Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) foliaceus (Fabricius)

Brailovsky, Harry, 2016, The genus Anisoscelis Latreille (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Anisoscelini): new species, taxonomical arrangements, distributional records and key, Zootaxa 4144 (2), pp. 195-210 : 198-200

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4144.2.3

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scientific name

Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) foliaceus (Fabricius)


Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) foliaceus (Fabricius) View in CoL

( Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1 – 6 , 20 View FIGURES 17 – 20 )

Lygaeus foliaceus Fabricius, 1803: 210

Diagnosis. Head pale orange; antennal segment I black with inner surface yellow, segments II–III black with basal and apical joint yellow and IV dark brown to black; pronotum black with metallic bluish-green or bluish-purple reflections; anterolateral borders yellow; collar entirely pale orange or black with metallic bluish-green or bluishpurple reflections, lateral expansions yellow; calli dark orange; scutellum black with metallic bluish-green or bluish-purple reflections; clavus dark reddish brown with metallic bluish-green or bluish-purple reflections; corium dark reddish brown with metallic bluish-green or bluish-purple reflections, costal margin pale yellow; hemelytral membrane bronze; connexivum yellow, inner margin black; dorsal abdominal segments black with deep metallic bluish-green reflections; ventrally pale yellowish orange; labial segments pale yellowish orange (apex of IV black); coxae pale yellowish orange; trochanters pale yellowish orange with two incomplete black longitudinal stripes; fore and middle femora pale yellowish orange with two complete black longitudinal stripes; hind femur pale yellowish orange with two incomplete black longitudinal stripes; fore and middle tibiae pale yellowish orange with two incomplete black longitudinal stripes; inner expansion of hind tibiae with two dark reddish spots, outer margin black with two pale yellowish orange spots, one basally the other at middle third; outer expansion dark reddish with proximal and distal third pale yellowish orange; fore and middle tarsi pale yellowish orange with two brown lateral stripes; hind tarsi entirely pale yellowish orange; labium reaching middle third of abdominal sternite III; humeral angles with tiny expansion directed laterally. Parameres. Figs. 1–2 View FIGURES 1 – 6 .

Distribution. Argentina: Buenos Aires (Chacabuco), Entre Rios (Parana), La Pampa (Pico) and Misiones. Brazil: Para. Ecuador: Guayaquil. French Guiana: Cayenne. Peru: Puerto Inca and Río Pachitea. Suriname: Paramaribo ( Dallas 1852, Blöte 1936, Coscaron & Pall 2015, Packauskas 2010).

Material examined. New records. Argentina: 3 males, 1 female, Misiones, Iguazu , 10-X-1981, leg. R. Foerster ( UNAM) . Bolivia: 2 males, 2 females, Santa Cruz, 3.7 km SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora y Fauna , 430 m, 23–26-X-2000, 1–8-XI-2002, leg. M. C. Thomas, J. E. Wappes ( FSCA, UNAM) ; 1 female, Departamento Santa Cruz, Prov. Ichilo, 9-I-1990, leg. J. Justiniano (MHNNKM) ; 1 male, 2 females, Chapare, Casco Celis , 31-III-2000, leg. W. Helmuth ( UNAM) . Brazil: 1 female, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre , I-2003, leg. M. G. Araujo ( UNAM) ; 1 female, Rondonia, 62 km S. E. Ariquemes, 13–25-IV-1992, leg. W. J. Hanson ( USUL) ; 2 males, 4 females, Amazonas, 30 km W Itaquatiara, Rio Urubu , 4–15-I-1981, leg. G. Ekis & R. Davidson ( CASC) ; 1 male, Amazonas, Manaus, Manacapura , III-1938, leg. S. M. Klages ( CASC) ; 1 female, Para, Almeiria, Sao Raimundo , 30-X-1981, in Passiflora sp., leg. E. Vogel ( UNAM) ; 1 female, Amazonas, Manaus, Cordado , 2-IV-1988, leg. J. C. Hurtado ( UNAM) ; 1 female, Obidos , 10-IX-1919, leg. H. S. Parrish ( USNM) ; 1 female, Manaus (without date), leg. H. R. Merrill ( USNM) . Ecuador: 1 male, Napo, Coca , 6-II-1986, leg. G. Onore ( PUCE) ; 1 male, Napo, Cuyabeno , I-1983, leg. E. Azanza ( UNAM) ; 1 male, Napo, Rio Napo, Isla Anaconda, V—1976, leg. F. Ortiz ( PUCE) ; 1 female, Napo, Lago Agrio , X-1982, leg. M. Garzon ( PUCE) ; 1 female, Sucumbios, Pacayacu , 80 m, 26– 27-XII-1995, leg. A. Muñoz ( PUCE) ; 1 female, Sucumbios, Rio Aguarico , 280 m, 25-XII-1995, leg. X. Cordovez ( PUCE) ; 1 female, Province Napo, vic Puerto Misahuali , 1650–1900 m, 1°2’4.2’’S –77°39’49.2’’W, 6–19-IX-1998, collected on fish carrion baited butterfly trap, leg. J. E. Eger (UNAM). French Guiana: 1 female, Saut-Maripa, Oyapock , 27-XI-1969, leg. Balachoesky & Gruner ( UMRM) ; 1 male, 1 female, Guyane, Mont Joly, on flowers of Macacoydja sp., 8-VI-1979, leg. Remillet (ORSTROM) ( MNHN) . Paraguay: 1 male, El Gran Chaco (nr. Concepcion) (without date), leg. A. Pride ( UNAM) . Peru: 1 male, Depto. Loreto, 34 km W Pucallpa , on Passiflora sp., 26-VII-1970 (without collector) ( UNAM) ; 1 female, Sta. Isabella, 21-VII-1970, leg. D. B. Ekkens (USNM); 1 male, Cuzco, Pilcopata , 750 m, 8-II-1975, leg. G. Lamas ( UNAM) ; 2 females, Loreto, Iquitos , 8–12-VIII-1985, leg. G. Burrows ( UNAM) ; 1 male, 1 female, Depto. Huanuco, Tingo Maria , 670 m, XII-1939, leg. F. Woytkowski ( AMNH) ; 1 female, Satipo , XI-1973, leg. P. Paprzycki ( AMNH) ; 1 female, Depto. Pasco, Sta. Rosa, Rio Palcazu , 500 m, 28-IX-1988, leg. P. Hocking ( UNAM) ; 1 male, 1 female, Monzon Valley, Tingo Maria , 27-X-1954, leg. Schlinger & Ross ( CASC) ; 1 female, Loreto, Puerto Oriente, Rio Ucayali, 7 km above Contamana , 13-IV-1963, leg. Hubbell & Piña ( UNAM) ; 1 female, Yurac , 67 mi E Tingo Maria, 11-XII-1954, leg. Schlinger & Ross ( CASC) . Trinidad (West Indies): Curupe , 4-X-1969, collected at night, leg. C. J. Davis ( BPBM) .

