines And Vietnam, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 63 (4), pp. 429-442 : 430-433

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.63.4.429.2017

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Nisoprincessa View in CoL gen. n.

Typespecies: Nisoprincessapalawana sp. n.

Diagnosis. Metopeprotrudinginshapeofproboscis, withdistinctme- dianandsublateralcarinae (Figs 1–3,9). Forewingswithouttransverseveins andwithpustulesbetweenlongitudinalveins. Postcubitusofforewingnot reachingfirstanalveinonclavus (Figs 11, 12). Hindwingstrilobate, withtwo deep marginal clefts (Fig. 13). CuA and CuP of hind wings fused medially and separatedapically. Foreandmiddlefemorafoliatelyflattened (Figs 4, 5). Fore femoraarelongestandhindfemoraareshortest (Fig. 6).

Description. Corypheandmetopejointatobtuseangle (inlateralview) (Figs 3, 9), metopewellvisiblefromabove (Fig. 2). Borderbetweencorypheandmetopesmooth, weaklyrecognizable. Metopeelongate, withdistinctmedianandsublateralcarinaewhich notreachingitsuppermargin ( Fig. 34 View Figs 33–38 ); lateralmarginsconvexmedially. Metopeprotrud- inginshapeofproboscis (inlateralview), with 12 pustulesbetweenlateralandsublateral carinaeoneachside. Corypheelongate, 1.4 timesaslonglaterallyaswideatmidline, with weakmediancarina; anteriormarginconvex; posteriormarginobtuselyangulate. Ocelli present. Postclypeuslarge, withoutcarinae. Pedicellelongatelycylindrical. Secondand thirdsegmentsofrostrumnearlyequalinlength. Thirdsegmentofrostrumslightlynar- rowingapically, reachinghindcoxae. Pronotumnearlyaslongascorypheatmidline, with weakmediancarina; anteriormarginconvex, with 16 pustulesalongitsmargin; posterior marginnearlystraight, with 5 pustulesalongitsmargin (Fig. 10). Paradiscalfieldsnarrow, Figs 1–10. Nisoprincessa palawana gen. et sp. n. 1–8 = N. p. palawana ssp. n., holotype, 1 = head, frontal view; 2 = head, dorsal view; 3 = head, lateral view; 4 = left fore leg; 5 = left middle leg; 6 = left hind leg; 7 = female genital block, lateral view; 8 = female anal tube, dorsal view; 9–10 = N. p. bacuita ssp. n., holotype: 9 = head, lateral view; 10 = pronotum,

dorsalview distinct. Paranotallobeswidelytriangular. Mesonotumlongerthanpronotum, withweak medianandlateralcarinae. Forewingsreachingapexofanaltube, elongatelyoval, convex (Figs 11, 33, 35). Costalmarginangularlyconvexbasally. Basalcellnarrow. R 2 – furcatingcloselytobasalcell, M 2 – furcatinginbasalpartofwing, CuA 2 (samespecimenhas ononewingCuA 2 andonanother – CuA 3) – furcatingbeforeapexofclavus (Fig. 11). Transverseveinsabsent, butpustulespresentedbetweenlongitudinalveins (Fig. 12). Cla- vus 0.5 timesaslongaswholewing. PcunotreachingA 1 (Fig. 13). Hindwingsaslongas forewings, trilobate (withanallobeofvannusrathernarrow, butdistinct), withtwodeep marginalclefts – betweenCuAandCuPandbetweenbranchesofA 1. Basalcelllarge. R 1 M 1 CuA 1 CuP 1 Pcu 1 A 1 2 A 2 1; CuA and CuP fused medially and separated apically; anteriorbranchofAfusedmediallywithPcu; marginalveinthickonterminalpartsof 1

thelobes (Fig. 13). Foreandmiddlefemoraflattenedandfoliate (mostlyforefemora) (Figs 4, 5). Foreandmiddletibiaeflattened. Hindfemoraandtibiaenotflattenednorfoliated (Fig. 6). Forefemoraandtibiaearelongest; middletibiaenearlyequalinlengthorslightly shorterthanhindtibiae; hindfemoraareshortest. Hindtibiawith 2 lateralspinesinits

Figs 11–13. Nisoprincessa palawana gen. et sp. n. 11–12 = N. palawana palawana ssp. n., holo- type: 11 = fore wing; 12 = clavus; 13 = N. palawana bacuita ssp. n., holotype, hind wing distalhalfand 6 apicalspines. Firstandsecondtarsomeresofforeandmiddlelegsshort, nearlyequalinlength, thirdtarsomereaslongasfirstandsecondtogether. Firstmetatar- somerelongerthansecondone; secondandthirdmetatarsomeresnearlyequalinlength. Firstmetatarsomerewith 2 latero- apicaland 7 intermediatespinesinregularrow (without gaps). Secondmetatarsomerewithonly 2 latero- apicalspines. Hindmarginofaroliumof pretarsusconvex, notreachingapicesofclaws (indorsalview); dorso- lateralplateswide.

HindmarginoffemalesterniteVIIwidelyconcave. Gonoplacsconvex, withoutcari- nae (Fig. 7). Analtube 1.3 timesaslongaswide, anteriormarginwidelyrounded; paraproctshort (Fig. 8).

Etymology. GenericnameisderivedfromcombinationofGreek “νησί” ( Island) and

Princessa (PuertoPrincesa). Figs 14–20. Brevicopius jianfenglingensis Chen, Zhang et Chang. 14–19 = female: 14 = head, frontalview, 15 = head, pro-, andmesonotum, dorsalview, 16 = head, lateralview; 17 = hypocostalplateofforewing, 18 = apicalpartoffemaleanaltube, dorsalview, 19 = hind marginoffemalesterniteVII, ventralview; 20 = male, rostrum, lateralview











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