Orasema castilloae, Baker & Heraty, 2020

Baker, Austin J. & Heraty, John M., 2020, The New World ant parasitoid genus Orasema (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae), Zootaxa 4888 (1), pp. 1-84 : 38-40

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Plazi (2020-11-30 09:58:53, last updated 2024-11-29 15:13:02)

scientific name

Orasema castilloae

sp. nov.

Orasema castilloae n. sp.


( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 )

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished from O. tolteca by features given in the key.

Description. Female. Length 2.8–5.2 mm ( Fig. 18A View FIGURE 18 ). Color. Head and mesosoma iridescent blue-green. Scape yellow to partially brown with iridescence; pedicel and anellus brown. Femora dark brown with iridescence on basal two-thirds, fading to yellow on distal third. Gaster dark brown with strong green-blue iridescence. Head ( Fig. 18B View FIGURE 18 ). HW:HH = 1.1–1.4; IOD:EH = 1.8–2.1; MS:EH = 1.0–1.5. Labrum with 4 digits. FL:HH = 1.2–1.5; F2L:F2W = 1.2–1.5, F2L:F3L = 1.0–1.4 ( Fig. 18D View FIGURE 18 ). Mesosoma ( Fig. 18C, F View FIGURE 18 ). ML:MH = 1.0–1.2. Axilla rugose; axillular sulcus weak and foveate; axillula areolate to areolate-reticulate. Propodeal disc areolate ( Fig. 18G View FIGURE 18 ); callus areolate-reticulate. Propleuron rugose-reticulate. Upper mesepimeron reticulate. HCL:HCW = 1.4–1.8; HFL:HFW = 4.8–6.3. FWL:FWW = 2.2–2.6, FWL:ML = 2.1–2.4. Metasoma. PTL:PTW = 1.1–1.9, PTL:HCL = 0.6–1.2, reticulate, ventral sulcus absent. Ovipositor with second (dorsal) valvula with 6 or 7 annuli that are narrowly separated dorsally, the carinae coalescing.

Male. Length 3.6–4.0 mm. HW:HH = 1.2–1.3. FL:HH = 1.8–2.0, F2L:F2W = 1.6–2.0 ( Fig. 18E View FIGURE 18 ). Femora dark brown medially, tips yellow. PTL:PTW = 4.2–6.5, PTL:HCL = 2.0–2.2.

Hosts. Unknown.

Plant associates. Observed ovipositing in Baccharis salicifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (Asteraceae) . Swept from desert willow ( Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet ; Bignoniaceae ), Gossypium thurberi Tod. (Malvaceae) , and Phacelia sp. ( Boraginaceae ).

Distribution ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 ). Mexico: SO; United States: AZ. Collected April–September.

