Anelosimus Simon, 1891

Agnarsson, Ingi & Zhang, Jun-Xia, 2006, New species of Anelosimus (Araneae: Theridiidae) from Africa and Southeast Asia, with notes on sociality and color polymorphism, Zootaxa 1147, pp. 1-34 : 8

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scientific name

Anelosimus Simon, 1891


Anelosimus Simon, 1891 View in CoL View at ENA

Anelosimus Simon 1891 View in CoL , 60: 11. Type species: Anelosimus socialis Simon, 1891 (= Theridium eximium Keyserling, 1884 ).

Detailed diagnosis and circumscription of the genus Anelosimus View in CoL including a list of generic synapomorphies can be found in Agnarsson (2006). Textual descriptions of species in the present paper are brief as they do not include general Anelosimus View in CoL characteristics that are invariable. However, some figures are included to demonstrate general Anelosimus View in CoL features such as the type and arrangements of spigots on the spinnerets ( Figs 9G View FIGURES 9 A – G , 13D View FIGURES 13 A – G , 16G View FIGURES 16 A – G ), shape and hirsuteness of carapace and sternum ( Figs 9C View FIGURES 9 A – G , 13C View FIGURES 13 A – G , 17A–C View FIGURES 17 A – F ), reduced stridulatory pick row in females ( Figs 7D View FIGURES 7 A – G , 9D View FIGURES 9 A – G , 16D View FIGURES 16 A – G ), irregular male stridulatory ridges on prosoma ( Fig. 7E View FIGURES 7 A – G ), opisthosoma texture and hirsuteness ( Fig. 17F View FIGURES 17 A – F ) and type of tarsal claws ( Figs 13G View FIGURES 13 A – G , 17D View FIGURES 17 A – F )

Unusual aspects of some species here described include the egg sacs of Anelosimus kohi and A. agnar which are brightly white ( Figs 2E View FIGURES 2 A – E , 3E–H View FIGURES 3 A – I. A , 5A–B View FIGURES 5 A – F. A – C ), unlike the dull grey egg sacs known in the American species, and species from Madagascar (Agnarsson 2005, 2006; Agnarsson & Kuntner 2005). All the species here described have a robust male femur I compared to other femora ( Figs 3C–D View FIGURES 3 A – I. A , 7G View FIGURES 7 A – G , 9F View FIGURES 9 A – G ), as in most of the species in the ethicus group (Agnarsson 2005) but only in some of the eximius lineage ( Agnarsson 2006).

Agnarsson, I. & Kuntner, M. (2005) Madagascar: an unexpected hotspot of social Anelosimus spi- der diversity (Araneae: Theridiidae). Systematic Entomology, 30, 575 - 592.

Agnarsson, I. (2006) A revision of the New World eximius lineage of Anelosimus (Araneae, Theridiidae) and a phylogenetic analysis using worldwide exemplars. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Simon, E. (1891) Observations biologiques sur les Arachnides. I. Araignees sociables. In: Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 60, 5 - 14.

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FIGURES 9 A – G. Anelosimus dude n. sp. A, epigynum, ventral; B, epiandrous gland fusules; C, female prosoma, dorsal; D, female stridulatory pick row; E, male left stridulatory pick row; F, male first leg; G, female left spinning field (ALS anterior lateral spinneret, PLS posterior lateral spinneret, PMS posterior median spinneret). Scale bars: C – D, F, 100 m; A, 50 m; B, 50 m; G, 20 m; E, 10 m.

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FIGURES 13 A – G. Anelosimus kohi Yoshida, 1993. A, epigynum, ventral; B, epiandrous gland fusules; C, female prosoma, dorsal; D, female posterior lateral and posterior median spinnerets, left side (AC aciniform spigots, AG aggregate spigots, CY cylindrical spigots, FL flagelliform spigots; mAP minor ampullate spigots); E, female anterior lateral spinnerets and colular area (arrow), uniquely in A. kohi no colular setae are present. F, male stridulatory pick row; G, female pedipalpal claw, lateral. Scale bars: C, E, 100 m; A – B, 50 m; D, F – G, 10 m.

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FIGURES 16 A – G. Anelosimus nelsoni n. sp. A, epigynum, ventral; B, same, caudal; C, epiandrous gland fusules; D, female stridulatory pick row; E, male opisthosoma, pedicel area, ventral; F, male stridulatory pick row, left side; G, female left spinning field (ALS anterior lateral spinneret, PLS posterior lateral spinneret, PMS posterior median spinneret). Scale bars: A – B, D – E, G, 100 m; C, F, 10 m.

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FIGURES 17 A – F. Anelosimus nelsoni n. sp. A, female prosoma, dorsal; B, same, lateral; C, male sternum, ventral; D, male tarsus I tip, lateral; E, female pedipalpal tibia, dorsal, with four trichobothria (the other pedipalpal tibia of the same animal had only three); F, female opisthosoma surface, near center laterally. Scale bars: A – C, F, 100 m; E, 50 m; D, 10 m.

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FIGURES 7 A – G. Anelosimus biglebowski n. sp. A, epigynum, ventral; B, epiandrous gland spigots, ventral; C, male opisthosoma, stridulatory picks; D, female opisthosoma, left stridulatory pick row, ventral; E, male prosomal stridulatory ridges, dorsal; F, colular setae (arrow); G, male femur I. Scale bars A – B, D, 20 m; C, G 100 m; D – E, 10 m.

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FIGURES 2 A – E. Photographs of webs of A. kohi. A – C, colonies of different sizes; A, web containing female with large juveniles; B, female with small juveniles; C, female with egg sac. D – E, female guarding egg sac. The leaves are taken from a small web the female typically attaches two leafs (D) to form a retreat, one or both leafs may also be folded (E). Inside the retreat the spider guards the egg sac surrounded by a thin silk envelope (E).

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FIGURES 3 A – I. A nelosimus kohi, color polymorphism. A, female, dark morph from Singapore; B, female, dark morph from Malaysia; C, male, dark morph from Singapore; D, male light morph from Malaysia; E – G, female with egg sac, light morph from Malaysia, note how egg sac is clasped with the cheliceral fangs and palpal claws; H, female with egg sac, light morph from Singapore; I, female unusual pale morph from Singapore.

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FIGURES 5 A – F. A – C, Anelosimus biglebowski n. sp. A, male pedipalpus, ventral (C conductor, E embolus, MA median apophysis, ST subtegulum, T tegulum, TTA theridiid tegular apophysis); B, epigynum ventral, C, epigynum cleared, dorsal (CD copulatory duct, FD fertilization duct, S spermathecae). D – F, A. dude n. sp. D, male pedipalpus, ventral; E, epigynum ventral, F, epigynum cleared, dorsal. Scale bars (upper for pedipalpi, lower for epigyna): 100 m.









