Neaspasia brevibasana ( Walsingham, 1891 )

Aarvik, Leif & Agassiz, David J. L., 2014, Revision of African Neaspasia Diakonoff, 1989 and the related Conaspasia, n. gen. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), Zootaxa 3754 (2), pp. 117-132 : 124-126

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Plazi (2016-04-11 09:43:07, last updated 2017-01-01 03:03:43)

scientific name

Neaspasia brevibasana ( Walsingham, 1891 )

comb. n.

Neaspasia brevibasana ( Walsingham, 1891) , comb. n.

( Figs. 10 View FIGURES 10 – 14 , 19, 20 View FIGURES 15 – 20 , 26 View FIGURES 21 – 26 , 35 View FIGURES 33 – 35 )

Penthina brevibasana Walsingham, 1891: 71 , pl. III, fig. 8.

Material examined. Holotype ♀ of Penthina brevibasana Walsingham ; [Rep. S. Africa] Kimbolton Estcourt Weenen Natal, 1885, Htchsn. ( BMNH).

MOZAMBIQUE: 1 ♀ Makulane, 1906, Dr. G. Audéoud, genitalia slide L. Aarvik 2013.004 ( MHNG); REP. SOUTH AFRICA: 1 ♂ Cape Colony, Annshaw, King Williamstown, 1898, Barrett, genitalia slide BMNH 32555 ( BMNH); 2 ♂♂ West Cape, Cederberg Mts. Algeria, 22–24.xi. 2008, L[icht]F[ang], Ebert, Mey & Kühne, genitalia slide L. Aarvik 2012.011 ( ZMHU).

Redescription. Male ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 10 – 14 ). Head: Beige. Antenna brown, scape beige. Labial palpus ca. 1.8 times diameter of eye, light beige; third segment drooping, nearly concealed by scaling of second segment. Thorax: Dark reddish brown. External surface of fore and mid-legs grey, internal surface pale beige, light rings on tarsi; hind leg beige, tibial pencil ochreous. Wingspan 18.0–19.0 mm. Basal third of forewing upperside black, with strong admixture of reddish; distal two thirds light beige, terminal and tornal area with grey, black and red striae, forming a rounded spot below costa; costal strigulae only faintly indicated. Cilia dark grey and black. Hindwing light grey, sparsely scaled, darker along veins, with anal roll. Abdomen: Light brownish grey, anal tuft beige. Genitalia ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 21 – 26 ) with uncus subtriangular, rounded, setose; socii broad, setose; valva with rather shallow cavity, neck broad, group of spines between caudal edge of sacculus and basal excavation not reaching middle of sacculus; cucullus with spines along ventral edge; phallus short and broad.

Female ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 15 – 20 ). Head and Thorax: Essentially as described for male, but with darker hindwing and lacking anal roll and hairpencil of hind tibia. Abdomen: Genitalia ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 33 – 35 ) with sterigma subtrapezoid with rounded posterior corners; ostium situated close to anterior edge of sterigma, with lateral folds forming a cup round ostium; sterigma with weakly sclerotised central part forming a “window”; inception of ductus seminalis into ductus bursae close to corpus bursae; signa small and broad.

Diagnosis. Externally characterised by the strong admixture of reddish on the thorax and the basal part of forewing upperside, and the dark forewing cilia contrasting with the terminal part of the wing. The male genitalia have a broader neck of valva and a shorter, broader phallus than other Neaspasia . The female genitalia are distinguished by the relatively small signa and small sterigma with large ‘window’.

Distribution. This species is known from the Republic of South Africa and Mozambique.

Walsingham, L. T. de G. (1891) African Micro-Lepidoptera. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1891, 63 - 132, pls. III - VII.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 10 – 14. Adults of Neaspasia and Conaspasia n. gen. 10. N. brevibasana (Walsingham). Male from Rep. South Africa: Cederberg Mts. 11, 12. C. albonigra (Razowski & Wojtusiak). 11. Male from Uganda: Malamigambo Forest. 12. Female from Uganda: Mabira Forest. 13. C. congolana n. sp. Paratype male. 14. C. sophrona (Wojtusiak & Razowski). Female from Dem. Rep. Congo: Nat. Res. Luki-Mayumbe. Scale 10 mm.

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FIGURES 15 – 20. Type material. 15. Holotype female of Argyroploce orthacta Meyrick. 16. Labels of holotype of A. orthacta. 17. Holotype male of Argyroploce brevisecta Meyrick. 18. Labels of holotype of A. brevisecta. 19. Holotype female of Penthina brevibasana Walsingham. 20. Labels of holotype of P. brevibasana.

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FIGURES 21 – 26. Male genitalia of Neaspasia. 21. N. orthacta (Meyrick) (slide L. Aarvik 2012.010). 22. N. coronana n. sp. (slide L. Aarvik 2738). 23. N. karischi n. sp. (slide L. Aarvik 2013.017). 24. N. malamigambo n. sp. (slide NHMO 2303). 25. N. brevisecta (Meyrick) (slide L. Aarvik 2013.030). 26. N. brevibasana (Walsingham) (slide L. Aarvik 2012.011). Scale 1 mm.

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FIGURES 33 – 35. Female genitalia of Neaspasia. 33. N. coronana n. sp. (slide NHMO 2286). 34. N. malamigambo n. sp. (slide NHMO 2284). 35. N. brevibasana (Walsingham) (slide L. Aarvik 2013.004). Scale 1 mm.


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