Bentrovata minor, Papp, 2021

Papp, László, 2021, New Species Of Apterobiroina L. Papp And Bentrovata Richards (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) From Australia, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 67 (2), pp. 101-117 : 110-114

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.


persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Bentrovata minor

sp. nov.

Bentrovata minor View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 30–37)

Holotype male (gen. prep., HNHM): WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Nornalup-Walpole Nat. Pk. – 25. 1. 1979 to 6. 3. 1979, No. 1495, pit fall traps. The holotype is damaged, its fore legs and head and tibial setae are partly lost.

Body length: 1.55 mm.

All body and legs dark. Ifr lines distinct. Breadth of gena 0.06 mm behind vi, eye’s height 0.15 mm.

Abdomen. Abdominal sternites are surprisingly narrow.

Male genitalia. Generally of a Bentrovata type. Ventro-medial process of synsternite ( Figs 31–32) with strong, black thorns/pegs in 1 row, 16 (8+8) pegs are to be counted. Dorsal part of synsternite ( Fig. 30) short. Pseudocerci ( Fig. 33) indistinct. Hypandrium ( Fig. 36) Y-shaped, apodeme medium-long. Surstylus ( Figs 34–35) short, with only 1 strong, comparatively short ventral thorn. Distiphallus ( Fig. 37) medium-long and less broad than in B. flavithorax . Postgonite ( Fig. 37) long, slender, slightly curved, with a gently proclinate, blunt apex.

Female. Unknown.

28–29: female: 28 = spermathecae; 29 = cerci, dorsal view. Scale: 0.4 mm for Fig. 24; 0.2 mm

for Fig. 21; 0.1 mm for Figs 22–23, 25–29

Bentrovata nigrithorax L. Papp et Szappanos , sp. n.

( Figs 38–42)

Holotype female ( HNHM): WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Nornalup-Walpole Nat. Pk. – 25. 1. 1979 to 6. 3. 1979, No. 1495, pitfall traps.

Paratypes: 3 females (2 HNHM, 1 of them with gen. prep, 1 in AM): same as for the holotype ; 1 female ( HNHM): WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Boranup Drive nr. Karridale – 25. 1. 1979 to 6. 3. 1979, No. 1490, pitfall traps .

Body length in mm (holotype): 1.60, head plus thorax 0.81, abdomen 1.02, 1.66–1.70 (paratypes).

Head. Mostly ochre, contrasting the blackish dark brown abdomen. Clypeus slightly protruding, carina low but strongly protruding between antennae. Facial plate shiny yellow, slightly concave in profile. Frons with 5 longitudinal stripes: 1 sagittal, 2 ifr and 2 orbital ones. The stripes are white (yellowish white) on greyish yellow or ochre basic colour. Lunule large trapezoidal. Gena below eye 0.10 mm broad, strongly broadening towards rear, height of eye 0.29 mm. Ocellar seta the strongest seta of head ( Fig. 38), strongly upright and curved, from base to tip 0.23 mm long. 2 pairs of strong ifr plus a minute pair most anteriorly. vte and vti emerge close to each other (distance 0.04 mm), vte almost totally caudal to vti. Postocellar pair minute, indiscernible, occi 0.08 mm, occe c. 0.02 mm only. Only 1 pair of strong ors (though 2 seta on the right side of holotype) and some minute orbital setulae more anteriorly. Vibrissa strong and long, curved from apex to tip 0.22 mm. Genal seta comparatively long, upcurved, 0.10 mm long, no peristomal row of setae but some scattered short peristomal and genal setae present. Antenna 0.21 mm long, arista subapical, emerge at about apical 3/5 of first flagellomere, curved (not precisely measurable) c. 0.62–0.63 mm long. Scape 0.04 mm only, with a 0.08–0.09 mm long medial seta. Pedicel with a wreath of apical-subapical setae, which are long on medial half of the apical edge, medial one is the longest one, 0.11 mm. First flagellomere infuscated with 0.03 mm long dense hairs.

Thorax. Dark brown. Thoracic chaetotaxy: 1 ppnt, 1 np, 1 sa, 1 pa, 1 very strong posterior dc. Scutellum with bsc 0.325 –0.338 mm long, asc 0.24 mm, i.e. about as long as dc seta. Acmi in c. 8 unarranged rows. Pleura only with a strong 0.25 mm long kepst.

Legs. Legs predominantly dark brown. Femora thickened but not as strongly as in Apterobiroina . Mid femur as long as mid tibia, 0.52 mm. Mid tibia with antero-dorsal setae at 9/42 (short) and 35/42 (long), posterodorsal setae at 10/42 (long) and at 35/42 (very long). A medium-long anterior seta at 31/42. Mid tibial ventroapical seta 0.15 mm long. No long dorsal preapical seta on hind tibia. Second and third tarsomeres of hind tarsus thickened.

Abdomen. Comparatively slightly shorter than in Apterobiroina . Length of abdomen 1.02, breadth 0.72. Length of sternite 2 at middle 0.04 mm, laterally 0.08 mm, length of sternites 3–5: 0.23, 0.206, 0.14, sternite 6: 0.06 mm. Sternite 1 present as a pair of minute 0.01 × 0.01 mm scales.

Male. Unknown.

Female postabdomen and genitalia. Length of tergite 4: 0.27 mm, that of tergite 5: 0.16 mm. Tergite 6 very short, broad tub-shaped, tergite 7 only 0.012 mm long. Tergite 9 in 2 lateral pieces. Sternite 6 very short, sternite 7 even shorter, sternite 8 present as a pair of weakly sclerotised round lamella. Epiproct membranous ( Fig. 41); hypoproct ( Fig. 42) mostly membranous, composed of a pair of ventral lamellae and a caudal rim of 0.1 mm broad and 0.05 mm long. Cercus 0.04 mm long, 0.025 mm broad ( Figs 41–42), apical seta 0.025 mm, with 2 minute dorsal setulae. Sclerotised part of the duct of paired spermathecae only 0.015 mm. Spermathecae pear-shaped. Neck of spermathecae with numerous warts ( Figs 39–40).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Australian Museum













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