Alisotrichia penispinata, Alves & Takiya & Santos, 2023

Alves, André Almeida, Takiya, Daniela Maeda & Santos, Allan Paulo Moreira, 2023, Five new species of Alisotrichia Flint, 1964 (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae: Leucotrichiinae) from Northeastern Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20230073) 67, pp. 1-11 : 5-7

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2023-0073

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Alisotrichia penispinata

sp. nov.

Alisotrichia penispinata sp. nov.

( Figs. 6 View Figure 6 , 7 View Figure 7 A-7E)

Alisotrichia sp. 1 in Takiya et al. (2016)

Description. Adult male. Length 1.58–2.02 mm (mean = 1.77 mm, SD = 0.09, n = 67). General color, in ethanol, brown ( Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ). Antennae 18-articulated; scape enlarged, semi-rectangular in anterior view ( Fig. 7E View Figure 7 ); pedicel slightly globose, chalice-like, about the same length as that of the next two articles combined ( Fig. 7E View Figure 7 ); flagellomeres short, covered by scale-like setae, apical article tapering ( Fig. 7E View Figure 7 ). Ocelli 2. Maxillary palpi 5-articulated, 4th palpomere oval, 5th palpomere about 1.5x longer than 4th. Labial palpi 3-articulated. Mesoscutellum with transverse suture. Metascutellum diamond-shaped. Tibial spurs formula 0,2,4, each pair of meso- and metatibial spurs with one spur about twice as long as the other. Fore- and hind wings with long dark brown setae, forewings with scattered white setae ( Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ). Abdominal segment VII with ventromesal process, bifurcate in lateral view, with dorsal branch longer than ventral ( Fig. 7C View Figure 7 ).

Male genitalia. Segment VIII with a pair of dorsolateral processes, posterad directed, each bearing an elongate, spine-like seta, slightly surpassing the segment apex ( Figs. 7A, 7C View Figure 7 ); in lateral view, with apical portion tapering abruptly to an acute apex ( Fig. 7C View Figure 7 ); in ventral view, posterior margin with a deep mesal wide incision, with serrated, sclerotized inner margins, bearing a pair of pointed sclerotized processes at midlenght, with a small, mesal bifid projection ( Fig. 7B View Figure 7 ); mesal incision with margins produced inwardly, in lateral view, forming a sclerotized Y-shaped structure ( Fig. 7C View Figure 7 ). Segment IX fused with segment X, reduced ventrally; with a pair of lateral slender, elongate processes, curved downwards in lateral view, curved inwardly in dorsal view ( Figs. 7A, 7C View Figure 7 ); anterolateral margins with a pair of slender apodemes reaching segment VI internally ( Figs. 7 View Figure 7 A-7C); ventrally with an arch-like apodeme ( Fig. 7B View Figure 7 ). Segment X long, membranous; apical portion slightly dilated; apex with with U-shaped mesal incision ( Fig. 7A View Figure 7 ); dorsally with a pair of slender, sinuous sclerites, with basal region acute, median region slightly constricted, and apical region slightly dilated and rounded ( Fig. 7A View Figure 7 ). Subgenital plate inverted, with basal portion directed posterad, apical portion directed anterad and partially folded under itself, not visible externally. Inferior appendages absent. Phallus tubular, long, constricted at basal third; mesoapically enlarged, with margins sclerotized; apically constricted, with a pair of sclerotized, smaller anterior spine-like processes, and a pair of sclerotized, larger posterior spine-like processes; laterally with paired lobes, each with lateral margins bordered by numerous small spines, superior and inner margins of lobes with numerous larger spines, posteriorly with a pair of straight, knife-like, sclerotized processes, and a pair of inwardly curved, sclerotized processes, with apices crossing the other ( Fig. 7D View Figure 7 ); ejaculatory duct protruding subapically, in an inverted funnel-like portion ( Fig. 7D View Figure 7 ).

Taxonomic notes. Alisotrichia penispinata sp. nov. belongs to the orophila group by having a pair of dorsolateral processes on segment VIII each bearing a long and spine-like setae. This new species is very similar to A. nessimiani Santos, 2011 due to the general aspect of the male genitalia structures, mainly the segment IX.However, A.penispinata sp. nov. can be distinguished from A. nessimiani and other species in the genus by the shape of the phallus apex, particularly because of the more conspicuous processes.In the new species, the pair of lateral processes on phallus apex is lobate and bordered by many small spines ( Fig. 7D View Figure 7 ), whereas in A. nessimiani it is more triangular with serrate margins. In addition, in A. nessimiani the posterior margin of the segment X is almost straight, while in A. penispinata sp. nov. it is concave. Moreover, the Y-shaped sclerotized structure ventroapically at the lateral side of segment VIII ( Fig. 7C View Figure 7 ) helps to distinguish this new species.

The subgenital plate of the holotype of A. penispinata sp. nov. is completely internalized and inverted, with its apex directed anterad and folded under itself. In some specimens, this structure was even more folded, resembling the “spring-like process” ( Harris and Flint, 2002) described for A. circinata Flint, 1992 , A. panamensis Harris & Flint, 2002 , A. muellita Harris & Flint, 2002 , and A. woldai Harris & Flint, 2002 , or the “spiral process” ( Angrisano and Sganga, 2009) decribed for A. cainguas Angrisano & Sganga, 2009 . Due to the position in which they are found, and their similar shape, probably these structures are the same, corresponding to the apical portion of the subgenital plate.

Etymology: This species is named in reference to the small spines on lateral lobes of phallus apex, from Latin: “penis” (penis, phallus) and “spina” (spine).

Distribution: Brazil (Alagoas, Ceará, Pernambuco). Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes.

Material examined. Holotype male: BRAZIL: Ceará, Ubajara, Parque Nacional de Ubajara, Rio Cafundó pouco acima da cachoeira, 03°50’13”S, 40°54’35”W, 795 m, 13-19.ix.2012, Malaise trap, J.A. Rafael et al. leg. ( CZMA). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: same data as holotype, 12 males ( CZMA) GoogleMaps , 5 males ( DZRJ) GoogleMaps , 3 males ( MNRJ) ; same data as holotype, but trilha para samambaia, Rio Gameleira , 03°50’25”S, 40°54’19”W, 874 m, 20-24.iv.2012, Malaise trap, D.M. Takiya et al. leg., 11 males ( INPA) GoogleMaps ; same data as holotype, but Rio das Minas na altura do teleférico, 03°49’58”S, 40°53’53”W, 420 m, 20-27.iv.2012, Malaise trap, J.A. Rafael et al. leg., 7 males ( UFBA) GoogleMaps ; same data as holotype, but trilha Araticum , Rio das Minas, 03°50’03”S, 40°54’18”W, 524 m, 21-24.v.2012, Rafael et al. leg., 2 males ( MNRJ) GoogleMaps ; Alagoas, Quebrangulo,Reserva Biológica de Pedra Talhada, Rio Caranguejo acima do alojamento, 09°15’26”S, 36°25’07.9W,, Pennsylvania trap, D.M. Takiya, A.P.M. Santos, W.R.M. Souza, A.C. Domahovski leg., 2 males ( INPA) GoogleMaps , 6 males ( UFBA) GoogleMaps , 9 males ( MNRJ) ; same data as preceding, but, Malaise trap, 8 males ( DZRJ) ; Pernambuco, Bonito, Pedra Redonda, Rio Verdinho , 02.viii.2009, 1 male ( UFBA) .


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