Biological notes. Previously associated with Passiflora caerulea L. ( Di Iorio 2004), and in this paper cited on Passiflora spp., and on fish carrion baited butterfly trap.

Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) marginellus (Dallas) (Here elevated from subspecific rank). NEW STATUS ( Figs. 3–4 View FIGURES 1 – 6 , 17 View FIGURES 17 – 20 )

Leptoscelis marginella Dallas, 1852: 457 View in CoL

Diagnosis. Head pale brown, lateral margins including preocular and postocular area and space between eye and ocelli, pale yellow; upper border of antenniferous tubercle pale brown; antennal segment I dark brown, inner surface pale yellow, segments II–III dark brown proximal and distal third yellow, IV dark brown, apex paler; pronotum dark orange, frontal angles, and anterolateral borders pale yellow, and posterolateral borders dark yellow and next a metallic bluish-green reflections; scutellum pale brownish orange, apex yellow; clavus dark orange with metallic bluish-green reflections; corium dark orange, costal margin pale yellow with an inner complete metallic bluish-green longitudinal stripe; hemelytral membrane pale to dark brown; connexivum dark brown with upper margin pale yellow; dorsal abdominal segments dark brown with metallic bluish-green reflections on segments VI– VII; labial segments (apex of IV brown) pale yellow; coxae pale yellow; trochanters entirely pale yellow or with one or two short brown stripes; fore femur pale yellow with two brown to black longitudinal stripes; middle and hind femora pale yellow; fore and middle tibiae pale yellow; inner expansion of hind tibiae reddish orange with basal area and medial spot yellow; outer expansion reddish orange with proximal and distal third and two irregular spots near midline yellow; tarsi pale yellow; labium reaching middle third of abdominal sternite III; humeral angles with tiny subacute expansion, directed backward. Parameres. Figs. 3–4 View FIGURES 1 – 6 .

Distribution. Brazil: Cruz Alta, and Rio Grande do Sul. Ecuador: Guayaquil, Duran and Posorja ( Campos 1925, Blöte 1936, Packauskas 2010).

Material examined. New records. Argentina: 2 males, Corrientes, Mercedes , III-1974, leg. R. Foerster ( UNAM) ; 1 male, Misiones, San Ignacio , X-1992, leg. D. Carpintero ( UNAM) ; 1 male, 1 female, Misiones, Iguazu , 10-X-1981, leg. R. Foerster ( UNAM) ; 1 male, Santa Fe, XII-1972 (without collector) ( UNAM) . Brazil: 1 male, 1 female, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Reserva Do Lami , on Passiflora alata , 12-II-1992, leg. J. A. M. Fernandez ( USNM) ; 1 female, Matto Grosso, Corumba (without data and collector) (USNM); 1 female, Rio Grande do Sul, Palmapes do Sul, Istmo Lagoa Capivari , 30°14’47’’S –50°33’49.6’’W, 20-V-2004 (without collector) (UNAM); 1 female, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 20-I-2005, leg. R. Kolberg ( UNAM). Guyana Britanica: Region 8 Iwokrama Forest, 1 km W Kurupukari, Iwokrama Field Station , 60 m, 4°40’19’’N – 58°41’4’’W, 21-V-2001, leg. R. Brooks & Z. Falin (UKS); 1 male, Rupununi, Dadanawa , on Passiflora nr., a cuminata, 100 m, 2°50’N –59°30’W, 31-I-1981, leg. J. Longino (UNAM). Venezuela: 1 female, Suapure, Caura , 21-VI-1899, leg. E. A. Klages ( CMNH) ; 1 female, Caracas, Cafetal , 1000 m, XII-1977 (without collector) ( UNAM) ; 1 male, Zulia, Casigua (camp. Barsanti ), X-1970, leg. J. M. Ayala ( UNAM) . Trinidad ( West Indies ): 1 male, Porto Spain, VII-1921 (without collector) ( UNAM) .

Biological notes. Here cited on Passiflora alata Curtis and Passiflora nr., acuminate DC. ( Passifloraceae ).


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


W.R. Enns Entomology Museum


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


American Museum of Natural History


Bishop Museum


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History




















Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) foliaceus (Fabricius)

Brailovsky, Harry 2016

Leptoscelis marginella

Dallas 1852: 457

Lygaeus foliaceus

Fabricius 1803: 210
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