Material examined. Holotype. UNITED STATES. Arizona: Santa Cruz Co., Flux Canyon Rd , 1445m, 31°29’46”N, 110°45’32”W, 12.viii.2014, Paul Masonick, oak savannah, swp, H14-100 [♀, deposited in UCRC: UCRCENT00412574] GoogleMaps . Paratypes. MEXICO. Sonora: Nogales POE, 31 ° 19’48”N, 110 ° 56’24”W, 7.iv.1968, A. Kumlin, on vegetables [1♀, USNM: UCRCENT00416870]. 20 mi. S. Estacion Llano, 30°04’19”N, 111°06’12”W, 17.viii.1964, M.E. Irwin [1♀, UCRC: UCRCENT00413311] GoogleMaps . UNITED STATES. Arizona: 1856, C.F. Baker [1³ 1♀, USNM: UCRCENT00416866, UCRCENT00416869]. Cochise Co., 6 mi. W. of Montezuma Ps., Huachuca Mts., 31 ° 20’24”N, 110 ° 22’48”W, 19.viii.1940, J.J.DuBois GoogleMaps [1♀, EMEC:UCRCENT00404902].Bisbee(1429 Franklin St. ), 31 ° 24’26”N, 109 ° 55’59”W, 16.vii.1995, A.S. & N. Menke GoogleMaps [1♀, USNM: UCRCENT00416662]. Douglas, 1188m, 31 ° 20’40”N, 109 ° 32’43”W, 29.vii.1946, H.A.Scullen GoogleMaps [1♀,ORSU:UCRCENT00403960].Harshaw Ck, 31 ° 29’37”N, 110 ° 41’0”W, 18.viii.1999, J. George, ovipositing in Baccharis salicifolia GoogleMaps [2♀, UCRC: UCRCENT00175176, UCRCENT00278220]. Gila Co. , Globe, 1188m, 33 ° 23’38”N, 110 ° 47’14”W, 6.viii.1946, H.A. Scullen GoogleMaps [1♀, ORSU: UCRCENT00403959]; vii.1930, Parker GoogleMaps [1³ 2♀, MCZ: UCRCENT00318643–44, CASC: UCRCENT00417524]; 10.ix.1917, C.H.T. Townsend, on Thurberia thespesioides GoogleMaps [1♀, USNM: UCRCENT00416868]; 13.ix.1945, R.A. Flock GoogleMaps [1♀, UCRC: UCRCENT00413316]. Six Shooter Canyon, nr. Globe, 33 ° 22’51”N, 110 ° 46’12”W, 17.viii.1958, R.L. Westcott GoogleMaps [1♀, LACM: UCRCENT00305151]. Graham Co. , Pinal Mts. , 32 ° 42’3”N, 109 ° 52’18”W, 3.vii.1932 GoogleMaps [1♀, UCRC: UCRCENT00413317]. Maricopa Co. , Canon L., 33 ° 32’24”N, 111 ° 26’24”W, 1933, Parker GoogleMaps [1?, CASC: UCRCENT00417398]. Baboquivari Mts. , Elkhorn Ranch, 31 ° 47’24”N, 111 ° 34’12”W, 21.iv.1962, M.L. Noller, on Phacelia GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403767]. Continental, 31 ° 51’0”N, 110 ° 58’12”W, 14.vi.1955, G.D. Butler, desert willow GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403766]. Organ Pipe Cactus Nat. Mon., 32 ° 05’15”N, 112 ° 54’21”W, 6.viii.1955, G.D. Butler & F.G. Werner GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403783]. Sycamore Cn., nr. Ruby, 31 ° 55’12”N, 110 ° 47’24”W, 16-17.viii.1961, Werner and Bequaert GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403774]. Pima Co. , Tucson, 32 ° 13’12”N, 110 ° 55’48”W, 28.iv.1940, S.L. Green GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403764]; 24.iv.1940 [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403770]; 745m, 11.viii.1924, E.P. Van Duzee GoogleMaps [1♀, CASC: UCRCENT00417399]; v.1960, F.G. Wer-ner GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403775]; Wickham GoogleMaps [1³, USNM: UCRCENT00416867]. Pinal Co. , Vic. Mammoth, 1005m, 32°43’21”N, 110°38’26”W, 9.viii.1977, Olson and Hetz GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403773]. Santa Cruz Co. , 12 mi. E. Nogales, 31 ° 20’24”N, 110 ° 43’48”W, 1.viii.1961, Werner and Nutting GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403771]. Apache Rd, 1623m, 31°25’34”N, 110°41’48”W, 13.viii.2014, J.Heraty, meadow, swp, H14-102 GoogleMaps [2♀, UCRC: UCRCENT00412584, UCRCENT00412674]. Harshaw Creek ~ 7mi. SE Patagonia , 31 ° 31’3”N, 110 ° 41’36”W, 5.vii.1996, Carey GoogleMaps [1♀, USNM: UCRCENT00416655]. Nogales, 1183m, 31 ° 20’25”N, 110 ° 56’3”W, 16.viii.1968, R.M. Bohart GoogleMaps [1♀, UCDC: UCRCENT00415615]; 28.viii.1982, J. LaSalle GoogleMaps [1♀, CNC: UCRCENT00505429]. Pa-tagonia Mtns. ~ 4 mi. S.E. Patagonia Harshaw, 31 ° 31’2”N, 110 ° 41’36”W, 23.vii.2000, J. George GoogleMaps [2♀, UCRC: UCRCENT00414045–46]; Harshaw Ck ~ 7mi. SE Patagonia , 17.viii.1999, M. Gates & J. George, Baccharis salicifolia , sweep GoogleMaps [1³ 1♀ 2?, USNM: UCRCENT00248215–16, UCRCENT00248263, UCRCENT00416634]. Patagonia Mts. , Summit, Lochiel Rd. , Sta, 31 ° 21’0”N, 110 ° 25’48”W, 5.ix.1964, F. Werner GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403765]. Patagonia , 31 ° 32’24”N, 110 ° 45’36”W, 26.vii.1962, Noller GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403768]; Werner, Bequae-rt, and Noller GoogleMaps [1♀, UAZ: UCRCENT00403772]. Sycamore Cyn., Hank and Yank Spr., 1280m, 31 ° 55’12”N, 110 ° 47’24”W, 7-8.viii.1982, G. Gibson [1³, TAMU: UCRCENT00243185] GoogleMaps .

Etymology. Named in honor of Stephanie Castillo, a fellow entomology graduate student.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 17. Distribution map of species in the Orasema tolteca species group.

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FIGURE 18. Orasema castilloae. Holotype female (UCRCENT00412574): A, habitus, lateral; B, head, anterior; C, mesosoma, lateral, arrow indicating presence of anterior prepectal carina; D, antenna; F, mesosoma, dorsal; G, propodeum, posterior. Paratype male (UCRCENT00416866): E, antenna.


USA, California, Berkeley, University of California, Essig Museum of Entomology


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


USA, California, Riverside, University of California


USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology


USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences


USA, California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History











